Django translate salutation - django

Assume we have person definitions, e.g.:
"first_name": "Peter",
"last_name": "Peterson",
"academic_title": "Dr",
"salutation": "mr"
In english, the salutation should be:
def person.display_name():
prefix = person.academic_title if person.academic_title else person.salutation
return _(Hello "%(prefix)s {first_name} {last_name}") % {"prefix": prefix}
# Dr. Peter Peterson #if the person has a title
# Mr. Peter Peterson #if the user has no title
In german this definition does not work, as it is always
prefix = f"{person.salutation} {person.academic_title}
Is there any way to mark it for translations except for
def person.display_name(lang):
if lang == 'en':
prefix = person.academic_title if person.academic_title else person.salutation
elif lang == 'de':
prefix = f"{person.salutation} {person.academic_title}
return _("Hello %(prefix)s {first_name} {last_name}") % {"prefix": prefix}
Which has the disadvantage of having two translation strings


Assign database value to Django variable

Looking to do something like this is Django:
$price = mysql_query("SELECT price FROM products WHERE product = '$product'");
$result = mysql_fetch_array($price);
If $result['price'] == 1:
do something
My thought was something like below but seems to be way off:
item = Order.objects.get(quote_number = quotex)
price = item.quote_status
headers = {
# Already added when you pass json= but not when you pass data=
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-API-KEY': '',
messages.success(request, price)
if price == 2:
Price == 2 does not see the number 2 where messages 2 on price var
please note this is not being used to output to a template, as I already know how to do that.

DRF formatting XLSX content

I am trying to set a different color on every second row in XLSX file. From the documentation I see that I can pass some conditions using body property or get_body() method, but this only allows me to set somewhat "static" conditions. Here is the ViewSet config responsible for rendering the XLSX file:
class MyViewSet(XLSXFileMixin, ModelViewSet):
def get_renderers(self) -> List[BaseRenderer]:
if self.action == "export":
return [XLSXRenderer()]
return super().get_renderers()
#action(methods=["GET"], detail=False)
def export(self, request: Request) -> Response:
serializer = self.get_serializer(self.get_queryset(), many=True)
return Response(
# Properties for XLSX
column_header = {
"titles": [
"Hostname", "Operating System", "OS name", "OS family", "OS version", "Domain", "Serial number",
"Available patches",
"tab_title": "Endpoints",
"style": {
"font": {
"size": 14,
"color": "FFFFFF",
"fill": {
"start_color": "3F803F",
"fill_type": "solid",
body = {
"style": {
"font": {
"size": 12,
"color": "FFFFFF"
"fill": {
"fill_type": "solid",
"start_color": "2B2B2B"
OK. I got the answer after some digging through the source code. The render method of XLSXRenderer has this piece of code:
for row in results:
column_count = 0
row_count += 1
flatten_row = self._flatten(row)
for column_name, value in flatten_row.items():
if column_name == "row_color":
column_count += 1
cell = ws.cell(
row=row_count, column=column_count, value=value,
) = body_style
ws.row_dimensions[row_count].height = body.get("height", 40)
if "row_color" in row:
last_letter = get_column_letter(column_count)
cell_range = ws[
"A{}".format(row_count): "{}{}".format(last_letter, row_count)
fill = PatternFill(fill_type="solid", start_color=row["row_color"])
for r in cell_range:
for c in r:
c.fill = fill
So when I added a field row_color in my serializer as SerializerMethodField I was able to define a function that colors rows:
def get_row_color(self, obj: Endpoint) -> str:
This method returns color value for row in XLSX sheet.
(*self.instance,) extends queryset to a list (it must be a queryset, not a single Endpoint).
.index(obj) gets index of currently serialized object in that list.
As the last step one out of two values from the list is chosen using modulo 2 operation on the index.
return ["353535", "2B2B2B"][(*self.instance,).index(obj) % 2]

Mock Stripe Methods in Python for testing

So I am trying to mock all the stripe web hooks in the method so that I can write the Unit test for it. I am using the mock library for mocking the stripe methods. Here is the method I am trying to mock:
class AddCardView(APIView):
* Add card for the customer
permission_classes = (
def post(self, request, format=None):
name = request.DATA.get('name', None)
cvc = request.DATA.get('cvc', None)
number = request.DATA.get('number', None)
expiry = request.DATA.get('expiry', None)
expiry_month, expiry_year = expiry.split("/")
customer_obj =
customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(customer_obj.stripe_id)
card = customer.sources.create(
"object": "card",
"number": number,
"exp_month": expiry_month,
"exp_year": expiry_year,
"cvc": cvc,
"name": name
# making it the default card
customer.default_source =
except CardError as ce:
logger.error("Got CardError for customer_id={0}, CardError={1}".format(, ce.json_body))
return Response({"success": False, "error": "Failed to add card"})
customer_obj.card_last_4 = card.get('last4')
customer_obj.card_kind = card.get('type', '')
customer_obj.card_fingerprint = card.get('fingerprint')
return Response({"success": True})
This is the method for unit testing:
def test_add_card(self,create_mock,retrieve_mock):
response = {
'default_card': None,
'cards': {
"count": 0,
"data": []
# save_mock.return_value = response
create_mock.return_value = response
retrieve_mock.return_value = response
self.api_client.client.login(username = self.username, password = self.password)
res ='/biz/api/auth/card/add')
print res
Now stripe.Customer.retrieve is being mocked properly. But I am not able to mock customer.sources.create. I am really stuck on this.
This is the right way of doing it:
def test_add_card_failure(self, retrieve_mock):
data = {
'name': "shubham",
'cvc': 123,
'number': "4242424242424242",
'expiry': "12/23",
e = CardError("Card Error", "", "")
retrieve_mock.return_value.sources.create.return_value = e
self.api_client.client.login(username=self.username, password=self.password)
res ='/biz/api/auth/card/add', data=data)
self.assertEqual(self.deserialize(res)['success'], False)
Even though the given answer is correct, there is a way more comfortable solution using vcrpy. That is creating a cassette (record) once a given record does not exist yet. When it does, the mocking is done transparently and the record will be replayed. Beautiful.
Having a vanilla pyramid application, using py.test, my test now looks like this:
import vcr
# here we have some FactoryBoy fixtures
from tests.fixtures import PaymentServiceProviderFactory, SSOUserFactory
def test_post_transaction(sqla_session, test_app):
# first we need a PSP and a User existent in the DB
psp = PaymentServiceProviderFactory() # type: PaymentServiceProvider
user = SSOUserFactory()
sqla_session.add(psp, user)
with vcr.use_cassette('tests/casettes/'):
# with that PSP we create a new PSPTransaction ...
res ='/psps/%s/transaction' %,
'token': '4711',
'amount': '12.44',
'currency': 'EUR',
assert 201 == res.status_code
assert 'id' in res.json_body
IMO, the following method is better than the rest of the answers
import unittest
import stripe
import json
from unittest.mock import patch
from stripe.http_client import RequestsClient # to mock the request session
stripe.api_key = "foo"
stripe.default_http_client = RequestsClient() # assigning the default HTTP client
null = None
false = False
true = True
charge_resp = {
"id": "ch_1FgmT3DotIke6IEFVkwh2N6Y",
"object": "charge",
"amount": 1000,
"amount_captured": 1000,
"amount_refunded": 0,
"billing_details": {
"address": {
"city": "Los Angeles",
"country": "USA",
"email": null,
"name": "Jerin",
"phone": null
"captured": true,
def get_customer_city_from_charge(stripe_charge_id):
# this is our function and we are writing unit-test for this function
charge_response = stripe.Charge.retrieve("foo-bar")
class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_customer_city_from_charge(self, mock_session):
mock_response = mock_session.request.return_value
mock_response.content.decode.return_value = json.dumps(charge_resp)
mock_response.status_code = 200
city_name = get_customer_city_from_charge("some_id")
self.assertEqual(city_name, "Los Angeles")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Advantages of this method
You can generate the corresponding class objects (here, the charge_response variable is a type of Charge--(source code))
You can use the dot (.) operator over the response (as we can do with real stripe SDK)
dot operator support for deep attributes

django rest framework - get two models

I have multiple models that are associated by Foreign Keys. I can export them all separately using django rest framework on a one to one basis, and I can also export multiple ones nested. However I want to be able to essentially "concatenate" them together into a single json/xml export.
The models in the example below are joined by a one to one foreign key on jobdtl_id. I have some where it's one to many but I'm hoping I can figure that out when I know how to get a view that will link 2 separate models like I want below -
Here's an example of what I want the json to look like by hitting a single URL like
"job": {
"-id": "9878",
"-name": "This is the job",
"-master": "blahserver",
"-dbversion": "234",
"-xmlversion": "1",
"jobmst": {
"jobmst_id": "9878",
"jobmst_type": "2",
"jobmst_prntid": "234",
"jobmst_active": "Y",
"jobmst_name": "This is the job",
"jobmst_owner": "Owner",
"jobdtl_id": "9878",
"jobmst_lstchgtm": {
"-date": "Y",
"#text": "2013-10-23 09:22:08.0"
"jobmst_prntname": "Parent",
"jobmst_alias": "9878"
"jobdtl": {
"jobdtl_id": "9878",
"jobdtl_cmd": "blah.exe",
"jobdtl_failalarm": "NULL",
"nodmst_id": "NULL",
"nodlstmst_id": "NULL",
"jobdtl_inhevent": "Y",
"jobdtl_inhoptions": "Y",
"jobdtl_inhagent": "Y",
"jobdtl_inhrepeat": "Y",
"jobdtl_inhtime": "Y",
"jobdtl_timewin": "NULL",
"jobdtl_saveoutput": "Y",
"jobdtl_outputname": "NULL",
"jobdtl_trackmethod": "1",
"jobdtl_trackcmd": "NULL",
"jobdtl_deplogic": "1",
"jobdtl_rerun": "NULL",
"jobdtl_params": "--blah --ok"
"jobdep": [
"jobdep_id": "79670",
"jobmst_id": "9878",
"jobdep_type": "1",
"jobdep_jobmst": "another job",
"varmst_id": "NULL"
"-num": "2",
"jobdep_id": "83783",
"jobmst_id": "9878",
"jobdep_type": "1",
"jobdep_jobmst": "and another",
"varmst_id": "NULL"
"trgjob": [
"trgjob_id": "22286",
"trgmst_id": "23455",
"jobmst_id": "9878"
"-num": "2",
"trgjob_id": "28980",
"trgmst_id": "23521",
"jobmst_id": "9878"
"-num": "3",
"trgjob_id": "28981",
"trgmst_id": "9237",
"jobmst_id": "9878"
The models are basically like this -
class Jobdtl(models.Model):
jobdtl_id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
jobdtl_cmd = models.TextField(blank=True)
jobdtl_duration = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'jobdtl'
class Jobmst(models.Model):
jobmst_id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
jobmst_type = models.SmallIntegerField()
jobdtl_id = models.ForeignKey('Jobdtl', db_column='jobdtl_id', related_name='mstdtl', blank=True, null=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.jobmst_name
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'jobmst'
end caveat I'm converting the json from how the XML looks for the existing legacy app which is like so -
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<job id="9878" name="This is the job" master="blahserver" dbversion="532" xmlversion="1">
<jobmst_name>This is the job</jobmst_name>
<jobmst_lstchgtm date="Y">2013-10-23 09:22:08.0</jobmst_lstchgtm>
<jobdtl_params>--blah --ok</jobdtl_params>
<jobdep_jobmst>another job</jobdep_jobmst>
<jobdep num="2">
<jobdep_jobmst>and another</jobdep_jobmst>
<trgjob num="2">
<trgjob num="3">
class MSTSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
jobdtl_id = DTLSerializer()
class Meta:
model = Jobmst
fields = ('id', 'url', 'jobdtl_id'...)
class DTLSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Jobdtl
fields = ('id', 'url', ...)
Would result in a more correct data structure of
"jobmst_id": 4,
"jobmst_type": 1,
"jobdtl_id": {
"jobdtl_id": 4,
"jobdtl_cmd": null,
"jobdtl_duration": 1379
I found the solution by doing the following in my
def tesxml_test(request, pk):
Retrieve, update or delete a code snippet.
mst = Jobmst.objects.using('database1').get(jobmst_id=pk)
dtl = Jobdtl.objects.using('database1').get(jobdtl_id=pk)
dep = Jobdep.objects.using('database2').filter(jobmst_id=pk).order_by('jobdep_id')
trg = Trgjob.objects.using('database1').filter(jobmst_id=pk).order_by('trgjob_order')
except Jobmst.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponse(status=404)
if request.method == 'GET':
#Get String Results of 4 queries
jobmststring = JobmstSerializer(mst)
jobdtlstring = JobdtlSerializer(dtl)
jobdepstring = JobdepSerializer(dep)
trgjobstring = TrgjobSerializer(trg)
#Get serialized Results of 4 queries
jobmst_serialized = {'jobmst':}
jobdtl_serialized = {'jobdtl':}
jobdep_serialized = {'jobdep':}
trgjob_serialized = {'trgjob':}
jobgroup = jobmst_serialized, jobdtl_serialized, jobdep_serialized, trgjob_serialized,
jobgroupresponse = TESXMLResponse(jobgroup)
return jobgroupresponse
It's not perfect but it puts me on the next step of my problem which is customizing the renderer to get the data in the root fields which I have another SO question for :)

Howto add properties to the output of unordered_list?

I am using an unordered_list tag in django.
I have the following list:
foo = ['A', ['B', 'C', 'D'], 'E']
And the following tag:
{{ foo|unordered_list }}
Which produces, as expected the following:
What I would like to do is to add id and class properties to each "li" node.
I understand that I can do it in JavaScript, or implement my own template tag in django. But I wanted to ask first. May be there already exists an easy build-in way to do it in django template?
As you can see in the source, the <li> is hardcoded so you can't do it without creating your own templatefilter.
def unordered_list(value, autoescape=None):
Recursively takes a self-nested list and returns an HTML unordered list --
WITHOUT opening and closing <ul> tags.
The list is assumed to be in the proper format. For example, if ``var``
contains: ``['States', ['Kansas', ['Lawrence', 'Topeka'], 'Illinois']]``,
then ``{{ var|unordered_list }}`` would return::
if autoescape:
from django.utils.html import conditional_escape
escaper = conditional_escape
escaper = lambda x: x
def convert_old_style_list(list_):
Converts old style lists to the new easier to understand format.
The old list format looked like:
['Item 1', [['Item 1.1', []], ['Item 1.2', []]]
And it is converted to:
['Item 1', ['Item 1.1', 'Item 1.2]]
if not isinstance(list_, (tuple, list)) or len(list_) != 2:
return list_, False
first_item, second_item = list_
if second_item == []:
return [first_item], True
old_style_list = True
new_second_item = []
for sublist in second_item:
item, old_style_list = convert_old_style_list(sublist)
if not old_style_list:
if old_style_list:
second_item = new_second_item
return [first_item, second_item], old_style_list
def _helper(list_, tabs=1):
indent = u'\t' * tabs
output = []
list_length = len(list_)
i = 0
while i < list_length:
title = list_[i]
sublist = ''
sublist_item = None
if isinstance(title, (list, tuple)):
sublist_item = title
title = ''
elif i < list_length - 1:
next_item = list_[i+1]
if next_item and isinstance(next_item, (list, tuple)):
# The next item is a sub-list.
sublist_item = next_item
# We've processed the next item now too.
i += 1
if sublist_item:
sublist = _helper(sublist_item, tabs+1)
sublist = '\n%s<ul>\n%s\n%s</ul>\n%s' % (indent, sublist,
indent, indent)
output.append('%s<li>%s%s</li>' % (indent,
escaper(force_unicode(title)), sublist))
i += 1
return '\n'.join(output)
value, converted = convert_old_style_list(value)
return mark_safe(_helper(value))
unordered_list.is_safe = True
unordered_list.needs_autoescape = True
It should be fairly easy to rewrite the filter to add id/class support though, depending on how you want it to work.