I'm trying out a dashsink pipeline via appsrc, but I'm getting a strange result where the dashsink element has 0 src or sink pads when it should have three (audio_%u, video_%u, and subtitle_%u) Tested via:
app->dashsink = gst_element_factory_make("dashsink", "test");
//Outputs 0
//Outputs 0
Anyone know why this is? All my other elements (h264parse, openh264enc, etc) have pads like you'd expect.
These are request pads. Meaning they don't exist until you request one or multiple. See the documentation here:
I have some problems with a project I'm doing. Basically I'm just using memcpy the wrong way. I know the theroy of pointer/arrays/references and should know how to do that, nevertheless I've spend two days now without any progress. I'll try to give a short code overview and maybe someone sees a fault! I would be very thankful.
The Setup: I'm using an ATSAM3x Microcontroller together with a uC for signal aquisition. I receive the data over SPI.
I have an Interrupt receiving the data whenever the uC has data available. The data is then stored in a buffer (int32_t buffer[1024 or 2048]). There is a counter that counts from 0 to the buffer size-1 and determines the place where the data point is stored. Currently I receive a test signal that is internally generated by the uC
//ch1: receive 24 bit data in 8 bit chunks -> store in an int32_t
ch1=ch1|(SPI.transfer(PIN_CS, 0x00, SPI_CONTINUE)<<24)>>8;
ch1=ch1|(SPI.transfer(PIN_CS, 0x00, SPI_CONTINUE)<<16)>>8;
ch1=ch1|(SPI.transfer(PIN_CS, 0x00, SPI_CONTINUE)<<8)>>8;
if(Not Important){
_ch1Buffer[_ch1SampleCount] = ch1;
if(_ch1SampleCount>SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE-1) _ch1SampleCount=0;
This ISR is active all the time. Since I need raw data for signal processing and the buffer is changed by the ISR whenever a new data point is available, i want to copy parts of the buffer into a temporary "storage".
To do so, I have another, global counter wich is incremented within the ISR. In the mainloop, whenever the counter reaches a certain size, i call a method get some of the buffer data (about 30 samples).
The method aquires the current position in the buffer:
'int ch1Pos = _ch1SampleCount;'
and then, depending on that position I try to use memcpy to get my samples. Depending on the position in the buffer, there has to be a "wrap-around" to get the full set of samples:
memcpy(&ch1[0],&_ch1Buffer[ch1Pos-(RAW_BLOCK_SIZE-1)] , RAW_BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(int32_t));
memcpy(&ch1[RAW_BLOCK_SIZE-1 - ch1Pos],&_ch1Buffer[0],(ch1Pos)*sizeof(int32_t));
memcpy(&ch1[0],&_ch1Buffer[SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE-1-(RAW_BLOCK_SIZE- ch1Pos)],(RAW_BLOCK_SIZE-ch1Pos)*sizeof(int32_t));
_ch1Buffer is the buffer containing the raw data
SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE is the size of that buffer
ch1 is the array wich is supposed to hold the set of samples
RAW_BLOCK_SIZE is the size of that array
ch1Pos is the position of the last data point written to the buffer from the ISR at the time where this method is called
Technically I'm aware of the requirements, but apparently thats not enough ;-).
I know, that the data received by the SPI interface is "correct". The problem is, that this is not the case for the extracted samples. There are a lot of spikes in the data that indicate that I've been reading something I wasn't supposed to read. I've changed the memcpy commands that often, that I completly lost the overview. The code sample above is one version of many's, and while you're reading this I'm sure I've changed everything again.
I would appreciate every hint!
Thanks & Greetings!
I've written down everything (again) on a sheet of paper and tested some constellations. This is the updated Code for the memcpy part:
memcpy(&ch1[0],&_ch1Buffer[ch1Pos-(RAW_BLOCK_SIZE-1)] , RAW_BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(int32_t));
This already made it a lot better. From all the changes, everything kinda got messed up. Now there is just one Error there. There is a periodical spike. I'll try to get more information, but I think it is a wrong access while wrapping around.
I've changed the if(_ch1SampleCount>SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE-1) _ch1SampleCount=0; to if(_ch1SampleCount>=SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE) _ch1SampleCount=0;.
To answer the Questions of #David Schwartz :
SPI.transfer returns a single byte
The buffer is initialised once at startup: memset(_ch1Buffer,0,sizeof(int32_t)*SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE);
Sorry for the frequent updates, the comment section is getting too big.
I managed to get rid of a bunch of zero values at the beginning of the stream by decreasing ch1Pos: 'int ch1Pos = _ch1SampleCount;' Now there is just one periodic "spike" (wrong value). It must be something with the splitted memcpy command. I'll continue looking. If anyone has an idea ... :-)
I am defining a simple REST API to run a query and get the results with pagination. I would like to make both client and server stateless if possible.
The client sends the query, offset and length. The server returns the results. For example, if there are 1000 results and client sends offset = 10 and length = 20, the server either returns 20 results since #10 till #29 if the total number of the results >= 30 or all results since #10 if the total < 30.
Client also needs to know to the total number of the results. Since I would like to keep both client and server stateless the server will always return total with the results.
So the protocol looks like following:
Client: query, offset, length ----------->
<----------- Server: total, results
The offset and length can be defined optional. If offset is missing the server assumes it is 0. If length is missing the server returns all the results.
Does it make sense ? How would you suggest define such a protocol ?
There is no standard in REST API design.
Since it's a query, not retrieving resource by its id, the search criteria is put into query string parameter, followed by the optional offset and length parameter.
GET /resource?criteria=value&offset=10&length=3
Assume your'd like to use JSON as response presentation, the result can be like this:
My way to implement pagination uses implicit information.
The client can only get "Pages". NO OFFSET OR LIMIT given by client.
GET /users/messages/1
The server in giving the first page with predefined amount of elements, e.g., 10. The Offset is calculated from the page number. Therefore the client dont have to worry about total amount of elements. This information can be provided in a header. To retrieve all elements (exceptional case) the client hast to write a loop and increment the page count.
Advantages: Cleaner URI; true pagination; offset, limit, lenght are clear defined.
Disadvantages: Getting all elements is hard, flexibility lost
Dont overload URIs with meta information. URIs are for resources identification
I get the following error with MPICH-2.1.5 and PGI compiler;
Fatal error in PMPI_Waitall: Invalid MPI_Request, error stack:
PMPI_Waitall(311): MPI_Waitall(count=4, req_array=0x2ca0ae0, status_array=0x2c8d220) failed
PMPI_Waitall(288): The supplied request in array element 0 was invalid (kind=0)
in the following example Fortran code for a stencil based algorithm,
Subroutine data_exchange
! data declaration
integer request(2*neighbor),status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE,2*neighbor)
integer n(neighbor),iflag(neighbor)
integer itag(neighbor),neigh(neighbor)
! Data initialization
request = 0; n = 0; iflag = 0;
! Create data buffers to send and recv
! Define values of n,iflag,itag,neigh based on boundary values
! Isend/Irecv look like this
do i=1,neighbor
if(iflag(i).eq.1) then
call MPI_Isend(buf_send(i),n(i),MPI_REAL,neigh(i),itag(i),MPI_COMM_WORLD,request(ir),ierr)
call MPI_Irecv(buf_recv(i),nsize,MPI_REAL,neigh(i),MPI_ANY_TAG,MPI_COMM_WORLD,request(ir),ierr)
! Calculations
call MPI_Waitall(2*neighbor,request,status,ierr)
end subroutine
The error occurs when the array_of_request in mpi_waitall gets a null value (request(i)=0). The null value in array_of_request comes up when the conditional iflag(i)=1 is not satisfied. The straight forward solution is to comment out the conditional but then that would introduce overheads of sending and receiving messages of 0 sizes which is not feasible for large scale systems (1000s of cores).
As per the MPI-forum link, the array_of_requests list may contain null or inactive handles.
I have tried following,
not initializing array_of_requests,
resizing array_of_request to match the MPI_isend + MPI_irecv count,
assigning dummy values to array_of_request
I also tested the very same code with MPICH-1 as wells as OpenMPI 1.4 and the code works without any issue.
Any insights would be really appreciated!
You could just move the first increment of ir into the conditional as well. Then you would have all handles in request(1:ir) at the and of the loop and issue:
call MPI_Waitall(ir,request(1:ir),status(:,1:ir),ierr)
This would make sure all requests are initialized properly.
Another thing: does n(i) in MPI_Isend hold the same value as nsize in the corresponding MPI_Irecv?
After consulting the MPI Standard (3.0, Ch. 3.7.3) I think you need to initialize the request array to MPI_REQUEST_NULL if you want give the whole request array to MPI_Waitall.
#define BUF_LEN 1024
the below code only receives one byte when its called then immediately moves on.
output = new char[BUF_LEN];
bytes_recv = recv(cli, output, BUF_LEN, 0);
output[bytes_recv] = '\0';
Any idea how to make it receive more bytes?
EDIT: the client connecting is Telnet.
The thing to remember about networking is that you will be able to read as much data as has been received. Since your code is asking for 1024 bytes and you only read 1, then only 1 byte has been received.
Since you are using a telnet client, it sounds like you have it configured in character mode. In this mode, as soon as you type a character, it will be sent.
Try to reconfigure your telnet client in line mode. In line mode, the telnet client will wait until you hit return before it sends the entire line.
On my telnet client. In order to do that, first I type ctrl-] to get to the telnet prompt and then type "mode line" to configure telnet in line mode.
On further thought, this is actually a very good problem to have.
In the real world, your data can get fragmented in unexpected ways. The client may make a single send() call of N bytes but the data may not arrive in a single packet. If your code can handle byte arriving 1 by 1, then you know it will work know matter how the data arrives.
What you need to do is make sure that you accumulate your data across multiple receives. After your recv call returns, you should then append the data a buffer. Something like:
char *accumulate_buffer = new char[BUF_LEN];
size_t accumulate_buffer_len = 0;
bytes_recv = recv(fd,
accumulate_buffer + accumulate_buffer_len,
BUF_LEN - accumulate_buffer_len,
if (bytes_recv > 0)
accumulate_buffer_len += bytes_recv;
if (can_handle_data(accumulate_buffer, accumulate_buffer_len))
handle_data(accumulate_buffer, accumulate_buffer_len);
accumulate_buffer_len = 0;
This code keeps accumulating the recv into a buffer until there is enough data to handle. Once you handle the data, you reset the length to 0 and you start accumulating afresh.
First, in this line:
output[bytes_recv] = '\0';
you need to check if bytes_recv < 0 first before you do that because you might have an error. And the way your code currently works, you'll just randomly stomp on some random piece of memory (likely the byte just before the buffer).
Secondly, the fact you are null terminating your buffer indicates that you're expecting to receive ASCII text with no embedded null characters. Never assume that, you will be wrong at the worst possible time.
Lastly stream sockets have a model that's basically a very long piece of tape with lots of letters stamped on it. There is no promise that the tape is going to be moving at any particular speed. When you do a recv call you're saying "Please give me as many letters from the tape as you have so far, up to this many.". You may get as many as you ask for, you may get only 1. No promises. It doesn't matter how the other side spit bits of the tape out, the tape is going through an extremely complex bunch of gears and you just have no idea how many letters are going to be coming by at any given time.
If you care about certain groupings of characters, you have to put things in the stream (ont the tape) saying where those units start and/or end. There are many ways of doing this. Telnet itself uses several different ones in different circumstances.
And on the receiving side, you have to look for those markers and put the sequences of characters you want to treat as a unit together yourself.
So, if you want to read a line, you have to read until you get a '\n'. If you try to read 1024 bytes at a time, you have to take into account that the '\n' might end up in the middle of your buffer and so your buffer may contain the line you want and part of the next line. It might even contain several lines. The only promise is that you won't get more characters than you asked for.
Force the sending side to send more bytes using Nagle's algorithm, then you will receive them in packages.
I want to implement an progress bar in my C++ windows application when downloading a file using WinHTTP. Any idea how to do this? It looks as though the WinHttpSetStatusCallback is what I want to use, but I don't see what notification to look for... or how to get the "percent downloaded"...
Per the docs:
Data is available to be retrieved with
WinHttpReadData. The
lpvStatusInformation parameter points
to a DWORD that contains the number of
bytes of data available. The
dwStatusInformationLength parameter
itself is 4 (the size of a DWORD).
Data was successfully read from the
server. The lpvStatusInformation
parameter contains a pointer to the
buffer specified in the call to
WinHttpReadData. The
dwStatusInformationLength parameter
contains the number of bytes read.
There may be other relevant notifications, but these two seem to be the key ones. Getting "percent" is not necessarily trivial because you may not know how much data you're getting (not all downloads have content-length set...); you can get the headers with:
The response header has been received
and is available with
WinHttpQueryHeaders. The
lpvStatusInformation parameter is
and if Content-Length IS available then the percentage can be computed by keeping track of the total number of bytes at each "data available" notification, otherwise your guess is as good as mine;-).