GCP VM shut itself down, won't restart - google-cloud-platform

Bit panicky here because I can't troubleshoot the error on a production site and it appears to be completely down.
GCP - Compute Engine VM - N1-standard on the US-West-3C zone running a Bitnami Multisite Wordpress deployment
About 2 hours ago my VM stopped responding (as far as I could tell with monitoring tools) and I was unable to SSH into it or connect in any way. I've experienced this occasionally in the past so my process was to grab a snapshot and restart the VM. I did manage to get the snapshot, however it stopped the VM by itself and I'm now stuck where I can't restart the VM.
The error I'm getting is:
Failed to start name-of-vm: A n1-standard-1 VM instance is currently unavailable in the us-west3-c zone. Alternatively, you can try your request again with a different VM hardware configuration or at a later time. For more information, see the troubleshooting documentation.
I tried changing my configuration (it used to be a custom VM) but that didn't do anything.
Searching for similar errors I've found threads about certain Zones running out of resources, but as far as I can tell this error doesn't specifically say 'run out of resources' and the status of the US-West-3C zone is fine. I can't imagine it would run out in a way where it can't even start a measly n1 vm.
Unfortunately due to some mismanagement this project isn't umbrella'd in our Google Workspace/Organization so I can't request technical support for it.
Any assistance or help pointing to some resources would be greatly appreciated.

currently unavailable in a specific zone would also mean that the zone run out of resources for the certain machine type.
You can try to restore the snapshot you had created on a different machine type e2-standard or n2-standard machine type configuration


Failed to start instance: A e2-micro VM instance is currently unavailable in the us-central1-a zone

I am facing this issue from yesterday. This is the exact error: Failed to start feature-config: A e2-micro VM instance is currently unavailable in the us-central1-a zone. Alternatively, you can try your request again with a different VM hardware configuration or at a later time. For more information, see the troubleshooting documentation.
I had scheduled Google Compute Engine to TURN on & off at specific time using Instance scheduler but now I am locked out of it. I cannot even create a machine image to deploy on another zone
I changed the Machine Configuration. As from your answer I could figure out that resources might not be available for the US Central Zone possibly due to traffic. I changed configuration to - n2-highcpu-2 vCPU 2 & Memory -2 GB
At the end, it seems this was a general issue that multiple users experienced in us-central1 among other regions.
In this thread more is talked and it seems it got worse during the weekend.
As some suggestions in the comments, changing the zone/region/hardware can help but not always since this also depends on any constraints you may have.
As the error suggests, there aren't any available resources in that regions. I contacted GCP support after facing the same issue and got the following response:
Google Cloud Support, : Upon further checking, the reason that the e2-medium VM instance is currently unavailable is because there are limited VMs available to a specific zone and regions. Best we can do is to try another time or select a different zone so that the VMs that you desire to use will start. Rest assured that there is nothing wrong with your account and it was on the us-central1 zone who do not have available VMs you selected as of the moment.
If possible, try deploying to a different instance. For those who need an instance in us-central1 (for Qwiklabs?) might have to wait until more instances are available.
Similar issue here, but coming from a terraform apply. I've tried multiple zones and every one says both 'e2-small' and 'e2-micro' instances are unavailable. Seems google completely fumbled the "cloud game" here since AWS doesn't have this problem EVER! (not that I like using AWS, it's just "ick" compared to google).

Download jupyter notebook from VM Instance that does not open anymore

I created a VM Instance on Google Cloud. Using the GPUs of this instance, I ran several experiments on Google AI Platform in a Jupyter notebook.
Now I can not start the instance anymore, since weeks I get the error that the time zone has run out of resources. However, without starting the instance I can not open the Jupyter notebooks, hence I can not download them and all my work and code is currently unavailable.
I know I could try to move the instance to a different time zone, but this seems like a tedious solution. How can I obtain those notebooks?
A couple of workarounds that can help.
Deattach the GPU from the VM instance and check if the VM instance can be started, but if not:
You can create a snapshot of the persistent disk attached to your VM Notebook, and create a VM instance from a snapshot, then access through SSH to try to recover the notebooks.
These tasks could be also a bit tedious, but you need to evaluate if you are willing to perform something like this to recover the info. In addition, you might want to contact Google Cloud Support and open a ticket since several weeks without resources seems unusual.
Even if you have the quota that doesn't mean that you will get the resources all the time. If you received an error like notfound or does not exist in zone then See Regions and zones to find out which features are available in each zone.
For now, unfortunately you need to keep try in to move the instance in different regions to get access in to those.
You also can Chat online with our Google Cloud sales team in order to get more information.
Chat is available Monday, 9 AM ET, through Friday, 7 PM ET

Cannot start or move a VM Instance

I am fairly new to Google Cloud platform and cloud computing as a whole. I had af1-micro (1 vCPU, 0.6 GB memory) type of instance running. GCP gave me a warning that the instance was overutilized and I should change it to g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory) type of instance. When I went to upgrade, it began to restart my instance but gave me the error
Starting VM instance '<instance name>' failed. Error: The zone 'projects/<project id>/zones/asia-south1-a' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.
I have waited for some time (more than 12 hours) to start it again and getting the same error. I edited the instance manually and changed it to g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory) but still getting the same error.
I tried moving the instance to a different zone in same region using move instances in google cloud SDK Shell, but got an error and found out that instances in terminated state cannot be moved.
I just need to get my instance up and running, so please help here.
Did some further investigation. Indeed the resource shortage is still ongoing in the region. However changing the machine type to E2-micro/small then starting the instance should work for you.
I faced the same issue and I am still facing it. What I ended up doing is I switched to asia-south1-c.
Finally was able to create a snapshot of a terminated instance from the web console and then create a new VM using that snapshot in a different region. Then deleted the old VM and snapshot.

How to move instance zone in google cloud without running the VM

My VM in google cloud can't run due to below error has shown.
"Starting VM instance failed. Error: The zone does not have enough
resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or
try again later."
Then I what to start VM from other zones by changing the zone of my VM by this method but it's required VM running.
The problem is I can't run the VM. How can I use another solution?
It looks like Google's having issues with limited External IPs. Try removing the external IP before starting the instance. Then create an external IP and attach it your instance.
You’ve just encountered a stockout issue. A Stockout means that the particular GCP datacenter in that zone has reached its resource limit.
The Google Cloud Platform team are there to make sure that there are available resources in all zones. This type of issue is rare. When a situation like this occurs or is about to occur, the team is notified immediately, the issue is investigated and quickly fixed.
I recommend deploying and balancing your workload across multiple zones or regions to reduce the likelihood of a stockout. Please review the documentation which outlines how to build resilient and scalable architectures on the Google Cloud Platform.
You may also try again later, once resources will be available again in the region.
This being said, I see that you’ve posted your question on November 9th. That was a long time ago. Can you confirm if your issue is fixed now? It is very rare for stockouts to last this long.

Amazon EC2 instance passed 1/2 checks

Newbie to Amazon Web Services here. I launched an instance from a Public AMI and found that I could not ssh into the instance - I received the error "Connection timed out." I checked the security groups to verify that Port 22 was associated with Additionally, I checked the route tables to verify that is associated with target gateway attached to the VPC.
I find that only 1/2 status checks have passed - the instance status check failed. I have tried stopping and starting the instance as well as terminated and launching a new instance, both to no avail. The error that I see in the system log is:
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1).
From this previous question, it appears that this could be a virtualization issue, but I'm not sure if that was due to something I did on my end when launching the instance or something that occurred from the creators of the AMI? Ec2 1/2 checks passed
Any help would be appreciated!
Can you share any more details about how you deployed the instance? Did you use the AWS Management Console, or one of the command line tools or SDKs to deploy it? Which public AMI did you use? Was it one of the ones provided by Amazon?
Depending on your needs, I would make sure that you use one of the AMIs provided by Amazon, such as Ubuntu, Amazon Linux, CentOS, etc. Here's the links to the docs on AMIs, but you can learn quite a bit by just searching for images. Since you mentioned virtualization types though, I'd suggest reading up briefly on the HVM vs. Paravirtual virtualization types on AWS. Each of the instance types / families uses a certain virtualization type, which is indicated in the chart on this page.
Instance Status Checks
This documentation page covers the instance status checks, which you'll probably want to familiarize yourself with. It's entirely possible that shutting down (not restart, but shutdown) and then starting the instance back up might resolve the instance status check.
Spot Instances - cost savings!
By the way, I'll just mention this since you indicated that you're new to AWS ... if you're just playing around right now, you can save a ton of cost by deploying EC2 Spot Instances, instead of paying the normal, on-demand rates. Depending on current rates, you can save more than 50%, and per-second billing still applies. Although there's the possibility that your EC2 instance could get "interrupted" based on market demand, you can configure your Spot Instance to just "Hibernate" or "Stop" instead of terminating and relaunching. That way, your work is instance state is saved for when it relaunches.
Hope this helps!
1) Use well-known images or contact with the image developer. Perhaps it requires more than one drive or tricky partitioning.
2) make sure you selected proper HVM/PV image according to the instance type.
3) (after checks are passed) make sure the instance has public ip