How to fix double back button in SwiftUI - swiftui

I got 2 views. On the second view I have list of exercises and when I choose one of them and go inside I see double back. It's driving me crazy.
First one:
import SwiftUI
struct ProgrammView: View {
var body: some View {
ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: false) {
VStack {
.font(.custom("AvenirNext-Bold", size: 30))
} label: {
.padding(.bottom, 7)
.shadow(radius: 5)
Second one:
import SwiftUI
struct InsultHandProgram: View {
let numbers = InsultProgram.getInsultProgram()
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
List(numbers) { InsultProgram in
NavigationLink(, value: InsultProgram)
.navigationDestination(for: InsultProgram.self) {
InsultProgram in InsultProgrammDetail(InsultProgram: InsultProgram)
I tried to change navigation stack. It's crushed.

If you use NavigationView, then it provides the navigation bars for all its child views. NavigationStack in your child view also wants to provide a navigation bar, and so you end up with two.
To remedy the situation you have some choices:
Remove the NavigationStack from your child view and let NavigationView manage everything.
Remove NavigationStack from you child view and replace NavigationView in your parent with a NavigationStack. This will work fine on iPhones, but doesn't adapt well to iPads.
Keep your navigation stack in the child view but replace NavigationView with NavigationSplitView. This came in with iOS16, as did NavigationStack. The two work well together so they don't step on each other's toes when it comes to setting up navigation bars.
Given you're already using other iOS 16 idioms such as navigationDestination I'd recommend approach 3.


Trouble With Constraints for a Navigation Link

Here is my code:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var link: some View {
NavigationLink(destination: OtherView()) {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ZStack {
HStack {
}.padding([.leading, .trailing], 20)
HStack {
alignment: .center
.padding([.leading, .trailing], 20)
HStack {
}.padding([.leading, .trailing], 20)
I have a NavigationLink (named 'link') in a list cell. I would like for the Text within 'link' to be to the rightmost side of the view. To try to accomplish this, I inserted 'link' in an HStack and put a Spacer() before it to try and push it to the rightmost part of the view. When I run the app though, the Text ends up in between Text("1") and Text("2") and I can't figure out why. I want Text("1") to be in the leftmost part of the view, Text("2") to be in the center of the view, and 'link' to be in the rightmost part of the view. I have provided visuals (the colors aren't important, I just wanted to make the different Texts clear):
Desired layout:
What I get instead:
I found that if I take everything out of the List view I get my desired layout. Also, if I keep everything in the List view and replace the NavigationLink with a Button I get my desired layout. The goal is to get the desired layout without having to change either of these aspects.
For the sake of clarity, I didn't include the code for OtherView() as I don't think it's necessary for this question.
The "quick" fix is to add fixedSize() to the NavigationLink
var link: some View {
NavigationLink(destination: Text("OtherView()")) {
That will allow the link to shrink.

Using a custom background behind NavigationStack in SwiftUI

This ought to be straightforward enough, but I cannot find out how to place a background behind a NavigationStack. With NavigationView, it was simply a matter of embedding in a ZStack with the background view called before the NavigationView (as described in an older post: How change background color if using NavigationView in SwiftUI?)
The same technique does not work for me with NavigationStack.
Here's what I have:
struct MyAngularGradient: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
AngularGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.red, .orange , .yellow, .green, .cyan, .blue, .indigo, .purple, .red]), center: .leading)
AngularGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.red, .orange , .yellow, .green, .cyan, .blue, .indigo, .purple, .red]), center: .leading)
.offset(x: -8)
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
} // end ZStack
FYI, I've used the same MyAngularGradient()in other apps (with NavigationView)
Any ideas? Thanks.
The closest I've managed to get so far is this:
struct MyView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
ZStack {
List {
NavigationLink("Hello") {
Which is somewhat dissatisfying for the following reasons:
When you scroll up the navigation bar appears, as expected, but ruins the effect imo.
I guess you can experiment changing this in a limited way using UINavigationBarAppearance() by updating it in the constructor of the view.
You can't apply a background to the whole app if you have multiple NavigationStackView based views in a TabView. (My example above was in a TabView)
When a new view is pushed on the stack the custom background disappears.
Only works on iOS 16+ due to the .scrollContentBackground(.hidden) modifier.
Does not work if you use ForEach to populate the List. Interestingly if you debug the hierarchy with and without the ForEach you'll see that SwiftUI adds a new view controller which is opaque in the case of ForEach.

SwiftUI Is there any built in view that kind of slides in from the side and takes up 3/4 of the screen?

This is probably a custom view but in the Reddit app there's a toolbar and the top left button(3 lines) opens this kind of view from the side that moves the current view to the right so you can only see about 25% of it and a new view that takes up about 75% of the screen slides in. Is there anything like this built into SwiftUI and if there isn't how would I go about implementing something like this?
This is my custom side bar behave similarly to what you just mentioned, you can try it. (Images and Code are below)
Before click:
After clicked:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var isClicked = false
var body: some View {
HStack {
.frame(width: isClicked ? UIScreen.main.bounds.width * 0.75 : 0)
VStack {
HStack {
Button {
withAnimation {
} label: {
Image(systemName: "menucard.fill")

LazyVGrid onTapGesture navigate to next screen swiftUI

I am quite new to swiftUI. I have created a grid view on tapping on which I want to go to next screen. But somehow I am not able to manage to push to next screen. I am doing like this:
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: gridItems, spacing: 16) {
ForEach(viewModel.pokemon) { pokemon in
PokemonCell(pokemon: pokemon, viewModel: viewModel)
.onTapGesture {
NavigationLink(destination: PokemonDetailView(pokemon: pokemon)) {
Upon doing like this, I am getting a warning stating
Result of 'NavigationLink<Label, Destination>' initializer is unused
Can someone please guide me, how to do this?
.onTapGesture adds an action to perform when the view recognizes a tap gesture. In your case you don't need to use .onTapGesture. If you want to go to another view when cell is tapped you need to write NavigationLink as below.
NavigationLink(destination: PokemonDetailView(pokemon: pokemon)) {
PokemonCell(pokemon: pokemon, viewModel: viewModel)
If you want to use .onTapGesture, another approach is creating #State for your tapped cell's pokemon and using NavigationLink's isActive binding. So when user tap the cell it will change the #State and toggle the isActive in .onTapGesture. You may need to add another Stack (ZStack etc.) for this.
NavigationView {
ZStack {
NavigationLink("", destination: PokemonDetailView(pokemon: pokemon), isActive: $isNavigationActive).hidden()
ScrollView {
// ...

SwiftUI Navigation bar items disappear on iOS 14

Discovered in my app that navigation bar items in some views disappear when orientation of the device changes. This seems to occur only in a view that is opened using NavigationLink, on main view navigation bar items work as expected. It appears that something has changed between iOS 13.7 and iOS 14.2 related to this. Also, it does not seem to matter whether using leading or trailing items, both disappear.
Example snippet where this occurs:
struct ContentView: View {
var detailView: some View {
Text("This is detail view")
.navigationBarTitle("Detail view title", displayMode: .inline)
.navigationBarItems(trailing: Button(action: {}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
destination: detailView,
label: {
Text("Open detail view")
.navigationBarTitle("Main view")
The issue occurs only when running on a real device. (iPhone 11 in my case) On simulator everything works as expected.
Anyone else seen similar issues? Workarounds/fixes?
.navigationBarTitle and .navigationBarItems are being deprecated. I think that the best "fix" is to switch to .toolbar
It's a weird issue but I guess there is a hack to make it work.
SwiftUI doesn't call body property when rotations happen. So you can add #State UIDeviceOrientation property to your view and update it every time orientation changes. One tricky thing is to use that property somewhere in the body of the view since SwiftUI smart enough to ignore #State that is not used in the body.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
destination: DetailsView(),
label: {
Text("Open detail view")
}).navigationBarTitle("Main view")
struct DetailsView: View {
#State var orientation: UIDeviceOrientation = UIDevice.current.orientation
var body: some View {
Text("This is detail view")
.navigationBarTitle("Detail view title")
.navigationBarItems(trailing: button)
.onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIDevice.orientationDidChangeNotification)) { _ in
orientation = UIDevice.current.orientation
var button: some View {
Button(action: { print("123") }, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
In my experience when I change a Button in the toolbar from disabled to enabled, they disappear. But if I scroll to the bottom of the View, they re-appear. If I am already at the end of the View when the button is enabled, it acts normally, until I then scroll away from the bottom, the button again disappears.
Try scrolling to the bottom of your view, if you use landscape.