making a calender and linking each day to an empty paper - slideshow

I want to make a calender in google slides and I want to link every day to an empty paper so that I can write notes for each day in the whole year. My question is: Should I insert 365 papers (pages) in my calender to do that or is there another idea to make it easier instead of inserting many pages in the document!
Thank you very much


How do i stop my Power BI matrix visual from filtering out columns with no data?

A really basic requirement this. I'm probably being stupid.
I'm working on an exercise dashboard. This includes a matrix visual which tells me how many reps I have performed across different exercises for each week within a month.
As there are 4 weeks in a month, there are 4 columns and I want this to remain static. The problem is that if I don't go to the gym for a week and therefore record no data, it filters the whole column out so it's not immediately clear that there might be a two-week gap between one column and the next. (I want the gap to be VERY clear so I know how naughty I've been)
Please see the screenshot for clarity.
Example Screenshot:

DAX function to check the amount of dates that is greater than another set of dates in 2 different columns

I'm currently doing an internship where I have been asked to make a few visuals in Power BI
I've searched around, tried a couple of things. But the truth is I am very much a beginner at coding and functions in general. Only had basic courses of different languages during my education and to be fair, it's a bit outside my scope of work.
So I have 2 columns I need to compare in order to find out how many dates in column 2 that is greater than the dates in column 1
So I'm imagining something like:
Measure = IF[(Investments(Expected closure)]<[(Investments(Actualclosure)]
Basically I want an overview of how many investments have a later closure date than expected.
Next thing would possibly be to create a boxplot showing the distribution (by how far we are off).
I know this is very basic, and possibly not formulated in the best way possible, please let me know if you need any more information.
Thanks in advance
You can use a calculated column as a flag to identify if actual date > expected date and then count the flag.
Flag = IF('Table'[Act] > 'Table'[Exp], 1, 0)
Hope this helps. Thanks.
enter image description here
Welcome to the community. Be sure to read to read this for posting questions.
For your questions, you can use the following code. You are filter the table with your logical expression with FILTER and then you count the lines of a column with COUNTA.
Measure = CALCULATE(COUNTA('Investments'[Actualclosure]),FILTER(ALL('Investments'),'Investments'[Actualclosure]>'Investments'[Expected closure]))
Hope this solves your problem.

Latest Data Available over Time Series Dax Measure

I have data with the columns "Date","Care Home", "Accumulative Number of Deaths".
Some care homes will miss submissions for certain dates and these will likely never be filled out.
I would like to chart the data in a time series per day where it sums the most recent available values for each day for each care home. This then needs to be filterable by care home.
Completely stuck with it as every attempt I make comes out with a graph that only sums the submissions on that particular day as below. The graph obviously should not decline at any point.
Graph Screen Capture

Cumulative sum & several filters

I think I have a simple question, but I'm currently stuck. I uploaded an example file here:
I want the graph to show a cumulative sum, the thing is: It should calculate from the beginning of the data source until the date on the filter.
The problem is: When my filter does not cover the data since the beginning, the cumulative sum is calculated since the starting date of the filter (I want the cumulative sum to ignore it)
I guess this is simple but I couldnt solve it, so I made a simple example to make it easier to answer my question.
It shows 25 when the filter covers the entire period, but less when I move the filter beyond the starting date:
Thanks in advance!

Including Re-occurring Time Saved in Date Slicer Output

I am looking into utilising PowerBI to identify time saved due to various Projects. People will add the projects to a Sharepoint List which then feeds into PowerBI.
Project Tite, Desc, Hours/Month Saved, StartDate, EndDate, Repeat? (T/F)
[Some Projects only save a fixed 10 or so hours, others save time per month (indicated by the Repeat Column)]
I've created two measures, RUNTIME determining how long the project has run in months ((TodayDate - StartDate)/30) as well as TIMESAVED which is the total hours saved from that specific project (RUNTIME*Hours/Month Saved).
Whilst this works, it has a pretty big limitation. When selecting a range, say 01/01/2017 - 01/01/2018, any projects with a start date before that range are excluded. However these maybe on-going, meaning the time saved by this project during the range needs to be added.
I've attempted to find a solution to this, however I keep getting stuck at requiring the the filter dates from the slicer, however I'm not certain this is possible. I need those projects with on-going savings to have the savings during the period given to be counted as well.
Possible alternative maybe to create a Month/Year column per Month/Year with a custom formula per column to determine that projects Hours saved for that Month/Year however this seems inefficient, at that point back to Excel might be better.
Any ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated, currently running through any ideas to solve but keeps coming back to needing that value specified by the filter. Cheers in advance for any advice tackling this :)
See also:
Unfortunately, there is no current simple solution to this problem out-of-the-box with Power Bi. All of the slicers seem to handle dates as a single point in time. They suffer in that if you are dealing with any items that span a Start and End date (like your projects, and most of my data examples) they only take one of the dates as the input. The slicers need to accept an optional end date in our case and then perform a simple date span overlap logic to determine the items that match.
I tried to solve your problem with out-of-the-box Power Bi Desktop slicers and a custom visual Timeline Slicer I found at the store with no luck earlier this month. Out of frustration, I posted a question in the Power Bi forums for suggestions.
The final suggestion from the forums I got was to "use two Filters at Filter pane". But I am not satisfied with this answer.
The Timeline Slicer code is open source and when I get more time (ha ha), I would like to make this change to the Timeline Slicer and publish it back to the repository for everyone to use.
I will monitor this question and the forum to see if a solution emerges in the future.
You can use Timeline Storyteller. you can create your time line and add a couple Slicers for Start and End. It will split by day the dates and you won't miss any data.