Livewire Not rendering data if loading a clicked function - laravel-livewire

There is any way to write code in livewire that if I submit a click command with a button then the livewire componant page rendering even the clicked function is loading. Because now I see that not loading the other data on the livewire page when livewire funciton loading.

If the click function takes longer, then maybe a Laravel Job can do that, otherwise Livewire waits for the whole cycle to complete


Set focus on component after modal close

I would like to know what is recommended way to focus on component from outside the component. I am trying to focus on a input field when the person closes the modal window.
Typically you would use an action in the modal that triggers when the close button is clicked, and you would send the action up to the component with the input with sendAction. In the component with the input, you could then use Ember.$ or any other method to tell the browser to focus on an element.
The situation is more complex if the modal is not inside the component that contains the input. In that case you might need to use a service or event. But it's much easier to use the first method.

What's the difference between .modal('show') and

Calling a modal via Javascript, when do I use $('#myModal').on('', function()) and when to use $('#myModal').modal('show')?
Based on Bootstrap 3 documentation:
Manually opens a modal. Returns to the caller before the modal has actually been shown (i.e. before the event occurs).
Due to how HTML5 defines its semantics, the autofocus HTML attribute has no effect in Bootstrap modals. To achieve the same effect, use some custom JavaScript:
$('#myModal').on('', function () {
This event fires immediately when the show instance method is called. If caused by a click, the clicked element is available as the relatedTarget property of the event.

Get data from Double click on non-editable Kendo Scheduler

I tried to get the data for empty kendo scheduler. Mean no event. I try to extract atleast start time, end time and date. I off the editable. mean I not use the window that kendo provided. I try to custom by using bootstrap modal.
here is my event delegate
$("#scheduler").delegate('.k-event', "click", function (e) {
I can get the event on this scheduler, but i cant extract data without event.
To get the underlying event object from event element you can get it's data-uid attribute and pass it to the occurrenceByUid method. Demo is available in the method description (check the link).

Foundation 4 : render custom select returned with ajax call

I'm struggling trying to figure out how to render the custom form select in Zurbs Foundation 4, which has been returned with the ajax call. At the moment I'm simply re-initialising the plugin, but I know that's not the right way:
Also - the same question about resetting the select. Is there a way of doing it without actually hard code the id of the element as the object?
$('form select').trigger('change', true);
You can fire foundation('forms') function just on parent container. For example, I have a modal window which contains a form loaded via ajax. The modal window has id="modal-region". To get custom fields in the form I do:

asp repeater itemcommand not working on second click

I have a repeater which I bind the data using Bind method from the database. There is a Asp:Button with an onclientclick and onclick event. In OnClientClick I open a new window and onclick I am adding the data to the database. This works perfectly on the first Page load. After first click on any of the buttons in the repeater, the click events stops working on subsequent clicks.
I have spending hours on finding a solution for the same, can any one guide me where i am going wrong what needs to be done.
P.S: My application is AJAX Enabled , using WCF and JQUERY
Thanks & Regards,
Never Mind I got it solved my self. For others who are trying to solve the same issue, here is the solution:
The code below opens up a new window with out popup blocker blocking the window
OnClientClick of the button write Javascript like below to open a new window and refresh the parent window (I have to do this as the ItemCommand event was not firing until the page is refreshed)
OnClientClick = "target='_blank'; setTimeout("location.reload(true);", timeout);