getting version `GLIBC_2.29' not found when installing and configuring envoy 1.24 binary - centos7

I am working on installing and configuring envoy 1.24 binary on CentOS7 machine.
I download the binary: from the envoy releases. Since this is a binary file, I created the following service unit file:
ExecStart=/opt/envoy/envoy -c /opt/envoy/envoy.yml -path.home /opt/envoy -path.config /opt/envoy -path.logs /var/log/envoy
I reloaded the system demon so this unit file is reloaded.
I had a very basic envoy.yml in the right folder and executed the command: systemctl start envoy. I am seeing this error:
/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /opt/envoy/envoy)
What am I missing here?
The envoy documentation does not talk about how to use the binary directly.
Also the deployment instructions: is downloading version 1.18 version instead of 1.24.
Any pointers on resolving the above error?


System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down

I am trying to activate service after creating a systemd service using the following commands in google cloud terminal:
vim /etc/systemd/system/app.service
Pasted the contents below to this file:
#vim /etc/systemd/system/app.service
# specifies metadata and dependencies
Description=Gunicorn instance to serve myproject
# tells the init system to only start this after the networking target has been reached
# We will give our regular user account ownership of the process since it owns all of the relevant files
# Service specify the user and group under which our process will run.
# give group ownership to the www-data group so that Nginx can communicate easily with the Gunicorn processes.
# We'll then map out the working directory and set the PATH environmental variable so that the init system knows where our the executables for the process are located (wi$
# We'll then specify the commanded to start the service
ExecStart=/home/clashgamers2021/clashgamers/env/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind unix:app.sock -m 007 wsgi:app
# This will tell systemd what to link this service to if we enable it to start at boot. We want this service to start when the regular multi-user system is up and running:
For activating this service, I typed:
sudo systemctl start app
sudo systemctl enable app
However I got this error:
clashgamers2021#cloudshell:~/clashgamers (clash-gamers-318206)$ sudo systemctl start app
System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
You're trying to run the commands in the Cloud Shell:
Cloud Shell is an interactive shell environment for Google Cloud that makes it easy for you to learn and experiment with Google Cloud and manage your projects and resources from your web browser.
Create a new VM (specify hardware & OS) and connect to it using SSH button in the Cloud Console or use other methods described in the documentation.
Then run your commands and if they don't work update your question with more details.

Something wrong on deploy chaincode for hyperledger v1.0

I have tried to use docker toolbox to setup Hyperledger V1.0 in my local machines.
I according to this document:
But when I tried to deploy chaincode.
$node deploy.js
I got an error message:
info: Returning a new winston logger with default configurations
info: [Chain.js]: Constructed Chain instance: name - fabric-client1, securityEnabled: true, TCert download batch size: 10, network mode: true
info: [Peer.js]: Peer.const - url: grpc://localhost:8051 options grpc.ssl_target_name_override=tlsca, grpc.default_authority=tlsca
info: [Peer.js]: Peer.const - url: grpc://localhost:8055 options grpc.ssl_target_name_override=tlsca, grpc.default_authority=tlsca
info: [Peer.js]: Peer.const - url: grpc://localhost:8056 options grpc.ssl_target_name_override=tlsca, grpc.default_authority=tlsca
info: [Client.js]: Failed to load user "admin" from local key value store
info: [FabricCAClientImpl.js]: Successfully constructed Fabric COP service client: endpoint - {"protocol":"http","hostname":"localhost","port":8054}
info: [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: This class requires a KeyValueStore to save keys, no store was passed in, using the default store C:\Users\daniel\.hfc-key-store
[2017-04-15 22:14:29.268] [ERROR] Helper - Error: Calling enrollment endpoint failed with error [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]
at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (C:\Users\daniel\node_modules\fabric-ca-client\lib\FabricCAClientImpl.js:304:12)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:188:7)
at Socket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:310:9)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
at emitErrorNT (net.js:1278:8)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)
[2017-04-15 22:14:29.273] [ERROR] DEPLOY - Error: Failed to obtain an enrolled user
at ca_client.enroll.then.then.then.catch (C:\Users\daniel\helper.js:59:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:103:7)
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: Connect Failed
at ClientDuplexStream._emitStatusIfDone (C:\Users\daniel\node_modules\grpc\src\node\src\client.js:201:19)
at ClientDuplexStream._readsDone (C:\Users\daniel\node_modules\grpc\src\node\src\client.js:169:8)
at readCallback (C:\Users\daniel\node_modules\grpc\src\node\src\client.js:229:12)
Is this an question about unable to connect to ca? Or other causes?
OS: Windows 10 Professional Edition
Docker Toolbox: 17.04.0-ce
Go: 1.7.5
Node.js: 6.10.0
My steps:
1.Open Docker Quickstart Terminal and key commands.
$curl -L -o sfhackfest.tar.gz 2> /dev/null; tar -xvf sfhackfest.tar.gz
$docker-compose -f docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml build
$docker-compose -f docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml up -d
$docker ps
It has been confirmed that six containers have been activated
2.Download examples and install modules.
$curl -OOOOOO{config.json,deploy.js,helper.js,invoke.js,query.js,package.json}
//This link didn't work, so I downloaded the required files from GitHub of fabric-sdk-node
$npm install --global windows-build-tools
$npm install
3.Try to deploy chaincode.
$node deploy.js
There were several problems, not the least of which that documentation was outdated and was for a preview release of Hyperledger Fabric. The docs are actually in the process of being removed as we need to update our examples / samples.
You mentioned Docker Toolbox - so are you trying to run all of this on Windows or Mac?
So one of the issue with Docker Toolbox or Docker for Windows is that you cannot use localhost / as the address when trying to communicate from apps on the host (even in the QuickStart Terminal) to the endpoints of the Docker containers. When the QuickStart Terminal first launches Docker, you'll see that it will output the IP address of the endpoint you should use when communicating with exposed ports.
I was having the same issue while following the latest "Writing Your First Application" tutorial ( I had installed all the pre-requisites and the fabric-samples and started the local network.
When I got to the step of enrolling the Admin user, $ node enrollAdmin.js, I was getting the same error message as above, Error: connect ECONNREFUSED, followed by the localhost domain.
As the first answer suggests, the root cause is that I'm running Docker Toolbox. I'm developing on an older Mac, OSX v10.9.5, so I couldn't use Docker for Mac.
To fix the issue, I replaced 'localhost' in the enrollAdmin.js code with the IP from Docker Toolbox.
Here are the steps I took:
Started Docker with Applications > Docker Quickstart Terminal
Copied the IP from this sentence: docker is configured to use the default machine with IP...
Opened the copy of enrollAdmin.js from fabric-samples/fabcar directory
Found this code:
// be sure to change the http to https when the CA is running TLS enabled
fabric_ca_client = new Fabric_CA_Client('http://localhost:7054', tlsOptions , '', crypto_suite); // <-- This is the line to change
Replaced 'localhost' with the Docker IP, leaving the port :7054 as is.
Re-ran the command, $ node enrollAdmin.js
The script connected to the CA and successfully completed the Admin enrollment.
On to the next step!

WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0 : white screen on the application view screen when running as a systemd service

Consecutively to WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0 : white screens after installing https certificate, I've just installed a fresh new WSO2 API Manager (single node) from the 2.0.0 zip distribution using MySQL Database to try to avoid problems related to H2 database.
After the install is complete, it starts with no warning and no error (after a few tries to get all things right in master-datasources.xml).
In publisher, I can log in as admin, create a new API, import swagger json contract, finalize API with no problem.
In store, I can log in as admin, view the API I've just created, create a new application via the right-side drop down menu, subscribe to it.
BUT when I try to open an application in order to generate keys and token, I just get a white empty screen. Nothing can help me in the logs :
[29/Nov/2016:16:17:33 +0100] "GET /store/site/pages/application.jag?name=MyNewApp&tenant=carbon.super HTTP/1.1" 200 3 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0"
A few minutes after I get the page crash (maybe not related ?) I have this printing repeatedly in wso2carbon.log :
WARN {sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop} - RMI TCP Accept-11111: accept loop for ServerSocket[addr=,localport=11111] throws {sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop}
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
Again, this is a basic installation (unzip) plugged into MySQL database with no customization/configuration.
EDIT 2 : So I think I have found the cause, but not the solution. This problem does not occur when I launch via direct command line, it occurs only when I launch through systemd service :
sudo sytemctl start wso2am.service
/etc/systemd/system/wso2am.service :
Description=WSO2 API Manager
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c ". /etc/profile.d/; /home/linc/wso2am-2.0.0/bin/ start"
So is WSO2 not compatible with systemd launching ? or am I missing some parameter ?
I have followed this blog post to run APIM as a Linux service. Please have a look. It should work without a problem. (Make sure to add #!bin/sh at the top of
Finally I have WSO2 API manager running as a Systemd service.
This is my 'wso2apim.service' file
Description=WSO2 API Manager
Environment= JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
ExecStart=/bin/bash /opt/wso2/wso2am-2.0.0/bin/
ExecStop= /bin/bash -c '/opt/wso2/wso2am-2.0.0/bin/ stop'
ExecReload=/bin/bash -c '/opt/wso2/wso2am-2.0.0/bin/ restart'
It's simple, but tricky
The service type is simple (not fork or either). (Default value)
The ExecStart has not to include the 'start' option. With the
start option, it tries a nohup, that is not working
But, the stop has to include the stop options
Hope it helps

zabbix agent service failed, PID not readable

I'm trying to run zabbix-agent 3.0.4 on CentOS7, systemd failed to start the zabbix agent, from journalctl -xe
PID file /run/zabbix/ not readable (yes?) after start.
node=localhost.localdomain type=SERVICE_START msg=audit(1475848200.601:17994): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967298 ses=...
zabbix-agent.service never wrote its PID file. Failing.
Failed to start Zabbix Agent.
There is no permission error, and I try to re-configure the PID path to /tmp folder in zabbix-agent.service and zabbix_agentd.conf, it doesn't work.
Very weird, anyone has idea? Thank you in advance.
Investigating a little bit, the PID should be under /run/zabbix folder, I create manually the, and it disappears after 1 second. Really weird.
I had the same issue and it was related to selinux. So I allowed zabbix_agent_t via semanage
yum install policycoreutils-python
semanage permissive -a zabbix_agent_t
Giving the full permissions 7777 to that pid file will help to resolve the issue.
i had this too and it was Selinux, it was disabled but i had to
run the command
That's work for me.
Prerequisites: Centos 7, zabbix-server 3.4 and zabbix-agent 3.4 runing on same host.
Solution steps:
Install zabbix-server and zabbix-agent (no matter how - via yum or building from source code).
Check first if there is already separate users exist in /etc/passwd. If there is already zabbix users exist go to p.4.
Create separate groups and users for zabbix-server and zabbix-agent.
Example (you can specify usernames on your desire):
groupadd zabbix-agent
useradd -g zabbix-agent zabbix-agent
groupadd zabbix
useradd -g zabbix zabbix
Specify PID and LOG file location in Zabbix config files. Example:
For zabbix-server: in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf:
For zabbix-agent: in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf:
Create appropriate directories (if they haven't been creatred previously) as were specified in config files and change owners for this directories:
mkdir /var/log/zabbix-agent
mkdir /run/zabbix-agent
chown zabbix-agent:zabbix-agent /var/log/zabbix-agent
chown zabbix-agent:zabbix-agent /run/zabbix-agent
mkdir /var/log/zabbix
mkdir /run/zabbix
chown zabbix:zabbix /var/log/zabbix-agent
chown zabbix:zabbix /run/zabbix-agent
Check systemd config for zabbix services and add Username= and Group= in [Service] section under which services will run. Example:
For zabbix-server: /etc/systemd/system/
Description=Zabbix Server
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/zabbix_server -c $CONFFILE
ExecStop=/bin/kill -SIGTERM $MAINPID
For zabbix-agent: /etc/systemd/system/
Description=Zabbix Agent
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd -c $CONFFILE
ExecStop=/bin/kill -SIGTERM $MAINPID
If there is no such configs - you can find them in:
Enable zabbix-agent.service service and thereby create symlink in /etc/systemd/system/ directory to /usr/lib/systemd/system/zabbix-agent.service
Run services:
systemctl start zabbix-server
systemctl start zabbix-agent
Check users under which services had been started (first column):
ps -aux | grep zabbix
or via top command.
Disable SELinux and Firewalld and you're good to go

ERROR: Sonar server 'http://localhost:9000' can not be reached

when running the following command:
cmd /c C:\sonar-runner-2.4\bin\sonar-runner.bat
(sonar runner is installed on the build machine)
i get the following errors:
ERROR: Sonar server 'http://localhost:9000' can not be reached
ERROR: Error during Sonar runner execution
ERROR: Connection refused: connect
ERROR: Caused by: Connection refused: connect
what can cause these errors?
Hi dinesh,
this is my file:
# Enable the Visual Studio bootstrapper
# Unit Test Results
# Required only when using SonarQube < 4.2
As you can see i set the
sonar.web.port=9000 but when i run sonar-runner.bat i still get the
ERROR: Sonar server 'http://localhost:9000' can not be reached - why is it still looking for localhost:9000
and not sonarqube:9000 as i set?
i saw that in the log of sonar-runner.bat there the following line:
INFO: Work directory: D:\sTFS\26091\Sources\NDM\Source..sonar
while my solution is in D:\sTFS\26091\Sources\NDM\Source\
could this be the problem?
If you use SonarScanner CLI with Docker, you may have this error because the SonarScanner container can not access to the Sonar UI container.
Note that you will have the same error with a simple curl from another container:
docker run --rm byrnedo/alpine-curl
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection refused
The solution is to connect the SonarScanner container to the same docker network of your sonar instance, for instance with --network=host:
docker run --network=host -e SONAR_HOST_URL='' --user="$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$PWD:/usr/src" sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli
(other parameters of this command comes from the SonarScanner CLI documentation)
I got the same issue, and I changed to IP and it working well
Go to System References --> Network --> Advanced --> Open TCP/IP tabs --> copy the IPv4 Address.
change that IP instead localhost
Hope this can help
You should configure the sonar-runner to use your existing SonarQube server. To do so, you need to update its conf/ file and specify the SonarQube server URL, username, password, and JDBC URL as well. See for details.
If you don't yet have an up and running SonarQube server, then you can launch one locally (with the default configuration) - it will bind to http://localhost:9000 and work with the default sonar-runner configuration. See for details on how to get started with the SonarQube server.
For others who ran into this issue in a project that is not using a file, you may find (as I did) that you need to tweak your pom.xml file, adding a property.
For example, I needed to add the following line under the 'properties' element:
Where the url points to our internal sonar deployment.
For me the issue was that the maven sonar plugin was using proxy servers defined in the maven settings.xml. I was trying to access the sonarque on another (not localhost alias) and so it was trying to use the proxy server to access it. Just added my alias to nonProxyHosts in settings.xml and it is working now. I did not face this issue in maven sonar plugin 3.2, only after i upgraded it.
</proxy>enter code here
The issue occurred with me in a different way a little a while ago,
I had a docker container running normally in the main network of my host machine accessible via the browser on the normal localhost:9000. But whenever the scanner wants to connect to the server it couldn't despite being on the same network of the host.
I made sure they are, because on the docker run command I mentioned --network=bridge
So the trick was that I pointed to the actual local ip of mine instead of just writing localhost
you can know the ip of your machine by typing ipconfig on windows or ifconfig on linux
so on the scan docker run command I have pointed to the server like that where is my local host address
That was my final docker commands to run the Server:
docker run -d --name sonarqube \
--network=bridge \
-p 9000:9000 \
-e SONAR_JDBC_USERNAME=<db username> \
-e SONAR_JDBC_PASSWORD=<db password>\
-v sonarqube_data:/opt/sonarqube/data \
-v sonarqube_extensions:/opt/sonarqube/extensions \
-v sonarqube_logs:/opt/sonarqube/logs \
and that's for the Scanner:
docker run \
--network=bridge \
-v "<local path of the project to scan>:/usr/src" sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli \
-Dsonar.projectKey=<project key> \
-Dsonar.sources=. \<local-ip>:9000 \
In the config file there is a colon instead of an equal sign after the
Should be
In file in conf folder I had hardcoaded ip of my machine where sobarqube was installed in property 235.22 I commented this and it started working for me.
Please check if postgres(or any other database service) is running properly.
When you allow the 9000 port to firewall on your desired operating System the following error "ERROR: Sonar server 'http://localhost:9000' can not be reached" will remove successfully.In ubuntu it is just like as by typing the following command in terminal "sudo ufw allow 9000/tcp" this error will removed from the Jenkins server by clicking on build now in jenkins.