Raspberry Pi Pico crashes when using SPI1 but not when using SPI0 - c++

so I am having a weird issue, I am using the C/C++ SDK with visual studio to program a raspberry pi pico. The project is using a rotary encoder with push button and lcd to control a seperate PCB. Almost everything is working but when I try and send an SPI command on SPI1 the program just completely stops working, as in using the encoder or button causes no change in either serial monitor or in the lcd.
I know it is an issue with the spi1 because if I change it to spi0 I get no crash and I also tried changing the value I was sending on spi1 and that made no difference and it still crashed.
Below is a part of the code that shows how I used spi0 which works and spi1 which doesnt work, I can include the full project if needed but it is kinda long so, let me know if it is needed.
if(Mode_Counter == 1) { // data to send on SPI for Mode 1
Ctrl_bit_and_data = data.Ctrl_bit_and_Data_Func_Write();
spi_write16_blocking(SPI_PORT, &Ctrl_bit_and_data, 1); // this is spi0 and works fine
if(Mode_Counter == 3) {
Counter_LV = Counter;
Ctrl_bit_and_data_LV = data_LV.Ctrl_bit_and_Data_Func_Write_LV();
spi_write16_blocking(spi1, &Ctrl_bit_and_data_LV, 1); // this is the line that isnt working
Any help or guidance with this would be greatly appreciated I am very stuck as to the issue with this.


getline unreliable on macOS?

as a school project I have to code a video game with SDL2, imgui and SFML and I'm facing a really weird problem :
getline seems unreliable on macOS but not on linux
Let me explain, when I compile and run my code, I am able to read my configuration file properly and display the data on screen : it is working everytime on my linux computer but on my macbook it is working like 1 time out of 5.
My configuration file :configuration file
how the information is supposed to be displayed (working properly on linux but not everytime on macOS) : how it is when it works
The code :
// Récupération des derniers paramètres
std::ifstream fichierSauvegardeR ("data/save.txt");
if (fichierSauvegardeR.is_open())
getline(fichierSauvegardeR, strNbDes);
strcpy(buf_nb_des, strNbDes.c_str());
getline(fichierSauvegardeR, strNbJoueurs);
strcpy(buf_nb_joueurs, strNbJoueurs.c_str());
// getline(fichierSauvegardeR, strNomJoueur);
// strcpy(noms_joueurs[0], strNomJoueur.c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < nbJoueurs; i++) {
if(!getline(fichierSauvegardeR, strNomJoueur))
strcpy(noms_joueurs[i], strNomJoueur.c_str());
Note that, the first 2 lines of the configuration file are always properly read (even on macOS), what doesn't work is the other lines (I've tried replacing the "\n" by std::endl and it didn't changed anything)
Without responding to your answer (i don't have a mac for testing). I see that you use many C features. I recommend you to use "istringstream" to parse your file.
Something like this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9551101/12374897

Arduino Serial library cannot find "availableForWrite()" function

I'm trying to get Arduino to send some chars back to my raspberry pi via the serial USB port.
However, when I try to use the function "Serial.availableForWrite()", the compiler failed with:
error: ‘class HardwareSerial’ has no member named ‘availableForWrite’
the rest of the code piece works fine though.
Here is the entire code:
void setup() {
// connect to serial
void loop() {
// write value
if (Serial.availableForWrite() > 0) {
I am pretty sure my Arduino IDE is up to date, and also I don't think I have spelling mistakes. What could be causing this problem?
i dont have any problems with this code neither when compiling and i can even upload this sketch to my arduino uno this problem might be ocuring due to the usage of an raspbery pei maybe try and use an arduino board

SDL_RenderCopy() has strange behavior on Raspberry PI

This is driving me up the wall..
I've got a very simple SDL2 program.
It has a array of 3 SDL_Texture pointers.
These textures are filled as follows:
SDL_Texture *myarray[15];
SDL_Surface *surface;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
char filename[] = "X.bmp";
filename[0] = i + '0';
surface = SDL_LoadBMP(filename);
myarray[i] = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(myrenderer,surface);
This works, no errors.
In the main loop (which is just a standard event loop waiting for SDL_QUIT, keystrokes and a user-event which a SDL_Timer puts in the event queue every second) I just do (for the timer triggered event):
idx = (idx+1) % 3; // idx is global var initially 0.
SDL_RenderCopy(myrenderer, myarray[idx], NULL, NULL);
This works fine for 0.bmp and 1.bmp, but the 3rd image (2.bmp) simply shows as a black field.
This is structural.
If I alternate the first 2 images they are both fine.
If I alternate the 2nd and 3rd image the 3rd image doesn't show.
If I use more than 3 images then 3 and upwards show as black.
Loading order doesn't matter. It starts going wrong with the 3rd image loaded from disk.
All images are properly formatted BMP's.
I even saved 2.bmp back to disk under a different name by using SDL_SaveBMP() after it was loaded to make sure it got loaded in memory OK. The new file is bit for bit identical to the original.
This program, without modifications and the same bmp files, works fine on OSX (XCode5) and Windows (VC++ 2012 Express).
The problem only shows on the Raspberry PI.
I have placed explicit error checks on every call that can leave a result/error-code (not shown in the samples above for brevity) but all of them show "no error".
I have used the latest stable source set of www.libsdl.org and compiled as instructed (configure, make, make install, etc.).
Anybody got any idea what could be going on ?
Keyboard input doesn't seem to work either on my PI, but I haven't delved into that yet.
Answering myself as I finally figured it out myself...
I finally went back to the README-raspberrypi.txt that came with the SDL2 sources.
I didn't read it carefully enough the first time around...
Problem 1: I'am running on a FULL-HD display. The PI's default GPU memory is 64MB which is not enough for large displays and double-buffering. As suggested in the README I increased this to 128MB and this solved the black image problem.
Problem 2: Text input wasn't working because my user-account was not in the input group. I had added the default "pi" account to the input group initially, but when I later started using another account I forgot to add that user to the group.
In short: Caught by my own (too) quick skimming of the documentation.

Using the IBM 3514 Borland Graphics Interface driver in High resolution mode in Turbo C++ on Windows 7 64 bit OS using DosBox

I'm running a graphical program in Turbo C++ using DosBox on Windows 7 64 bit. Now, I want to use the IBM3514 graphics driver in the High resolution mode (IBM3514HI). So, I wrote the following bare bones program to test it:
#include <graphics.h>
#include <iostream.h>
void main() {
int gd = IBM3514, gm = IBM3514HI, e;
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\TC\\BGI");
if (e = graphresult()) {
cout << grapherrormsg(e);
rectangle(100, 100, 300, 300);
Now, the program compiles and runs without any errors. However, the initgraph function call doesn't initialize graphics mode. The return value of graphresult is 0. Hence, no error has occurred. Yet, the program still runs in text mode. The blinking underscore is visible and the rectangle is not drawn.
I checked my C:\TC\BGI folder and the IMB3514.BGI file exists. Thus I assume that it does load the graphics driver. Yet, I can't figure out why the program doesn't execute in graphics mode, or even throw an error. However it works perfectly fine if I use the default settings: int gd = DETECT, gm;
Any explanation as to why my program doesn't work will be greatly appreciated. Please try to provide a fix to this problem. I would really like to draw on a 1024x768 screen with 256 colors.
Under Windows your graphical adaptor is virtualized. You can't access it directly and use its specific features (unless you use DirectX/OpenGL/other strange methods). DOSBox emulates some "historical" graphical adaptors for the programs it runs (to be precise: Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA). You must use the VESA 2.0 driver of TC (or in general the VESA driver).
The correctly name of the driver is ibm8514.bgi - not "3514" and not "imb" or so. But like my previous speaker said, better you use another driver. The best choice is to use the egavga.bgi driver of the Turbo resp. Borland C++ or Turbo Pascal package. Then you should compile them successful.
Expect you need a special feature of this driver. Then you must check them of this effort if you need them. I think the egavga.bgi, vesa or a directly switch to the graphic mode with some special routines to make graphic should work in DOSBox, EmuDOS or in all 32-Bit-Version of Windows like Windows XP or so.
Try this code instead:
int gd = 6, gm = 0, e;
(Both variables are INTEGERS, not STRINGS)

Media file can not be switched and played

I am trying to play a music file on S60 5th edition with the following code:
_LIT(KMusicFilename, "C:\\Data\\Music.mp3");
TApaTaskList iTaskList(CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession());
TBool iExists;
TApaTask iApaTask = iTaskList.FindApp(TUid::Uid(0x102072C3));
iExists = iApaTask.Exists();
// Music player already running
// music player is not running and needs to be launched
RApaLsSession iAplsSession;
TThreadId thread;
iAplsSession.StartDocument( KMusicFilename,
RApaLsSession::ESwitchFiles );
The problem is that this code sample does not work if the music player is already running. The media file that was already playing keeps playing, the function SwitchOpenFile does not have any effect on it.
Is there a workaround for this?
Thank you.
I'm not sure why it doesn't work, but one thing I notice about your code: this call:
does not check the error code; see if you get an non-zero error code and this may help determine what the problem is. (The same applies to the iAplsSession.StartDocument(...) call).