GLSL uint_fast64_t type - c++

how can i get an input to the vertex shader of type uint_fast64_t?
there is not such type available in the language how can i pass it differently?
my code is this:
#version 330 core
#define CHUNK_SIZE 16
#define BLOCK_SIZE_X 0.1
#define BLOCK_SIZE_Y 0.1
#define BLOCK_SIZE_Z 0.1
// input vertex and UV coordinates, different for all executions of this shader
layout(location = 0) in uint_fast64_t vertexPosition_modelspace;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 vertexUV;
// Output data ; will be interpolated for each fragment.
out vec2 UV;
// model view projection matrix
uniform mat4 MVP;
int getAxis(uint_fast64_t p, int choice) { // axis: 0=x 1=y 2=z 3=index_x 4=index_z
switch (choice) {
case 0:
return (int)((p>>59 ) & 0xF); //extract the x axis int but i only want 4bits
case 1:
return (int)((p>>23 ) & 0xFF);//extract the y axis int but i only want 8bits
case 2:
return (int)((p>>55 ) & 0xF);//extract the z axis int but i only want 4bits
case 3:
return (int)(p & 0x807FFFFF);//extract the index_x 24bits
case 4:
return (int)((p>>32) & 0x807FFFFF);//extract the index_z 24bits
void main()
// assign vertex position
float x = (getAxis(vertexPosition_modelspace,0) + getAxis(vertexPosition_modelspace,3)*CHUNK_SIZE)*BLOCK_SIZE_X;
float y = getAxis(vertexPosition_modelspace,1)*BLOCK_SIZE_Y;
float z = (getAxis(vertexPosition_modelspace,2) + getAxis(vertexPosition_modelspace,3)*CHUNK_SIZE)*BLOCK_SIZE_Z;
gl_Position = MVP * vec4(x,y,z, 1.0);
// UV of the vertex. No special space for this one.
UV = vertexUV;
the error message i am takeing is :
i tried to put uint64_t but the same problem

Unextended GLSL for OpenGL does not have the ability to directly use 64-bit integer values. And even the fairly widely supported ARB extension that allows for the use of 64-bit integers within shaders doesn't actually allow you to use them as vertex shader attributes. That requires an NVIDIA extension supported only by... NVIDIA.
However, you can send 32-bit integers, and a 64-bit integer is just two 32-bit integers. You can put 64-bit integers into the buffer and pass them as 2 32-bit unsigned integers in your vertex attribute format:
glVertexAttribIFormat(0, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, <byte_offset>);
Your shader will retrieve them as a uvec2 input:
layout(location = 0) in uvec2 vertexPosition_modelspace;
The x component of the vector will have the first 4 bytes and the y component will store the second 4 bytes. But since "first" and "second" are determined by your CPU's endian, you'll need to know whether your CPU is little endian or big endian to be able to use them. Since most desktop GL implementations are paired with little endian CPUs, we'll assume that is the case.
In this case, vertexPosition_modelspace.x contains the low 4 bytes of the 64-bit integer, and vertexPosition_modelspace.y contains the high 4 bytes.
So your code could be adjusted as follows (with some cleanup):
const vec3 BLOCK_SIZE(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
//Get the three axes all at once.
uvec3 getAxes(in uvec2 p)
return uvec3(
(p.y >> 27) & 0xF),
(p.x >> 23) & 0xFF),
(p.y >> 23) & 0xF)
//Get the indices
uvec2 getIndices(in uvec2 p)
return p & 0x807FFFFF; //Performs component-wise bitwise &
void main()
uvec3 iPos = getAxes(vertexPosition_modelspace);
uvec2 indices = getIndices(vertexPosition_modelspace);
vec3 pos = vec3(
iPos.x + (indices.x * CHUNK_SIZE),
iPos.z + (indices.x * CHUNK_SIZE) //You used index 3 in your code, so I used .x here, but I think you meant index 4.
pos *= BLOCK_SIZE;


I'm experiencing very slow OpenGL compute shader compilation (10+ minutes) when using larger work groups, is there anything I can do to speed it up?

So, I'm encountering a really bizarre (at least to me as a compute shader noob) phenomenon when I compile my compute shader using glGetShaderiv(m_shaderID, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status). Inexplicably, my compute shader takes much longer to compile when I increase the size of my work groups! When I have one-dimensional work groups, it compiles in less than a second, but when I increase the size of my work groups to 4x1x6, the compute shader takes 10+ minutes to compile! How strange.
For background, I'm trying to implement a light clustering algorithm (essentially the one shown here:, and my compute shader is this monster:
// TODO: Figure out optimal tile size, currently using a 16x9x24 subdivision
#define FLT_MAX 3.402823466e+38
#define FLT_MIN 1.175494351e-38
#define DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623158e+308
#define DBL_MIN 2.2250738585072014e-308
layout(local_size_x = 4, local_size_y = 9, local_size_z = 4) in;
// TODO: Change to reflect my light structure
// struct PointLight{
// vec4 position;
// vec4 color;
// uint enabled;
// float intensity;
// float range;
// };
// TODO: Pack this more efficiently
struct Light {
vec4 position;
vec4 direction;
vec4 ambientColor;
vec4 diffuseColor;
vec4 specularColor;
vec4 attributes;
vec4 intensity;
ivec4 typeIndexAndFlags;
// uint flags;
// Array containing offset and number of lights in a cluster
struct LightGrid{
uint offset;
uint count;
struct VolumeTileAABB{
vec4 minPoint;
vec4 maxPoint;
layout(std430, binding = 0) readonly buffer LightBuffer {
Light data[];
} lightBuffer;
layout (std430, binding = 1) buffer clusterAABB{
VolumeTileAABB cluster[ ];
layout (std430, binding = 2) buffer screenToView{
mat4 inverseProjection;
uvec4 tileSizes;
uvec2 screenDimensions;
// layout (std430, binding = 3) buffer lightSSBO{
// PointLight pointLight[];
// };
// SSBO of active light indices
layout (std430, binding = 4) buffer lightIndexSSBO{
uint globalLightIndexList[];
layout (std430, binding = 5) buffer lightGridSSBO{
LightGrid lightGrid[];
layout (std430, binding = 6) buffer globalIndexCountSSBO{
uint globalIndexCount;
// Shared variables, shared between all invocations WITHIN A WORK GROUP
// TODO: See if I can use gl_WorkGroupSize for this, gl_WorkGroupSize.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.y * gl_WorkGroupSize.z
// A grouped-shared array which contains all the lights being evaluated
shared Light sharedLights[4*9*4]; // A grouped-shared array which contains all the lights being evaluated, size is thread-count
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
bool testSphereAABB(uint light, uint tile);
float sqDistPointAABB(vec3 point, uint tile);
bool testConeAABB(uint light, uint tile);
float getLightRange(uint lightIndex);
bool isEnabled(uint lightIndex);
// Runs in batches of multiple Z slices at once
// In this implementation, 6 batches, since each thread group contains four z slices (24/4=6)
// We begin by each thread representing a cluster
// Then in the light traversal loop they change to representing lights
// Then change again near the end to represent clusters
// NOTE: Tiles actually mean clusters, it's just a legacy name from tiled shading
void main(){
// Reset every frame
globalIndexCount = 0; // How many lights are active in t his scene
uint threadCount = gl_WorkGroupSize.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.y * gl_WorkGroupSize.z; // Number of threads in a group, same as local_size_x, local_size_y, local_size_z
uint lightCount =; // Number of total lights in the scene
uint numBatches = uint((lightCount + threadCount -1) / threadCount); // Number of groups of lights that will be completed, i.e., number of passes
uint tileIndex = gl_LocalInvocationIndex + gl_WorkGroupSize.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.y * gl_WorkGroupSize.z * gl_WorkGroupID.z;
// uint tileIndex = gl_GlobalInvocationID; // doesn't wortk, is uvec3
// Local thread variables
uint visibleLightCount = 0;
uint visibleLightIndices[100]; // local light index list, to be transferred to global list
// Every light is being checked against every cluster in the view frustum
// TODO: Perform active cluster determination
// Each individual thread will be responsible for loading a light and writing it to shared memory so other threads can read it
for( uint batch = 0; batch < numBatches; ++batch){
uint lightIndex = batch * threadCount + gl_LocalInvocationIndex;
//Prevent overflow by clamping to last light which is always null
lightIndex = min(lightIndex, lightCount);
//Populating shared light array
// NOTE: It is VERY important that not be referenced after this point,
// since that is not thread-safe
sharedLights[gl_LocalInvocationIndex] =[lightIndex];
barrier(); // Synchronize read/writes between invocations within a work group
//Iterating within the current batch of lights
for( uint light = 0; light < threadCount; ++light){
if( isEnabled(light)){
uint lightType = uint(sharedLights[light].typeIndexAndFlags[0]);
if(lightType == 0){
// Point light
if( testSphereAABB(light, tileIndex) ){
visibleLightIndices[visibleLightCount] = batch * threadCount + light;
visibleLightCount += 1;
else if(lightType == 1){
// Directional light
visibleLightIndices[visibleLightCount] = batch * threadCount + light;
visibleLightCount += 1;
else if(lightType == 2){
// Spot light
if( testConeAABB(light, tileIndex) ){
visibleLightIndices[visibleLightCount] = batch * threadCount + light;
visibleLightCount += 1;
// We want all thread groups to have completed the light tests before continuing
// Back to every thread representing a cluster
// Adding the light indices to the cluster light index list
uint offset = atomicAdd(globalIndexCount, visibleLightCount);
for(uint i = 0; i < visibleLightCount; ++i){
globalLightIndexList[offset + i] = visibleLightIndices[i];
// Updating the light grid for each cluster
lightGrid[tileIndex].offset = offset;
lightGrid[tileIndex].count = visibleLightCount;
// Return whether or not the specified light intersects with the specified tile (cluster)
bool testSphereAABB(uint light, uint tile){
float radius = getLightRange(light);
vec3 center = vec3(viewMatrix * sharedLights[light].position);
float squaredDistance = sqDistPointAABB(center, tile);
return squaredDistance <= (radius * radius);
// TODO: Different test for spot-lights
// Has been done by using several AABBs for spot-light cone, this could be a good approach, or even just use one to start.
bool testConeAABB(uint light, uint tile){
// Light light =[lightIndex];
// float innerAngleCos = light.attributes[0];
// float outerAngleCos = light.attributes[1];
// float innerAngle = acos(innerAngleCos);
// float outerAngle = acos(outerAngleCos);
// FIXME: Actually do something clever here
return true;
// Get range of light given the specified light index
float getLightRange(uint lightIndex){
int lightType = sharedLights[lightIndex].typeIndexAndFlags[0];
float range;
if(lightType == 0){
// Point light
float brightness = 0.01; // cutoff for end of range
float c = sharedLights[lightIndex].attributes.x;
float lin = sharedLights[lightIndex].attributes.y;
float quad = sharedLights[lightIndex].attributes.z;
range = (-lin + sqrt(lin*lin - 4.0 * c * quad + (4.0/brightness)* quad)) / (2.0 * quad);
else if(lightType == 1){
// Directional light
range = FLT_MAX;
// Spot light
range = FLT_MAX;
return range;
// Whether the light at the specified index is enabled
bool isEnabled(uint lightIndex){
uint flags = sharedLights[lightIndex].typeIndexAndFlags[2];
return (flags | 1) != 0;
// Get squared distance from a point to the AABB of the specified tile (cluster)
float sqDistPointAABB(vec3 point, uint tile){
float sqDist = 0.0;
VolumeTileAABB currentCell = cluster[tile];
cluster[tile].maxPoint[3] = tile;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
float v = point[i];
if(v < currentCell.minPoint[i]){
sqDist += (currentCell.minPoint[i] - v) * (currentCell.minPoint[i] - v);
if(v > currentCell.maxPoint[i]){
sqDist += (v - currentCell.maxPoint[i]) * (v - currentCell.maxPoint[i]);
return sqDist;
Edit: Whoops, lost the bottom part of this!
What I don't understand is why changing the size of the work groups affects compilation time at all? It sort of defeats the point of the algorithm if my work group sizes are too small for the compute shader to run efficiently, so I'm hoping there's something that I'm missing.
As a last note, I'd like to avoid using glGetProgramBinary as a solution. Not only because it merely circumvents the issue instead of solving it, but because pre-compiling shaders will not play nicely with the engine's current architecture.
So, I'm figuring that this must be a bug in the compiler, since I've replaced the loop in my sqDistPointAABB function with:
vec3 minPoint =;
vec3 maxPoint =;
vec3 t1 = vec3(lessThan(point, minPoint));
vec3 t2 = vec3(greaterThan(point, maxPoint));
vec3 sqDist = t1 * (minPoint - point) * (minPoint - point) + t2 * (maxPoint - point) * (maxPoint - point);
return sqDist.x + sqDist.y + sqDist.z;
And it compiles just fine now, in less than a second! So strange

Metal Prevented Device Address Mode

I am creating a graphics application that uses Metal to render everything. When I did a frame debug under pipeline statistics for all of my draw calls there is a !! priority alert titled "Prevented Device Address Mode Load" with the details:
Indexing using unsigned int for offset prevents addressing calculation in device. To prevent this extra ALU operation use int for offset.
So for my simplest draw call that involves this here is what is going on. There is a large amount of vertex data followed by an index buffer. The index buffer is created and filled at the start and is then constant from then on. The vertex data is constantly all changing.
I have the following types:
struct Vertex {
float3 data;
typedef int32_t indexType;
Then the following draw call
[encoder drawIndexedPrimitives:MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangle indexCount:/*int here*/ indexType:MTLIndexTypeUInt32 indexBuffer:indexBuffer indexBufferOffset:0];
Which goes to the following vertex function
vertex VertexOutTC vertex_fun(constant Vertex * vertexBuffer [[ buffer(0) ]],
indexType vid [[ vertex_id ]],
constant matrix_float3x3* matrix [[buffer(1)]]) {
const float2 coords[] = {float2(-1, -1), float2(-1, 1), float2(1, -1), float2(1, 1)};
CircleVertex vert = vertexBuffer[vid];
VertexOutTC out;
out.position = float4((*matrix * float3(,, 1.0)).xy, ((float)((int)vid/4))/10000.0, 1.0);
out.color = HSVtoRGB(, 1.0, 1.0); = coords[vid % 4];
return out;
I am very confused what exactly I am doing wrong here. The error would seem to suggest I shouldnt use an unsigned type for the offset which I am guessing is the index buffer.
The thing is is ultimately for the index buffer there is only MTLIndexTypeUInt32 and MTLIndexTypeUInt16 both of which are unsigned. Furthermore if I try to use a raw int as the type the shader wont compile. What is going on here?
In Table 5.1 of the Metal Shading Language Specification, they list the "Corresponding Data Type" for vertex_id as ushort or uint. (There are similar tables in that document for all the rest of the types, my examples will use thread_position_in_grid which is the same).
Meanwhile, the hardware prefers signed types for addressing. So if you do
kernel void test(uint position [[thread_position_in_grid]], device float *test) {
test[position] = position;
test[position + 1] = position;
test[position + 2] = position;
we are indexing test by an unsigned integer. Debugging this shader we can see that it involves 23 instructions, and has the "Prevented Device Mode Store" warning:
If we convert to int instead, this uses only 18 instructions:
kernel void test(uint position [[thread_position_in_grid]], device float *test) {
test[(int)position] = position;
test[(int)position + 1] = position;
test[(int)position + 2] = position;
However, not all uint can fit into int, so this optimization only works for half the range of uint. Still, that's many usecases.
What about ushort? Well,
kernel void test(ushort position [[thread_position_in_grid]], device float *test) {
test[position] = position;
test[position + 1] = position;
test[position + 2] = position;
This version is only 17 instructions. We are also "warned" about using unsigned indexing here, even though it is faster than the signed versions above. This suggests to me the warning is not especially well-designed and requires significant interpretation.
kernel void test(ushort position [[thread_position_in_grid]], device float *test) {
short p = position;
test[p] = position;
test[p + 1] = position;
test[p + 2] = position;
This is the signed version of short, and fixes the warning, but is also 17 instructions. So it makes Xcode happier, but I'm not sure it's actually better.
Finally, here's the case I was in. My position ranges above signed short, but below unsigned short. Does it make sense to promote short to int for the indexing?
kernel void test(ushort position [[thread_position_in_grid]], device float *test) {
int p = position;
test[p] = position;
test[p + 1] = position;
test[p + 2] = position;
This is also 17 instructions, and generates the device store warning. I believe the compiler proves ushort fits into int, and ignores the conversion. This "unsigned" arithmetic then produces a warning telling me to use int, even though that's exactly what I did.
In summary, these warnings are a bit naive, and should really be confirmed or refuted through on-device testing.

Deriving uncertainty values from a noise texture?

I'm trying to implement Sketchy Drawings. I'm at the part of the process which calls for the use of the noise texture to derive uncertainty values that will provide an offset into the edge map.
Here is a picture of my edge map for a torus:
And here is the noise texture I've gotten using the Perlin function as suggested:
I have these saved as textures in edgeTexture and noiseTexture respectively.
Now I'm stuck on the section where you have to offset the texture coordinates of the edge map by uncertainty values derived from the noise texture. This image is from the book:
offs = turbulence(s, t);
offt = turbulence(1 - s, 1 - t);
I'm ignoring the 2x2 matrix for the time being. Here is my current fragment shader attempt and the result it produces:
#version 330
out vec4 vFragColor;
uniform sampler2D edgeTexture;
uniform sampler2D noiseTexture;
smooth in vec2 vTexCoords;
float turbulence(float s, float t)
float sum = 0;
float scale = 1;
float s1 = 1;
vec2 coords = vec2(s,t);
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++)
vec4 noise = texture(noiseTexture, 0.25 * s1 * coords);
sum += scale * noise.x;
scale = scale / 2;
s1 = s1 * 2;
return sum;
void main( void )
float off_s = turbulence(vTexCoords.s, vTexCoords.t);
float off_t = turbulence(1 - vTexCoords.s, 1 - vTexCoords.t);
vFragColor = texture(edgeTexture, vTexCoords + vec2(off_s, off_t));
Clearly my addition to the vTexCoords is way off, but I can't see why. I have tried several other turbulence function definitions but none were close to the desired output so I'm thinking my overall approach is flawed somewhere. Any help here is greatly appreciated, and please comment if I haven't been clear. The desired output for a torus would just look like a roughly drawn circle I would imagine.
Your turbulence function will return values in the range (0,1). Firstly you need to change this to get values centered on 0. This should be done inside the loop in the function or you'll end up with a strange distribution. So firstly, I think you should change the line:
vec4 noise = texture(noiseTexture, 0.25 * s1 * coords);
vec4 noise = texture(noiseTexture, 0.25 * s1 * coords) * 2.0 - 1.0;
You then need to scale the offset so that you're not sampling the edge texture too far away from the fragment being drawn. Change:
vFragColor = texture(edgeTexture, vTexCoords + vec2(off_s, off_t));
vFragColor = texture(edgeTexture, vTexCoords + vec2(off_s, off_t) * off_scale);
where off_scale is some small value (perhaps around 0.05) chosen by experimentation.

Gaussian-distributed pseudo-random number generator in GLSL [duplicate]

As the GPU driver vendors don't usually bother to implement noiseX in GLSL, I'm looking for a "graphics randomization swiss army knife" utility function set, preferably optimised to use within GPU shaders. I prefer GLSL, but code any language will do for me, I'm ok with translating it on my own to GLSL.
Specifically, I'd expect:
a) Pseudo-random functions - N-dimensional, uniform distribution over [-1,1] or over [0,1], calculated from M-dimensional seed (ideally being any value, but I'm OK with having the seed restrained to, say, 0..1 for uniform result distribution). Something like:
float random (T seed);
vec2 random2 (T seed);
vec3 random3 (T seed);
vec4 random4 (T seed);
// T being either float, vec2, vec3, vec4 - ideally.
b) Continous noise like Perlin Noise - again, N-dimensional, +- uniform distribution, with constrained set of values and, well, looking good (some options to configure the appearance like Perlin levels could be useful too). I'd expect signatures like:
float noise (T coord, TT seed);
vec2 noise2 (T coord, TT seed);
// ...
I'm not very much into random number generation theory, so I'd most eagerly go for a pre-made solution, but I'd also appreciate answers like "here's a very good, efficient 1D rand(), and let me explain you how to make a good N-dimensional rand() on top of it..." .
For very simple pseudorandom-looking stuff, I use this oneliner that I found on the internet somewhere:
float rand(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);
You can also generate a noise texture using whatever PRNG you like, then upload this in the normal fashion and sample the values in your shader; I can dig up a code sample later if you'd like.
Also, check out this file for GLSL implementations of Perlin and Simplex noise, by Stefan Gustavson.
It occurs to me that you could use a simple integer hash function and insert the result into a float's mantissa. IIRC the GLSL spec guarantees 32-bit unsigned integers and IEEE binary32 float representation so it should be perfectly portable.
I gave this a try just now. The results are very good: it looks exactly like static with every input I tried, no visible patterns at all. In contrast the popular sin/fract snippet has fairly pronounced diagonal lines on my GPU given the same inputs.
One disadvantage is that it requires GLSL v3.30. And although it seems fast enough, I haven't empirically quantified its performance. AMD's Shader Analyzer claims 13.33 pixels per clock for the vec2 version on a HD5870. Contrast with 16 pixels per clock for the sin/fract snippet. So it is certainly a little slower.
Here's my implementation. I left it in various permutations of the idea to make it easier to derive your own functions from.
by Spatial
05 July 2013
#version 330 core
uniform float time;
out vec4 fragment;
// A single iteration of Bob Jenkins' One-At-A-Time hashing algorithm.
uint hash( uint x ) {
x += ( x << 10u );
x ^= ( x >> 6u );
x += ( x << 3u );
x ^= ( x >> 11u );
x += ( x << 15u );
return x;
// Compound versions of the hashing algorithm I whipped together.
uint hash( uvec2 v ) { return hash( v.x ^ hash(v.y) ); }
uint hash( uvec3 v ) { return hash( v.x ^ hash(v.y) ^ hash(v.z) ); }
uint hash( uvec4 v ) { return hash( v.x ^ hash(v.y) ^ hash(v.z) ^ hash(v.w) ); }
// Construct a float with half-open range [0:1] using low 23 bits.
// All zeroes yields 0.0, all ones yields the next smallest representable value below 1.0.
float floatConstruct( uint m ) {
const uint ieeeMantissa = 0x007FFFFFu; // binary32 mantissa bitmask
const uint ieeeOne = 0x3F800000u; // 1.0 in IEEE binary32
m &= ieeeMantissa; // Keep only mantissa bits (fractional part)
m |= ieeeOne; // Add fractional part to 1.0
float f = uintBitsToFloat( m ); // Range [1:2]
return f - 1.0; // Range [0:1]
// Pseudo-random value in half-open range [0:1].
float random( float x ) { return floatConstruct(hash(floatBitsToUint(x))); }
float random( vec2 v ) { return floatConstruct(hash(floatBitsToUint(v))); }
float random( vec3 v ) { return floatConstruct(hash(floatBitsToUint(v))); }
float random( vec4 v ) { return floatConstruct(hash(floatBitsToUint(v))); }
void main()
vec3 inputs = vec3( gl_FragCoord.xy, time ); // Spatial and temporal inputs
float rand = random( inputs ); // Random per-pixel value
vec3 luma = vec3( rand ); // Expand to RGB
fragment = vec4( luma, 1.0 );
I inspected the screenshot in an image editing program. There are 256 colours and the average value is 127, meaning the distribution is uniform and covers the expected range.
Gustavson's implementation uses a 1D texture
No it doesn't, not since 2005. It's just that people insist on downloading the old version. The version that is on the link you supplied uses only 8-bit 2D textures.
The new version by Ian McEwan of Ashima and myself does not use a texture, but runs at around half the speed on typical desktop platforms with lots of texture bandwidth. On mobile platforms, the textureless version might be faster because texturing is often a significant bottleneck.
Our actively maintained source repository is:
A collection of both the textureless and texture-using versions of noise is here (using only 2D textures):
If you have any specific questions, feel free to e-mail me directly (my email address can be found in the classicnoise*.glsl sources.)
Gold Noise
// Gold Noise ©2015
// - based on the Golden Ratio
// - uniform normalized distribution
// - fastest static noise generator function (also runs at low precision)
// - use with indicated fractional seeding method.
float PHI = 1.61803398874989484820459; // Φ = Golden Ratio
float gold_noise(in vec2 xy, in float seed){
return fract(tan(distance(xy*PHI, xy)*seed)*xy.x);
See Gold Noise in your browser right now!
This function has improved random distribution over the current function in #appas' answer as of Sept 9, 2017:
The #appas function is also incomplete, given there is no seed supplied (uv is not a seed - same for every frame), and does not work with low precision chipsets. Gold Noise runs at low precision by default (much faster).
There is also a nice implementation described here by McEwan and #StefanGustavson that looks like Perlin noise, but "does not require any setup, i.e. not textures nor uniform arrays. Just add it to your shader source code and call it wherever you want".
That's very handy, especially given that Gustavson's earlier implementation, which #dep linked to, uses a 1D texture, which is not supported in GLSL ES (the shader language of WebGL).
After the initial posting of this question in 2010, a lot has changed in the realm of good random functions and hardware support for them.
Looking at the accepted answer from today's perspective, this algorithm is very bad in uniformity of the random numbers drawn from it. And the uniformity suffers a lot depending on the magnitude of the input values and visible artifacts/patterns will become apparent when sampling from it for e.g. ray/path tracing applications.
There have been many different functions (most of them integer hashing) being devised for this task, for different input and output dimensionality, most of which are being evaluated in the 2020 JCGT paper Hash Functions for GPU Rendering. Depending on your needs you could select a function from the list of proposed functions in that paper and simply from the accompanying Shadertoy.
One that isn't covered in this paper but that has served me very well without any noticeably patterns on any input magnitude values is also one that I want to highlight.
Other classes of algorithms use low-discrepancy sequences to draw pseudo-random numbers from, such as the Sobol squence with Owen-Nayar scrambling. Eric Heitz has done some amazing research in this area, as well with his A Low-Discrepancy Sampler that Distributes Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue Noise in Screen Space paper.
Another example of this is the (so far latest) JCGT paper Practical Hash-based Owen Scrambling, which applies Owen scrambling to a different hash function (namely Laine-Karras).
Yet other classes use algorithms that produce noise patterns with desirable frequency spectrums, such as blue noise, that is particularly "pleasing" to the eyes.
(I realize that good StackOverflow answers should provide the algorithms as source code and not as links because those can break, but there are way too many different algorithms nowadays and I intend for this answer to be a summary of known-good algorithms today)
Do use this:
highp float rand(vec2 co)
highp float a = 12.9898;
highp float b = 78.233;
highp float c = 43758.5453;
highp float dt= dot(co.xy ,vec2(a,b));
highp float sn= mod(dt,3.14);
return fract(sin(sn) * c);
Don't use this:
float rand(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
You can find the explanation in Improvements to the canonical one-liner GLSL rand() for OpenGL ES 2.0
Nowadays webGL2.0 is there so integers are available in (w)GLSL.
-> for quality portable hash (at similar cost than ugly float hashes) we can now use "serious" hashing techniques.
IQ implemented some in (and more)
const uint k = 1103515245U; // GLIB C
//const uint k = 134775813U; // Delphi and Turbo Pascal
//const uint k = 20170906U; // Today's date (use three days ago's dateif you want a prime)
//const uint k = 1664525U; // Numerical Recipes
vec3 hash( uvec3 x )
x = ((x>>8U)^x.yzx)*k;
x = ((x>>8U)^x.yzx)*k;
x = ((x>>8U)^x.yzx)*k;
return vec3(x)*(1.0/float(0xffffffffU));
Just found this version of 3d noise for GPU, alledgedly it is the fastest one available:
#ifndef __noise_hlsl_
#define __noise_hlsl_
// hash based 3d value noise
// function taken from
// Created by inigo quilez - iq/2013
// License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
// ported from GLSL to HLSL
float hash( float n )
return frac(sin(n)*43758.5453);
float noise( float3 x )
// The noise function returns a value in the range -1.0f -> 1.0f
float3 p = floor(x);
float3 f = frac(x);
f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
float n = p.x + p.y*57.0 + 113.0*p.z;
return lerp(lerp(lerp( hash(n+0.0), hash(n+1.0),f.x),
lerp( hash(n+57.0), hash(n+58.0),f.x),f.y),
lerp(lerp( hash(n+113.0), hash(n+114.0),f.x),
lerp( hash(n+170.0), hash(n+171.0),f.x),f.y),f.z);
A straight, jagged version of 1d Perlin, essentially a random lfo zigzag.
half rn(float xx){
half x0=floor(xx);
half x1=x0+1;
half v0 = frac(sin (x0*.014686)*31718.927+x0);
half v1 = frac(sin (x1*.014686)*31718.927+x1);
return (v0*(1-frac(xx))+v1*(frac(xx)))*2-1*sin(xx);
I also have found 1-2-3-4d perlin noise on shadertoy owner inigo quilez perlin tutorial website, and voronoi and so forth, he has full fast implementations and codes for them.
I have translated one of Ken Perlin's Java implementations into GLSL and used it in a couple projects on ShaderToy.
Below is the GLSL interpretation I did:
int b(int N, int B) { return N>>B & 1; }
int T[] = int[](0x15,0x38,0x32,0x2c,0x0d,0x13,0x07,0x2a);
int A[] = int[](0,0,0);
int b(int i, int j, int k, int B) { return T[b(i,B)<<2 | b(j,B)<<1 | b(k,B)]; }
int shuffle(int i, int j, int k) {
return b(i,j,k,0) + b(j,k,i,1) + b(k,i,j,2) + b(i,j,k,3) +
b(j,k,i,4) + b(k,i,j,5) + b(i,j,k,6) + b(j,k,i,7) ;
float K(int a, vec3 uvw, vec3 ijk)
float s = float(A[0]+A[1]+A[2])/6.0;
float x = uvw.x - float(A[0]) + s,
y = uvw.y - float(A[1]) + s,
z = uvw.z - float(A[2]) + s,
t = 0.6 - x * x - y * y - z * z;
int h = shuffle(int(ijk.x) + A[0], int(ijk.y) + A[1], int(ijk.z) + A[2]);
if (t < 0.0)
return 0.0;
int b5 = h>>5 & 1, b4 = h>>4 & 1, b3 = h>>3 & 1, b2= h>>2 & 1, b = h & 3;
float p = b==1?x:b==2?y:z, q = b==1?y:b==2?z:x, r = b==1?z:b==2?x:y;
p = (b5==b3 ? -p : p); q = (b5==b4 ? -q : q); r = (b5!=(b4^b3) ? -r : r);
t *= t;
return 8.0 * t * t * (p + (b==0 ? q+r : b2==0 ? q : r));
float noise(float x, float y, float z)
float s = (x + y + z) / 3.0;
vec3 ijk = vec3(int(floor(x+s)), int(floor(y+s)), int(floor(z+s)));
s = float(ijk.x + ijk.y + ijk.z) / 6.0;
vec3 uvw = vec3(x - float(ijk.x) + s, y - float(ijk.y) + s, z - float(ijk.z) + s);
A[0] = A[1] = A[2] = 0;
int hi = uvw.x >= uvw.z ? uvw.x >= uvw.y ? 0 : 1 : uvw.y >= uvw.z ? 1 : 2;
int lo = uvw.x < uvw.z ? uvw.x < uvw.y ? 0 : 1 : uvw.y < uvw.z ? 1 : 2;
return K(hi, uvw, ijk) + K(3 - hi - lo, uvw, ijk) + K(lo, uvw, ijk) + K(0, uvw, ijk);
I translated it from Appendix B from Chapter 2 of Ken Perlin's Noise Hardware at this source:
Here is a public shade I did on Shader Toy that uses the posted noise function:
Some other good sources I found on the subject of noise during my research include:
I highly recommend the book of shaders as it not only provides a great interactive explanation of noise, but other shader concepts as well.
Might be able to optimize the translated code by using some of the hardware-accelerated functions available in GLSL. Will update this post if I end up doing this.
lygia, a multi-language shader library
If you don't want to copy / paste the functions into your shader, you can also use lygia, a multi-language shader library. It contains a few generative functions like cnoise, fbm, noised, pnoise, random, snoise in both GLSL and HLSL. And many other awesome functions as well. For this to work it:
Relays on #include "file" which is defined by Khronos GLSL standard and suported by most engines and enviroments (like glslViewer, glsl-canvas VS Code pluging, Unity, etc. ).
Example: cnoise
Using cnoise.glsl with #include:
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform float u_time;
#include "lygia/generative/cnoise.glsl"
void main (void) {
vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_resolution.xy;
vec3 color = vec3(cnoise(vec3(st * 5.0, u_time)));
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
To run this example I used glslViewer.
Please see below an example how to add white noise to the rendered texture.
The solution is to use two textures: original and pure white noise, like this one: wiki white noise
private static final String VERTEX_SHADER =
"uniform mat4 uMVPMatrix;\n" +
"uniform mat4 uMVMatrix;\n" +
"uniform mat4 uSTMatrix;\n" +
"attribute vec4 aPosition;\n" +
"attribute vec4 aTextureCoord;\n" +
"varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n" +
"varying vec4 vInCamPosition;\n" +
"void main() {\n" +
" vTextureCoord = (uSTMatrix * aTextureCoord).xy;\n" +
" gl_Position = uMVPMatrix * aPosition;\n" +
private static final String FRAGMENT_SHADER =
"precision mediump float;\n" +
"uniform sampler2D sTextureUnit;\n" +
"uniform sampler2D sNoiseTextureUnit;\n" +
"uniform float uNoseFactor;\n" +
"varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n" +
"varying vec4 vInCamPosition;\n" +
"void main() {\n" +
" gl_FragColor = texture2D(sTextureUnit, vTextureCoord);\n" +
" vec4 vRandChosenColor = texture2D(sNoiseTextureUnit, fract(vTextureCoord + uNoseFactor));\n" +
" gl_FragColor.r += (0.05 * vRandChosenColor.r);\n" +
" gl_FragColor.g += (0.05 * vRandChosenColor.g);\n" +
" gl_FragColor.b += (0.05 * vRandChosenColor.b);\n" +
The fragment shared contains parameter uNoiseFactor which is updated on every rendering by main application:
float noiseValue = (float)(mRand.nextInt() % 1000)/1000;
int noiseFactorUniformHandle = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation( mProgram, "sNoiseTextureUnit");
GLES20.glUniform1f(noiseFactorUniformHandle, noiseFactor);
FWIW I had the same questions and I needed it to be implemented in WebGL 1.0, so I couldn't use a few of the examples given in previous answers. I tried the Gold Noise mentioned before, but the use of PHI doesn't really click for me. (distance(xy * PHI, xy) * seed just equals length(xy) * (1.0 - PHI) * seed so I don't see how the magic of PHI should be put to work when it gets directly multiplied by seed?
Anyway, I did something similar just without PHI and instead added some variation at another place, basically I take the tan of the distance between xy and some random point lying outside of the frame to the top right and then multiply with the distance between xy and another such random point lying in the bottom left (so there is no accidental match between these points). Looks pretty decent as far as I can see. Click to generate new frames.
(function main() {
const dim = [512, 512];
twgl.setDefaults({ attribPrefix: "a_" });
const gl = twgl.getContext(document.querySelector("canvas"));
gl.canvas.width = dim[0];
gl.canvas.height = dim[1];
const bfi = twgl.primitives.createXYQuadBufferInfo(gl);
const pgi = twgl.createProgramInfo(gl, ["vs", "fs"]);
gl.canvas.onclick = (() => {
twgl.bindFramebufferInfo(gl, null);
twgl.setUniforms(pgi, {
u_resolution: dim,
u_seed: Array(4).fill().map(Math.random)
twgl.setBuffersAndAttributes(gl, pgi, bfi);
twgl.drawBufferInfo(gl, bfi);
<script src=""></script>
<script id="vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
attribute vec4 a_position;
attribute vec2 a_texcoord;
void main() {
gl_Position = a_position;
<script id="fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
precision highp float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_seed[2];
void main() {
float uni = fract(
u_resolution * (u_seed[0] + 1.0)
)) * distance(
u_resolution * (u_seed[1] - 2.0)
gl_FragColor = vec4(uni, uni, uni, 1.0);

how to implement grayscale rendering in OpenGL?

When rendering a scene of textured polygons, I'd like to be able to switch between rendering in the original colors and a "grayscale" mode. I've been trying to achieve this using blending and color matrix operations; none of it worked (with blending I couldn't find a glBlendFunc() that achieved something remotely resembling to what I wanted, and color matrix operations ...are discussed here).
A solution that comes to mind (but also is rather expensive) is to capture the screen every frame and convert the resulting texture to a grayscale one and display that instead... (Where I said grayscale I actually meant anything with a low saturation, but I'm guessing for most of the possible solutions it won't differ all that much from grayscale).
What other options do I have?
The default OpenGL framebuffer uses the RGB colour-space, which doesn't store an explicit saturation. You need an approach for extracting the saturation, modifying it, and change it back again.
My previous suggestion which simply used the RGB vector length to represent 0 in luminance was incorrect, as it didn't take scaling into account, I apologize.
Credit for the new short snippet goes to the regular user "RTFM_FTW" from ##opengl and ##opengl3 on FreeNode/IRC, and it lets you modify the saturation directly without computing the costly RGB->HSV->RGB conversion, which is exactly what you want. Though the HSV code is inferior with respect to your question, I let it stay.
void main( void )
vec3 R0 = texture2DRect( S, gl_TexCoord[0].st ).rgb;
gl_FragColor = vec4( mix( vec3( dot( R0, vec3( 0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721 ) ) ),
R0, T ), gl_Color.a );
If you want more control than just the saturation, you need to convert to HSL or HSV colour-space. As shown below by using a GLSL fragment shader.
Read the OpenGL 3.0 and GLSL 1.30 specification available on to learn how to use GLSL v1.30 functionality.
#version 130
#define RED 0
#define GREEN 1
#define BLUE 2
in vec4 vertexIn;
in vec4 colorIn;
in vec2 tcoordIn;
out vec4 pixel;
Sampler2D tex;
vec4 texel;
const float epsilon = 1e-6;
vec3 RGBtoHSV(vec3 color)
/* hue, saturation and value are all in the range [0,1> here, as opposed to their
normal ranges of: hue: [0,360>, sat: [0, 100] and value: [0, 256> */
int sortindex[3] = {RED,GREEN,BLUE};
float rgbArr[3] = float[3](color.r, color.g, color.b);
float hue, saturation, value, diff;
float minCol, maxCol;
int minIndex, maxIndex;
if(color.g < color.r)
swap(sortindex[0], sortindex[1]);
if(color.b < color.g)
swap(sortindex[1], sortindex[2]);
if(color.r < color.b)
swap(sortindex[2], sortindex[0]);
minIndex = sortindex[0];
maxIndex = sortindex[2];
minCol = rgbArr[minIndex];
maxCol = rgbArr[maxIndex];
diff = maxCol - minCol;
/* Hue */
if( diff < epsilon){
hue = 0.0;
else if(maxIndex == RED){
hue = ((1.0/6.0) * ( (color.g - color.b) / diff )) + 1.0;
hue = fract(hue);
else if(maxIndex == GREEN){
hue = ((1.0/6.0) * ( (color.b - color.r) / diff )) + (1.0/3.0);
else if(maxIndex == BLUE){
hue = ((1.0/6.0) * ( (color.r - color.g) / diff )) + (2.0/3.0);
/* Saturation */
if(maxCol < epsilon)
saturation = 0;
saturation = (maxCol - minCol) / maxCol;
/* Value */
value = maxCol;
return vec3(hue, saturation, value);
vec3 HSVtoRGB(vec3 color)
float f,p,q,t, hueRound;
int hueIndex;
float hue, saturation, value;
vec3 result;
/* just for clarity */
hue = color.r;
saturation = color.g;
value = color.b;
hueRound = floor(hue * 6.0);
hueIndex = int(hueRound) % 6;
f = (hue * 6.0) - hueRound;
p = value * (1.0 - saturation);
q = value * (1.0 - f*saturation);
t = value * (1.0 - (1.0 - f)*saturation);
case 0:
result = vec3(value,t,p);
case 1:
result = vec3(q,value,p);
case 2:
result = vec3(p,value,t);
case 3:
result = vec3(p,q,value);
case 4:
result = vec3(t,p,value);
result = vec3(value,p,q);
return result;
void main(void)
vec4 srcColor;
vec3 hsvColor;
vec3 rgbColor;
texel = Texture2D(tex, tcoordIn);
srcColor = texel*colorIn;
hsvColor = RGBtoHSV(srcColor.rgb);
/* You can do further changes here, if you want. */
hsvColor.g = 0; /* Set saturation to zero */
rgbColor = HSVtoRGB(hsvColor);
pixel = vec4(rgbColor.r, rgbColor.g, rgbColor.b, srcColor.a);
If you're working against a modern-enough OpenGL, I would say pixel shaders is a very suitable solution here. Either by hooking into each polygon's shading as they render, or by doing a single full-screen quad in a second pass that just reads each pixel, converts to grayscale, and writes it back. Unless your resolution, graphics hardware, and target framerate are somehow "extrem", that should be doable these days in most cases.
For most Desktops Render-To-Texture isn't that expensive anymore, all of compiz, aero, etc and effects like bloom or depth of field seen in recent titles depend on it.
Actually you don't convert the screen texture per se to grayscale, you would want to draw a scree-sized quad with the texture and a fragment shader transforming the valures to grayscale.
Another option is to have two sets of fragment shaders for your triangles, one just copying the gl_FrontColor attribute as the fixed function pieline would, and another that writes grayscale values to the screen buffer.
A third option might be indexed color modes, if you set uüp a grayscale palette, but that mode might be deprecated and poorly supported by now; plus you lose a lot of functionality like blending, if I remember correctly.