Google Sheets QUERY with WHERE on multiple columns at the same time - if-statement

Following this post Google Sheets QUERY with WHERE on multiple columns I build up my formula to select specific values from more columns but when I had a condition data start to be confused and not equal to what I selected. I started from this query which works perfectly on one column for each IF:
=QUERY(Concerti!A1:AL; "SELECT * WHERE 1=1" &IF(A2="TUTTI";"";" AND E = '"&A2&"' ") &IF(E2="TUTTI";"";" AND H = '"&E2&"' ") &IF(F2="TUTTI";"";" AND B = "&F2&" "); 1)
Then I wrote this query to select (and filter) the content in A4, E4 and F4 but it doesn't work correctly i.e. it keeps some data which doesn't exactly match with the values on A4, E4 and F4.
=QUERY(Concerti!A1:AL; "SELECT * WHERE 1=1" &IF(A2="TUTTI";"";" AND E = '"&A2&"' ") &IF(E2="TUTTI";"";" AND H = '"&E2&"' ") &IF(F2="TUTTI";"";" AND B = "&F2&" ") &IF(A4="TUTTI";"";" AND I = ('"&A$4&"') OR (K='"&A$4&"' OR M='"&A$4&"' OR O='"&A$4&"' OR Q='"&A$4&"' OR S='"&A$4&"') ") &IF(E4="TUTTI";"";" AND J = ('"&E$4&"') OR (L='"&E$4&"' OR N='"&E$4&"' OR P='"&E$4&"' OR R='"&E$4&"' OR T='"&E$4&"') ") &IF(F4="TUTTI";"";" AND Y = ('"&F$4&"') OR (AA='"&F$4&"' OR AC='"&F$4&"' OR AE='"&F$4&"' OR AG='"&F$4&"' OR AI='"&E$4&"') "); 1)
Where is my mistake? Thank you so much in advance!!! I post a screenshot of the project:
[![Filtering mask](](

=QUERY(Concerti!A1:AL; "where 1=1"&
IF(A2="TUTTI";;" and E = '"&A2&"'")&
IF(E2="TUTTI";;" and H = '"&E2&"'")&
IF(F2="TUTTI";;" and B = "&F2&" ")&
IF(A4="TUTTI";;" and (I = '"&A$4&"'
or K = '"&A$4&"'
or M = '"&A$4&"'
or O = '"&A$4&"'
or Q = '"&A$4&"'
or S = '"&A$4&"')")&
IF(E4="TUTTI";;" and (J = '"&E$4&"'
or L = '"&E$4&"'
or N = '"&E$4&"'
or P = '"&E$4&"'
or R = '"&E$4&"'
or T = '"&E$4&"')")&
IF(F4="TUTTI";;" and (Y = '"&F$4&"'
or AA= '"&F$4&"'
or AC= '"&F$4&"'
or AE= '"&F$4&"'
or AG= '"&F$4&"'
or AI= '"&E$4&"')"); 1)


How do I optimize ORM queries for faster results?

I have 80k+ Entries in table Calendar. When I run either of the following 2 methods, the filter or get is taking too long to execute and due to which server is getting crashed after sometime and no new entries are getting added. I want to know if there are any more methods from which I can solve this issue.
Method 1:
date_list = []
d1 = date(2022, 5, 1)
d2 = date(2022, 6, 30)
delta = d2 - d1
for i in range(delta.days + 1):
date_list.append(d1 + timedelta(days=i))
profiles = Profile.objects.all()
for j in date_list:
for i in profiles:
Calendar.objects.get(date=j,emp_id = i.emp_id)
except Calendar.DoesNotExist:
e = Calander() = i.emp_process = j
e.emp_name = i.emp_name
e.emp_id = i.emp_id
e.emp_desi = i.emp_desi
e.att_actual = "Unmarked"
Method 2:
date_list = []
d1 = date(2022, 5, 1)
d2 = date(2022, 6, 30)
delta = d2 - d1
for i in range(delta.days + 1):
date_list.append(d1 + timedelta(days=i))
profiles = Profile.objects.all()
for j in date_list:
for i in profiles:
cal = Calander.objects.filter(date=j,emp_id = i.emp_id).count()
if cal < 1:
e = Calander() = i.emp_process = j
e.emp_name = i.emp_name
e.emp_id = i.emp_id
e.emp_desi = i.emp_desi
e.att_actual = "Unmarked"
Try this:
date_list = []
d1 = date(2022, 5, 1)
d2 = date(2022, 6, 30)
delta = d2 - d1
for i in range(delta.days + 1):
date_list.append(d1 + timedelta(days=i))
for j in date_list:
profiles = Profile.objects.exclude(emp_id__in=Calendar.objects.filter(date=j).values('emp_id'))
calendars = []
for i in profiles:
e = Calendar() = i.emp_process = j
e.emp_name = i.emp_name
e.emp_id = i.emp_id
e.emp_desi = i.emp_desi
e.att_actual = "Unmarked"

Getting the connected components in networkx in the order of which edges are added

Each sentence in doc2 is displayed as a graph. Now the edges were added in the form s-o-v from the respective subject_list, object_list and verb_list.
I have tried to display the connected components. But the order in which it displays the sentence is not in the order in which the edges were added.
# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
%matplotlib notebook
import codecs
import itertools
import re
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
prop = FontProperties()
graph = nx.Graph()
labels = {}
each_one = []
list_of_sentences = []
subject_list = []
object_list = []
verb_list = []
newDict = {}
with'doc2.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
text =
sentences = re.split(r' *[\.\?!][\'"\)\]]* *', text)
for stuff in sentences:
new_list_of_sentences = []
for d in list_of_sentences:
s = d.replace(u'वतीन', '').replace(u'आनी', '').replace(u'हिणें', '').replace(',', '')
f = open('doc2_tag.txt', 'r')
for line in f:
k, v = line.strip().split('/')
newDict[k.strip().decode('utf-8')] = v.strip()
for sentence in new_list_of_sentences:
a = b = c = ""
sentence_word_list = sentence.split()
for word in sentence_word_list:
if newDict[word] == 'N-NNP':
a += word + " "
if newDict[word] == 'N-NN':
b += word + " "
if newDict[word] == 'JJ':
b += word + " "
if newDict[word] == 'QT-QTC':
b += word + " "
if newDict[word] == 'RB':
b += word + " "
if newDict[word] == 'N-NST':
b += word + " "
if newDict[word] == 'PR-PRP':
b += word + " "
if newDict[word] == 'PSP':
b += word + " "
if newDict[word] == 'CC-CCD':
b += word + " "
if newDict[word] == 'V-VM-VF':
c += word + " "
konkani_dict = {u'सनरायझर्साक': u'सनरायझर्स', u'सनरायझर्सान': u'सनरायझर्स', u'सनरायझर्साच्या': u'सनरायझर्स'}
for idx, sub in enumerate(subject_list):
temp_list = sub.split(" ")
for i in temp_list:
if i in konkani_dict:
new_sub = sub.replace(i, konkani_dict[i])
subject_list[idx] = new_sub
for s in subject_list:
if s is not "":
labels[s] = s
for o in object_list:
if o is not "":
labels[b] = b
for v in verb_list:
if v is not "":
labels[v] = v
for (s, o, v) in zip(subject_list, object_list, verb_list):
if s and o is not "":
graph.add_edge(s, o)
if o and v is not "":
graph.add_edge(o, v)
nx.draw(graph, with_labels = True, font_family = "Nirmala UI", node_size = 40, font_size = 9 ,node_color = "darkblue")
for component in nx.connected_components(graph):
lambda x: x[0] in component and x[1] in component,
p= ''.join(item for tuple_ in g for item in tuple_)
print p
print sentences
for i in sentences:
inputWords = i.split(" ")
output = ' '.join(inputWords)
print output
Expected output is spmething like this:
शिखर धवनान सगळ्यांत चड ४५ धांवड्यो केल्यो ,
सनरायझर्स दीपर हुडा जैतांत पर्जळ्ळो
This is the output I get: sentences displayed
networkx doesn't store the order of created nodes/edges because this information is mostly useless. If you want to have this information, you should add it manually. In your program, for example (for edges):
edge_index = 0
for (s, o, v) in zip(subject_list, object_list, verb_list):
if s and o is not "":
graph.add_edge(s, o, index=edge_index)
edge_index += 1
if o and v is not "":
graph.add_edge(o, v, index=edge_index)
edge_index += 1
Then you should print sorted edges:
sorted( # Sorted list of edges
list('index')), # With 'index' data
key=lambda x: x[2] # Sorted by 'index' data

Matlab Codegen: Does not support anonymous functions

I am attempting to change some Matlab code into C++ however when I use %#codegen the error "Code generation does not support anonymous functions" appears next to vec = #(x) x(:); . Below is the Matlab function. What can I change to remove this error?
function [L,num,sz] = label(I,n) %#codegen
% Check input arguments
if nargin==1, n=8; end
assert(ndims(I)==2,'The input I must be a 2-D array')
sizI = size(I);
id = reshape(1:prod(sizI),sizI);
sz = ones(sizI);
% Indexes of the adjacent pixels
vec = #(x) x(:);
if n==4 % 4-connected neighborhood
idx1 = [vec(id(:,1:end-1)); vec(id(1:end-1,:))];
idx2 = [vec(id(:,2:end)); vec(id(2:end,:))];
elseif n==8 % 8-connected neighborhood
idx1 = [vec(id(:,1:end-1)); vec(id(1:end-1,:))];
idx2 = [vec(id(:,2:end)); vec(id(2:end,:))];
idx1 = [idx1; vec(id(1:end-1,1:end-1)); vec(id(2:end,1:end-1))];
idx2 = [idx2; vec(id(2:end,2:end)); vec(id(1:end-1,2:end))];
error('The second input argument must be either 4 or 8.')
% Create the groups and merge them (Union/Find Algorithm)
for k = 1:length(idx1)
root1 = idx1(k);
root2 = idx2(k);
while root1~=id(root1)
id(root1) = id(id(root1));
root1 = id(root1);
while root2~=id(root2)
id(root2) = id(id(root2));
root2 = id(root2);
if root1==root2, continue, end
% (The two pixels belong to the same group)
N1 = sz(root1); % size of the group belonging to root1
N2 = sz(root2); % size of the group belonging to root2
if I(root1)==I(root2) % then merge the two groups
if N1 < N2
id(root1) = root2;
sz(root2) = N1+N2;
id(root2) = root1;
sz(root1) = N1+N2;
while 1
id0 = id;
id = id(id);
if isequal(id0,id), break, end
sz = sz(id);
% Label matrix
isNaNI = isnan(I);
id(isNaNI) = NaN;
[id,m,n] = unique(id);
I = 1:length(id);
L = reshape(I(n),sizI);
L(isNaNI) = 0;
if nargout>1, num = nnz(~isnan(id)); end
You can use following function and comment the anonymous function
function x=vec( id )
x = id(:);
This basically does same what your anonymous is achieving
MATLAB Coder supports anonymous functions since R2016b. The above example works with the latest version of MATLAB Coder (checked 11/30/2021).

I've done the same code on both MATLAB and Python, but ifft2 returns different values?

I've been trying to implement an homomorphic filter in frequency domain on both MATLAB and Python using OpenCV2 and NumPy, the MATLAB code gives the expected answer but the Python does not, the resulting image is very weird. I've tested all variables and came to the conclusion the only point there is a difference is the IFFT. On MATLAB, the results can be applied normally to the exp function and return the filtered original image expected, but the values of Python ifft are very different. I happened to see other posts with similar problems, but no satisfactory answer (perhaps i'm just bad at searching too...).
The MATLAB code
function [ img_r ] = homomorphic( img, D0, n )
[N, M] = size(img);
img_bk = double(img);
img_bk = log(img_bk+1);
img_freq = fftshift(fft2(img_bk));
magA = uint8(10*log(1+abs(img_freq)));
cu = M/2;
cv = N/2;
Hf = zeros(N,M);
for v = 1:N
dv = v - cv;
for u = 1:M
du = u - cu;
D = sqrt(du*du + dv*dv);
num = 1;
if D > 0
den = 1+((D0/D)^(2*n));
den = 0; %to replace +inf
if den ~= 0
H = num/den;
H = 0;
img_freq(v,u) = H*img_freq(v,u);
magB = uint8(10*log(1+abs(img_freq)));
img_r = (ifft2(ifftshift(img_freq)));
img_r = exp(img_r);
img_r = uint8(img_r);
and the Python code (might have some bugs but overall works)
import numpy as np
import cv2
def homomorphic(img, D0, n=2):
[N,M] = img.shape
img_bk = np.log(1 + np.float64(img))
img_freq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(img_bk))
cu = M/2.0
cv = N/2.0
for v in range(N):
dv = v - cv
for u in range(M):
du = u - cu
D = np.sqrt(du*du + dv*dv)
if D != 0:
a = 1.0 + (D0/D)**(2*n)
H = 1/a
print D
H = 0
img_freq[v][u] = H*img_freq[v][u]
img_r = np.abs(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(img_freq)))
eimg = np.exp(img_r)
eimg = np.uint8(eimg)
return eimg
I really don't get it, why the results are so different? Does anyone have any idea?

Django Filter Loop OR

Does anyone know how I get Django Filter build an OR statement? I'm not sure if I have to use the Q object or not, I thought I need some type of OR pipe but this doesn't seem right:
filter_mfr_method = request.GET.getlist('filter_mfr_method')
for m in filter_mfr_method:
designs = designs.filter(Q(mfr_method = m) | m if m else '')
# Or should I do it this way?
#designs = designs.filter(mfr_method = m | m if m else '')
I would like this to be:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE mfr_method = 1 OR mfr_method = 2 OR mfr_method = 3
EDIT: Here is what Worked
filter_mfr_method = request.GET.getlist('filter_mfr_method')
list = []
for m in filter_mfr_method:
list.append(Q(mfr_method = m))
designs = designs.filter(reduce(operator.or_, list))
What about:
import operator
filter_mfr_method = request.GET.getlist('filter_mfr_method')
filter_params = reduce(operator.or_, filter_mfr_method, Q())
designs = designs.filter(filter_params)
Something I used before:
qry = None
for val in request.GET.getlist('filter_mfr_method'):
v = {'mfr_method': val}
q = Q(**v)
if qry:
qry = qry | q
qry = q
designs = designs.filter(qry)
That is taken from one of my query builders.