How is this code with reduce function evaluating in Clojure? - clojure

Following is the Clojure code:
(reduce (fn [r x] (if (nil? x) r (conj r x)))
[:mouse nil :duck nil :lory nil])
In REPL, it evaluates to [:mouse :duck :lory].
My question is, how is the code evaluating?
According to me, r is [] and x is [:mouse nil :duck nil :lory nil]. nil? x is false as so it evaluates to (conj r x). But x is a vector, not an element so how it will add an element to the empty vector r in conj? I don't know but I am wrong somewhere in my approach. The output is the animals' name vector without nil values.
Can anyone please explain me the execution of code. Thanks.

Your problem appears to be understanding how reduce works. I'd like to refer you to the source code, but it simply maps onto a Java implementation, so I have to fake it.
The kind of reduce you are doing - supplying the initial value - might have been coded as follows:
(defn reduce [f init coll]
(loop [acc init, tail coll]
(if (seq tail)
(recur (f acc (first tail)) (rest tail))
As you can see, it works through the sequence coll, applying the function f to acc and the first value in the sequence, to generate a new acc. When there is no more sequence, it returns acc.
How does this apply to your example? The reducing function ...
(fn [r x] (if (nil? x) r (conj r x)))
... ignores nil xs but conjs anything else onto the end of the accumulating vector r. Your code is more or less equivalent to ...
(remove nil? [:mouse nil :duck nil :lory nil])
=> (:mouse :duck :lory)
... except you get a lazy sequence instead of a vector.

Courtesy of FredOverflow's Clojure Transducers from the ground up you can wrap the reducing fn in this logging function to print the different arguments (r and x) to every step:
(defn logging [f]
(fn [& args]
(prn args)
(apply f args)))
(reduce (logging (fn [r x] (if (nil? x) r (conj r x))))
[:mouse nil :duck nil :lory nil])
user=> ([] :mouse)              ([:mouse] nil)             ([:mouse] :duck)             ([:mouse :duck] nil)             ([:mouse :duck] :lory)             ([:mouse :duck :lory] nil)
So only the keywords are added (not nils), starting with []. At the end [:mouse :duck :lory] is returned.


Clojure filter method without standard clojure functions

I need to make filter method, but i can't return method name as argument, not as result.
In my case, i need to input odd? method as argument and call recursion.
I can use only this construction:
(defn my-filter [p xn])
My code:
(defn my-filter [p xs]
(if (p (first xs))
(cons (first xs) (recur p (next xs)))
(recur p (next xs) )))
(my-filter odd? '(1 2 3 4 5))
Error: IllegalArgumentException Argument must be an integer: clojure.core/even? (core.clj:1372)
As i can see, where recursion is called, arguments are calculating result, instead of call recursion with odd? and (next xs) arguments
Two issues need attention. Or maybe only one issue, if you don't need to handle very long lists. 1) The function does not notice when the inputs are exhausted. Open a REPL and try (odd? nil) and you will see what happens! 2) If you try the function on a really long list, you might get a StackOverflow. The guide for recursion has an example of how to avoid that problem - actually it illustrates solutions to both problems:
Your code does not compile:
Syntax error (UnsupportedOperationException) compiling recur at ... .
Can only recur from tail position
You have to replace the recurs with explicit recursive calls to my-filter:
(defn my-filter [p xs]
(if (p (first xs))
(cons (first xs) (my-filter p (next xs)))
(my-filter p (next xs))))
Now it compiles, but ...
(my-filter odd? [])
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at ...
Argument must be an integer:
You need to check that the sequence argument xs is not empty before doing anything else with it:
(defn my-filter [p xs]
(when (seq xs)
(if (p (first xs))
(cons (first xs) (my-filter p (rest xs)))
(my-filter p (rest xs)))))
The when evaluates to nil if the condition fails. The nil, called on to be a sequence, behaves as an empty one. So ...
(my-filter odd? [])
=> nil
(my-filter odd? (range 10))
=> (1 3 5 7 9)
It works. However, it evaluates (first xs) twice, and mentions (my-filter p (rest xs)) twice. Factoring these out, we get
(defn my-filter [p xs]
(when (seq xs)
(let [head (first xs)
tail (my-filter p (rest xs))]
(if (p head) (cons head tail) tail))))
This uses direct recursion. So it runs out of stack on a long sequence:
(count (my-filter odd? (range 10000)))
Execution error (StackOverflowError) at ...
Wrapping the recursion in lazy-seq flattens the evaluation, devolving it to whatever explores the sequence:
(defn my-filter [p xs]
(when (seq xs)
(let [head (first xs)
tail (my-filter p (rest xs))]
(if (p head) (cons head tail) tail)))))
Now ...
(count (my-filter odd? (range 10000)))
=> 5000
If you want an eager version, you had better build the returned sequence as a vector:
(defn eager-filter [p coll]
(loop [answer [], coll (seq coll)]
(if-let [[x & xs] coll]
(if (p x) (conj answer x) answer)
(sequence answer))))
This won't run out of stack:
(count (eager-filter odd? (range 10000)))
=> 5000
But it can't handle an endless sequence:
(first (eager-filter odd? (range)))
Process finished with exit code 137 (interrupted by signal 9: SIGKILL)
I had to kill the process.
I really like this solution, therefore I share with you. Very simple. (I know, that is not exactly what was the question but different approach.)
(def data (vec (range 10)))
Map implementation
(defn -map [f coll]
(fn [acc v]
(conj acc (f v)))
Filter implementation
(defn -filter [f coll]
(fn [acc v]
(if (f v)
(conj acc v))
Example usage
(->> data
(-map inc)
(-filter odd?))

Why is my lazy recursive Clojure function being realized?

I'm trying to solve a 4Clojure problem (sequence reductions), and I've hit a wall. The problem is to reimplement the reductions function.
It seems to me like this function should return a lazy sequence, but it doesn't - evaluating (take 5 (redux + (range))) results in an infinite loop.
Here's my code:
(defn redux
([f coll]
(redux f (first coll) (rest coll)))
([f val coll]
((fn red [val coll s]
(if (empty? coll)
(let [val (f val (first coll))]
(red val
(rest coll)
(conj s val))))))
val coll [val])))
Why is this function not returning a lazy sequence?
There are a few misconceptions in the code. noisesmith pointed out on #clojurians chat (and Josh's comment stated as well) the following points:
There is no step in the above function where you can evaluate the head and not the tail of a list.
It does an immediate self recursion, and to get the n+1 element, you need to do the recursive call.
lazy-seq should always have a call to cons or some similar function that lets you return the next item of the list without recurring.
conj is never lazy, and vectors are never lazy.
You cannot append to a list without realizing the entire thing.
I modified the code to the following:
(fn redux
([f coll]
(redux f (first coll) (rest coll)))
([f val coll]
(cons val
((fn red [val coll]
(when-not (empty? coll)
(let [val (f val (first coll))]
(cons val (red val (rest coll)))))))
val coll))))
Note the use of cons instead of conj.

Clojure: Find even numbers in a vector

I am coming from a Java background trying to learn Clojure. As the best way of learning is by actually writing some code, I took a very simple example of finding even numbers in a vector. Below is the piece of code I wrote:
(defn even-vector-2 [input]
(def output [])
(loop [x input]
(if (not= (count x) 0)
(if (= (mod (first x) 2) 0)
(def output (conj output (first x)))))
(recur (rest x)))))
This code works, but it is lame that I had to use a global symbol to make it work. The reason I had to use the global symbol is because I wanted to change the state of the symbol every time I find an even number in the vector. let doesn't allow me to change the value of the symbol. Is there a way this can be achieved without using global symbols / atoms.
The idiomatic solution is straightfoward:
(filter even? [1 2 3])
; -> (2)
For your educational purposes an implementation with loop/recur
(defn filter-even [v]
(loop [r []
[x & xs :as v] v]
(if (seq v) ;; if current v is not empty
(if (even? x)
(recur (conj r x) xs) ;; bind r to r with x, bind v to rest
(recur r xs)) ;; leave r as is
r))) ;; terminate by not calling recur, return r
The main problem with your code is you're polluting the namespace by using def. You should never really use def inside a function. If you absolutely need mutability, use an atom or similar object.
Now, for your question. If you want to do this the "hard way", just make output a part of the loop:
(defn even-vector-3 [input]
(loop [[n & rest-input] input ; Deconstruct the head from the tail
output []] ; Output is just looped with the input
(if n ; n will be nil if the list is empty
(recur rest-input
(if (= (mod n 2) 0)
(conj output n)
output)) ; Adding nothing since the number is odd
Rarely is explicit looping necessary though. This is a typical case for a fold: you want to accumulate a list that's a variable-length version of another list. This is a quick version:
(defn even-vector-4 [input]
(reduce ; Reducing the input into another list
(fn [acc n]
(if (= (rem n 2) 0)
(conj acc n)
[] ; This is the initial accumulator.
Really though, you're just filtering a list. Just use the core's filter:
(filter #(= (rem % 2) 0) [1 2 3 4])
Note, filter is lazy.
#(filterv even? %)
if you want to return a vector or
#(filter even? %)
if you want a lazy sequence.
If you want to combine this with more transformations, you might want to go for a transducer:
(filter even?)
If you wanted to write it using loop/recur, I'd do it like this:
(defn keep-even
"Accepts a vector of numbers, returning a vector of the even ones."
(loop [result []
unused input]
(if (empty? unused)
(let [curr-value (first unused)
next-result (if (is-even? curr-value)
(conj result curr-value)
next-unused (rest unused) ]
(recur next-result next-unused)))))
This gets the same result as the built-in filter function.
Take a look at filter, even? and vec
check out
(defn even-vector-2 [input](vec(filter even? input)))
If you want a lazy solution, filter is your friend.
Here is a non-lazy simple solution (loop/recur can be avoided if you apply always the same function without precise work) :
(defn keep-even-numbers
(fn [agg nb]
(if (zero? (rem nb 2)) (conj agg nb) agg))
[] coll))
If you like mutability for "fun", here is a solution with temporary mutable collection :
(defn mkeep-even-numbers
(fn [agg nb]
(if (zero? (rem nb 2)) (conj! agg nb) agg))
(transient []) coll)))
...which is slightly faster !
mod would be better than rem if you extend the odd/even definition to negative integers
You can also replace [] by the collection you want, here a vector !
In Clojure, you generally don't need to write a low-level loop with loop/recur. Here is a quick demo.
(ns tst.clj.core
[tupelo.core :as t] ))
(defn is-even?
"Returns true if x is even, otherwise false."
(zero? (mod x 2)))
; quick sanity checks
(spyx (is-even? 2))
(spyx (is-even? 3))
(defn keep-even
"Accepts a vector of numbers, returning a vector of the even ones."
(into [] ; forces result into vector, eagerly
(filter is-even? input)))
; demonstrate on [0 1 2...9]
(spyx (keep-even (range 10)))
with result:
(is-even? 2) => true
(is-even? 3) => false
(keep-even (range 10)) => [0 2 4 6 8]
Your project.clj needs the following for spyx to work:
:dependencies [
[tupelo "0.9.11"]

working with variadic arguments

I am playing around and trying to create my own reductions implementation, so far I have this which works with this test data:
((fn [func & args]
(reduce (fn [acc item]
(conj acc (func (last acc) item))
)[(first args)] (first (rest args)))) * 2 [3 4 5]
What I don't like is how I am separating the args.
(first args) is what I would expect, i.e. 2 but (rest args) is ([3 4 5]) and so I am getting the remainder like this (first (rest args)) which I do not like.
Am I missing some trick that makes it easier to work with variadic arguments?
Variadic arguments are just about getting an unspecified number of arguments in a list, so all list/destructuring operations can be applied here.
For example:
(let [[fst & rst] a-list]
; fst is the first element
; rst is the rest
This is more readable than:
(let [fst (first a-list)
rst (rest a-list)]
; ...
You can go further to get the first and second elements of a list (assuming it has >1 elements) in one line:
(let [fst snd & rst]
; ...
I originally misread your question and thought you were trying to reimplement the reduce function. Here is a sample implementation I wrote for this answer which does’t use first or rest:
(defn myreduce
;; here we accept the form with no initial value
;; like in (myreduce * [2 3 4 5]), which is equivalent
;; to (myreduce * 2 [3 4 5]). Notice how we use destructuring
;; to get the first/rest of the list passed as a second
;; argument
([op [fst & rst]] (myreduce op fst rst))
;; we take an operator (function), accumulator and list of elements
([op acc els]
;; no elements? give the accumulator back
(if (empty? els)
;; all the function's logic is in here
;; we're destructuring els to get its first (el) and rest (els)
(let [[el & els] els]
;; then apply again the function on the same operator,
;; using (op acc el) as the new accumulator, and the
;; rest of the previous elements list as the new
;; elements list
(recur op (op acc el) els)))))
I hope it helps you see how to work with list destructuring, which is probably what you want in your function. Here is a relevant blog post on this subject.
Tidying up your function.
As #bfontaine commented, you can use (second args) instead of (first (rest args)):
(defn reductions [func & args]
(fn [acc item] (conj acc (func (last acc) item)))
[(first args)]
(second args)))
This uses
(first args)
(second args)
... but ignores the rest of args.
So we can use destructuring to name the first and second elements of args - init and coll seem suitable - giving
(defn reductions [func & [init coll & _]]
(fn [acc item] (conj acc (func (last acc) item)))
... where _ is the conventional name for the ignored argument, in this case a sequence.
We can get rid of it, simplifying to
(defn reductions [func & [init coll]] ... )
... and then to
(defn reductions [func init coll] ... )
... - a straightforward function of three arguments.
Dealing with the underlying problems.
Your function has two problems:
lack of laziness.
The flashing red light in this function is the use of last in
(fn [acc item] (conj acc (func (last acc) item)))
This scans the whole of acc every time it is called, even if acc is a vector. So this reductions takes time proportional to the square of the length of coll: hopelessly slow for long sequences.
A simple fix is to replace (last acc) by (acc (dec (count acc))), which takes effectively constant time.
Lack of laziness
We still can't lazily use what the function produces. For example, it would be nice to encapsulate the sequence of factorials like this:
(def factorials (reductions * 1N (next (range)))))
With your reductions, this definition never returns.
You have to entirely recast your function to make it lazy. Let's modify the standard -lazy -reductions to employ destructuring:
(defn reductions [f init coll]
(when-let [[x & xs] (seq coll)]
(reductions f (f init x) xs)))))
Now we can define
(def factorials (reductions * 1N (next (range))))
Then, for example,
(take 10 factorials)
;(1N 1N 2N 6N 24N 120N 720N 5040N 40320N 362880N)
Another approach is to derive the sequence from itself, like a railway locomotive laying the track it travels on:
(defn reductions [f init coll]
(let [answer (lazy-seq (reductions f init coll))]
(cons init (map f answer coll))))
But this contains a hidden recursion (hidden from me, at least):
(nth (reductions * 1N (next (range))) 10000)
;StackOverflowError ...

Grouping a sequence of bools in clojure?

I would like to transform the following sequence:
(def boollist [true false false false true false true])
Into the following:
[[true] [false false false true] [false true]]
My code leads to a Stackoverflow:
(defn sep [boollst]
(loop [lst boollst
separated [[]]
[left right] (take 2 lst)]
(if (nil? left) separated)
(recur (next lst)
(if (false? left)
(conj (last separated) left)
(conj separated [left]))
(take 2 (next lst)))))
Is there an elegant way of transforming this?
There's probably a much more elegant way, but this is what I came up with:
(defn f
([xs] (f xs [] []))
([[x & xs :as all] acc a]
(if (seq all)
(if x
(recur xs [] (conj a (conj acc x)))
(recur xs (conj acc x) a))
It just traverses the sequence keeping track of the current vector of falses, and a big accumulator of everything so far.
A short, "clever" solution would be:
(defn sep [lst]
(let [x (partition-by identity lst)]
(filter last (map concat (cons [] x) x))))
The "stack overflow" issue is due to the philosophy of Clojure regarding recursion and is easily avoided if approached correctly. You should always implement these types of functions* in a lazy way: If you can't find a trick for solving the problem using library functions, as I did above, you should use "lazy-seq" for the general solution (like pmjordan did) as explained here:
* Functions that eat up a list and return a list as the result. (If something other than a list is returned, the idiomatic solution is to use "recur" and an accumulator, as shown by dfan's example, which I would not consider idiomatic in this case.)
Here's a version that uses lazy evaluation and is maybe a little more readable:
(defn f [bools]
(when-not (empty? bools)
[[l & r] bools
[lr rr] (split-with false? r)]
(lazy-seq (cons
(cons l lr)
(f rr))))))
It doesn't return vectors though, so if that's a requirement you need to manually pass the result of concat and of the function itself to vec, thus negating the advantage of using lazy evaluation.
The stack overflow error is because your recur is outside of the if. You evaluate the if form for side effects, then unconditionally recur. (feel free to edit for format, I'm not at a real keyboard).