Implementing a concurrent program that keeps track of the occurrences of characters in a input stream - concurrency

How does one approach this type of concurrent stream communication program?
local InS in
{Browse {Counter InS}}
One should see in the browser [a#1]|[a#1 b#1]|[a#2 b#1]|[a#2 b#1 c#1]|_
A sequential program would be trivial, but without the full definition of the InS list, I can not think of an acceptable approach. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
I tried to implement the concurrent map function, but this definition is kind of strange
fun {ConcMap Xs F A}
case Xs of nil then nil
[] X|Xr then thread {F X A} end|{ConcMap Xr F X|A}
local Xs Ys in
thread Ys={ConcMap Xs fun {$ X A} X|A end nil} end
{Browse Ys} % prints accumulated list [a]|[b a]|[c b a]|[d c b a]|_
it is unclear to me how to proceed further

I will answer my question myself, maybe it will be useful for someone. However, it would be interesting to see better solutions to the same problem.
fun {Accumulate Xs A}
case Xs of nil then A
[] X|Xr then thread X|A end|{Accumulate Xr X|A}
fun {MyMember N Xs}
case Xs of nil then false
[] X|Xr then
if N==X then true
else {MyMember N Xr}
fun {Count Xs Y N}
case Xs of nil then N
[] X|Xr then
if X==Y then {Count Xr Y N+1}
else {Count Xr Y N}
fun {BuildL Xs Ys}
case Xs of nil then nil
[] X|Xr then Z in
thread Z={Count Ys X 0} end
if {MyMember X Xr} then {BuildL Xr Ys}
else thread X#Z end|{BuildL Xr Ys} end
fun {CMap Xs Ys F}
case Xs of nil then nil
[] X|Xr then thread {F X X} end|{CMap Xr Ys F}
fun {Counter Xs}
local Ys Zs in
thread Ys={Accumulate Xs nil} end
thread Zs={CMap Ys Ys BuildL} end
local Ins in
{Browse {Counter Ins}}


Intersection of infinite lists

I know from computability theory that it is possible to take the intersection of two infinite lists, but I can't find a way to express it in Haskell.
The traditional method fails as soon as the second list is infinite, because you spend all your time checking it for a non-matching element in the first list.
let ones = 1 : ones -- an unending list of 1s
intersect [0,1] ones
This never yields 1, as it never stops checking ones for the element 0.
A successful method needs to ensure that each element of each list will be visited in finite time.
Probably, this will be by iterating through both lists, and spending approximately equal time checking all previously-visited elements in each list against each other.
If possible, I'd like to also have a way to ignore duplicates in the lists, as it is occasionally necessary, but this is not a requirement.
Using the universe package's Cartesian product operator we can write this one-liner:
import Data.Universe.Helpers
isect :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
xs `isect` ys = [x | (x, y) <- xs +*+ ys, x == y]
-- or this, which may do marginally less allocation
xs `isect` ys = foldr ($) [] $ cartesianProduct
(\x y -> if x == y then (x:) else id)
xs ys
Try it in ghci:
> take 10 $ [0,2..] `isect` [0,3..]
This implementation will not produce any duplicates if the input lists don't have any; but if they do, you can tack on your favorite dup-remover either before or after calling isect. For example, with nub, you might write
> nub ([0,1] `isect` repeat 1)
and then heat up your computer pretty good, since it can never be sure there might not be a 0 in that second list somewhere if it looks deep enough.
This approach is significantly faster than David Fletcher's, produces many fewer duplicates and produces new values much more quickly than Willem Van Onsem's, and doesn't assume the lists are sorted like freestyle's (but is consequently much slower on such lists than freestyle's).
An idea might be to use incrementing bounds. Let is first relax the problem a bit: yielding duplicated values is allowed. In that case you could use:
import Data.List (intersect)
intersectInfinite :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersectInfinite = intersectInfinite' 1
where intersectInfinite' n = intersect (take n xs) (take n ys) ++ intersectInfinite' (n+1)
In other words we claim that:
A∩B = A1∩B1 ∪ A2∩B2 ∪ ... ∪ ...
with A1 is a set containing the first i elements of A (yes there is no order in a set, but let's say there is somehow an order). If the set contains less elements then the full set is returned.
If c is in A (at index i) and in B (at index j), c will be emitted in segment (not index) max(i,j).
This will thus always generate an infinite list (with an infinite amount of duplicates) regardless whether the given lists are finite or not. The only exception is when you give it an empty list, in which case it will take forever. Nevertheless we here ensured that every element in the intersection will be emitted at least once.
Making the result finite (if the given lists are finite)
Now we can make our definition better. First we make a more advanced version of take, takeFinite (let's first give a straight-forward, but not very efficient defintion):
takeFinite :: Int -> [a] -> (Bool,[a])
takeFinite _ [] = (True,[])
takeFinite 0 _ = (False,[])
takeFinite n (x:xs) = let (b,t) = takeFinite (n-1) xs in (b,x:t)
Now we can iteratively deepen until both lists have reached the end:
intersectInfinite :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersectInfinite = intersectInfinite' 1
intersectInfinite' :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersectInfinite' n xs ys | fa && fb = intersect xs ys
| fa = intersect ys xs
| fb = intersect xs ys
| otherwise = intersect xfa xfb ++ intersectInfinite' (n+1) xs ys
where (fa,xfa) = takeFinite n xs
(fb,xfb) = takeFinite n ys
This will now terminate given both lists are finite, but still produces a lot of duplicates. There are definitely ways to resolve this issue more.
Here's one way. For each x we make a list of maybes which has
Just x only where x appeared in ys. Then we interleave all
these lists.
isect :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
isect xs ys = (catMaybes . foldr interleave [] . map matches) xs
matches x = [if x == y then Just x else Nothing | y <- ys]
interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave [] ys = ys
interleave (x:xs) ys = x : interleave ys xs
Maybe it can be improved using some sort of fairer interleaving -
it's already pretty slow on the example below because (I think)
it's doing an exponential amount of work.
> take 10 (isect [0..] [0,2..])
If elements in the lists are ordered then you can easy to do that.
intersectOrd :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersectOrd [] _ = []
intersectOrd _ [] = []
intersectOrd (x:xs) (y:ys) = case x `compare` y of
EQ -> x : intersectOrd xs ys
LT -> intersectOrd xs (y:ys)
GT -> intersectOrd (x:xs) ys
Here's yet another alternative, leveraging Control.Monad.WeightedSearch
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Monad.WeightedSearch as W
We first define a cost for digging inside the list. Accessing the tail costs 1 unit more. This will ensure a fair scheduling among the two infinite lists.
eachW :: [a] -> W.T Int a
eachW = foldr (\x w -> pure x <|> W.weight 1 w) empty
Then, we simply disregard infinite lists.
intersection :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
intersection xs ys = W.toList $ do
x <- eachW xs
y <- eachW ys
guard (x==y)
return y
Even better with MonadComprehensions on:
intersection2 :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
intersection2 xs ys = W.toList [ y | x <- eachW xs, y <- eachW ys, x==y ]
I ended up using the following implementation; a slight modification of the answer by David Fletcher:
isect :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
isect [] = const [] -- don't bother testing against an empty list
isect xs = catMaybes . diagonal . map matches
where matches y = [if x == y then Just x else Nothing | x <- xs]
This can be augmented with nub to filter out duplicates:
isectUniq :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
isectUniq xs = nub . isect xs
Of the line isect xs = catMaybes . diagonal . map matches
(map matches) ys computes a list of lists of comparisons between elements of xs and ys, where the list indices specify the indices in ys and xs respectively: i.e (map matches) ys !! 3 !! 0 would represent the comparison of ys !! 3 with xs !! 0, which would be Nothing if those values differ. If those values are the same, it would be Just that value.
diagonals takes a list of lists and returns a list of lists where the nth output list contains an element each from the first n lists. Another way to conceptualise it is that (diagonals . map matches) ys !! n contains comparisons between elements whose indices in xs and ys sum to n.
diagonal is simply a flat version of diagonals (diagonal = concat diagonals)
Therefore (diagonal . map matches) ys is a list of comparisons between elements of xs and ys, where the elements are approximately sorted by the sum of the indices of the elements of ys and xs being compared; this means that early elements are compared to later elements with the same priority as middle elements being compared to each other.
(catMaybes . diagonal . map matches) ys is a list of only the elements which are in both lists, where the elements are approximately sorted by the sum of the indices of the two elements being compared.
(diagonal . map (catMaybes . matches)) ys does not work: catMaybes . matches only yields when it finds a match, instead of also yielding Nothing on no match, so the interleaving does nothing to distribute the work.
To contrast, in the chosen solution, the interleaving of Nothing and Just values by diagonal means that the program divides its attention between 'searching' for multiple different elements, not waiting for one to succeed; whereas if the Nothing values are removed before interleaving, the program may spend too much time waiting for a fruitless 'search' for a given element to succeed.
Therefore, we would encounter the same problem as in the original question: while one element does not match any elements in the other list, the program will hang; whereas the chosen solution will only hang while no matches are found for any elements in either list.

how to stop a recursive function in this case (SML)

fun p(L) =
[L] # p( tl(L) # [hd(L)] );
If L is [1,2,3] then I want to have a [ [1,2,3], [2,3,1], [3,1,2] ].
Since every time I append the first num to the end, then if L = [] then [] doesn't work here.
How to stop the function once it has the three lists?
You can have a parameter x in the function to keep track of how many levels deep in the recursion you are.
fun p(L, x) =
if x < length(L) then [L] # p(tl(L) # [hd(L)], x+1)
else [];
Then call the function with x=0.
p([1, 2, 3], 0)
And if you don't like the extra parameter, then as you probably know you can define another function and make it equal to the p function with the parameter forced to 0.
fun p0(L) = p(L, 0);
p0([1, 2, 3]); (* same result as p([1, 2, 3], 0); *)
Let me show some more implementation variants.
First of all, let's define an auxiliary function, which rotates a list 1 position to the left:
(* operates on non-empty lists only *)
fun rot1_left (h :: tl) = tl # [h]
Then the p function could be defined as follows:
fun p xs =
(* returns reversed result *)
fun loop [] _ _ = []
| loop xs n res =
if n = 0
then res
else loop (rot1_left xs) (n-1) (xs :: res)
List.rev (loop xs (length xs) [])
It's usually better (performance-wise) to add new elements at the beginning of the list and then reverse the resulting list once, than to append to the end many times. Note: this version does one spurious rotate at the end and I could have optimized it out, but didn't, to make code more clear.
We have calculated the length of the given list to make its rotated "copies", but we don't have to traverse xs beforehand, we can do it as we rotate it. So, we can use xs as a kind of counter, recursively calling the loop helper function on the tail of the xs list.
fun p xs =
(* returns reversed result *)
fun loop [] _ _ = []
| loop xs [] res = res
| loop xs (_::tl) res =
loop (rot1_left xs) tl (xs :: res)
List.rev (loop xs xs [])
Having done that, we are now closer to implementing p as a foldl function:
fun p xs =
(List.rev o #1)
(fn (_, (res, rot)) => (rot::res, rot1_left rot))
([], xs)
The second argument to the List.foldl function is our "accumulator", which is represented here as a pair of the current (partial) result as in the previous implementations and the current rotated list. That explains (List.rev o #1) part: we need to take the first component of the accumulator and reverse it. And as for the ([], xs) part -- the current result is empty at the beginning (hence []) and we start rotating the initial xs list. Also, the _ in (_, (res, rot)) means the current element of the given xs, which we don't care about, since it just serves as a counter (see the prev. variant).
Note: o stands for function composition in Standard ML.

Take From a List While Increasing

I have a list of values that I would like to take from while the value is increasing. I assume it would always take the head of the list and then compare it to the next value. The function will continue to take as long as this continues to increase. Upon reaching an list element that is less than or equal the pervious value the list is returned.
takeIncreasing :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
takeIncreasing [1,2,3,4,3,5,6,7,8] -- Should return [1,2,3,4]
A fold could compare the last element of the accumulation with the next value and append if the condition is met, but would continue to the end of the list. I would like the function to stop taking at the first instance the constraint is not met.
This seems like an application of a monad but cannot determine if an existing monad accomplishes this.
A fold [...] would continue to the end of the list. I would like the function to stop taking at the first instance the constraint is not met.
A right fold can short circuit:
fun :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
fun [] = []
fun (x:xs) = x: foldr go (const []) xs x
where go x f i = if i < x then x: f x else []
\> fun [1,2,3,4,3,undefined]
or infinite size list:
\> fun $ [1,2,3,4,3] ++ [1..]
Right folds are magical, so you never even have to pattern match on the list.
twi xs = foldr go (const []) xs Nothing where
go x _ (Just prev)
| x < prev = []
go x r _ = x : r (Just x)
Or one that IMO has a bit less code complexity:
takeIncreasing :: Ord x => [x] -> [x]
takeIncreasing (x:x':xs) | x < x' = x : takeIncreasing (x':xs)
| otherwise = [x]
takeIncreasing xs = xs
This one is just a bit less clever than previous suggestions. I like un-clever code.
A solution without folds:
takeIncreasing :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
takeIncreasing [] = []
takeIncreasing (x:xs) = (x :) . map snd . takeWhile (uncurry (<)) $ zip (x:xs) xs

Apply a function to every second element in a list

I'd like to apply a function to every second element in a list:
> mapToEverySecond (*2) [1..10]
I've written the following function:
mapToEverySecond :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapToEverySecond f l = map (\(i,x) -> if odd i then f x else x) $ zip [0..] l
This works, but I wonder if there is a more idiomatic way to do things like that.
I haven't written very much Haskell, but here's the first thing that came into mind:
func :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
func f [] = []
func f [x] = [x]
func f (x:s:xs) = x:(f s):(func f xs)
It is a little ulgy, since you have to not only take care of the empty list, but also the list with one element. This doesn't really scale well either (what if you want every third, or
One could do as #Landei points out, and write
func :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
func f (x:s:xs) = x:(f s):(func f xs)
func f xs = xs
In order to get rid of the ugly checks for both [] and [x], though, IMHO, this makes it a little harder to read (at least the first time).
Here is how I would do it:
mapOnlyOddNumbered f [] = []
mapOnlyOddNumbered f (x:xs) = f x : mapOnlyEvenNumbered f xs
mapOnlyEvenNumbered f [] = []
mapOnlyEvenNumbered f (x:xs) = x : mapOnlyOddNumbered f xs
Whether this is "idiomatic" is a matter of opinion (and I would have given it as a comment if it would fit there) , but it may be useful to see a number of different approaches. Your solution is just as valid as mine, or the ones in the comments, and easier to change into say mapOnlyEvery13nd or mapOnlyPrimeNumbered
mapToEverySecond = zipWith ($) (cycle [id, (*2)])
Is the smallest I can think of, also looks pretty clear in my opinion. It also kinda scales with every nth.
Edit: Oh, people already suggested it in comments. I don't want to steal it, but I really think this is the answer.
Here's how I would probably do it:
mapToEverySecond f xs = foldr go (`seq` []) xs False
go x cont !mapThisTime =
(if mapThisTime then f x else x) : cont (not mapThisTime)
But if I were writing library code, I'd probably wrap that up in a build form.
Yes, this can also be done using mapAccumL or traverse.
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Data.Traversable (Traversable (traverse), mapAccumL)
mapToEverySecond :: Traversable t => (a -> a) -> t a -> t a
-- Either
mapToEverySecond f = snd . flip mapAccumL False
(\mapThisTime x ->
if mapThisTime
then (False, f x)
else (True, x))
-- or
mapToEverySecond f xs = evalState (traverse step xs) False
step x = do
mapThisTime <- get
put (not mapThisTime)
if mapThisTime then return (f x) else return x
Or you can do it with scanl, which I'll leave for you to figure out.
This is more a comment to #MartinHaTh's answer. I'd slightly optimize his solution to
func :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
func f = loop
loop [] = []
loop [x] = [x]
loop (x:s:xs) = x : f s : loop xs
Not very elegant, but this is my take:
mapToEverySecond f = reverse . fst . foldl' cmb ([], False) where
cmb (xs, b) x = ((if b then f else id) x : xs, not b)
Or improving on MartinHaTh's answer:
mapToEverySecond f (x : x' : xs) = x : f x' : mapToEverySecond f xs
mapToEverySecond _ xs = xs

How to sort a list in Haskell in command line ghci

I am new to Haskell, and I want to make 1 function that will take two lists and merge then together, and then sort the combined list from smallest to biggest.
this should be done in the command line without using modules.
This is what i currently have, I am having trouble getting the "sortList" function to work, and also I do not know how to combine these 3 lines into 1 function.
let combineList xs ys = xs++ys
let zs = combineList xs ys
let sortList (z:zs) = if (head zs) < z then (zs:z) else (z:(sortList zs))
How to sort list in ghci:
Prelude> :m + Data.List
Prelude Data.List> sort [1,4,2,0]
About your functions
let combineList xs ys = xs++ys
What is a point to create another alias for append function? But if you're really wants one - it could be defined like let combineList = (++).
let zs = combineList xs ys
It makes no sense because xs and ys are unknown outside of your combineList.
let sortList (z:zs) = if (head zs) < z then (zs:z) else (z:(sort zs))
This definition is not valid because it doesn't cover and empty list case and (zs:z) produces infinite type and sort is not defined yet. And you can get head of zs just by another pattern matching. And maybe you don't wanna to make another recursive call in the then part of if statement. And finally I should admit that this sorting algorithm doesn't work at all.
It's a bit awkward to define a sorting function within the ghci. I thing the easiest way to do it would be to write the sorting function in a file, and then loading it into ghci. For instance, you could write this concise (though not in-place!) version of quicksort in a file called sort.hs (taken from the HaskellWiki):
quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater)
lesser = filter (< p) xs
greater = filter (>= p) xs
and load it into ghci:
> :l sort.hs
If you really want to define the function in ghci, you can do something like this (from the Haskell user's guide):
> :{
> let { quicksort [] = []
> ; quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort (filter (< p) xs)) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort (filter (>= p) xs))
> }
> :}
once this is defined, you can do
> let combineAndSort xs ys = quicksort (xs ++ ys)
As another answer already explained, it would of course be quicker to just import sort from Data.List, but it is definitely a good exercise to do it manually.
Your question suggests that you are a bit confused about the scope of variables in Haskell. In this line
> let combineList xs ys = xs++ys
you introduce the variables xs and ys. Mentioning them to the left of the equals sign just means that combineList takes two variables, and in the body of that function, you are going to refer to these variables as xs and ys. It doesn't introduce the names outside of the function, so the next line
> let zs = combineList xs ys
doesn't really make sense, because the names xs and ys are only valid within the scope of combineList. To make zs have a value, you need to give combineList some concrete arguments, eg.:
> let zs = combineList [2,4,6] [1,3,5] --> [2,4,6,1,3,5]
But since the body of combineList is so simple, it would actually be easier to just do:
> let zs = [2,4,6] ++ [1,3,5] --> [2,4,6,1,3,5]
The last line is
> let sortList (z:zs) = if (head zs) < z then (zs:z) else (z:(sortList zs))
I think this line has confused you a lot, because there are quite a lot of different errors here. The answer by ДМИТРИЙ МАЛИКОВ mentions most of them, I would encourage you to try understand each of the errors he mentions.