FLASK-WTF Make a Floatfield which can be left blank - flask

I want to create a floatfield in wtform to edit value in database, which can be left empty if we dont want to change the value of that attribute. But when i keep the field empty and submit form it gives the validation error msg, "Not a valid float value."
This is the code i used
def Inrange(form, field):
if form.movie_rating.data:
if 0 > int(form.movie_rating.data) < 10:
raise ValidationError('Rating should be from 0 to 10')
class EditForm(FlaskForm):
movie_rating = FloatField('Your Rating out of 10', validators=[Inrange])
review = StringField('Review')
# movie_id = HiddenField('id')
submit = SubmitField('Done')
I can leave the Stringfield empty without any problem but not the Floatfield.
Is there any way to fix this while still using the Floatfield?
If not what are the other opions?

You can use the validators provided by wtforms to validate the input.
Optional allows empty fields and stops validation in this case.
The return value of the field is then None.
NumberRange ensures that the input is within the defined range.
from wtforms.validators import (
class EditForm(FlaskForm):
movie_rating = FloatField(
'Your rating out of 10',
NumberRange(0, 10, 'Rating should be from 0 to 10')


Django model field custom validator returned value not saved

I have the following implementation for the phone number custom validation. It does the validation correctly, but the returned value (formatted) is not saved in the model instance. I don't use a custom form and data is entered from admin panel.
custom validator
def phone_number_validator(value):
if value:
value = value.strip()
value = value.replace(' ', '')
digits = []
non_digits = []
for c in value:
if c.isdigit():
if len(non_digits):
raise ValidationError('Only numbers and spaces are allowed for this field.')
elif len(digits) < 10 or len(digits) > 10:
raise ValidationError('Phone number should be exactly 10 digits.')
elif (not value.startswith('07')) and (not value.startswith('0')):
raise ValidationError('Invalid phone number.')
if value.startswith('07'): # mobile number
value = f'{value[0:3]} {value[3:6]} {value[6:]}'
elif value.startswith('0'): # landline
value = f'{value[0:3]} {value[3:4]} {value[4:7]} {value[7:]}'
print(value) #### here the correct format is displayed
return value
hotline = models.CharField(max_length=PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH, validators=[phone_number_validator])
The purpose of a validator is only to check the value against a set of criteria. It is not meant to modify value.
Reference: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/validators/
This was already answered here (and from the docs).
If you want to use a validate_or_process-function, i have an approach in my own question

How to get SelectField current value with Flask WTF

I making a gender form using Flask-WTF, here is the snippet of my code:
class Gender(enum.Enum):
Male = 'Male'
Female = 'Female'
def __str__(self):
return self.value
gender = [(str(y), y) for y in (Gender)]
class EditStudentForm(Form):
gender = SelectField('Gender', choices=gender)
def edit_student():
student = Student.query.filter_by(id=student_id).first()
student_form = EditStudentForm()
# ... validate on submit
# ....
# ....
return render_template(student=student, student_form=student_form)
That code already works, included I can insert the data to the database.
But, if the current user gender value on database is Female, whenever I refresh the browsers, the form did not get the current value.
In HTML I want it to be like this:
// edit form
<input type="" value="currentUserValueFromDatabase">
I try to get current value using this way:
{{ f.render_field(student_form.gender, value=student.gender) }}
But it didn't prepopulate the current value from current user gender.
So what I want is to to display current value on selectfield or prepopulate the selectfield according to the current user value on the database.
Pass student to the EditStudentForm as the obj keyword argument, e.g.:
student_form = EditStudentForm(obj=student_form)
Why? From WTForms docs:
obj – If formdata is empty or not provided, this object is checked for
attributes matching form field names, which will be used for field
When you construct the form when handling a GET request, there is no form data, so it will use the object data.
I think what you need is to set default value of gender field before you pass the form object to template. Try below.
def edit_student():
student = Student.query.filter_by(id=student_id).first()
student_form = EditStudentForm()
# set default
student_form.gender.default = student.gender
# process it to propagate the change.
# ... validate on submit
# ....
# ....
return render_template(student_form=student_form)

Validation not running in django form

I want to run field validatin on my form, as in form and field validation- using validation in practice.
My form looks like this:
from kapsule.validators import name_zero_min_length, name_max_length
class NameUpdateForm(forms.Form):
name = forms.CharField(
My validators:
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
def name_zero_min_length(name_field):
# Check minimum length
if not len(name_field) > 0:
print('firing zero length')
raise ValidationError(
"My custom error message name must be at least one character"
def name_max_length(name_field):
# Check that the name is under the max length
if len(name_field) > MAX_LENGTH:
raise ValidationError(
"My custom error message name cannot be more than {} characters".format(MAX_LENGTH)
My view like this:
def edit_kapsule_name(request, kapsule_pk):
kapsule = Kapsule.objects.get(pk=kapsule_pk)
form = NameUpdateForm(request.POST)
response = {}
if form.is_valid():
name = form.data.get('name')
kapsule.name = name
print('json') # json
errors = form._errors.as_json()
print(errors) # {"name": [{"message": "This field is required.", "code": "required"}]}
My output is commented in the above code (invalid, and giving a different error that that which I expected).
Why is my custom validation not running?
This seems to match with my model validation (working), and the second reponse here
Well in the comment from your code I can see that the form is invalid and it is complaining about a required field. That might be the cause your validators are not running, according to the docs:
The clean() method on a Field subclass is responsible for running to_python(), validate(), and run_validators() in the correct order and propagating their errors. If, at any time, any of the methods raise ValidationError, the validation stops and that error is raised. This method returns the clean data, which is then inserted into the cleaned_data dictionary of the form.
On the other hand, if the field is required, the validation not len(name_field) > 0 has no much sense.
Try calling your validators as part of the clean_name method in your form.

GeoDJango: retrieve last inserted primary key from LayerMapping

I am building an application with GeoDjango and I have the following problem:
I need to read track data from a GPX file and those data should be stored in a model MultiLineStringField field.
This should happen in the admin interface, where the user uploads a GPX file
I am trying to achieve this, namely that the data grabbed from the file should be assigned to the MultiLineStringField, while the other fields should get values from the form.
My model is:
class GPXTrack(models.Model):
nome = models.CharField("Nome", blank = False, max_length = 255)
slug = models.SlugField("Slug", blank = True)
# sport natura arte/cultura
tipo = models.CharField("Tipologia", blank = False, max_length = 2, choices=TIPOLOGIA_CHOICES)
descrizione = models.TextField("Descrizione", blank = True)
gpx_file = models.FileField(upload_to = 'uploads/gpx/')
track = models.MultiLineStringField(blank = True)
objects = models.GeoManager()
published = models.BooleanField("Pubblicato")
rel_files = generic.GenericRelation(MyFiles)
#publish_on = models.DateTimeField("Pubblicare il", auto_now_add = True)
created = models.DateTimeField("Created", auto_now_add = True)
updated = models.DateTimeField("Updated", auto_now = True)
class Meta:
#verbose_name = "struttura'"
#verbose_name_plural = "strutture"
ordering = ['-created']
def __str__(self):
return str(self.nome)
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s' % (self.nome)
def put(self):
self.slug = sluggy(self.nome)
key = super(Foresta, self).put()
# do something after save
return key
While in the admin.py file I have overwritten the save method as follows:
from django.contrib.gis import admin
from trails.models import GPXPoint, GPXTrack
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource
#from gpx_mapping import GPXMapping
from django.contrib.gis.utils import LayerMapping
from django.template import RequestContext
import tempfile
import os
import pprint
class GPXTrackAdmin(admin.OSMGeoAdmin):
list_filter = ( 'tipo', 'published')
search_fields = ['nome']
list_display = ('nome', 'tipo', 'published', 'gpx_file')
inlines = [TrackImagesInline, TrackFilesInline]
prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("nome",)}
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
"""When creating a new object, set the creator field.
if 'gpx_file' in request.FILES:
# Get
gpxFile = request.FILES['gpx_file']
# Save
targetPath = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
destination = open(targetPath, 'wt')
for chunk in gpxFile.chunks():
#define fields of interest for LayerMapping
track_point_mapping = {'timestamp' : 'time',
'point' : 'POINT',
track_mapping = {'track' : 'MULTILINESTRING'}
gpx_file = DataSource(targetPath)
mytrack = LayerMapping(GPXTrack, gpx_file, track_mapping, layer='tracks')
#remove the temp file saved
orig = GPXTrack.objects.get(pk=mytrack.pk)
#assign the parsed values from LayerMapping to the appropriate Field
obj.track = orig.track
As far as I know:
LayerMapping cannot be used to update a field but only to save a new one
I cannot access a specific field of the LayerMapping object (ie in the code above: mytrack.track) and assign its value to a model field (ie obj.track) in the model_save method
I cannot retrieve the primary key of the last saved LayerMapping object (ie in the code above: mytrack.pk) in order to update it with the values passed in the form for the field not mapped in LayerMapping.mapping
What can I do then?!?!
I sorted it out subclassing LayerMapping and adding a method get_values() that instead of saving the retrieved data, returns them for any use or manipulation.The get_values method is a copy of the LayerMapping::save() method that returns the values instead of saving them.
I am using django 1.5
import os
from django.contrib.gis.utils import LayerMapping
import sys
class MyMapping(LayerMapping):
def get_values(self, verbose=False, fid_range=False, step=False,
progress=False, silent=False, stream=sys.stdout, strict=False):
Returns the contents from the OGR DataSource Layer
according to the mapping dictionary given at initialization.
Keyword Parameters:
If set, information will be printed subsequent to each model save
executed on the database.
May be set with a slice or tuple of (begin, end) feature ID's to map
from the data source. In other words, this keyword enables the user
to selectively import a subset range of features in the geographic
data source.
If set with an integer, transactions will occur at every step
interval. For example, if step=1000, a commit would occur after
the 1,000th feature, the 2,000th feature etc.
When this keyword is set, status information will be printed giving
the number of features processed and sucessfully saved. By default,
progress information will pe printed every 1000 features processed,
however, this default may be overridden by setting this keyword with an
integer for the desired interval.
Status information will be written to this file handle. Defaults to
using `sys.stdout`, but any object with a `write` method is supported.
By default, non-fatal error notifications are printed to stdout, but
this keyword may be set to disable these notifications.
Execution of the model mapping will cease upon the first error
encountered. The default behavior is to attempt to continue.
# Getting the default Feature ID range.
default_range = self.check_fid_range(fid_range)
# Setting the progress interval, if requested.
if progress:
if progress is True or not isinstance(progress, int):
progress_interval = 1000
progress_interval = progress
# Defining the 'real' save method, utilizing the transaction
# decorator created during initialization.
def _get_values(feat_range=default_range, num_feat=0, num_saved=0):
if feat_range:
layer_iter = self.layer[feat_range]
layer_iter = self.layer
for feat in layer_iter:
num_feat += 1
# Getting the keyword arguments
kwargs = self.feature_kwargs(feat)
except LayerMapError, msg:
# Something borked the validation
if strict: raise
elif not silent:
stream.write('Ignoring Feature ID %s because: %s\n' % (feat.fid, msg))
# Constructing the model using the keyword args
is_update = False
if self.unique:
# If we want unique models on a particular field, handle the
# geometry appropriately.
# Getting the keyword arguments and retrieving
# the unique model.
u_kwargs = self.unique_kwargs(kwargs)
m = self.model.objects.using(self.using).get(**u_kwargs)
is_update = True
# Getting the geometry (in OGR form), creating
# one from the kwargs WKT, adding in additional
# geometries, and update the attribute with the
# just-updated geometry WKT.
geom = getattr(m, self.geom_field).ogr
new = OGRGeometry(kwargs[self.geom_field])
for g in new: geom.add(g)
setattr(m, self.geom_field, geom.wkt)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
# No unique model exists yet, create.
m = self.model(**kwargs)
m = self.model(**kwargs)
# Attempting to save.
pippo = kwargs
num_saved += 1
if verbose: stream.write('%s: %s\n' % (is_update and 'Updated' or 'Saved', m))
except SystemExit:
except Exception, msg:
if self.transaction_mode == 'autocommit':
# Rolling back the transaction so that other model saves
# will work.
if strict:
# Bailing out if the `strict` keyword is set.
if not silent:
stream.write('Failed to save the feature (id: %s) into the model with the keyword arguments:\n' % feat.fid)
stream.write('%s\n' % kwargs)
elif not silent:
stream.write('Failed to save %s:\n %s\nContinuing\n' % (kwargs, msg))
# Printing progress information, if requested.
if progress and num_feat % progress_interval == 0:
stream.write('Processed %d features, saved %d ...\n' % (num_feat, num_saved))
# Only used for status output purposes -- incremental saving uses the
# values returned here.
return pippo
nfeat = self.layer.num_feat
if step and isinstance(step, int) and step < nfeat:
# Incremental saving is requested at the given interval (step)
if default_range:
raise LayerMapError('The `step` keyword may not be used in conjunction with the `fid_range` keyword.')
beg, num_feat, num_saved = (0, 0, 0)
indices = range(step, nfeat, step)
n_i = len(indices)
for i, end in enumerate(indices):
# Constructing the slice to use for this step; the last slice is
# special (e.g, [100:] instead of [90:100]).
if i + 1 == n_i: step_slice = slice(beg, None)
else: step_slice = slice(beg, end)
pippo = _get_values(step_slice, num_feat, num_saved)
beg = end
stream.write('%s\nFailed to save slice: %s\n' % ('=-' * 20, step_slice))
# Otherwise, just calling the previously defined _save() function.
return _get_values()
In a custom save or save_model method you can then use:
track_mapping = {'nome': 'name',
targetPath = "/my/gpx/file/path.gpx"
gpx_file = DataSource(targetPath)
mytrack = MyMapping(GPXTrack, gpx_file, track_mapping, layer='tracks')
pippo = mytrack.get_values()
obj.track = pippo['track']

Django custom validation of multiple fields

for which I want to validate a number of fields in a custom clean method.
I have this so far:
class ProjectInfoForm(forms.Form):
module = forms.ModelChoiceField(
piece = forms.CharField(
span = forms.IntegerField(
max_span = forms.IntegerField(
def clean(self):
span = self.cleaned_data['span']
max_span = self.cleaned_data['max_span']
piece = self.cleaned_data.['piece']
# validate piece
except Piece.DoesNotExist:
raise forms.ValidationError(
'Illegal Piece selected!'
self._errors["piece"] = "Please enter a valid model"
# validate spans
if span > max_span:
raise forms.ValidationError(
'Span must be less than or equal to Maximum Span'
self._errors["span"] = "Please enter a valid span"
return self.cleaned_data
However, this only gives me one of the messages if both clauses invalidate. How can I get all the invalid messages. Also I do not get the field-specific messages - how do I include a message to be displayed for the specific field?
Any help much appreciated.
Store the errors and don't raise them until the end of the method:
def clean(self):
span = self.cleaned_data['span']
max_span = self.cleaned_data['max_span']
piece = self.cleaned_data.['piece']
error_messages = []
# validate piece
except Piece.DoesNotExist:
error_messages.append('Illegal Piece selected')
self._errors["piece"] = "Please enter a valid model"
# validate spans
if span > max_span:
error_messages.append('Span must be less than or equal to Maximum Span')
self._errors["span"] = "Please enter a valid span"
if len(error_messages):
raise forms.ValidationError(' & '.join(error_messages))
return self.cleaned_data
You should write a custom clean_FIELDNAME method in this case. That way, field centric validation errors can later be displayed as such when using {{form.errors}} in your template. The clean method o.t.h. is for validating logic that spans more than one field. Take a look through the link I posted above, everything you need to know about validating django forms is in there.
It happens because you are using raise.
Try replace it by these two line in your code:
del self.cleaned_data['piece']
del self.cleaned_data['span']
It appears this has changed in later versions of Django (this seems to work in 2.1 and later):
from django import forms
class ContactForm(forms.Form):
# Everything as before.
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super().clean()
cc_myself = cleaned_data.get("cc_myself")
subject = cleaned_data.get("subject")
if cc_myself and subject and "help" not in subject:
msg = "Must put 'help' in subject when cc'ing yourself."
self.add_error('cc_myself', msg)
self.add_error('subject', msg)
https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/forms/validation/#raising-multiple-errors has more details.