I was looking at some code which came with the following short-hand statement
score = ((initialPlayer == player) ? CAPTURE_SCORE : -CAPTURE_SCORE) + recursive_solver(lastMap, initialPlayer, findOpponent(player), 1 + rounds);
I think that I understand the first portion of the code,
if(initialPlayer == player){
but im confused to how the +recursive_solver function is added to this, any help would be greatly appreciated :)
As stated above I tried to write out the statement in a longer from thats easier for me to read. My best guess is that the recursive solver function is then added to the score of the if-else statement?
if(initialPlayer == player)
score = CAPTURE_SCORE + recursive_solver(lastMap, initialPlayer, findOpponent(player), 1 + rounds);
score = -CAPTURE_SCORE + recursive_solver(lastMap, initialPlayer, findOpponent(player), 1 + rounds);
A = (C ? B : D) + E;
If C is true: A = (B) + E;
If C is false: A = (D) + E;
In sum
if (C)
A = B + E;
else // if (!C)
A = D + E;
score = ((initialPlayer == player) ? CAPTURE_SCORE : -CAPTURE_SCORE) + recursive_solver(lastMap, initialPlayer, findOpponent(player), 1 + rounds);
Equals to
if(initialPlayer == player) {
} else {
score += recursive_solver(lastMap, initialPlayer, findOpponent(player), 1 + rounds);
I have a VB 5.0 code that does what I need, but I need to implement it in Visual Studio C++ (2013), the thing is that I'm not getting there, and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, so I'll show you some code (VB vs C++ - mine) and hope someone is able to help.
For now, thank you for reading this.
I've tried to send the string in very different formats and I think that I finally got it, in how to send, the problem still is reading the answer, I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
The machine returns (I think 2 bytes) and they are START OF HEADING and ?, I can see it by printing in the console the numbers 1 and 63.
I'll just leave some code.
For asking the current temperature the VB program is:
Private Sub cmdGetTemperaturePV_Click()
If MSComm.PortOpen Then
MSComm.Output = Chr(1) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
txtMsg(1).Text = "1,0,0,1,13,10"
txtPVTemperature.Text = ""
txtMsg(1).Text = "COM Port OFF"
End If
End Sub
And mine(C++) is:
String^ a1 = "\x1";
String^ a2 = "\x0";
String^ a3 = "\x0";
String^ a4 = "\x1";
String^ a5 = "\xD";
String^ a6 = "\xA";
String^ enviar = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6;
By using the program "Hercules" I can simulate the reception of the machine and I can see that I'm sending exactly the same thing as the VB program.
Now I think that the problem is receiving, so about that, there's this:
Private Sub tmrRun_Timer()
Dim i As Integer
Dim apt As Byte, B1 As Byte, B2 As Byte
Dim stx As String
If MSComm.PortOpen Then
If MSComm.InBufferCount >= 6 Then
stx = MSComm.Input
stx = Right(stx, 6)
txtMsg(2).Text = ""
For i = 1 To Len(stx)
txtMsg(2).Text = txtMsg(2).Text & Asc(Mid(stx, i, 1)) & ","
Next i
txtMsg(2).Text = Left(txtMsg(2).Text, Len(txtMsg(2).Text) - 1)
apt = Asc(Left(stx, 1))
B1 = Asc(Mid(stx, 2, 1))
B2 = Asc(Mid(stx, 3, 1))
Select Case apt
Case 1:
txtPVTemperature.Text = Format(0.1 * GetInt(B1, B2), "0.0")
Case 2:
txtSPTemperature.Text = Format(0.1 * GetInt(B1, B2), "0.0")
Case 3:
Case 4:
txtPVHumidity.Text = Format(0.1 * GetInt(B1, B2), "0.0")
Case 5:
txtSPHumidity.Text = Format(0.1 * GetInt(B1, B2), "0.0")
Case 6:
Case 7:
Case 8:
Case 9:
If Asc(Mid(stx, 2, 1)) > 0 Then
txtChamber.Text = "ON"
txtChamber.Text = "OFF"
End If
Case 10:
txtEvents.Text = GetInt(B1, B2)
Case 11:
Case 12:
txtInputs.Text = "1..8 = " & B1 & " 9..16 = " & B2
Case 13:
txtAlarms1.Text = " 1.. 8 = " & B1 & " 9..16 = " & B2
Case 14:
txtAlarms2.Text = "17..24 = " & B1 & " 25..32 = " & B2
End Select
End If
End If
End Sub
And I'm trying many different things, the best I got (the one that led me to 1 and 63) is this:
String^ rec;
if (this->serialPort1->IsOpen)
this->textBox1->Text = String::Empty;
rec = this->serialPort1->ReadExisting();
catch (TimeoutException^)
this->textBox2->Text = "Timeout";
this->textBox1->Text = rec;
char aux[100];
if (rec == String::Empty)
this->textBox2->Text = "String Empty";
std::string rec1 = marshal_as<std::string>(rec);
strcpy(aux, rec1.c_str());
int a, b, c, d, e1, f;
printf("String received: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (aux[i] == 0)
printf("%ld ", aux[i]);
if (i == 0)
a = aux[i];
if (i == 1)
b = aux[i];
if (i == 2)
c = aux[i];
if (i == 3)
d = aux[i];
if (i == 4)
e1 = aux[i];
if (i == 5)
f = aux[i];
I'm expecting to receive a 6 byte string and It's not happening.
I'm so sorry for the long post, but I think this way I can be more specific.
Again, thank you very much!
I'm hoping for another set of eyes to look over my code. I'm writing a relatively big If...Else... statement. It appears that everything is coded properly. I've stepped through the entire script but one spot keeps giving me an "Expected 'End If'" When it seems to me that I don't need that.
Simply put, I'm trying to say: If blah, do these for things. Else If blah, only do one of those things.
Here's the block of code:
If(sLogFile <> "" AND nPing <> 1) Then
pingStatus = 1
If(findTag(sLogFile, daRunning) = 1) Then
daStatus = 1
Else If(findTag(sLogFile, daNotRunning) = 1) Then
daStatus = 2
daStatus = 3
End If
If(daStatus = 1 AND findTag(sLogFile, daDataFlowing) = 1) Then
daFlowStatus = 1
Else If(daStatus = 1 AND findTag(sLogFile, daDataNotFlowing) = 1) Then
daFlowStatus = 2
Else If(daStatus = 1 AND findTag(sLogFile, daDataUnchecked) = 1) Then
daFlowStatus = 3
Else If(daStatus <> 1) Then
daFlowStatus = 4
End If
If(findTag(sLogFile, aeRunning) = 1) Then
aeStatus = 1
Else If(findTag(sLogFile, aeNotRunning) = 1) Then
aeStatus = 2
aeStatus = 3
End If
If(findTag(sLogFile, aeDataUnchecked) = 1) Then
aeFlowStatus = 2
Else If(findTag(sLogFile, aeDataExecutionError) = 1) Then
aeFlowStatus = 3
Else If(findTag(sLogFile, aeDataConnectionError) = 1) Then
aeFlowStatus = 4
Else If(findTag(sLogFile, aeTimeStamp) = 1) Then
location = InStr(sLogFile, aeTimeStamp)
leftTrimmedString = LTrim(Mid(sLogFile, (location - 2)))
location = InstrRev(leftTrimmedString, ":")
dateString = Trim(Mid(leftTrimmedString, 1, (location + 5)))
timeDiff = DateDiff("h", dateString, Now)
If(timeDiff > 5) Then
aeFlowStatus = 5
aeFlowStatus = 1
End If
End If
Else If(nPing = 1) Then
pingStatus = 2
If(findTag(sLogFile, aeDataUnchecked) = 1) Then
aeFlowStatus = 2
Else If(findTag(sLogFile, aeDataExecutionError) = 1) Then
aeFlowStatus = 3
Else If(findTag(sLogFile, aeDataConnectionError) = 1) Then
aeFlowStatus = 4
Else If(findTag(sLogFile, aeTimeStamp) = 1) Then
location = InStr(sLogFile, aeTimeStamp)
leftTrimmedString = LTrim(Mid(sLogFile, (location - 2)))
location = InstrRev(leftTrimmedString, ":")
dateString = Trim(Mid(leftTrimmedString, 1, (location + 5)))
timeDiff = DateDiff("h", dateString, Now)
If(timeDiff > 5) Then
aeFlowStatus = 5
aeFlowStatus = 1
End If
End If
End If
The error keeps happening at the main Else If about 2/3 of the way down (Else If(nPing = 1) Then). I'm getting the error on that line.
I've tried separating the block into two blocks by putting an End If above the Else IF, then changing the Else If to an If. It works when I do that but I don't really want two if statements.
So, did I mess up, or is there a problem with my interpreter?
In Visual Basic the "else if" statement is written ElseIf not Else If. I think that's your problem.
The reason is that you should be using ElseIf not Else If. See the difference?
Now, the bigger issue is that you will always have trouble figuring out errors with such a huge chunk of "spaghetti code". Consider breaking your code up into small re-usable methods. That way, you'll be able to figure out where the problem lies more-easily. Not to mention the fact that it hurts to even look at all those if blocks all crammed together.
I have a list of timestamp tuples of the form List((startTime,endTime)), which are basically denoting periods of time throughout the day.
For example:
(("2016-03-28 14:00:00","2016-03-28 15:00:00"),
("2016-03-28 17:00:00","2016-03-28 21:00:00"),
("2016-03-28 01:00:00","2016-03-28 13:00:00"))
I want to get a list of the durations which are not included in this list.
So the output should be:
(("2016-03-28 00:00:00","2016-03-28 01:00:00"),
("2016-03-28 13:00:00","2016-03-28 14:00:00"),
("2016-03-28 15:00:00","2016-03-28 17:00:00"),
("2016-03-28 17:00:00","2016-03-28 24:00:00"))
Can anyone suggest a good and efficient way of doing that in Scala?
The naive solution that I've tried so far is as follows:
import java.sql.Timestamp
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
def comparator(first: (Timestamp,Timestamp), second: (Timestamp, Timestamp)) = first._2.getTime <= second._1.getTime
val data = List((Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 00:00:00"),Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 10:00:00")),
(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 12:00:00"),Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 15:00:00")),
(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 23:00:00"),Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 23:59:59")),
(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 16:00:00"),Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 21:00:00"))
var emptySlots = new ListBuffer[(Timestamp,Timestamp)]()
var currTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 00:00:00")
var index = 0
var cond = 0
while(cond == 0){
if (currTime.compareTo(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 23:59:59")) < 0 && index >= data.size){
emptySlots += ((currTime,Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-28 23:59:59") ))
cond = 1
else if(index >= data.size)
cond = 1
else if(currTime.compareTo(data(index)._1) < 0) {
emptySlots += ((currTime, data(index)._1))
currTime = data(index)._2
index += 1
else if(currTime.compareTo(data(index)._1) >= 0 && currTime.compareTo(data(index)._2) < 0 ) {
currTime = data(index)._2
index += 1
else if(currTime.compareTo(data(index)._1) > 0 && currTime.compareTo(data(index)._2) > 0 ) {
index += 1
Using Groovy, I wish to grab two parts of a tab-separated line. Take the example line:
one fish two fish red fish blue fish ----(each character tab /t separated)
Suppose I want to print one and then I want to print red fish blue
How can I do this?
Alternatively, suppose I want to print one and then a count of the number of characters (words) following red? Or between two and blue?
A previous question yielded this response for printing everything following a certain part of the line:
c = ~/.*red(.*)/
m = line =~ c
if (m) {
println m[0][1]
to yield fish blue fish but I'm not comptetent enough with regex's to modify this appropriately. I've tried a few iterations, inserting /t in there and modifying my capturing expression but I've not figured it out. This is three or four questions in one, any help is appreciated. Thanks!!
def a = [:].withDefault{[]}
def b = [:].withDefault{[]}
def c = 0
def d = 0
def e = 0
def f = 0
seuss = "one\tfish\ttwo\tfish\tred\tfish\tblue\tfish"
a = seuss.split (/\t/)
for (i =0; i<a.size(); i++) {
if (d != 0) {
c = c + 1
if ( a[i] == "red") {
d = i
println a[4] + '\t' + c
for (i =0; i<a.size(); i++) {
if ( a[i] == "blue") {
e = 0
if (e != 0) {
f = f + 1
if ( a[i] == "two") {
e = i
println a[0] + '\t' + f
Just a basic Casaer Cipher. I've tested all of the sub functions, just encryptChar() does not particularly work. I get an infinite loop. It's supposed to be recursive. Here's the all code:
fun replace (str : string, index : int, newChar : char) : string = String.substring(str,0,index) ^ String.str(newChar) ^ String.substring(str,index+1,(size str) - index - 1;
fun encryptChar (msgStr : string, shiftAmnt : int, index : int) : string =
let val asciiCode = 0
if (not (String.sub(msgStr, index) = #" ")) then
asciiCode = ord( String.sub(msgStr, index) ) + shiftAmnt;
if (asciiCode < ord(#"A")) then asciiCode = asciiCode + 26
else if (asciiCode > ord(#"Z")) then asciiCode = asciiCode - 26
else asciiCode = asciiCode;
msgStr = replace(msgStr, index, chr(asciiCode))
else asciiCode = asciiCode;
index = index + 1;
if (index < (size msgStr - 1)) then encryptChar(msgStr, shiftAmnt, index)
else msgStr
fun encrypt(msgStr : string, shiftAmnt : int) : string = encryptChar (String.map Char.toUpper msgStr, shiftAmnt mod 26, 0);
The problem here is that you're misusing =. Outside of a variable definition, = is simply a boolean function which checks its arguments for equality. So if you do for example asciiCode = ord( String.sub(msgStr, index) ) + shiftAmnt;, it will simply return false (because asciiCode is not equal to ord( String.sub(msgStr, index) ) + shiftAmnt) and then throw that result away (because you have additional expressions after the ;). It will not reassign asciiCode.
Variables in SML are immutable. If you want to emulate mutable variables you can use refs and the := operator. However I would not recommend that approach as it is generally not good functional style and not necessary in this case. The preferable approach would be to rewrite the code in a way that each variable is only assigned once.
This is very basic indeed, and it's surprising that you ran into it in such a complicated situation.
Did you port this from some other language?
You need to forget everything you know about programming using assignments.
let val x = y in something
means more or less "within 'something', replace the identifier 'x' with the value of 'y'".
There is no way for you to change the value of x.
Do the substitution (this is not the actual evaluation order or anything, but it should give you an idea of what's going on):
encryptChar("THIS", amount, 0)
let val asciiCode = 0
if (not (String.sub("THIS", 0) = #" ")) then
asciiCode = ord( String.sub("THIS", 0) ) + amount;
if (asciiCode < ord(#"A")) then asciiCode = asciiCode + 26
else if (asciiCode > ord(#"Z")) then asciiCode = asciiCode - 26
else asciiCode = asciiCode;
"THIS" = replace("THIS", 0, chr(asciiCode))
else asciiCode = asciiCode;
0 = 0 + 1;
if (0 < (size "THIS" - 1)) then encryptChar("THIS", amount, 0)
else str
end ;
if (not (String.sub("THIS", 0) = #" ")) then
0 = ord( String.sub("THIS", 0) ) + amount;
if (0 < ord(#"A")) then 0 = 0 + 26
else if (0 > ord(#"Z")) then 0 = 0 - 26
else 0 = 0;
"THIS" = replace("THIS", 0, chr(0))
else 0 = 0;
0 = 0 + 1;
if (0 < (size "THIS" - 1)) then encryptChar("THIS", amount, 0)
else str
if (not (String.sub("THIS", 0) = #" ")) then
0 = ord( String.sub("THIS", 0) ) + amount;
if true then false
else if false then false
else true;
else true;
if (0 < (size "THIS" - 1)) then encryptChar("THIS", amount, 0)
else "this"
if (not false) then
else true;
if true then encryptChar("THIS", amount, 0)
else "THIS"
encryptChar("THIS", amount, 0)
encryptChar("THIS", amount, 0)
Which is where your infinite loop came from.
You would do well to get hold of an introductory text about ML programming.