How to replace a column value using PowerQuery editor - powerbi

I'm relatively new to Power Query. I'm looking for the best way to replace a column's value as below.
The column has date values in a mixed format such as below.
I'm looking to standardize and make the format generic as below.
It seems one of the ways to implement this is to use Advanced Editor and build M queries to implement the replacement, functions like Table.TransformColumns and Text.Replace.
'can't figure out the exact code to be used with this or if there is a better way.
Looking for suggestions. Thanks.

If you're a beginner, let the UI write this code for you. Highlight the column by clicking the column header, go to Transform on the ribbon and click Replace Values. Replace "-" with "/" and click OK.
Finally right click the column header again, click Change Type and then select Date.

In M code you could use:
Table.TransformColumns(#"Previous Step",{{"Column Name", each Text.Replace(_,"/","-")}})
As an example:
//create sample table
Source = Table.FromColumns(
type table[dates=text]),
//replace "/" with "-"
Normalize = Table.TransformColumns(Source,{{"dates", each Text.Replace(_,"/","-"), type text}})
Original data is dates as text strings
Final data is also dates as text strings
To convert the strings to dates, you could use, instead, something like: Table.TransformColumns(Source,{{"dates", each Date.From(_, "en-US"), type date}}) but the separator would be in accord with your Windows Regional date settings.


Change values from column in Power Query editor

I am working on a Power BI report and I am using a parquet file as the source. I have this column that holds info about the month:
As you see here, in MONTH_RUN, I have the data stored both as "202201" (yyyymm format) and "12/1/2021" (more like a date format).
I would need to change the values that appears like this: "12/1/2021" to "202112", so I can have all the values the same format.
I need to do this in a dynamic way, like searching for the rows that has values containing "/" character and based on that to change it into "yyyymm" format.
Is this possible?
I'm kinda new with power query and idk how should I implement this, but I would prefer to do it without creating any other additional columns.
Please, do not post sample data as images. It makes it difficult to answer your question.
One way to deal with this is to add a custom column, where the value will be either the same as MONTH_RUN (if it doesn't contain /), or it will parse the text to date, and then format it accordingly. For example:
if Text.Contains([MONTH_RUN], "/") then
Date.ToText(Date.FromText([MONTH_RUN], [Format="M/d/yyyy", Culture="en-US"]), [Format="yyyyMM", Culture="en-US"])
Then use this custom column in your report.
I would just delete the existing MONTH_RUN column and create a new one based on the date in the DAY_RUN column.
#"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Changed Type",{"MONTH_RUN"}),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Removed Columns", "MONTH_RUN", each Date.ToText([DAY_RUN],"yyyyMM"), type text)
Or, from the UI:

Conditionally Filtering Out Rows based on 2 Parameters in w/ Power Query

I have a table similar to the one attached below:
What I would like to do, using power query, is conditionally filter out (remove) rows where CenterNum = 1101 and DepCode = 257. I figured Table.SelectRows() would work but it doesn't and the query just returns, this table is empty. The #"Expanded AccountLookup" ,in my formula below, is referencing the power query applied step before the one I am trying to create. I'm hoping to get some input on how to remove rows based on these two paramters.
= Table.SelectRows(#"Expanded AccountLookup", each [CostCenterNumber] = "1111001" and [NoteTypeCode] = "257")
Thank you!
You didn’t post a screenshot so it is hard to tell if the column format is text or numerical but try removing the quotes around the numbers
= Table.SelectRows(#"Expanded AccountLookup", each [CostCenterNumber] = 1111001 and [NoteTypeCode] = 257)
If that doesn't work, check the actual column names against what you are using, especially for case (upper/lower) and leading/trailing spaces. The best way to do that is to temporarily rename it, and look at the code for the "from name"

evaluating a textual equation into a number

AS a newbie to m I still can't get my head around it. Here is the query I have. It's gone through a number of steps to get to the below. How do I use Expression.Evaluate against the whole query against the column EntryFee, which for the sake of simplicity the query is called #"Nearly There". I want to Evaluate the entire column Entry Fee. To reiterate it needs to be done in Power Query "M"
Snapshot of table/query
You can either add a new custom column with the code
Expression.Evaluate([Entry Fee])
or do a column transformation
= Table.TransformColumns(#"Nearly There", {{"Entry Fee", Expression.Evaluate, type number}})
To generate this step, you can select the column and then Transform tab > Format > Trim and then replace Text.Trim with Expression.Evaluate in the generated code.

Converting JSON into Table (PowerQuery)

What would be a correct PowerQuery syntax to extract the information from this Web JSON into a table:
I'm not very familiar with PowerQuery, and this is probably the only time I'll need this, so I'd be grateful if someone would help me out without refering me to documentation. Thanks
[{"time_entry_group": {"minutes": 301,"time_entries_params": {"locked": "0","from": "2021-02-01","to": "2021-02-28","customer_id": "11223344","project_id": "223388","service_id": "435248"},"revenue": 57691.6666666667,"project_id": 223388,"project_name": "Scrb","service_id": 435248,"service_name": "Meetings","month": "202102"}}
, {"time_entry_group": {"minutes": 1175,"time_entries_params": {"locked": "1","from": "2021-01-01","to": "2021-01-31","customer_id": "11223344","project_id": "223388","service_id": "421393"},"revenue": 225208.333333333,"project_id": 223388,"project_name": "Scrb","service_id": 421393,"service_name": "Design","month": "202101"}}
, {"time_entry_group": {"minutes": 24,"time_entries_params": {"locked": "1","from": "2021-01-01","to": "2021-01-31","customer_id": "11223344","project_id": "3168911","service_id": "95033"},"revenue": 4600.0,"project_id": 3168911,"project_name": "youkn Dev","service_id": 95033,"service_name": "Reviews","month": "202101"}}]
For future reference, if you have a column that you need to expand, you can instead click this arrow icon to the right of the column name. Clicking it should display a menu that should then allow you to specify which nested columns you want to get expand or get at. To be clear, it will expand that column for all rows in that table, not just one.
The JSON you've included is basically an array of objects, so maybe use:
Json.Document to parse the JSON, which should give you a list of records
Table.FromRecords to turn the list of records into a table.
Table.ExpandRecordColumn to expand a nested record columns.
Example implementation:
json = "[{""time_entry_group"":{""minutes"":301,""time_entries_params"":{""locked"":""0"",""from"":""2021-02-01"",""to"":""2021-02-28"",""customer_id"":""11223344"",""project_id"":""223388"",""service_id"":""435248""},""revenue"":57691.6666666667,""project_id"":223388,""project_name"":""Scrb"",""service_id"":435248,""service_name"":""Meetings"",""month"":""202102""}},{""time_entry_group"":{""minutes"":1175,""time_entries_params"":{""locked"":""1"",""from"":""2021-01-01"",""to"":""2021-01-31"",""customer_id"":""11223344"",""project_id"":""223388"",""service_id"":""421393""},""revenue"":225208.333333333,""project_id"":223388,""project_name"":""Scrb"",""service_id"":421393,""service_name"":""Design"",""month"":""202101""}},{""time_entry_group"":{""minutes"":24,""time_entries_params"":{""locked"":""1"",""from"":""2021-01-01"",""to"":""2021-01-31"",""customer_id"":""11223344"",""project_id"":""3168911"",""service_id"":""95033""},""revenue"":4600,""project_id"":3168911,""project_name"":""youkn Dev"",""service_id"":95033,""service_name"":""Reviews"",""month"":""202101""}}]",
parsed = Json.Document(json),
initialTable = Table.FromRecords(List.Transform(parsed, each [time_entry_group])),
expanded = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(initialTable, "time_entries_params", {"locked", "from", "to", "customer_id"})
One thing about the code above is that it doesn't expand nested fields project_id and service_id (present within time_entries_params). This is because these columns already exist in the table (and having duplicate column names would cause an error). I've assumed this isn't a problem, as the nested values aren't different.

Split a column of lists into multiple columns in PowerBI

I have imported a JSON file into PowerBI and it contains a column in which the values are of type "List". I am looking to expand that column into multiple columns.
Specifically, the data contains a Sprint Name, the start date and the end date of the sprint, along with some other values associated with each sprint.
Trying to use "Expand to new rows" duplicates each sprint instance, creating a table that looks like this, duplicating each sprint instance multiple times for each associated value:
Sprint Name Value
JAN(S1Dev) 2019-01-01
JAN(S1Dev) 2019-01-13
JAN(S1Dev) {attribute}
JAN(S1Dev) {attribute}
JAN(S2Dev) 2019-01-14
JAN(S2Dev) 2019-01-31
JAN(S2Dev) {attribute}
JAN(S2Dev) {attribute}
FEB(S1Test) 2019-02-01
FEB(S1Test) 2019-02-15
... ...
I would like to do something similar to the "expand" feature, which instead creates a new column with each attribute rather than a new row. This is currently vastly increasing the size of my table for no reason, while also making the data practically un-useable. Any help would be appreciated, cheers!
I have found a very simple solution to this, but as it took me some time to figure it out I will answer my own question instead of deleting it to help others in the future...
Upon importing the JSON data into PowerBI first select "Convert to Table" to view the data as a table with editable properties.
Next, click the arrows pointing away from each other at the top of the column of Lists, and select "Extract Values".
Select a delimiter to use for concatenating values, I am choosing a comma since I know that the data contained within the list does not have any commas in it. If your data contains commas within it, choose something else. Similarly, if your data contains one of the delimiters, do not choose that as the delimiter.
It should now display a comma-separated list where it previously displayed "List" in orange text.
Now, right-click on the column and select "Split Column" then choose "By Delimiter"
Select the delimiter that you previously chose, and under "split at" select "Each occurrence of the delimiter" then click OK.
Your column should now be split into multiple columns based on the list!