Oracle apex Gantt chart how to highlight weekends - oracle-apex

I have created a gantt chart on oracle apex. I need to highlight the weekends similar to what we have on jet. can someone please help me with this.
Thanks in advance.
I have gone through the oracle jet code. Please refer to below link. It highlights all weekends. but am not able to use it on apex.

You will need to use Javascript here.
Find out the weekends through javascript. Use ID oj-gantt-minor-axis-label to make change using javascript initialization code for apex chart


Microsoft BI tool Embed on Website using predifined filter

I have a question, might be easy for you.
Foe ex: I have a report to show the errands related to user in powerBI. In website I want to embedd this report but want to show only errands which are related to the user without user selecting this. Any solution?

rename page name in powerbi authoring experience for embed using javascript

I am trying to find javascript api to rename page title in embed view.
I referred this documentation but didnt see a rename page name option.
if it is supported, can you please help with how we can modify it in embed view with api?
Currently Power BI Embedded don't have page rename API. However, it is on our roadmap.
You can add/vote for an idea here:

BI publisher returns blank report in oracle apex after deploying in tomcat

please i have deployed BI 10 G, and configured everything.. i can print with the bi publisher as the print server and selecting a generic layout; but the printout returns blank when i choose to use an rich text format layout in oracle apex.
any help
Do you still face this issue? Please check whether the Report Layout is selected properly in the specific Report Query.

Dropwdownlist as filter for mutliselect

I have to do the following in SharePoint but I'm new to SharePoint.
On my screen I have a dropdownlist with businessunits.
I also have a multiselect with products.
Now when I select a businessunit in the dropdown, I need to display the corresponding products in the multiselect.
Can anyone help me?
This works, btw I don't how the controls are rendered in SP, but this works at least in chrome.

Sitecore Stimulsoft Report Designer Does not Support Adding Filter Variables

I am developing some Reports in Sitecore using Stimulsoft report designer and I need to have a filter like in this report
I had a look at the video tutorial on creating a filter like this.,parameters
However when I create a new variable using report designer in Sitecore it does not allow me the option to select "Request from User" as in the video tutorial. Also in addition to that there are many missing features in that create a new variable window compared to video tutorial. Am I using a older report designer with Sitecore ?
I do not know if this will answer your question, but here it is.
I found that the web report designer that comes with Sitecore (even 7) is not really good and a lot of things seems not to be working correctly.
One way would be to get the report suite and use the standalone report designer if possible or manually edit the report definition files.