i can't find a tutorial how to use package vuei18n-po in vue main.ts.
Yts documentation is small, and not well descriped.
I have never use something like this inside app initiation in vue, so it is realy hard.
it is my code:
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import router from "./router";
import "jquery";
import "bootstrap";
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
import vuei18nPo from "vuei18n-po";
const app = createApp(App);
await vuei18nPo({
po: ["django.po", "../../backend/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po"],
messagesFile: "generated/allInOne.json",
messagesDir: "generated",
In my code i did not use plug it in option, because i wanted to generate it first.
I found this error on localhost
Module "fs" has been externalized for browser compatibility. Cannot
access "fs.realpath" in client code.
I dont understand what this mean too.
I don't think that this package is meant to be used for client side code regarding the error especially because po is a GUI-based solution.
The vuei18n-po is meant to transform some files locally with some JS backend like a Node.js app (this is the Usage part in package's README).
Then for the 2nd part (Plug it in), you could use the generated files with an i18n setup for VueJS with the regular Vue2 package for i18n: https://kazupon.github.io/vue-i18n/
Or the one for Vue3: https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/
If it's not clear enough, feel free to read articles on how to setup i18n with Vue.
This is then a 2 step problem. I recommend that you start with a simple example of 2 small JSON files in Vue, then that you try to convert your .po files with the vuei18n-po package.
This is a subtle variation to some questions that have been asked before. We're using jest to run some ssr tests:
module.exports = {
testEnvironment: 'node', // NOT jsdom
And our Next.JS components have a mixture of client-side dynamic imports, and server-side dynamic imports.
// server-side dynamic import
const Content = dynamic(() => import('../shared/Content'));
// client-side dynamic import
const LoginDialog = dynamic(() => import('../dialogs/LoginDialog'), {
ssr: false,
The point is, when running the ssr test, since it's running on the server-side, our snapshot should include the content from the server-side dynamic import, and should not include the content from the client-side dynamic import.
But unfortunately we're running aground because we hit one of these cases:
When using testEnvironment: 'node', jest-next-dynamic complains that preloadAll cannot be called on the client-side dynamic imports (while it works fine on the server-side dynamic imports)
If we remove jest-next-dynamic and the call to preloadAll, then the content of the server-side dynamic import is no longer in our snapshots
If we go back to testEnvironemnt: 'jsdom', then our ssr tests pass even if we refer to window or other browser-specific stuff on the server-side, which is very bad
So, the question is: how do we use jest and Next.JS to properly mock client-side dynamic imports while also continuing to implement server-side dynamic imports?
We also looked in to how to mock/spy next/dynamic using jest to only mock if ssr: true but it doesn't look like jest supports mocking depending on parameter values.
how are you ?
I'm having a issue in testing Vuex stuff with Quasar.
Testing components is working normally, but when I started to test my store, I got it.
spec file:
import { store } from 'src/store';
import { mutations } from 'src/store/auth';
import mutations from 'src/store/auth/mutations';
All those ways I tried to import my store stuff, I got this error:
({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,global,jest){import { store } from 'quasar/wrappers';
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
how can I import my store in my spec files?
import { store } from 'src/store';
import { mutations } from 'src/store/auth';
import mutations from 'src/store/auth/mutations';
just use require
const store = require('src/store');
const mutations = require('src/store/auth)';
const mutations = require('src/store/auth/mutations');
you need
type=module in package.json to use import
Your problem is that import statements are not supported by plain JavaScript, therefore neither by Node. import is an addition called ES Modules. Since Jest runs your tests in Node, you are getting SyntaxError since import { store } from 'quasar/wrappers' is invalid JS syntax.
The solution is that you need to tell Jest to use Babel (or similar tool) to transform your test file before trying to execute it in Node.
This requires some configuration in your jest.config.js, and also you'd need to install babel-jest, babel and related packages and create a .babelrc or babel.config.js to tell Babel what to do with your test files exactly.
The actual right configuration may depend on many factors, but as a starting point refer to these:
Also I'd recommend to consider using Quasar CLI, which gives you a handy way to automatically set up Jest for your Quasar project, including a simple example test you can use as a starting reference: https://testing.quasar.dev/
ember-moment-shim is an ember addon that generates the locales conditionally based on Moment.js and Moment-Timezone.
Any tools or processes to accomplish the same with just DayJs instead.
Ref: https://github.com/jasonmit/ember-cli-moment-shim
I want to lazy load or dynamically load the dayJs locales based on the requirement. And every time you need to load a locale, you need to import it like
import fr from 'dayjs/locale/fr'
just that it would be a different locale every time and could change on refresh based on the settings from API response.
ember-auto-import throws following Error
Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module*
Addons like ember-cli-moment-shim are no longer required to use libraries from NPM instead you can use them directly after installing ember-auto-import.
From the command line do:
ember install ember-auto-import
npm install dayjs
Then you can just import dayjs where you need it.
For example in a component:
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import Component from '#glimmer/component';
export default class TodayComponent extends Component {
today = dayjs().format();
I have a bunch of modules defined in an Ember CLI app and each starts with the same path. I would like to import the modules into a module in the app. For example, I could write:
import post1 from 'posts/1';
import post2 from 'posts/2';
import post3 from 'posts/3';
export default Em.ObjectController.extend({
posts: Em.A(post1, post2, post3),
However, I do not know the module names because they are created/named on the fly by a precompiler. All I know is that the path always begins with the same string. In this case, posts.
Is there a way to import all modules that begin with a particular path? For example, how can I do something like the following:
import posts from 'posts/*';
// or
registry['posts'].forEach(postId, i) {
var path = 'posts/' + postId;
import i from path;
Each of the modules I want to find and import has exported an object.
I have been through the ES6 module transpiler docs but can't find much.
The ES6 spec doesn't allow you to dynamically import modules using the import keyword. All importing and exporting using the module syntax must be done statically. However, it does provide a programmatic API that you can use to dynamically import modules. This article has a great summary of it (as well as a great summary of the rest of ES6 modules).
My suggestion would be to wrap Ember's loader API in a ES6 compliant wrapper. For instance, Ember-CLI uses the require() function to get modules, so you could do something like this:
window.System = window.System || {};
window.System['import'] = function(moduleName) {
return Ember.RSVP.Promise.resolve(window.require(moduleName));
// ...
System.import('my-app/posts/' + postNumber).then(function(postModule) {
// ...
You could also use the Ember require() function directly, my way just protects you in the likely event that Ember changes their module loader.
I use Selenium Webdriver, I want clear cookies before execute test. I use code from official 'Selenium` site. This is code:
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("key", "value");
Set<Cookie> allCookies = driver.manage().getCookies();
for (Cookie loadedCookie : allCookies) {
System.out.println(String.format("%s -> %s", loadedCookie.getName(), loadedCookie.getValue()));
But I get notification: - Cookie cannot be resolved to a type, Set cannot be resolved to a type
The Set is of java.util package.
The Cookie is of org.openqa.selenium package.
You need to import those two classes to make your code work:
import java.util.Set;
import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie;
To make the suffering less painful, every modern Java IDE has an automatic function for this:
In Eclipse, it's called "Organize imports" and sits under Ctrl+Shift+O.
In IntelliJ, it's called "Optimize imports" and sits under Ctrl+Alt+O.
In NetBeans, it's also called somehow and sits under Ctrl+Shift+I.
I'd check your imports. I suspect that you are using the javax cookie when you need the selenium one.