Streamlit app inside django project at the same time - django

i'm kind of new to Heroku, but got a question in relation to dynos.
My situation is as follows. I'm running on main application in django that runs the following dyno command
"web gunicorn DJANGO_WEBPAGE.wsgi --log-file - ", and inside my main project there is a streamlit app that runs the following command
"streamlit run", but it seems i can't run both commands on the same dyno.
1.- Is there a way to accomplish this?
2.- Do they need to be on separate apps?
3.- In case of limitations do to being a free user, does the hobby plan covers it?
I've tried running my procfile this way
web: gunicorn DJANGO_WEBPAGE.wsgi --log-file - && web: sh && streamlit run
Even though i get no errors, only the streamlit app appears leaving the django app shutdown.


python runserver shows an old webapp page I developed

I am learning Django so I've created many Django webapps under one directory. For example,
I didn't use a virtualenv for developing django apps. I don't know whether it's the reason that causes the problem as below.
App 1
python runserver works all fine. (default port 8000)
App 2
python runserver still shows the App 1 page.
Method I tried:
change the port python runserver 8001, it shows App 2 page.
try to find the process ID PID, and kill it. No sign of port 8000.
However, this isn't the best solution since I can't change the port everytime when developing a new django app. Does anyone have a clue why this happens? Kudos.
Problem solved:
remove web browser cache. In my case, it's Chrome.
One effective solution would be to create a bash script for your use. Create 2 separate bash scripts for your projects (The same dir where your project's can be found).
For App 1:
# script- App 1
python runserver
For App 2:
# script- App 2
python runserver
And for running:

How to restart Foreman when code in a Django site changes?

I'm running a Django website in a Vagrant box that (roughly) mirrors a Heroku set-up. It uses Foreman with a Procfile like this:
web: gunicorn projectname.wsgi > /vagrant/gunicorn.log 2>&1
However, when I change my Django code, the server doesn't restart or reload the code, which makes development... painful!
How can I make Foreman serve the new code when it changes?

Running migrations when deploying django app to heroku with codeship

I'm trying to set up a continous integration pipeline for my python 3.5.1 / django 1.9.7 project.
The project is running fine on heroku, and the codeship deployment pipeline for heroku works well as long as my database is unchanged.
If I want to run migrations, I have to do so manually by entering heroku run python migrate on my computer which I would like to avoid.
I added a "Custom Script" in my codeship deployment pipeline after the "heroku"-pipeline containing heroku run python migrate, but when coedship attempts to execute it, it fails with the
Cannot run more than 1 Free size dynos.
message. I assume this is because the server is already up and running and I don't have more worker processes available? (please correct me if I'm wrong)
EDIT: This is where I was wrong - I had an additional process running (see answer)
Is there any way to include the database migration step in the heroku deployment pipeline? Or did I do something wrong?
Ifound the answer here: Heroku: Cannot run more than 1 Free size dynos
My assumption about theweb server beeing the blocking dyno was wrong, I had a zombie process (createsuperuser) running I did not know about.
I used heroku ps to show all running prcesses. Output was:
=== web (Free): gunicorn my_app.wsgi --log-file - (1)
web.1: idle 2016/06/07 17:09:06 +0200 (~ 13h ago)
=== run: one-off processes (1)
run.7012 (Free): up 2016/06/07 15:19:13 +0200 (~ 15h ago): python createsuperuser
I killed the process by typing
heroku ps:stop run.7012
and afterwards my migration via codeship custom script worked as expected.

Specifying project root when deploying to Heroku

My Problem:
When using gunicorn as my WSGI HTTP server, foreman fails to find the Django (wsgi?) application.
Application Structure:
In my Django application, I have things structured like this:
The <git_repository_root> contains the project management and deployment related things (requirements.txt, Procfile,, etc.)
The <django_project_root> contains my Django apps and application logic.
Finally, the <configuration_root> contains my and
What I have tried:
My Procfile should look like this (according to the Heroku Docs):
web: gunicorn myapp.wsgi
When running foreman start with this project layout, I get an error:
ImportError: Import by filename is not supported.
What works:
If I move my Procfile from <git_repository_root> to <git_repository_root> it works locally. After pushing to Heroku (note: Heroku sees <git_repository_root>) I can't scale any workers / add processes. I get the following:
Scaling web dynos... failed
! No such process type web defined in Procfile.
I believe I want Procfile in my <git_repository_root> anyway though - so why isn't it working? I also tried changing the Procfile to:
web: gunicorn myapp/myapp.wsgi
but no luck. Any help would be much appreciated!
Treat the entry in your Procfile like a bash command. You can cd into your <django_project_root> and then run the server.
For example, your Procfile (which should be in your <git_repository_root>) might look something like this:
web: cd <django_project_root> && gunicorn
--env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=<configuration_root>.settings
Move your Procfile back to <git_repository_root> and use:
web: gunicorn <django_project_root>.myapp:myapp
replacing the final "myapp" with your app's class name, presumably it is indeed "myapp".
... and read the error message: it is telling you that you can't import your worker class (app) by filename (myapp.wsgi), so of course saying dirname/myapp.wsgi won't work as well. You need a Python module:class syntax.

Heroku: My Django app is giving Application Error H14: "No Web Processes Running"

According to the Heroku site when I get error H14 "No Web Processes Running" it's because I need to scale up dynos by:
heroku ps:scale web=1
However, when I do that I get the following error:
Scaling web processes... failed
! No such type as web
Does anyone know how to fix this? I want to get my site back up!
When I run heroku ps I see nothing.
UPDATE: It's not detecting my Procfile. I don't have a Procfile explicitly and didn't use one before... is it absolutely necessary?
I ran into this recently as well, my web was working fine without any Procfile, until recently...
My fix was simply to add a Procfile as follows:
web: python runserver$PORT --noreload
Then push to heroku.
For Heroku you need to add a Procfile.
add a Procfile on same level like your file. It should be in your root directory. Be sure that you create a Procfile not a Procfile.txt or else just Procfile
in your Procfile add:
web: gunicorn projectname.wsgi
add in your requirements.txt gunicorn
If you activate automatic deploy you can try it again.
If you can remove the app, remove it and deploy it again.