In linux to create nested folders, irrespective of the intermediate folders exist or not can be done using the below command.
mkdir -p /home/user/some_non_existing_folder1/some_non_existing_folder2/somefolder
Similar to this i want to create a nested folder structure in S3 and place my files there later
how can i do this using aws cli
Folders do not actually exist in Amazon S3.
For example, if you have an empty bucket you could upload a file to invoices/january.txt and the invoices folder will magically 'appear' without needing to be specifically created.
Then, if you were to delete the invoices/january.txt object, then the invoices folder will magically 'disappear' (because it never actually existed).
This works because the Key (filename) of an Amazon S3 object contains the full path of the object. The above object is not called january.txt -- rather, it is called invoices/january.txt. The Amazon S3 console will make it appear as if the folder exists, but it doesn't.
If you click the Create folder button in the S3 management console, then a zero-length object is created with the name of the folder. This causes the folder to 'appear' because it contains a file, but the file will not appear (well, it does appear, but humans see it as a folder). If this zero-length object is deleted, the folder will 'disappear' (because it never actually existed).
Therefore, if you wish to create a directory hierarchy before uploading files, you could upload zero-length objects with the same names as the folders you want to create. You can use the aws s3 cp command to upload such a file.
Or, just upload the files to where you want them to appear, and the folders will magically appear automatically.
# create bucket
aws s3 mb s3://main_folder
# created nested folder
aws s3api put-object --bucket main_folder --key nested1/nested2/nested3/somefoldertosync
# sync my local folder to s3
aws s3 sync /home/ubuntu/somefoldertosync s3://main_folder/nested1/nested2/nested3/somefoldertosync
currently i am using the above way to carry on with my work
When I'm uploading a folder to S3 bucket (drag and drop), I see that it is not considered as an object - I can't get it with its key (GetObjectAsync()), and ListObjectsV2Async() doesn't return it (I'm using the .net sdk).
When I'm creating a folder under a bucket I can get it and it appears in list of bucket objects.
What is the reason for that?
Amazon S3 does not have the concept of a 'Directory' or a 'Folder'.
Instead, the full path of an object is stored in its Key (filename).
For example, an object can be stored in Amazon S3 with a Key of: invoices/2020-09/inv22.txt
This object can be created even if the invoices and 2020-09 directories do not exist. When viewed through the Amazon S3 console, it will appear as though those directories were automatically created, but if the object is deleted, those directories will disappear (because they never existed).
If a user clicks the "Create Folder" button in the Amazon S3 management console, a zero-length object is created with the same name as the folder. This 'forces' the folder to appear even if there are no objects 'inside' the folder. However, it is not actually a folder.
When using the ListObjects command while specifying a Delimiter of /, a list of CommonPrefixes is returned. This is equivalent to what you would normally consider a sub-directory.
I have a .zip file (in an S3 bucket) that needs to end up in an S3 bucket in every region within a single account.
Each of those buckets have identical bucket policies that allow for my account to upload files to them, and they all follow the same naming convention, like this:
ex: foobar-us-west-2
Is there a way to do this without manually dragging the file in the console into every bucket, or using the aws s3api copy-object command 19 times? This may need to happen fairly frequently as the file is updated, so I'm looking for a more efficient way to do it.
One way I thought about doing it was by making a lambda that has an array of all 19 regions I need, then loop through them to create 19 region-specific bucket names, each of which will have the object copied into it.
Is there a better way?
Just simply putting it into bash function. By using aws cli and jq you can do the following;
aws s3api list-buckets | jq -rc .Buckets[].Name | while read i; do
echo "Bucket name: ${i}"
aws s3 cp your_file_name s3://${i}/
A few options:
An AWS Lambda function could be triggered upon upload. It could then confirm whether the object should be replicated (eg I presume you don't want to copy every file that is uploaded?), then copy them out. Note that it can take quite a while to copy to all regions.
Use Cross-Region Replication to copy the contents of a bucket (or sub-path) to other buckets. This would be done automatically upon upload.
Write a bash script or small Python program to run locally that will copy the file to each location. Note that it is more efficient to call copy_object() to copy the file from one S3 bucket to another rather than uploading 19 times. Just upload to the first bucket, then copy from there to the other locations.
I need to clone a cross-bucket copied file as below:
# 1. copying file A -> file_B
aws s3 cp s3://bucket_a/file_A s3://bucket_b/file_B
# 2. cloning file_B -> file_C
aws s3 cp s3://bucket_b/file_B s3://bucket_b/file_C
Is there shorter/better way to do so?
bucket_a -> bucket_b is cross region (bucket_a and bucket_b are on the other side of earth)
file_B and file_C have the same name but with different prefix (so it's like bucket_b/prefix_a/file_B and bucket_b/prefix_b/file_B)
in summary, I want the file_A in a origin bucket_a to be copied in two places of the destination bucket_b, looking for a way to copy once instead of copy twice
The AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) can copy multiple files, but each file is only copied once.
If your goal is to replicate the contents of a bucket to another bucket, you could use Cross-Region Replication (CRR) - Amazon Simple Storage Service but it only works between regions and it only copies objects that are stored after CRR is activated.
You can always write a script or program yourself using an AWS SDK to do whatever you wish.
I was trying to use the putObject() function of AWS S3 to put a object into a folder in a bucket, I am not able to specify the folder name in the function, I was able to put the object into the bucket but not into the folder. Is there any way in which I can specify the Folder name
There are no separate folder names.
The object key is path + filename, so to upload cat.jpg into images/funny/ you upload the file as images/funny/cat.jpg.
Do not use a leading /.
I have been trying to upload a static website to s3 with the following cli command:
aws s3 sync . s3://my-website-bucket --acl public-read
It successfully uploads every file in the root directory but fails on the nested directories with the following:
An error occurred (InvalidRequest) when calling the ListObjects operation: Missing required header for this request: x-amz-content-sha256
I have found references to this issue on GitHub but no clear instruction of how to solve it.
s3 sync command recursively copies the local folders to folder like s3 objects.
Even though S3 doesn't really support folders, the sync command creates the s3 objects with a format which will have the folder names in their keys.
As reported on the following amazon support thread "" the issue should be solved by setting the region correctly.
S3 has no concept of directories.
S3 is an object store where each object is identified by a key.
The key might be a string like "dir1/dir2/dir3/test.txt"
AWS graphical user interfaces on top of S3 interpret the "/" characters as a directory separator and present the file list "as is" it was in a directory structure.
However, internally, there is no concept of directory, S3 has a flat namespace.
See for more details.
This is the reason directories are not synced as there is no directories on S3.
Also the feature request is open in but has not been added yet.