Boost undefined symbol for architecture arm64 - c++

I'm trying to build a project that contains code with boost 1.65.1 required.
I'm on a Mac OS M1 chipset (arm64)
I downloaded boost using homebrew
brew install boost
and the version 1.80.0 was correctly installed.
I complice using gcc g++ (and not clang)
I include the library in my cmake and all the includes are working fine and my IDE is able to find all the function references.
At some part of the code I'm using
boost::this_fiber::sleep_for function,
and at the compilation an error is raised by the linker
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_boost::fibers::context::wait_until(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::_V2::steady_clock, std::chrono::duration<long long, std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > > const&)", referenced from:
_void boost::this_fiber::sleep_for<long long, std::ratio<1l, 1000000l> >(std::chrono::duration<long long, std::ratio<1l, 1000000l> > const&) in libTest.a
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
in my case I find the boost package and linked all boost libraries.
I even tried by hand to add -lboost_fiber-mt or Boost::fiber and I always end up with the same error.
Do you have any idea why the symbol is undefined ? The same code works perfectly on a ubuntu x86_64.
I tried include the libraries by hand in the make and symbols is always undefined.

Probably not quite the answer you're looking for unfortunately, but I've had the same experience with a brew install, but have had success building the boost libraries myself, downloading from here and following installation instructions here. Hope this is helpful!


How to link against libGL on OSX using cmake?

I'm trying to compile camera_calibration on OSX 10.11 and after a few hurdles with a few X11 related dependencies I find myself still stuck with a few linking errors:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_glXChooseVisual", referenced from:
vis::OpenGLContextGLX::InitializeWindowless(vis::OpenGLContextImpl*) in
"_glXCreateContext", referenced from:
vis::OpenGLContextGLX::InitializeWindowless(vis::OpenGLContextImpl*) in
"_glXDestroyContext", referenced from:
vis::OpenGLContextGLX::Deinitialize() in
"_glXGetCurrentContext", referenced from:
vis::IsOpenGLContextAvailable() in
vis::OpenGLContextGLX::AttachToCurrent() in
"_glXGetCurrentDisplay", referenced from:
vis::OpenGLContextGLX::AttachToCurrent() in
"_glXGetCurrentDrawable", referenced from:
vis::OpenGLContextGLX::AttachToCurrent() in
"_glXMakeCurrent", referenced from:
vis::OpenGLContextGLX::MakeCurrent() in
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
I found libGL.dylib has these symbols:
for lib in /usr/X11R6/lib/*.dylib;do nm -gU $lib | grep _glXChooseVisual;done
000000000000307f T _glXChooseVisual
000000000000307f T _glXChooseVisual
gp:src George$ for lib in /usr/X11R6/lib/*.dylib;do echo $lib && nm -gU $lib | grep _glXChooseVisual;done
000000000000307f T _glXChooseVisual
000000000000307f T _glXChooseVisual
However I can't seem to tweak CMakeLists.txt to take this into account.
I've tried adding:
set(X11R6_INCLUDE_DIRS "/usr/X11R6/include")
set(X11R6_LIBRARIES "/usr/X11R6/lib")
which I later use when calling target_include_directories and target_link_libraries for libvis, but doesn't seem to do the trick.
Hackily adding -lGL in target_link_libraries results in ld: library not found for -lGL
I've also looked at CMake's FindOpenGL reference and tried using find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED COMPONENTS OpenGL GLX) but didn't get very far:
CMake Error at /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.18.2/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:165 (message):
Could NOT find OpenGL (missing: GLX)
Any tips on correctly linking against GLX via CMake on OSX ?
On macOS do not(!) develop against X11 / GLX. They are not natively supported! The X11 server for macOS supports only indirect GLX with limited functionality. You will get only sub par performance. And CUDA (used by libvis) is not supported.
On macOS all OpenGL development should use the native OpenGL framework:
However take note that OpenGL has been declared deprecated by Apple.
In short: You'll at least have to modify your program to use the macOS OpenGL framework, or even bite the bullet and accept that macOS is not a well supported platform for your application.

Trouble compiling c++ program on Mac OSX 10.9 with opencv

I'm trying to compile a C++ program on Mac OSX 10.9 via the command line (and clang) that uses opencv (version 2.4.12) and am running into some problems.
I'm trying to compile the program by running the following in Terminal:
clang --std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ test.cpp -L/usr/local/Cellar/opencv/2.4.12/lib -lopencv_core.2.4.12 -lopencv_ml.2.4.12 -lopencv_video.2.4.12 -lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lc++
However I'm getting the following error:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"cv::namedWindow(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, int)", referenced from:
Along with a string of other opencv functions that can't be found.
Upon doing some additional research, I found out that the problem might be associated with using libc++ instead of libstdc++ as the library. I tried switching to libstdc++ and was stuck with the following error.
fatal error: 'array' file not found
#include <array>
I researched that error and found out that for the Mac, it was because of using libstdc++ instead of libc++. Essentially, I'm kind of stuck in a loop and need some help compiling this program. Any thoughts?

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64, linker issues on Yosemite with OpenCV

I'm having a linker error trying to build some code that takes advantage of some opencv libraries.
The error itself is:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"cv::Exception::Exception(int, std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::allocator > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::allocator > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::allocator > const&, int)"
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
What are common causes of this error?
My searching has turned up that a lot of people had issues compiling opencv with wrong libraries or in i386 instead of x86_64. I am fairly certain I don't have either of these issues. I installed opencv through homebrew with the flag --c++11 (build with c++11) and I got
/usr/local/Cellar/opencv/2.4.11_1/lib/libopencv_core.dylib: Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64
when I ran:
file /usr/local/Cellar/opencv/2.4.11_1/lib/libopencv_core.dylib
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide that would help.
The usual cause of this is that the dynamic library you are trying to link against is not installed or not symlinked into a directory searched by the linker.
This could be caused by two issues.
First, you may be giving an incomplete command to the linker when you try to build the executable. Or second, you may have gotten a bad install from homebrew.
Lucky for you this is pretty easily managed by pkg-config which you can see is required if you type
brew info opencv
This yields
==> Dependencies
Build: cmake ✘, pkg-config ✔
Required: jpeg ✔, libpng ✘, libtiff ✔
By noticing that opencv bottle from Homebrew uses pkg-config in its dependencies you can use this tool to get the linker flags for you.
An example of command line build might be
clang++ -std=c++11 -o opencv_app opencv_test.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv)
read the page man pkg-config and look for in the DESCRIPTION section to see where .pc files are stored. Then browse to those files and test the pkg-config command to get the include and linker paths. Once you have this working go back and try to build with these flags inserted by the $(pkg-config ...) expansion.
EDIT After writing this post I went ahead and installed opencv via Homebrew in order to check that the pkg-config advice would work. The default $PKG_CONFIG_PATH does not include the directory where Homebrew stores the *.pc files so you need to do one more thing. Type
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig. Then you should be
able to run pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv with no problem like I was.

Can't get googletest running with ubuntu (linker errors)

I've built googletest using make under linux, the resulting files are libgtest.a libgtest_main.a.
I referenced the include files from my application and added the following lib dependencies (in the given order):
However I get the following two linker errors when I try to compile:
more undefined references to `testing::internal::EqFailure(char const*, char const*, testing::internal::String const&, testing::internal::String const&, bool)
undefined reference to `testing::internal::String::ShowCStringQuoted(char const*)
From what I've seen within the googletest source, the EqFailure function is directly implemented within I don't understand why I should get a linker error here, the other definitions from googletest could obviously also be found (if I remove -lgtest, I get alot of more linker errors).
What am I missing? Thank you in advance.
Make sure you do not accidentally mix your own gtest and the one shipped with ubuntu.
I use cmake to build and got the same errors due to cmake opting for /usr/include over my own custom built version (which is what I linked with).

C++ Compilation Issue - Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 - Mac Os X Mountain Lion

I'm having a compilation issue which I'm unable to solve. I'm developing a cross platform C++ project coding on both Mac Os X 10.8 and Windows. The code compiles and run fine on Windows and on Mac Os X Leopard as well.
Since Apple pushes the developers to stick to the latest platform for various reasons I'm forced to develop on Mountain Lion and I'm trying to get the project to work again.
I compiled correctly all the libraries I needed (wxWidgets, etc) and I imported the project in the latest version of Eclipse. When I try to build the project it tries to compile the firts .cpp file and at the end it (why?) tries to invoke the linker resulting on a series of missing symbols for my own defined classes. None of the other .cpp files is being compiled, so it's pretty understendable why the whole process is failing.
I also tried to invoke make from CLI, with the same result. I went into the makefile and everything seems correct. It looks like a very newbie issue, I feel I'm missing something huge here.
I'm pasting below the output of the compiler, just in case some compiling guru step in. Please feel free to ask for more details.
Compiler output
Pastebin Link: Compiler output
I used PB since the output is quite large.
The relevant section are the invocation of as and collect2 soon after the compiling phase of the very first .cpp file. The missing symbols are defined in other .cpp files in the same dir.
/usr/llvm-gcc-4.2/bin/../libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/as -arch x86_64 -force_cpusubtype_ALL -o /var/folders/br/h6ln_j014ll56zwc8x6xjmk80000gn/T//ccSUmHal.o /var/folders/br/h6ln_j014ll56zwc8x6xjmk80000gn/T//ccn8ex81.s
/usr/llvm-gcc-4.2/bin/../libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/collect2 -dynamic -arch x86_64 -macosx_version_min 10.8.3 -weak_reference_mismatches non-weak -o Calcoli.o -lcrt1.10.6.o -L/usr/llvm-gcc-4.2/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64 -L/Applications/ -L/usr/llvm-gcc-4.2/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1 -L/usr/llvm-gcc-4.2/bin/../lib/gcc -L/Applications/ -L/usr/llvm-gcc-4.2/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/../../.. -L/Applications/ /var/folders/br/h6ln_j014ll56zwc8x6xjmk80000gn/T//ccSUmHal.o -lstdc++ -lSystem -lgcc -lSystem
The compiler output ends with the "classic" undefined symbol issue. All emphasized text*emphasized text*emphasized text
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"typeinfo for TipoPuntoCalc", referenced from:
Calcoli::setPuntoS(GTGraphicObject*) in ccSUmHal.o
"typeinfo for TipoPali", referenced from:
Calcoli::setPaloS(GTGraphicObject*) in ccSUmHal.o
"typeinfo for TipoRett", referenced from:
Calcoli::setFondazioneS(GTGraphicObject*) in ccSUmHal.o
"_main", referenced from:
start in crt1.10.6.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Calcoli.o] Error 1
This shouldn't be an architecture related issue, since specifing i386 as target has the same result (symbol(s) not found for architecture i386).
Thank you,
Go to your target's "Build Phases" section and verify that all the files you need to compile and link are actually included in the proper sections.
It sounds as if the compiler is not being told to include some things you need.