I have created a basic lambda with lambda function url.
auth_type = aws_iam
allowed permissions for ec2 role in lambda resource based policy.
created a role to ec2 instance with full lambda permissions in the policy and attached it to the ec2 instance.
While invoking it from ec2 as below its getting forbidden error.
curl "https://<url-id>.lambda-url.<region>.on.aws"
I have tried with auth_type as none. Its working, but not working when i try with auth_type as aws_iam.
As explained in the docs, to invoke a lambda url with AWS_IAM, you have to sign your url request by constracting special URL which has your signature. Please check docs on how to construct a valid signature for URL requests.
I am utilizing Eventbridge API Destination to call my lambda function's url and throttle it to my desired rate. This works when the lambda function's invoke-url auth type is set to None. When I set the function Url auth type to AWS_IAM and create a resource-based invoke function url policy, it doesn't work.
I've tried setting the policy's principal to
the account root
the eventbridge role arn
the eventBridgeApiDestinations service role arn (arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxx:role/aws-service-role/apidestinations.events.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForAmazonEventBridgeApiDestinations)
None of the above work. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here or if it's even possible to do this.
Policy statement details
Statement ID
arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxx:role/< my eventBridge role >
"StringEquals": {
"lambda:FunctionUrlAuthType": "AWS_IAM"
From the documentation:
Amazon EventBridge API destinations are HTTP endpoints that you can
invoke as the target of a rule, similar to how you invoke an AWS
service or resource as a target.
When you have EventBridge invoke your Lambda in this way, EventBridge doesn't know it is invoking a Lambda function. It doesn't even know it is invoking an AWS service. It is treating it the same as it would a third-party "webhook" external to AWS. It is not going to sign the HTTP request with AWS IAM credentials.
I suggest using a standard AWS Lambda invocation from EventBridge, instead of an HTTP endpoint invocation.
I created an IAM role that gives full access to the S3 Bucket and attached it to the EC2 instance. However, I am unable to view the image when I try to view it from the EC2 hosted website. I keep getting a 403 Forbidden code.
Below is the IAM role and the policy attached:
It is seen that GetObject is enabled:
But the error still persists:
Any advice on how to solve this? Thank you for reading.
The URL you are using to access the object does not appear to include any security information (bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/cat1.jpg). Thus, it is simply an 'anonymous' request to S3, and since the object is private, S3 will deny the request.
The mere fact that the request is being sent from an Amazon EC2 instance that has been assigned an IAM Role is not sufficient to obtain access to the object via an anonymous URL.
To allow a browser to access a private Amazon S3 object, your application should generate an Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs. This is a time-limited URL that includes security information that identifies you as the requester and includes a signature that permits access to the private object.
Alternatively, code running on the instance can use an AWS SDK to make an API call to S3 to access the object (eg GetObject()). This will succeed because the AWS SDK will use the credentials provided by the IAM Role.
I am trying to get a session token for the given IAM in postman but not able to receive a token.
If I use boto3.client('sts'), I am able to get the token.
Use Case: I am trying to Invoke VPC Rest Endpoint from EC2 instance where ServiceNow mid-server instance is running. Since we have ServiceNow mid-server agent running on EC2 instance, I want to use IAM Role attached to EC2 to authenticate other VPC endpoints that are deployed in the same AWS account.
I have permission policy attached to IAM Role to allow Assume Role policy. If there any other approach, please suggest.
here HTML HTML response in postman. Postman redirecting to IAM Docs
client = boto3.client('sts')
response = client.assume_role(
anything wrong with postman request body or endpoint.
Authentication on postman is none.
To call AssumeRole from Postman (or curl etc.) as opposed to using a supported AWS SDK, you should follow the AssumeRole API documentation. You will also need to authenticate using AWS credentials.
Specifically, the request is an HTTP GET and parameters are passed as query strings, for example:
GET https://sts.amazonaws.com/
Here's what this looks like in Postman:
And you will need to add AWS credentials so that your API request is signed correctly, for example:
Click 'Send' and the response will look something like this:
<AssumeRoleResponse xmlns="https://sts.amazonaws.com/doc/2011-06-15/">
You need to use credentials for an IAM user or an IAM role to call AssumeRole. boto3 must be getting credentials from the standard locations it look for (like ~/.aws/config) [ref:https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/guide/configuration.html]. May be you could try providing the AWS creds in Authorization tab in Postman selecting type as AWS Signature and then call assumeRole.
I am trying to run the below command from lambda function but I keep getting the error AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials. I am very sure that the credentials are correct because the access credentials are the set of credentials I use in my local AWS CLI. Does anyone have any idea?
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=str(REGION_NAME), aws_access_key_id=str(ACCESS_KEY), aws_secret_access_key=str(SECRET_KEY))
When you are using lambda function, its permissions should be provided using AWS Lambda execution role:
An AWS Lambda function's execution role grants it permission to access AWS services and resources. You provide this role when you create a function, and Lambda assumes the role when your function is invoked.
I know it does not answer directly to your question, but this is good practice and you should not hard code any IAM credentials in your lambda function or its environmental variables.
I have an API Gateway endpoint with IAM authentication, no Custom Domain Names, no API Key, API is deployed to Prod and no AWS WAF enabled (TBMK) and VPC proxy integration request method.
I am calling this endpoint from a Lambda (with attached execute-api:Invoke permission to call the API), however I am getting a 403 error with message Forbidden. Notice that if I remove the IAM authentication method, the call from Lambda works fine.
I've already seen this and this SO questions + AWS Doc on the topic but I've already tried these solutions (as explained before).
Sample code for calling API Gateway inside Lambda:
final HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(postApiUrl).openConnection();
final int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
How I attach API Gateway ARN to Lambda role in CDK:
new PolicyStatement({
actions: [execute-api:Invoke],
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
resources: [postMethod.methodArn],
You have set up IAM authentication for your API GW method, but your Lambda function code does not sign the request made to API GW. Note: Simply adding the execute-api:Invoke permission to the Lambda function execution role does not sign the request.
You need to use the AWS SigV4 signing process to add the authentication information which is then verified on the API GW end. This doc lists the steps involved which basically are:
Create a canonical request.
Use the canonical request and additional metadata to create a string for signing.
Derive a signing key from your AWS secret access key. Then use the signing key, and the string from the previous step, to create a signature.
Add the resulting signature to the HTTP request in a header or as a query string parameter.
Since you're using Java, this blog post also provides some sample code which you can refer to.
APIG has a authorizer cache, check this out.
If you could have a read and perhaps elaborate a little I'll include the proper solution.