Store Templated data type in a struct - c++

We are using a PubSub framework that uses template methods to register topics and identify as a publisher or subscriber. For example, to register a topic name in the system you'd call:
RegisterTopic<T>(std::string topicName);
I would like to be able to create a parameter list (or configuration list if you will) to identify the needed registration topics in use by a given application configuration using a simple struct like
struct RegistrationTopicType
std::string name;
int type; // replace with some mechanism to store a data type
However I haven't found a working mechanism to replace the int in the struct above with something to store a data type.
I'm trying to do this so that I can maintain a list of topics and their types in the system:
std::vector<RegistrationTopicType> topicList = {
{"topic1", MyClass},
{"topic2", MyOtherClass}, // and on and on.
which I could use later do things like call the templated Registration method.
for (auto & topic : topicList) {
I have experimented with templated struct where I tried to store the data type such as
template<typename T>
struct TemplatedRegistrationTopic
using DataType = T;
std::string name;
But while I can implement instances of this struct,
TemplatedRegistrationTopic <float> topic{"floatTopic"};
TemplatedRegistrationTopic <MyClass> topic{"MyClassTopic"};
I can't seem to access the "DataType" variable as a datatype to use in the Registration method.
RegisterTopic<topic.DataType>(; // this fails.
I saw somewhere to use '::' but that also fails:
Register<topic::DataType>(; // this also fails.
Problems of storing a bunch of topics of different types in a common list aside, is what I'm trying to do (store a data type for later use in a templated method) even possible?
In the ol' days I might have created an enum list with an enum for of the possible types and then used that to select the actual type in a massive switch statement, but I don't want to have to maintain a mapping between all of the possible types and an enum in a giant switch statement which seems to defeat the purpose of using templates. eg I don't want to end up with this, but its effectively what I'm trying to do:
enum typelist { Type1, Type2 }; // one for each type that might be used as a topic
struct EnumRegistrationTopicType
std::string name;
typelist type;
std::vector<EnumRegistrationTopicType> enumTopicList = {
{"topic1", Type1},
{"topic2", Type2}, // and on and on.
for (auto & topic : enumTopicList) {
switch (topic.type) {
case typelist::Type1:
case typelist::Type2:

Let's do a classic OO design.
struct RegistratorBase {
virtual ~RegistratorBase() = default;
virtual void doRegistration(const std::string& topic) const = 0;
template <typename T>
struct Registrator {
void registerTopic(const std::string& topic) const override {
struct RegistrationTopicType {
std::string name;
std::unique_ptr<RegistratorBase> registrator;
Now you can add these things to a vector
std::vector<RegistrationTopicType> topicList {
{ "topic1", new Registrator<MyClass1> },
{ "topic2", new Registrator<MyClass2> },
and register everything
for (const auto& topic: topicList) {
Of course now one starts to wonder, why is RegistrationTopicType needed at all? Why not shove the name directly to the Registrator? OK let's try:
struct RegistratorBase {
virtual ~RegistratorBase() = default;
// no need for other virtual members
template <typename T>
struct Registrator {
Registrator (const string& topic) {
Nice! Now let's put this into a vector:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegistratorBase>> topicList {
new Registrator<MyClass1>("topic1"),
new Registrator<MyClass2>("topic2")
Great! But why do we need a vector of these things? We construct the vector of registrators and never use it anymore. Why not just create a bunch of variables instead?
Registrator<MyClass1> r1("topic1");
Registrator<MyClass2> r2("topic2");
But that's not really different from a list of function calls:
So variables are not needed either, nor are their classes. Put the calls somewhere and you are done. They are your configuration list.
We have successfully designed, simplified, and finally eliminated a totally redundant software component!
Perhaps some of the simplification steps will not be applicable to your case, in which case the component will not be redundant for you. But I have no way of knowing that.


What realization to choose for heterogenous container that uses std::variant for data storage?

For a program which is a simple rogue-like game, I need a container for storing contents of each room be it enemies, loot, traps, lore-entries etc. Since set of types being held in each room is finite and predetermined I've settled for std::variant for data storage. I also will need methods to process the data and here comes the problem. Now due to lack of experience I struggle to choose realization that won't become a burden in long term.
Objective style approach:
using myVariant = std::variant<TYpe1, Type2 ... TypeN>;
template <typename V>
class HVector
class HVElem
V data;
V getData();
std::vector<HVElem> content;
void push(V newData);
int main()
HVector<myVariant> hVector;
Functional approach:
using myVariant = std::variant<TYpe1, Type2 ... TypeN>;
template <typename V> void push(std::vector<V> hVector, V newData)
// something
int main()
std::vector hVector<myVariant>;
Which of the two approaches is better? I have a strong feeling that simply using std::vector<std::variant<>> with some template functions is enough in this case. Is using objective style even requiered here?
How can I prevent the program from creating a container that holds anything other than std::variant<>? Is there a way to simply list types in type aliases so that I could simply write std::vector<std::variant<myTypes>>?
Which of the two approaches is better?
Neither, see option 3 below.
How can I prevent the program from creating a container that holds anything other than std::variant<>?
using myVariant = std::variant<TYpe1, Type2 ... TypeN>;
using myVector = std::vector<myVariant>;

Calling different template function specialisations based on a run-time value

This is related to a previous question in that it's part of the same system, but it's a different problem.
I'm working on an in-house messaging system, which is designed to send messages (structs) to consumers.
When a project wants to use the messaging system, it will define a set of messages (enum class), the data types (struct), and the relationship between these entities:
template <MessageType E> struct expected_type;
template <> struct expected_type<MessageType::TypeA> { using type = Foo; };
template <> struct expected_type<MessageType::TypeB> { using type = Bar; };
template <> struct expected_type<MessageType::TypeM> { using type = Foo; };
Note that different types of message may use the same data type.
The code for sending these messages is discussed in my previous question. There's a single templated method that can send any message, and maintains type safety using the template definitions above. It works quite nicely.
My question regards the message receiver class. There is a base class, which implements methods like these:
ReceiveMessageTypeA(const Foo & data) { /* Some default action */ };
ReceiveMessageTypeB(const Bar & data) { /* Some default action */ };
ReceiveMessageTypeM(const Foo & data) { /* Some default action */ };
It then implements a single message processing function, like this:
bool ProcessMessage(MessageType msgType, void * data) {
switch (msgType) {
case TypeA:
case TypeB:
// Repeat for all supported message types
// error handling
When a message receiver is required, this base class is extended, and the desired ReceiveMessageTypeX methods are implemented. If that particular receiver doesn't care about a message type, the corresponding function is left unimplemented, and the default from the base class is used instead.
Side note: ignore the fact that I'm passing a void * rather than the specific type. There's some more code in between to handle all that, but it's not a relevant detail.
The problem with the approach is the addition of a new message type. As well as having to define the enum, struct, and expected_type<> specialisation, the base class has to be modified to add a new ReceiveMessageTypeX default method, and the switch statement in the ProcessMessage function must be updated.
I'd like to avoid manually modifying the base class. Specifically, I'd like to use the information stored in expected_type to do the heavy lifting, and to avoid repetition.
Here's my attempted solution:
In the base class, define a method:
template <MessageType msgType>
bool Receive(expected_type<msgType>::type data) {
// Default implementation. Print "Message not supported", or something
Then, the subclasses can just implement the specialisations they care about:
template<> Receive<MessageType::TypeA>(const Foo & data) { /* Some processing */ }
// Don't care about TypeB
template<> Receive<MessageType::TypeM>(const Foo & data) { /* Some processing */ }
I think that solves part of the problem; I don't need to define new methods in the base class.
But I can't figure out how to get rid of the switch statement. I'd like to be able to do this:
bool ProcessMessage(MessageType msgType, void * data) {
This won't do, of course, because templates don't work like that.
Things I've thought of:
Generating the switch statement from the expected_type structure. I have no idea how to do this.
Maintaining some sort of map of function pointers, and calling the desired one. The problem is that I don't know how to initialise the map without repeating the data from expected_type, which I don't want to do.
Defining expected_type using a macro, and then playing preprocessor games to massage that data into a switch statement as well. This may be viable, but I try to avoid macros if possible.
So, in summary, I'd like to be able to call a different template specialisation based on a run-time value. This seems like a contradiction to me, but I'm hoping someone can point me in a useful direction. Even if that is informing me that this is not a good idea.
I can change expected_type if needed, as long as it doesn't break my Send method (see my other question).
You had right idea with expected_type and Receive templates; there's just one step left to get it all working.
First, we need to give us some means to enumerate over MessageType:
enum class MessageType {
_FIRST = 0,
TypeA = _FIRST,
TypeM = 100,
And then we can enumerate over MessageType at compile time and generate dispatch functions (using SFINAE to skip values not defined in expected_types):
// this overload works when expected_types has a specialization for this value of E
template<MessageType E> void processMessageHelper(MessageType msgType, void * data, typename expected_type<E>::type*) {
if (msgType == E) Receive<E>(*(expected_type<E>::type*)data);
else processMessageHelper<(MessageType)((int)E + 1)>(msgType, data, nullptr);
template<MessageType E> void processMessageHelper(MessageType msgType, void * data, bool) {
processMessageHelper<(MessageType)((int)E + 1)>(msgType, data, nullptr);
template<> void processMessageHelper<MessageType::_LAST>(MessageType msgType, void * data, bool) {
std::cout << "Unexpected message type\n";
void ProcessMessage(MessageType msgType, void * data) {
processMessageHelper<MessageType::_FIRST>(msgType, data, nullptr);
Your title says: "Calling different template function specialisations based on a run-time value"
That can only be done with some sort of manual switch statement, or with virtual functions.
On the one hand, it looks on the surface like you are doing object-oriented programming, but you don't yet have any virtual methods. If you find you are writing pseudo-objects everywhere, but you don't have any virtual functions, then it means you are not doing OOP. This is not a bad thing though. If you overuse OOP, then you might fail to appreciate the particular cases where it is useful and therefore it will just cause more confusion.
Simplify your code, and don't get distracted by OOP
You want the message type object to have some 'magic' associated with it, where it's MessageType controls how it is dispatched. This means you need a virtual function.
struct message {
virtual void Receive() = 0;
struct message_type_A : public message {
virtual void Receive() {
This allows you, where appropriate, to pass these objects as message&, and to call msg.process_me()

What is the "correct OOP" way to deal with a storage pool of items of mixed types?

This was inspired by a comment to my other question here:
How do you "not repeat yourself" when giving a class an accessible "name" in C++?
nvoight: "RTTI is bad because it's a hint you are not doing good OOP. Doing your own homebrew RTTI does not make it better OOP, it just means you are reinventing the wheel on top of bad OOP."
So what is the "good OOP" solution here? The problem is this. The program is in C++, so there are also C++ specific details mentioned below. I have a "component" class (actually, a struct), which is subclassed into a number of different derived classes containing different kinds of component data. It's part of an "entity component system" design for a game. I'm wondering about the storage of the components. In particular, the current storage system has:
a "component manager" which stores an array, actually a hash map, of a single type of component. The hash map allows for lookup of a component by the entity ID of the entity it belongs to. This component manager is a template which inherits from a base, and the template parameter is the type of component to manage.
a full storage pack which is a collection of these component managers, implemented as an array of pointers to the component manager base class. This has methods to insert and extract an entity (on insertion, the components are taken out and put into the managers, on removal, they are extracted and collected into a new entity object), as well as ones to add new component managers, so if we want to add a new component type to the game, all we have to do is put another command to insert a component manager for it.
It's the full storage pack that prompted this. In particular, it offers no way of accessing a particular type of component. All the components are stored as base class pointers with no type information. What I thought of was using some kind of RTTI and storing the component managers in a map which maps type names and thus allows for lookup and then the proper downcasting of the base class pointer to the appropriate derived class (the user would call a template member on the entity storage pool to do this).
But if this RTTI means bad OOP, what would be the correct way to design this system so no RTTI is required?
Disclaimer/resources: my BCS thesis was about the design and implementation of a C++14 library for compile-time Entity-Component-System pattern generation. You can find the library here on GitHub.
This answer is meant to give you a broad overview of some techniques/ideas you can apply to implement the Entity-Component-System pattern depending on whether or not component/system types are known at compile-time.
If you want to see implementation details, I suggest you to check out my library (linked above) for an entirely compile-time based approach. diana is a very nice C library that can give you an idea of a run-time based approach.
You have several approaches, depending on the scope/scale of your project and on the nature of your entities/components/systems.
All component types and system types are known at compile-time.
This is the case analyzed in my BCS thesis - what you can do is use advanced metaprogramming techniques (e.g. using Boost.Hana) to put all component types and system types in compile-time lists and create data structures that link everything together at compile time. Pseudocode example:
namespace c
struct position { vec2f _v };
struct velocity { vec2f _v };
struct acceleration { vec2f _v };
struct render { sprite _s; };
constexpr auto component_types = type_list
After defining your components, you can define your systems and tell them "what components to use":
namespace s
struct movement
template <typename TData>
void process(TData& data, float ft)
data.for_entities([&](auto eid)
auto& p = data.get(eid, component_type<c::position>)._v;
auto& v = data.get(eid, component_type<c::velocity>)._v;
auto& a = data.get(eid, component_type<c::acceleration>)._v;
v += a * ft;
p += v * ft;
struct render
template <typename TData>
void process(TData& data)
data.for_entities([&](auto eid)
auto& p = data.get(eid, component_type<c::position>)._v;
auto& s = data.get(eid, component_type<c::render>)._s;
constexpr auto system_types = type_list
All that's left is using some sort of context object and lambda overloading to visit the systems and call their processing methods:
[ft](auto& data, s::movement& s)
s.process(data, ft);
[](auto& data, s::render& s)
You can use all the compile-time knowledge to generate appropriate data structures for components and systems inside the context object.
This is the approach I used in my thesis and library - I talked about it at C++Now 2016: "Implementation of a multithreaded compile-time ECS in C++14".
All component types and systems types are known at run-time.
This is a completely different situation - you need to use some sort of type-erasure technique to dynamically deal with components and systems. A suitable solution is using a scripting language such as LUA to deal with system logic and/or component structure (a more efficient simple component definition language can also be handwritten, so that it maps one-to-one to C++ types or to your engine's types).
You need some sort of context object where you can register component types and system types at run-time. I suggest either using unique incrementing IDs or some sort of UUIDs to identify component/system types. After mapping system logic and component structures to IDs, you can pass those around in your ECS implementation to retrieve data and process entities. You can store component data in generic resizable buffers (or associative maps, for big containers) that can be modified at run-time thanks to component structure knowledge - here's an example of what I mean:
auto c_position_id = ctx.register_component_type("./c_position.txt");
// ...
auto context::register_component_type(const std::string& path)
auto& storage = this->component_storage.create_buffer();
auto file_contents = get_contents_from_path(path);
for_parsed_lines_in(file_contents, [&](auto line)
if(line.type == "int")
else if(line.type == "float")
return next_unique_component_type_id++;
Some component types and system types are known at compile-time, others are known at run-time.
Use approach (1), and create some sort of "bridge" component and system types that implements any type-erasure technique in order to access component structure or system logic at run-time. An std::map<runtime_system_id, std::function<...>> can work for run-time system logic processing. An std::unique_ptr<runtime_component_data> or an std::aligned_storage_t<some_reasonable_size> can work for run-time component structure.
To answer your question:
But if this RTTI means bad OOP, what would be the correct way to design this system so no RTTI is required?
You need a way of mapping types to values that you can use at run-time: RTTI is an appropriate way of doing that.
If you do not want to use RTTI and you still want to use polymorphic inheritance to define your component types, you need to implement a way to retrieve some sort of run-time type ID from a derived component type. Here's a primitive way of doing that:
namespace impl
auto get_next_type_id()
static std::size_t next_type_id{0};
return next_type_id++;
template <typename T>
struct type_id_storage
static const std::size_t id;
template <typename T>
const std::size_t type_id_storage<T>::id{get_next_type_id()};
template <typename T>
auto get_type_id()
return impl::type_id_storage<T>::id;
Explanation: get_next_type_id is a non-static function (shared between translation units) that stores a static incremental counter of type IDs. To retrieve the unique type ID that matches a specific component type you can call:
auto position_id = get_type_id<position_component>();
The get_type_id "public" function will retrieve the unique ID from the corresponding instantiation of impl::type_id_storage, that calls get_next_type_id() on construction, which in turn returns its current next_type_id counter value and increments it for the next type.
Particular care for this kind of approach needs to be taken to make sure it behaves correctly over multiple translation units and to avoid race conditions (in case your ECS is multithreaded). (More info here.)
Now, to solve your issue:
It's the full storage pack that prompted this. In particular, it offers no way of accessing a particular type of component.
// Executes `f` on every component of type `T`.
template <typename T, typename TF>
void storage_pack::for_components(TF&& f)
auto& data = this->_component_map[get_type_id<T>()];
for(component_base* cb : data)
You can see this pattern in use in my old and abandoned SSVEntitySystem library. You can see an RTTI-based approach in my old and outdated “Implementation of a component-based entity system in modern C++” CppCon 2015 talk.
Despite the good and long answer by #VittorioRomeo, I'd like to show another possible approach to the problem.
Basic concepts involved here are type erasure and double dispatching.
The one below is a minimal, working example:
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
struct base_component {
static std::size_t next() noexcept {
static std::size_t v = 0;
return v++;
template<typename D>
struct component: base_component {
static std::size_t type() noexcept {
static const std::size_t t = base_component::next();
return t;
struct component_x: component<component_x> { };
struct component_y: component<component_y> { };
struct systems {
void elaborate(std::size_t id, component_x &) { std::cout << id << ": x" << std::endl; }
void elaborate(std::size_t id, component_y &) { std::cout << id << ": y" << std::endl; }
template<typename C>
struct component_manager {
std::map<std::size_t, C> id_component;
struct pack {
struct base_handler {
virtual void accept(systems *) = 0;
template<typename C>
struct handler: base_handler {
void accept(systems *s) {
for(auto &&el: manager.id_component) s->elaborate(el.first, el.second);
component_manager<C> manager;
template<typename C>
void add(std::size_t id) {
if(handlers.find(C::type()) == handlers.cend()) {
handlers[C::type()] = std::make_unique<handler<C>>();
handler<C> &h = static_cast<handler<C>&>(*handlers[C::type()].get());
h.manager.id_component[id] = C{};
template<typename C>
void walk(systems *s) {
if(handlers.find(C::type()) != handlers.cend()) {
std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<base_handler>> handlers;
int main() {
pack coll;
systems sys;
I tried to be true to the few points mentioned by the OP, so as to provide a solution that fits the real problem.
Let me know with a comment if the example is clear enough for itself or if a few more details are required to fully explain how and why it works actually.
If I understand correctly, you want a collection, such as a map, where the values are of different type, and you want to know what type is each value (so you can downcast it).
Now, a "good OOP" is a design which you don't need to downcast. You just call the mothods (which are common to the base class and the deriveratives) and the derived class performs a different operation than its parent for the same method.
If this is not the case, for example, where you need to use some other data from the child and thus you want to downcast, it means, in most cases, you didn't work hard enough on the design. I don't say it's always possible, but you need to design it in such a way the polymorphism is your only tool. That's a "good OOP".
Anyway, if you really need to downcast, you don't have to use RTTI. You can use a common field (string) in the base class, that marks the class type.

C++ : nameable objects belonging to an instance of a class, and stored in it

I am trying to make it possible for a programmer (who uses my library) to create nameable instances of type X that are stored inside an instance of class C (or at least are exclusive to that instance).
These are the only two (ugly) solutions I have managed to come up with (needless to say, I am just picking up C++)
class C
class XofC
XofC() = delete;
XofC(C& mom)
ref = Xlist.front();
X& access()
return ref;
X& ref;
std::forward_list<X> Xlist;
friend class XofC;
Having to pass everywhere XofC instances.
class C
void newX(std::string);
X& getX(std::string);
/*possible run-time mapping implementation
std::vector<X> Xvec;
std::unordered_map<std::string, decltype(Xvec.size())> NameMap;
This does the job, but since all names of X (std::string) are known at compilation, the overhead of using run-time std::unordered_map<std::string, decltype(Xvec.size())> kind-of bugs me for something this simple.
Possible(?) solution: compile-time replacing of std::string with automatic index (int). Then I could use:
class C
void newX(int); //int: unique index calculated at compile time from std::string
X& getX(int); //int: unique index calculated at compile time from std::string
std::vector<X> Xvec;
Is there a 3)?
Is a compile time solution possible for 2)?
This is the real-life situation: I was starting my first C++ "project" and I thought I could use the practice and utility from an awesome user-friendly, simple and fast argument management library. I plan to make an ArgMan class which can parse the argV based on some specified switches. Switches would be named by the programmer descriptively and the trigger strings be specified (e.g. a switch named recurse could have "-r" and "-recursive" as triggers). When necessary, you should be easily able to get the setting of the switch. Implementation detail: ArgMan would have a std::unordered_map<std::string/*a trigger*/, ??/*something linking to the switch to set on*/>. This ensures an almost linear parse of argV relative to argC. How should I approach this?
You could 'abuse' non-type template arguments to get compiletime named instances:
Live on Coliru
Assume we have a data class X:
#include <string>
struct X
int has_some_properties;
std::string data;
Now, for our named instances, we define some name constants. The trick is, to give them external linkage, so we can use the address as a non-type template argument.
// define some character arrays **with external linkage**
namespace Names
extern const char Vanilla[] = "Vanilla";
extern const char Banana [] = "Banana";
extern const char Coconut[] = "Coconut";
extern const char Shoarma[] = "Shoarma";
Now, we make a NamedX wrapper that takes a const char* non-type template argument. The wrapper holds a static instance of X (the value).
// now we can "adorn" a `namedX` with the name constants (above)
template <const char* Name>
struct NamedX
static X value;
template <const char* Name> X NamedX<Name>::value;
Now you can use it like this:
int main()
X& vanilla = NamedX<Names::Vanilla>::value;
vanilla = { 42, "Woot!" };
return vanilla.has_some_properties;
Note that due to the fact that the template arguments are addresses, no actual string comparison is done. You cannot, e.g. use
X& vanilla = NamedX<"Vanilla">::value;
becuase "Vanilla" is a prvalue without external linkage. So, in fact you could do without some of the complexity and use tag structs instead: Live on Coliru
While Neil's solution did what I asked for, it was too gimmicky to use in my library. Also, sehe's trick is surely useful, but, if I understood correctly, but doesn't seem related to my question. I have decided to emulate the desired behavior using method 1), here is a less broken attempt at it:
class C
class X
//std::string member;
class XofC
XofC(C & _mom) : mom(_mom)
tehX = &(Xlist.front());
X & get(maybe)
if (&maybe != &mom) throw std::/*etc*/;
return &tehX;
X * tehX;
C & mom;
std::forward_list<X> Xlist;
friend class XofC;
C foo;
bar = C::XofC(foo); //acts like an instance of X, but stored in C, but you have to use:
bar.get(foo)/*reference to the actual X*/.member = "_1_";
Of course, the downside is you have to make sure you pass bar everywhere you need it, but works decently.
This is how it looks like in my tiny argument manager library:

What's the best use you've had with pointer to members and member functions?

Pointer to members are not used very much but they are really powerful, how have you used them and what's the coolest things you've done?
This is not so much to list things that are possible, for example listing boost::bind and boost::function aren't good. Instead maybe a cool usage with them? I know they're very cool in themselves but that's not what this is about.
I once was needed to operate with criteria data as pure structure to be able to store the list of all criteria in the queue. And I had to bind the structure with the GUI and other filter elements, etc. So I came up with the solution where pointers to members are used as well as pointers to member functions.
Let's say you have an
struct Criteria
typedef std::string Criteria::* DataRefType;
std::string firstname;
std::string lastname;
std::string website;
Than you can wrap criteria field and bind with the string representation of the field with
class Field
Field( const std::string& name,
Criteria::DataRefType ref ):
name_( name ),
ref_( ref )
std::string getData( const Criteria& criteria )
return criteria.*ref_;
std::string name_;
Criteria::DataRefType ref_;
Then you can register all the fields to use whenever you want: GUI, serialization, comparison by field names, etc.
class Fields
fields_.push_back( Field( "First Name", &Criteria::firstname ) );
fields_.push_back( Field( "Last Name", &Criteria::lastname ) );
fields_.push_back( Field( "Website", &Criteria::website ) );
template < typename TFunction >
void forEach( TFunction function )
std::for_each( fields_.begin(), fields_.end(),
function );
std::vector< Field > fields_;
By calling for instance fields.forEach( serialization ); or
GuiWindow( Criteria& criteria ):
criteria_( criteria )
fields_.forEach( std::bind1st(
std::mem_fun( &GuiWindow::bindWithGui ),
this ) );
void bindWithGui( Field field )
std::cout << "name " << field.name_
<< " value " << field.getData( criteria_ ) << std::endl;
The coolest thing I've done with them, I did a long time ago. There's probably a better way to do it today.
I created a self-generating command-line parser for a network management tool. The classes representing the objects to be managed each had their own tables of sub-classes (name, pointer-to-factory-member), instances (id, pointer to instance from a list), and commands (name, pointer to member function). This allowed the parser to handle things like:
without knowing anything about routes, or name servers.
Pointers to member function are great for creating psuedo lamba expressions with for_each
vector<SomeClass*> v = getAVector();
for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), mem_fun(&SomeClass::print));
Well I use pointers to member functions regularly with standard algorithms. There is nothing special about them as far as I am concerned.
You can bind member variables and functions with boost::bind and get usual functor.
Next work with them will like on usual functions usage:
passing as callback or signal function;
using in standard algorithms;
using as comparator in std::map/set;
using as data accessors;
In addition to the previous, you can for example use them as callback functions.
I did it in a "DomainEditor" class for this huge application I wrote. All my type (domain) tables in the database could be edited by the admins of the program and since the clients called some of the types by different names than others did, I made a dialog that allowed you to edit them. Well, I didn't want to make an editor for the 15+ domain types, so I wrote a super-class that I could cast each class to, and using pointers I could make simple calls to each domain table. Each one supported all the same properties, a Description (name), an ID, an Inactive flag, and a Required flag. So, the code started with a Macro to setup my calls:
#define DomainList(Class, Description, First, Next, Item, UpdateItem, DeleteItem, IsItemRequired, MaxLength) { \
CWFLHandler *handler = new CWFLHandler; \
handler->pWFL = new Class;\
handler->LoadFirstType = (LoadFirst)&Class::First;\
handler->LoadNextType = (LoadNext)&Class::Next;\
handler->LoadType = (Load)&Class::Item;\
handler->UpdateType = (Update)&Class::UpdateItem;\
handler->DeleteType = (Delete)&Class::DeleteItem;\
handler->IsRequiredType= (IsRequired)&Class::IsItemRequired; \
handler->MAX_LENGTH = MaxLength;\
PopulateListBox(m_Domain, Description, (long)handler); }\
Then, lots of calls to the Macro: (Here is just a single one)
DomainList(CConfigWFL, "Application Parameter Types", LoadFirstParameterType, LoadNextParameterType, LoadParameterTypeByTypeId, UpdateParameterType, DeleteParameterType, IsParameterTypeRequired, LEN_APPL_PARAMETER_DESC);
Then, the calls to edit the data were all common, and I didn't have to duplicate any code at all...
For example, to populate the list with the selected item in the DropDownList (populated by the Macro), the code would look like this:
m_Grid.SetCheck(COLUMN_SYSTEM, (pWFLPtr->pWFL->*pWFLPtr->IsRequiredType)(pWFLPtr->pWFL->TypeId));
m_Grid.SetCheck(COLUMN_STATUS, pWFLPtr->pWFL->InactiveIndc == false);
m_Grid.AddTextToGrid(COLUMN_NAME, pWFLPtr->pWFL->TypeDesc);
m_Grid.AddTextToGrid(COLUMN_DEBUG, pWFLPtr->pWFL->TypeId);
m_Grid.AddTextToGrid(COLUMN_ID, pWFLPtr->pWFL->TypeId);
Of, course, this was all stored in a class that was part of the dialog. And I simply created new instances of the class, stored them in the ListBox's ItemData member. So, I did have to clean all that up when the dialog closed.. I left that code out of this message however.
The class to store all this stuff in was defined as:
typedef bool (CMyWFL::*LoadFirst)(bool);
typedef bool (CMyWFL::*LoadNext)();
typedef bool (CMyWFL::*Load)(long);
typedef bool (CMyWFL::*Update)(long, const char*, bool);
typedef bool (CMyWFL::*Delete)(long);
typedef bool (CMyWFL::*IsRequired)(long);
class CWFLHandler {
CWFLHandler() {};
~CWFLHandler() { if(pWFL) delete pWFL; }
LoadFirst LoadFirstType;
LoadNext LoadNextType;
Load LoadType;
Update UpdateType;
Delete DeleteType;
IsRequired IsRequiredType;
CWFLHandler *pWFLPtr;
All this work made it really nice to be able to add new domains to the application with very little work to add them to the domain editor... There may have been a better way, I don't know. But this is the way I went, and it worked VERY well for me, and IMHO, it was very creative... :)
I used them as part of a StructSerlialiser to populate C++ POD structures from SAX Parser events, i.e. to map XML onto a C++ data model.
template<class STRUCT, typename FIELDTYPE>
struct FieldBinderImpl : public FieldBinder<STRUCT>
typedef FIELDTYPE (STRUCT::*MemberPtr);
FieldBinderImpl (const std::string& tag, MemberPtr memberPtr)
: FieldBinder (tag)
, memberPtr_ (memberPtr)
virtual SerialiserBase* createSerialiser (STRUCT& data) const
return new Serialiser<FIELDTYPE> (&(data.*memberPtr_));
MemberPtr memberPtr_;
template<class T>
class StructSerialiser : public SerialiserData<T>
typedef std::vector<FieldBinder<T>*> FieldBinderList;
static FieldBinderList fieldBinderList_;
template<typename FIELDTYPE>
static void bind (const std::string& tag, FIELDTYPE (T::* member))
fieldBinderList_.push_back (new FieldBinderImpl<T, FIELDTYPE> (tag, member));
if (tag.empty ())
fieldBinderList_.back ()->tags_ = Serialiser<FIELDTYPE>::getTags ();
// ...
// ...
Also had Serialisers for double, strings, vectors, etc. To use it you would just bind struct members to names, e.g.:
class Index
std::string currency;
std::string name;
class Serialiser<Index> : public StructSerialiser<Index>
Serialiser (Index* data) : StructSerialiser<Index> (data) {}
static void initialise ()
bind ("currency", &Index::currency);
bind ("name", &Index::name);