How can I install the [] service on my private network? -

I want to use in Bookstack on offline environment.
I install drawio service via docker (refer, and modify Bookstack config DRAWIO=http://[my host]/?embed=1&proto=json&spin=1&configure=1
but it is not working, I find they are different, I wonder what has possible can install the [] service on my private network?

The following URL worked for me:
http://[my host]:8080/?embed=1&proto=json&spin=1
It seems like you had an additional configure=1 parameter. Note that only providing the parameter embed=1 also results in what appears to be the same web page.


Is possible deploy c++ web server on OpenShift3?

I am trying to deploy a c++ Http web server on OepnShift3 then I referred this.
The problem is:
Shall I put the source code on OpenShift or compile it first then put the executable file on OpenShift?
Is possible to access the OpenShift3 server via Xshell or Ftp?
Any way to get the OepnShift2 account?
It is no longer possible to get accounts on OpenShift 2.
For OpenShift 3, if you wanted to use a custom HTTP server you would need to be able to build a Docker image which includes it and any other files you need. If you can get the Docker image built, then you can deploy it to OpenShift 3.
Although you can get an interactive terminal in the container which runs your application, it doesn't work like traditional web hosting. That is, it isn't a shell access account where you would upload files using FTP or some other means.
Can you explain more about what it is you want to host? Depending on what you are doing there may be builder images already supported by OpenShift which can pull down files from a Git repository and build an image for you.
If OpenShift is new to you, I would suggest you try out:
so you understand some of what it can do and how you interact with it.
Also grab down the free eBook and read it:

Deploy simple PHP website to Swisscom Application Cloud: how to configure the server?

I am trying to deploy a simple PHP website to the Swisscom Application Cloud, based on cloud foundry.
My website is working fine locally, served by Apache.
I have followed the tutorial, but I am not clear on some aspects.
In the tutorial, the way to check if the app is working normally is to run it in the built-in web server in php through php -S. This doesn't work for me because my website has html extensions for php files and these are not interpreted correctly by the built-in server. In Apache, I can configure that just fine in the httpd.conf file, but here I don't know how to configure such a behaviour.
That's fine by me, because I can still check the website locally serving via Apache. The problem is that it looks that in the cloud this is the way to run the app as well, although I couldn't find more info in the documentation.
I'd be surprised that this is how the app is run in production because the php documentation states the following about the built-in server:
"It is not intended to be a full-featured web server. It should not be
used on a public network."
Are the web apps being run on Apache in the Swisscom Application Cloud? If yes, how do I get access to configure the httpd.conf and php.ini files? If no, how can I configure the special behavior I need for my app?
Here is a sample php app which summarizes what I am trying to achieve: deploy it in cloud foundry interpreting html files as php files.
Following #daniel-mikusa 's links to documentation I added special config related to the mime types under .bp-config/httpd/extra/httpd-mime.conf. This doesn't work as expected, though. Accessing from firefox, I am prompted to download the file. It works fine when I serve it locally via Apache with the same directive in the httpd.conf file.
The PHP build pack does not use php -s. I suppose that you could, but it's not the default. The default setup is to use PHP-FPM & Apache HTTPD, or ou can optionally use PHP-FPM w/Nginx.
For the most part, the PHP build pack should just run your app. There are occasionally things you need to adjust, and they are easily configurable by adding .bp-config/options.json to the root of your app.
I don't know anything about your app though, so I can't really say. If you can't get what you need with options.json you can customize the configuration for HTTPD, Nginx or PHP too. Check out the docs here for instructions to do that.
Hope that helps!

Sitecore FXM Add External Website from Internal Staging Server

I am trying to add an external website to my Sitecore FXM, however our staging(CM) server is inside an internal firewall and we have no intention to expose it to the public. And the auto generated beacon script uses our staging domain, thus it can't work out in the public.
My questions are:
Can I just change the domain in the script to use my public domain?
What is the recommended way to set this up in a staging(CM/CD) environment?
Reference: Sitecore Doc: Add External Website in FXM
Yes, you can use your public domain. The beacon script should be on the delivery server. There is a setting named FXM.Hostname that you can change to make it generate the correct tag. Instructions on configuring for a scaled environment are available here: Configuring FXM

jUDDI Installation and configuration

I have installed the basic jUDDI Server in my machine. I am able to Register the Service and able to read my Service info as a new user. I want to restrict the users who wants to look up my services. I want only my clients to access these information. I want to authenticate them so only my clients can view the business, service, tModel, Binding Template information. How can I achieve this? Can any body help me get through this?
Try turning on the setting the requires authentication for the inquiry API. You can find it in the juddiv3.xml config file for the server. Here's the xpath to get you there.
Future readers, the documentation is located here for the current release (as of this time of this post)
but the website will get you to whatever is current. The docs (that website) is also available as part of the distribution and (i think) maven artifacts

How to run appfacotry in local machine?

I have downloaded WSO2 appfacotry and ran it locally for testing purposes. It first gives carbon login and in the running application list I could see the /appmgt jaggery application is running. Then I tried to go to the url through the link provided in Action column in that application list. Initially I was routed to http://{some_ip_address}:9763/appmgt/ and then I was re routed to which gives me error. (because I don't have domain.) How can I run appfactory without this faulty URL?
Here's documentation on installing App Factory:
Also, note that there is now a hosted version, which you can use in the cloud with no configuration required:
Other than the 3rd party tools mentioned above, you need App Factory, AS, API manager, Stratos Controller and ELB to have all App Factory features