AWS Elastic Beanstalk create failing with brew dependencies - amazon-web-services

I am attempting to create an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment using the EB CLI, however I am running into an issue when using the command
eb create environment-name
the error is
ERROR: FileNotFoundError - [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './homebrew/Library/Homebrew/os/mac/pkgconfig/fuse/osxfuse.pc'
however when I try to install osxfuse with brew install --cask osxfuse I receive an error of
installer: Error - The FUSE for macOS installation package is not compatible with this version of macOS.
I have also tried to install macfuse with no change
I am using MacOs Ventura
I have tried to install osxFuse macFuse, and nothing changes this.


ERROR setting up vagrant within an AWS instance

I am trying to get Vagrant up and running in an Ubuntu AWS EC2 instance. I have Vagrant installed, i have a dummy vagrant box installed, I have vagrant libvirt plugin installed as well as libvirt daemons. I did a kvm check and I cant have it the CPU does not support kvm extensions. Where I'm falling down is trying to install the vagrant aws plugin. originally it failed because the json file was the wrong version I've fixed that but now the error I'm getting is as follows.
Vagrant failed to install the requested plugin because it depends
on a library which is not currently installed on this system. The
following library is required by the 'vagrant-aws' plugin:
Please install the library and then run the command again.
If there's any more information you need please let me know, this is bugging me now!
thank you
installing vagrant, libvirt

gcloud app deploy crashes with "Unable to assign value to attribute 'timezone'" on Cloud SDK version 297.0.0

Using gcloud app deploy to deploy to App Engine will fail if cron.yaml or cron.xml contains timezone information, when run using Cloud SDK 297.0.0.
For example:
[INFO] GCLOUD: ERROR: ( An error occurred while parsing file: [/path/to/file/cron.yaml]
[INFO] GCLOUD: Unable to assign value 'America/New_York' to attribute 'timezone':
[INFO] GCLOUD: timezone 'America/New_York' is unknown
The workaround is to downgrade to version 296.0.1 of the Cloud SDK. (Substitute 296.0.1 for VERSION below.)
If you installed the SDK directly (outside of a package manager), you should use gcloud components to update: gcloud components update --version VERSION. This includes all installation mechanisms on this page (including the interactive installer, static versions, Windows installer, and Homebrew) but excludes the two following bullets.
If you installed via the rapture repo for Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk=VERSION-0
If you installed via the rapture repo for RedHat/CentOS: sudo yum downgrade google-cloud-sdk-VERSION
If for any reason any of the above do not work, use the download archive to manually download an older version, and install using http://cloud/sdk/docs/downloads-versioned-archives.
I got the same problem and I wrote a ticket to the GCP support.
It seems that they are not well aware of the bug.

How to add unavailable packages to EC2 instance?

This might be a really silly question, but I'm trying to train this model: on an AWS instance. I'm using an AWS educate account so I was unable to launch an EC2 instance with a Deep Learning AMI, instead I launched a regular Linux 2 AMI.
As per the repo's machine setup instructions, I installed python3 and pip and tensorflow onto the instance. However, I am unable to run the command:
sudo yum install -y libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 ffmpeg libav-tools
(the repo lists the command with apt-get instead of yum)
When I run that command, most of the packages are unavailable. The output I get is:
No package libasound-dev available.
No package portaudio19-dev available.
No package libportaudio2 available.
No package libportaudiocpp0 available.
No package ffmpeg available.
No package libav-tools available.
How can I install these packages onto my ec2 instance? Thanks
EDIT: I see now my issue is EC2's Linux 2 AMI is running on Centos. I would have to manually install each of these packages (I think). Might be easier to try and launch an Ubuntu server, or Linux 1 and use the docker file included in the repo.
You Can use Cloud Formation Template to install the pacakges inside EC2 .In that way whenever EC2 comes up , it will come up with all the packages.

cannot Import Remote lambda function to ec2 via cloud9

Error importing AWS Lambda function
The following error was encountered when attempting to import your function
spawn unzip ENOENT
that is the particular error on import,I am using ubuntu AMI
is there any method in awscli to download lambda and upload with libraries install
I had this error when trying to import too - fixed by installing unzip on the server running Cloud9 (it was ubuntu so 'sudo apt-get install unzip').

EB CLI requires the 'docker' Python package

I'm not sure if this is Docker, the Elastick Beanstalk, or docker image issue related, but my problem is that I'm running the command eb local run to start the local environment alongside with docker.
Expected behavior
The command runs seamlessly
Actual behavior
ERROR: DockerVersionError - Your local host has the 'docker-py' version 1.10.6 Python package installed on it.
When you run a Multicontainer Docker application locally, the EB CLI requires the 'docker' Python package.
To fix this error:
Be sure that no applications on your local host require 'docker-py', and then run this command:
pip uninstall docker-py
The EB CLI will install 'docker' the next time you run it.
$ eb --version : EB CLI 3.12.2 (Python 2.7.1)
$ docker -v : Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6
If you want to launch multi-container Dockers using eb local run, you need to have uninstalled docker-py, and installed docker
As the error message indicates:
perform pip uninstall docker-py ** if you don't need it **.
run pip install "docker>=2.6.0,<2.7" immediately after
docker and docker-py cannot coexist. These release notes highlight the change in the package name. These release notes allude to the breakage the change in package name caused.
Not to be confused with Docker, the engine/client, docker-py/docker is a Python wrapper around the Docker client which the EBCLI relies on.