Why is `eas` ignoring my `package.json` when building my project? Specifically, the `bundleIdentifier` is not being found - expo

When running eas build --platform ios from Expo, I get the following error your project must have a bundleidentifier set in the expo config (app.json or app.config.js)., but I do have a bundleIdentifier set in app.json, under expo.ios.bundleIdentifier.

This guide was helpful in debugging.
In my case, it turned out my app.json file was in my .gitignore (because it's code genned from other files in my project so I don't want it committed), and eas doesn't upload files that are .gitignored.
I therefore solved it by introducing a .easignore in the root of my directory that did not exclude app.json.


New AWS Amplify withAuthenticator error related to maplibre-gl-js-amplify

NPM recommended I upgrade aws-amplify to the latest version yesterday, which I did. I then started a new React project in a dev environment (using "npm start"). The package.json file indicates these dependency versions:
"dependencies": {
"#aws-amplify/ui-react": "^2.15.1",
"aws-amplify": "^4.3.18",
"maplibre-gl-js-amplify": "^1.4.1",
... (other irrelevant dependencies removed for this example)
Upon calling the line below:
import { withAuthenticator } from '#aws-amplify/ui-react';
I get 12 similar errors of the same issue. Here is one such error:
WARNING in ./node_modules/#aws-amplify/ui-react/node_modules/maplibre-gl-js-amplify/lib/esm/AmplifyMapLibreGeocoder.js
Module Warning (from ./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Failed to parse source map from 'C:\projects\amplify-project\node_modules\#aws-amplify\ui-react\node_modules\maplibre-gl-js-amplify\src\AmplifyMapLibreGeocoder.ts' file: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\projects\amplify-project\node_modules\#aws-amplify\ui-react\node_modules\maplibre-gl-js-amplify\src\AmplifyMapLibreGeocoder.ts'
# ./node_modules/#aws-amplify/ui-react/node_modules/maplibre-gl-js-amplify/lib/esm/index.js 3:0-86 6:0-134 6:0-134
# ./node_modules/#aws-amplify/ui-react/dist/esm/components/Geo/MapView/index.js 5:0-69 35:16-17
# ./node_modules/#aws-amplify/ui-react/dist/esm/index.js 13:0-60 13:0-60
# ./src/App.js 9:0-58
# ./src/index.js 8:0-24 16:33-36
maplibre-gl-js-amplify is a dependency, though not one I am even using.
I notice in the error that it's referencing the "C:\projects\amplify-project\node_modules#aws-amplify\ui-react\node_modules\maplibre-gl-js-amplify\src" directory.
However, when I navigate to "C:\projects\amplify-project\node_modules#aws-amplify\ui-react\node_modules\maplibre-gl-js-amplify", there IS no src directory!
The "C:\projects\amplify-project\node_modules#aws-amplify\ui-react\node_modules\maplibre-gl-js-amplify" directory only has dist and lib directories.
When researching, I looked at the github repo and see there is a src directory but no dist or lib directories, with different files in the file structure:
I don't know if the recent changes to aws-amplify caused this new issue or not but bottom line is, it appears that Amplify is calling resources in the src directory erroneously, or is referencing the development version of this repo and not the distribution version.
Any ideas on why this is happening and how to fix?

Error CS0579 Duplicate 'global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute'

When I build my application I get the following error
Error CS0579 Duplicate 'global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute' attribute MyUIApp
D:\MyUIApp\obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1.AssemblyAttributes.cs 4 Active
The following code is autogenerated in the obj/Debug/netcoreapp3.1 folder
using System;
using System.Reflection;
[assembly: global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute(".NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1", FrameworkDisplayName = "")]
I have a project file starting with
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop">
<SolutionDir Condition="$(SolutionDir) == '' Or $(SolutionDir) == '*Undefined*'">..\</SolutionDir>
I can work around the issue by commenting out the contents of the file, but not by deleting the file.
I was also getting this error in VS Code and the following fixed it.
I have a project/solution with three projects within in.
I added the following line to each of the *.csproj files within the <PropertyGroup> section:
Full example
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
After doing the above you might need to clean /bin and /obj folders for each project.
This article pointed me in the right direction though nothing online that I found mentioned the attribute above. I just guessed and it worked!
Add the following two lines to the <PropertyGroup>. This fixed it for me.
The problem was about my folder structure : the test project was in the main project folder. Passing each side by side in the same repo solved the problem
Taken from Github issue : https://github.com/dotnet/core/issues/4837
So i did encounter the same on a .NET 4.7 based solution, spent hours, only to find out a colleague of mine did include the obj and bin folders in the project!
excluding them fixed the issue and that error went away.
hope this save someone a couple of hours.
I fixed this by deleting the obj and bin folders in each project directory. I then cleaned the solution and rebuilt. The rebuild succeeded.
You just need to exclude the obj folder from the project/solution.
I was facing the same issue in my asp.net core 3.1 application right after I add the xUnit project to the solution. Ultimately, the main issue was because of that I selected the check box Place solution and project in the same directory as shown in the preceding image.
This should work in normal cases, and you will just consider this root directory as the Git repository (the .sln file and the .csproj will be in the same folder). But you will not be able to add a new project to this directory as you will get the error "Error CS0579 Duplicate 'global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute'". So, to fix this error, we just have to follow the preceding steps.
Create a folder with the same name in the .sln file
Move all the project-related files to that directory
Open your .sln file with any code editor
Edit the Project references.
Make sure that your .sln file is in the root directory
This is how your project file references may look like now.
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "WebApplication2", "WebApplication2\WebApplication2.csproj", "{027937D8-D0E6-45A4-8846-C2E28DA102E6}"
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "WebApplication2.Tests", "WebApplication2.Tests\WebApplication2.Tests.csproj", "{AD4C6C31-F617-4E76-985A-32B0E3104004}"
That's it. Just reload your solution and happy coding!.
Try to delete obj folder from Project, delete it from SolutionExplorer instead of WindowExplorer.
I encountered that issue, what I did is I deleted the .NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1.AssemblyAttributes.cs and then I ran VSCode as an administrator.
I had this when my folder structure got messed up. I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and switched branches that has different folder structure. Some folders got added up in the file explorer and didn't get deleted even if I switched branches. All I did was to delete those folders that weren't part of my current branch and it worked.
I am having the same problem. As far as I can tell, the flag should prevent the auto-generation of assembly info. However, I can see this file in my obj directory:
It only contains the target version attribute. Maybe there is some other way of suppressing this attribute?
It seems like this might be a regression in .NET core 3.1.300. I was building with .NET core 3.1.200 and I didn't see this issue until I upgraded.
I experienced this on a build pipeline in Azure Devops. I was using a local agent to run the pipeline on (my own machine). It appears that there was code in the working directory that was causing this conflict, and by default, the agent doesn't clean the working directory before starting the pipeline process.
The fix was to delete the contents of the working directory on the agent. I did this by selecting the option to clean the working directory:
I had this kind of Errors in my Blazor Server project when I tried to add .NET Standard Class Library project in Visual Studio 2019.
To fix this i tried following ways.
.csproj file Before
.csproj file After
In my case the culprit was my test project so I had to go to my test folder > obj > Debug/net6.0 > .NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs
and then commented this line
[assembly:global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute(".NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0", FrameworkDisplayName = "")]
This error can also happen if you accidentally copied an project file into another projects folder.
in my case (.NET 6.0);
I just exclude the Properties folder from the project/solution.
From the many different kind of answers, it's clear that there could be different reasons for the same issue. In my case the solution definition file was the cause. I decided to delete and create a clean solution file.
Delete the .sln file
Create a blank .sln file, in the root of your project/solution:
dotnet new sln
For every C# project file in your solution, add it with the following command, for example:
dotnet add MyApplication.csproj
and for example:
dotnet add CustomPackages/MyLibrary.csproj
Then to make sure all previous build artefacts are cleaned up
dotnet clean
Encountered this issue when working with AWS Lambda. Turns out I was switching branches, and some auto-generated folders did not get cleared after switching to new branch, and dotnet was picking them up for some reason. The easiest solution is to delete all local project folders, and check out clean version of the code again.
I commented out the offending attribute
// obj/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1.AssemblyAttributes.cs
using System;
using System.Reflection;
//[assembly: global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute(".NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1", FrameworkDisplayName = "")]
DELETE [assembly: global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute(".NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0", FrameworkDisplayName = "")]
I was able to solve this issue by getting a new clone of the project.

Can't download json schema using gradlew command

I can't figure out how to use the gradlew command to convert my GraphQL schema into a JSON file as it is specified in the documentation.
I opened CMD in my project folder, ran the gradlew command once, and it gave me this error:
Project 'module' not found in root project gradlew
I created a module inside my project with the name "module" and now it's throwing the following error:
Task 'downloadApolloSchema' not found in project ':module'.
I've already added all the dependencies to the latest version (2.0.0 as of the time of posting) so I'm clueless as to why this is happening. I've already searched the web and found nothing about this...
This is the command I'm trying to issue in the CMD:
C:\Users\myuser\AndroidStudioProjects\GraphQLApp\app>..\gradlew :module:downloadApolloSchema -Pcom.apollographql.apollo.endpoint=https://graphql-udemy-android.herokuapp.com/graphql -Pcom.apollographql.apollo.schema=src/main/graphql/com/example/schema.json
I have to go up one directory (..\) since the gradlew command is in the above my app folder.
I'm on Windows, and my Gradle version is 6.4.
You just change ./gradlew to .\gradlew
Open the root terminal
Paste the code below and ENTER!
.\gradlew downloadApolloSchema --endpoint=https://Your Endpoint/graphql --schema=app/src/main/graphql/com/example/Your Path/schema.json
Have a good days!
Sorry about that, the module part was mostly a placeholder for the gradle module where you apply the com.apollographql.apollo plugin. You can ignore it and gradle will find the appropriate task:
./gradlew downloadApolloSchema
This has been updated in the project README as well.
For windows i used
.\gradlew downloadApolloSchema --endpoint="https://rickandmortyapi.com/graphql" --schema=app/src/main/graphql/GetRepositories.json
NOTICE I used:
.\ instead of ./

Error while building WSO2 Microgateway project on Windows 10

I’ve been trying to explore WSO2 Microgateway and set up a Microgateway project. Building the project in Windows 10 with the command “micro-gw build project-name” is giving this error: “Could not find or load main class org.wso2.apimgt.gateway.cli.cmd.Main”.
I’ve downloaded the Toolkit and Runtime from https://wso2.com/api-management/api-microgateway/. I've set the Path environment variable to the /bin directory of the Toolkit and Runtime extracted folders, but still the “micro-gw build project-name” command is giving error “Could not find or load main class org.wso2.apimgt.gateway.cli.cmd.Main”. I’ve also cloned the source code from Github (https://github.com/wso2/product-microgateway/) which has the Main.java class and tried setting environment variables to its path.
I also tried setting the environment variables to the path where Toolkit batch file is present. I also followed the steps mentioned here, https://github.com/wso2/product-microgateway/#running-the-microgateway.
I'm assuming the Toolkit batch file (micro-gw) would execute the Main.java class coming up in the error.
These steps did not resolve the error. I'm new to Java based product, and I'm sure I'm missing something here.
Problem is with the init command not the build command. Init command is suppose to setup the TOOLKIT after the first use. It should extract the platform.zip file and copy all of the required resources to relevant places for you.
I hope you get the Project ___ successfully initialized message after running the init command. Just check $TOOLKIT_HOME/logs/ directory to see if there are any information on the log file.
If the log file also doesn't help, as a workaround, copy all the .jar files inside $TOOLKIT_HOME/lib/gateway/platform and $TOOLKIT_HOME/lib/gateway/cli to $TOOLKIT_HOME/lib/platform/bre/lib and try again, that should work.
Also please report this issue at https://github.com/wso2/product-microgateway/issues

Error while executing django sphinx

I have installed django sphinx for my project.After successful installation and sphinx quickstart operation, i tried for creating html inside the "build" folder using the command "make html" and it gives me the error
"make: * No rule to make target `html'. Stop.".
Any help..Thanks in advance.
In for sphinx-doc (i have never used django-sphinx) it would never work to run make html inside the build folder. You need to go one folder level up so that the folders build and source ar visible. Most likely you will see the Makefile file here as well.
Try to change directories and run make html again.