KDE: Where does klipper store user-created actions? - action

Klipper has the ability to add custom actions, but I don't understand why the developers didn't add a button to simply export or import them. Manually long and difficult to transfer them from one device to another.
Does anyone know where klipper saves them?

Klipper saves all custom actions in ~/.config/plasmashellrc, along with some other plasma config.
Try searching for Action_ in the file to find them.


TFS Allow all states for a work item

Is it possible to open up all possible states for a work item - essentially removing the state transitions?
I am hoping to use a tool outside of TFS for managing work items and would like to know if it's possible to simply allow all states at any time?
If you want to remove the transitions between work item, you need to customize the work flow.
You change the workflow to accomplish the following objectives:
Add or remove a state, reason, or transition.
Specify a value for field to be applied during a change in state,
reason, or transition..
Specify a custom ACTION to automate field assignments based on a
change in state, reason, or transition.
Detail steps to customize the workflow and more info about it, please refer this Modify or add a custom work item type (WIT) from MSDN.
Moreover, here is a 3rd party extension called TFS Work Item Manager which is an innovative team workload coordination platform that helps you manage your TFS work items in a much more efficient and intuitive way. You can also take a look at it.

Post-process/filter all textilizable fields in Redmine via plugin?

I am attempting to write a Redmine plugin which further filters textilizable fields (issue description, updates, wiki content, etc.).
I've leafed around the plugin documentation but did not really find a good place to start. The view hooks seem to allow you to inject content at pre-defined injection points. Nothing really stood out toward creating a filter for textilizable content.
The most straightforward way is to hack the code in application_helper.rb and create your own filter function along the same lines of the :parse_inline_attachments, :parse_wiki_links, :parse_redmine_links. However, I do not see a good way of inserting that in a plugin without monkey patching the entirety of textilizable(*args).
Am I missing something obvious here?
One possible way, here: http://www.redmine.org/boards/3/topics/33949
This board topic mentions the caveats associated with view hooks (mentioned above) and offers a workaround or two that lets you change content by overriding views.

custom sitecore shell tools for en masse workflow approval

I'm wondering about documentation to create a simple custom ribbon control for sitecore shell.
The problem i'm trying to address is that Admins should be able to force all subitems recursively to be approved to a certain workflow state (rather than approve each one manually), but we currently don't know any way to achieve that.
To solve this, we want to force items throught the workflow state (triggering the corresponding commands) programmatically, but we need a sane way for admins to interact with this, the sensible option would be a custom thingie in sitecore shell, but we aren't sure how easy is to achieve that.
any recommended readings for this problem?
Though this article claims to be written for Sitecore 5.3, the same steps apply for 6.x as well. Note: it requires access to the SDN: How to create a ribbon button in Sitecore v5.3
The high-level points from the article are:
Create a new class that inherits from Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Command
Mark the class as [Serializable]. It might not be necessary for simple commands, but add it now so you don't get problems later! Otherwise the button might not work correctly (this is related to pipelines - and the fact that pipelines might be stopped and resumed)
Override Execute() and possibly also GetIcon(), GetHeader(), QueryState(), GetClick(), GetSubmenuItems()
Add a new <command name="…" type="..."> tag to /App_Config/Commands.config file
Log into Sitecore and switch to the core database
Navigate to /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons and create (or copy) a command in the desired chunk
Enter your command name (the one from step 4) in the "Click" field (and supply a Header, Icon, Tooltip, etc)

Django -- hide links from certain users

Is it possible, on a Django webapp, to hide certain links from those users who do not have the permission to click the link?
I bet there is a per-link way to check if the user has persmission to click the link, and then show the link (or not) based on that test. However, when there are a lot links spread across a whole bunch of web pages, that can be ridiculously tedious. Are there any ways to achieve this across the whole website with a setting or something?
write a template tag similar to spaceless that goes over its contents and removes all links that are not accessible. this would save you from having to touch each link manually.
It might be possible to write a custom template tag that would accept a link url, reverse it, introspect what permissions were required for the target view, and then conditionally display it.
You'd still have to touch every link in every template that you wanted to make fancy like that, and it would probably be an ugly beast. All in all, it's probably easier if you come up with a more centralized way to control access.

Django: what is the most appropriate way to provide administrators with the ability to change small snippets of text

Using Django, what is the most appropriate way to provide administrators with the ability to change small snippets of text, for example in one of my sites there is a small piece of text on the front page I would like the administrator to be able to easily change in the backend, however I do not want to create a whole new app or model because then they would be able to create more than one area of text in this way, but I only want it to show up in one place on the homepage.
Any advice?
This might be a bit more than you're looking for, but django-chunks lets you embed snippets of text into your templates and allow administrators to edit them. Because the only way to put a chunk into a template is by embedding it yourself, you don't have to worry about someone creating additional chunks - they just won't show up anywhere on the site.
Create a new setting in the settings file (or if you're using something like Djblets, in the appropriate model [or if you're using something else, wherever it expects settings to be]) for it, and then use it in the template after passing the appropriate context.