WSO2 - Micro-integrator - Connects to Dashboard , but no instances found - wso2

1 Linux Serves
Micro integrator installed (4.1.0)
Micro Integrator Dashboard installed (4.1.0)
The micro-integrator connects to the Dashboard, but when I try to login, the dashboard says "No running micro integrator instances found. Pls start a server a login":
any help?
I reviewed both deployment.toml files, and everything seems to be ok.

You need to configure the mi with the dashboard. This config needs to be added at each mi node.
dashboard_url = "https://{hostname/ip}:{port}/dashboard/api/"
heartbeat_interval = 5
group_id = "mi_dev"
node_id = "dev_node_2"
More information can be found in here[1].
[1] -

Make sure you start the MI dashboard first and after the dashboard is up and running start the MI server. Please verify the configs you have added with the configurations mentioned here[1].


WSO2 - Micro-integrator - Connects to Dashboard , but no integrator instances found. But intergator istance exist and connected

Server Almalinux 8.7
java: java-11-openjdk-
Micro integrator installed (4.1.0) Micro Integrator Dashboard installed (4.1.0)
The micro-integrator connects to the Dashboard, but when I try to login, the dashboard says "No running micro integrator instances found. Pls start a server a login":
The MI runs after the dashboard. The dashboard registers de MI as per below log line, but when I try to login it says that no MI is running....
New node dev_node_2 in group : mi_dev is registered. Inserting heartbeat information ERROR {LoginDelegate} - No running micro integrator instances found. Please start a server and login.
I verified the default "-DenableManagementApi=true" system parameter value in
What else can I do?
The MI node might not be registering its hostname properly. Along with the dashboard url, please try configuring MI's hostname and port as well.
dashboard_url = "https://{hostname/ip}:{port}/dashboard/api/"
management_hostname = "<HOST_NAME>"
management_port = <PORT>

what is the problem with this wso2 analytics dashboard error

my scenario is about two servers one running wso2 api manager and one running wso2 analytics and I want to show statics of api manager on analytics server .how to configure this servers? (analytics dashboard conf , analytics worker conf , api manager conf) thanx
WARN {org.wso2.msf4j.internal.MSF4JHttpConnectorListener} - Unmapped exception
feign.RetryableException: No subject alternative names matching IP address
found executing GET
This is due to the hostname verification. The recommended option is to use proper certs with hostnames. Otherwise, you can disable hostname verification by adding the following.
hostnameVerificationEnabled: false

WSO2 Analytics 4.4.0 : Problem accessing: /analytics-dashboard. Reason: Not Found

I just installed WSO2 3.2.0 and Analytics 4.4.0 on the same machine using repositories on Debian 9.
Everything looks fine except the analytics Dashboard that I can't access for. According to the documentation here, I have to go on this url but all I got is this error :
Problem accessing: /analytics-dashboard. Reason: Not Found
I followed these steps to set up my domain name and enable analytics :
nano /usr/lib/wso2/wso2am/3.2.0/repository/conf/deployment.toml
hostname = ""
enable = true
And I replaced every "localhost" string by ${server.hostname}
I followed these steps to start Analytics, API Manager and Dashboard :
service wso2sp-4.4.0-worker start
service wso2am-3.2.0 start
service wso2sp-4.4.0-dashboard start
Every service is fine regarding
service wso2sp-4.4.0-worker status
service wso2am-3.2.0 status
service wso2sp-4.4.0-dashboard status
Every other urls are working :
Analytics is enabled and I can see subscription options on Publisher settings
Nothing happends on logs when I wisit
tail -f /usr/lib/wso2/wso2am/3.2.0/repository/logs/http_access_.2020-11-18.log
tail -f /usr/lib/wso2/wso2am/3.2.0/repository/logs/wso2carbon.log
tail -f /usr/lib/wso2/wso2sp/4.4.0/wso2/worker/logs/carbon.log
tail -f /usr/lib/wso2/wso2sp/4.4.0/wso2/dashboard/logs/carbon.log
Any help would be very appreciated, thanks.
You need to use wso2am analytics setup to configure analytics with the API manager. But I think now you are trying to use wso2 stream processor to configure the analytics and it's not supported with wso2am 3.2.
Follow the [1]documentation to download and set up the analytics.
You need to manually download the
if you follow the quick setup make sure wso2am-analytics-3.2.0 and wso2am folders locate in the same place. (since you installed apim via the apt installer you need to manually put anlytics setup in /usr/lib/wso2/wso2am/ folder and correctly set the path to API manager am_db in wso2am-analytics-3.2.0/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml---> AM_DB -> jdbcUrl)
If you follow the standard setup no need to worry about the locations of wso2am pack and wso2am-analytics pack.

how to launch wso2 micro-integrator 7.0.1?

I can't launch wso2 micro-integrator 7.0.1. I launch files or or command wso2mi, after that i have strings in logs (look below), after that nothing, MI isn't loaded later. What is wrong? My Java_Home is correct. User who launches MI has all permissions on MI directory.
INFO {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.core.PassThroughListeningIOReactorManager} - Pass-through HTTP Listener started on
INFO {org.apache.axis2.transport.mail.MailTransportListener} - MAILTO listener started
INFO {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.core.PassThroughListeningIOReactorManager} - Pass-through HTTPS Listener started on
INFO {org.wso2.micro.integrator.initializer.StartupFinalizer} - WSO2 Micro Integrator started in 4 seconds
According to the below log, your Micro integrator has started successfully.
INFO {org.wso2.micro.integrator.initializer.StartupFinalizer} - WSO2 Micro Integrator started in 4 seconds
Micro integrator is starting in a very little time compared to the WSO2 Enterprise integrator and does not have the Mgt console capability of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator. However, you can access MI monitoring dashboard by referring to this doc.
Please check this quick start guide for more details on WSO2 Micro integrator.

Wso2 quick guide for setting up apim with analytics leads to errors

So this is about the same error mentioned here but the difference is that i simply am trying to follow this guide, the Quick setup of it
My problem is that this setup has a lot of room for misunderstanding. How about these:
last step, nr 4, it says "Start the WSO2 APIM Analytics server, and then start the API Manager server". Am i supposed to start it twice? with offset=1 second time or what?
if i extract both in the same directory, what about files like License.txt
Anyway, the error says:
"Cannot borrow client for ssl://localhost:7712
org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.exception.DataEndpointAuthenticationException: Cannot borrow client for ssl://localhost:7712"
API Manager Server and APIM Analytics server are 2 different servers. You can download both from WSO2 API Manager Product page. Download Runtime link is for API Manager Server, and Download Analytics link is for APIM Analytics server.
APIM Analytics server comes by default with a port offset of 1. Once you start both servers you shouldn't see above connectivity errors.
Files of 1 server shouldn't replace the files of the other. They should be extracted like this.
├── wso2am-2.0.0/
├── wso2am-analytics-2.0.0/