UAVCAN (DroneCAN) node configuration - c++

I've ported uavcan (dronecan) to stm32 nucleo-f413 board. The firmware is chibios based rtos.
During node initialization, execution is jumping to "_unhandled_exception" by executing the statement
mem_blocks_per_iface = allocator.getBlockCapacity() / (num_ifaces_ +
1U) + 1U;
inside the CanIOManager::CanIOManager constructor.
I've verified the callstack for the same and it is as below:
VectorFC() at vectors.S:1,021 0x80002da
<signal handler called>() at 0xfffffffd
uavcan::PoolAllocator<16384u, (unsigned char)48, char>::getBlockCapacity at dynamic_memory.hpp:80 0x801f110
uavcan::CanIOManager::CanIOManager() at uc_can_io.cpp:298 0x8012690
uavcan::Dispatcher::Dispatcher() at dispatcher.hpp:146 0x801bac6
uavcan::Scheduler::Scheduler() at scheduler.hpp:100 0x801bcac
uavcan::Node<16384u>::Node() at node.hpp:85 0x801d768
app::(anonymous namespace)::getNode at main.cpp:121 0x801caa6
configureNodeInfo() at main.cpp:159 0x801cb4c
I"m unable to identify the reason for exception handler.
I've tried varing the stack size, poolsize and blocksizes but still not helpful.
If anyone faced similar issue, kindly help. Thanks


how to use linux backtrace and backtrace_symbols API to find thread causing segmentation fault

Hello my fellow Developers,
I am trying to analyse stack-dump from a C++ program, in this particular program we are creating signal handlers and and inside signal handler we have code something like below
res = backtrace(arr, size);
if (res > 0)
btrace = backtrace_symbols(arr, size);
for ( unsigned int i =0; i < size ; ++i )
log_error(" trace: %s", btrace[i] );
I am able to get traces however unable to find address which i am expecting, now I am wondering if there is any possibility that other threads might have filled the stacktrace buffer(as it is an embedded device and we have limited buffer size), if so how i can identify/filter stacktraces thread wise or is there any option to restrict stacktraces to only thread which caught segmentation fault.
Note: I am able to identify 2 addresses from my executable which are present in stacktrace, very recent one is the address of signal handler itself and 2nd one is from another thread.
I tried to googling resources on how backtrace works in multi threaded env. on but not able to find much info, so I am here.

How to mine 1st blocks after genesis (PIVX fork)?

I have generated the genesis block and related hashes, daemon runs fine.
I'm trying to mine the 1st block (block 1) using 'setgenerate true 1'
I've changed related params in chainparams.cpp, any time I run the command I get segmentation fault.
debug log shows
2018-06-25 19:30:54 keypool reserve 2
2018-06-25 19:30:54 CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
Using latest master branch.
First thing you need to do is check the debug.log from .pivx folder
second thing what data you given in pivx.conf ?
for mine ill add below
And your error segmentation fault. is because the miner.cpp . In src/miner.cpp there is line:
uint256 hashBlockLastAccumulated = chainActive[nHeight - (nHeight % 10) - 10]->GetBlockHash();
so, nHeight is blockchain last block number (which at empty blockchain is 0) + 1 = 1, and thus accessing negative index of array causes Segmentation Fault.
So you need edit this code anyway to run the mining process.

Segmentation fault using GstDiscoverer (GStreamer)

I am writing desktop app for windows on C++ using Qt for GUI and GStreamer for audio processing.
In my app I need to monitor several internet aac audio streams if they are online, and listen to available stream that has the most priority. For this task I use GstDiscoverer object from GStreamer, but I have some problems with it.
I check audio streams every 1-2 seconds, so GstDiscoverer is called very often.
And every time my app is running, eventually it will crash with segmentation fault error during GstDiscoverer check.
I tried both sync and async methods of calling GstDiscoverer ( gst_discoverer_discover_uri(), gst_discoverer_discover_uri_async() ) , both work the same way.
The crash happens in aac_type_find() function from gsttypefindfunctions.c on line 1122 (second line of code below).
len = (([offset + 3] & 0x03) << 11) |
([offset + 4] << 3) | (([offset + 5] & 0xe0) >> 5);
Local variables received from debugger during one of crashes:
As we can see, offset variable is greater than c.size, so[offset] is out of range, I think that's why segmentation fault happens.
This happens not regularly. The program can work several hours or ten minutes.
But it seems to me that it happens more often if time interval between calls of GstDiscoverer is little. So, there is some probability of crash calling aac_type_find().
I tried GStreamer versions 1.6.1 and latest 1.6.2, the bug exists in both.
Can somebody help me with this problem? Is this Gstreamer bug or maybe I do something wrong?
It was reported to the GStreamer project here and a patch for the crash was merged and will be in the next releases:

How to retain a stacktrace when Cortex-M3 gone in hardfault?

Using the following setup:
Cortex-M3 based µC
gcc-arm cross toolchain
using C and C++
FreeRtos 7.5.3
Eclipse Luna
Segger Jlink with JLinkGDBServer
Code Confidence FreeRtos debug plugin
Using JLinkGDBServer and eclipse as debug frontend, I always have a nice stacktrace when stepping through my code. When using the Code Confidence freertos tools (eclipse plugin), I also see the stacktraces of all threads which are currently not running (without that plugin, I see just the stacktrace of the active thread). So far so good.
But now, when my application fall into a hardfault, the stacktrace is lost.
Well, I know the technique on how to find out the code address which causes the hardfault (as seen here).
But this is very poor information compared to full stacktrace.
Ok, some times when falling into hardfault there is no way to retain a stacktrace, e.g. when the stack is corrupted by the faulty code. But if the stack is healty, I think that getting a stacktrace might be possible (isn't it?).
I think the reason for loosing the stacktrace when in hardfault is, that the stackpointer would be swiched from PSP to MSP automatically by the Cortex-M3 architecture. One idea is now, to (maybe) set the MSP to the previous PSP value (and maybe have to do some additional stack preperation?).
Any suggestions on how to do that or other approaches to retain a stacktrace when in hardfault?
Edit 2015-07-07, added more details.
I uses this code to provocate a hardfault:
__attribute__((optimize("O0"))) static void checkHardfault() {
volatile uint32_t* varAtOddAddress = (uint32_t*)-1;
When stepping into checkHardfault(), my stacktrace looks good like this:
gdb-> backtrace
#0 checkHardfault () at Main.cxx:179
#1 0x100360f6 in GetOneEvent () at Main.cxx:185
#2 0x1003604e in executeMainLoop () at Main.cxx:121
#3 0x1001783a in vMainTask (pvParameters=0x0) at Main.cxx:408
#4 0x00000000 in ?? ()
When run into the hardfault (at (*varAtOddAddress)++;) and find myself inside of the HardFault_Handler(), the stacktrace is:
gdb-> backtrace
#0 HardFault_Handler () at Hardfault.c:312
#1 <signal handler called>
#2 0x10015f36 in prvPortStartFirstTask () at freertos/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/port.c:224
#3 0x10015fd6 in xPortStartScheduler () at freertos/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/port.c:301
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
The quickest way to get the debugger to give you the details of the state prior to the hard fault is to return the processor to the state prior to the hard fault.
In the debugger, write a script that takes the information from the various hardware registers and restore PC, LR, R0-R14 to the state just prior to causing the hard fault, then do your stack dump.
Of course, this isn't always helpful when you end up at the hard fault because of popping stuff off of a blown stack or stomping on stuff in memory. You generally tend to corrupt a bunch of the important registers, return back to some crazy spot in memory, and then execute whatever's there. You can end up hard faulting many thousands (millions?) of cycles after your real problem happens.
Consider using the following gdb macro to restore the register contents:
define hfstack
set $frame_ptr = (unsigned *)$sp
if $lr & 0x10
set $sp = $frame_ptr + (8 * 4)
set $sp = $frame_ptr + (26 * 4)
set $lr = $frame_ptr[5]
set $pc = $frame_ptr[6]
document hfstack
set the correct stack context after a hard fault on Cortex M

Stack Overflow exception (0xC00000FD) at winsock select function

I have an application which makes use of winsock.
I/O part is handled on an other thread.
And I am using blocking select method for sockets.
But the point is that after 5-6 hours,my application gives 0xC00000FD exception, at the line of select function.
As far as I know, this exception occurs when there is recursion, or very large local variables. But neither of them is the case for me.
So do you have any idea why am I getting this exception?
Or any ideas to discover what actually causes exception?
many thanks
Dear All, I am very sorry but since reproducing the case takes long time, I just realized that this has not solved the problem.
Everything seems ok when stack overflow exception occurs at the line of select function.
I mean it is a server socket with a one client connected. So there is 2 socket in rset and 1 in wset. After selecting, I am checking all ready sockets and making required, read,write,accept. Timeout is 250 ms. Do you think can this be the problem? I don't want this function to be blocking so it is not null. But what will be the exact difference if I use {0,0}
An important hint is:
Same code was working without any problem, when client socket wasn't sending any data.
But when I started sending some data from client to server this problem occured.
I am sure that there is no problem with FD_SETs and FD_CLRs, I mean when client was not sending only 1(server) socket was in rset and 1(client) was in wset.
Anyway I had a look a lot of samples, but it seems that there is not a difference.
Please see local variables screenshot below(I have deleted name of executable, since it is a commercial product)
And here is the call stack:
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]
xyz.exe!vm_socket_select(vm_socket * hds=0x04c1fb84, int nhd=1, int masks=7) Line 230 + 0x1b bytes C
xyz.exe!ND::nd_socket::SocketThreadProc() Line 173 + 0x12 bytes C++
xyz.exe!ND::nd_socket::ThreadRoutineStarter(void * u=0x07d63f90) Line 332 C++
xyz.exe!_callthreadstartex() Line 348 + 0x6 bytes C
xyz.exe!_threadstartex(void * ptd=0x011a3ce8) Line 326 + 0x5 bytes C
I am waiting for any advice.
Many thanks
Have you tried stopping your program in a debugger after some time running? Then take a look at the stack it might give you a hint.
Recursion doesn't mean one of your functions call itself endlessly, it can't be more tricky and involve several layers before it comes back where it started.