GStreamer can't determine running time for this packet without knowing configured latency - gstreamer

I'm trying to forward an RTSP stream through WebRTC using GStreamer. I keep getting a massive amount of warnings about latency:
Can't determine running time for this packet without knowing configured latency
The pipeline is:
rtspsrc location=my_rtsp_url is-live=true !
queue !
decodebin !
videoconvert !
openh264enc !
video/x-h264,profile=constrained-baseline !
rtph264pay aggregate-mode=zero-latency !
webrtcbin turn-server=turn://test:test#localhost:3478 bundle-policy=max-bundle name=webrtcbin
I can't seem to figure out what I need to set to get rid of these messages. I tried looking through the source code for GStreamer. As best I can tell, the rtp session (gstrtpsession.c) is finding that send_latency is GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE.
Is there something I can add to my pipeline to fix this?


how to enable transport wide congestion control in gstreamer

I am developing an application that streams h264 video with gstreamer using RTP and RTCP in c++. The video stream is successfully received and both the sender and receiver is generating SR/RR RTCP packets. My next goal was to utilize twcc (transport wide congestion control) for bandwidth management, which should be supported in gstreamer since version 1.18. I can not however figure out to enable this feature. My pipeline looks similar to this:
appsrc ! videoconvert ! h264enc ! rtph264pay ! rtpbin ! udpsink -> udpsrc ! rtpbin ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
The rtpbin also has the appropriate RTCP pad links with its own udpsrc and udpsink on both sender and receiver side (not shown here).
As i understand twcc i need to set the appropriate rtp header extension, but i cannot figure out how to do that using gstreamer. I am also unsure how to make the recevier side send back the correct rtcp packets so that i can read the twcc-stats on the sender side.
Does anyone have an example on how i would make my gstreamer pipeline start using twcc?

Record RTSP camera H.264 stream to MP4 with Gstreamer

I'm developing an app receiving an H.264 video stream from an RTSP camera and displaying and storing it to MP4 without transcoding. For the purpose of my current test, I record for 5 sec only.
My problem is that the MP4 is not playable. The resulting file varies in size from one run of the app to another showing something is very wrong (unexpected since the recording time is fixed).
Here are my pipelines:
rtspsrc location = rtsp:// latency=0 ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! video/x-h264,stream-format=avc ! queue ! interpipesink name=cam1
interpipesrc allow-renegotiation=true name=src listen-to=cam1 is-live=true ! h264parse ! queue ! decodebin ! autovideoconvert ! d3dvideosink sync=false
interpipesrc allow-renegotiation=true name=src listen-to=cam1 is-live=true ! h264parse ! queue ! mp4mux ! filesink location=test.mp4
In a next step I will add more cameras and will need to be able to change which camera gets recorded to MP4 on the fly, as well as pause/resume the recording. For this reason, I've opted to use interpipesink/src. It's a set of gstreamer elements that allow communication between two independent pipelines.
A thread waits for 10 sec, then sends EOS on the 3rd pipeline (recording). Then, when the bus receives GST_MESSAGE_EOS it sets the pipeline state to NULL. I have checked with a pad probe that the EOS event is indeeed received on the sink pad of the filesink.
I send EOS using this code: gst_element_send_event(m_pipeline, gst_event_new_eos()); m_pipeline is the 3rd pipeline.
Those exact pipelines produce a playable MP4 when run with gst-launch adding -e at the end.
If I replace mp4mux by matroskamux in my app, the mkv is playable and has the expected size. However, there's something wrong with the timestamps as the player shows it starting at time 10 sec insteasd of 0. Do I need to edit the timestamps before passing the buffers to the mux (mp4mux or matroskamux)?
It looks to me as if the MP4 is not fully written, but I can't see what else I can do appart from sending EOS?
I'm opened to suggestions to restructure the app, in case the use of the interpipe elements may cause a problem (although I can't see why at the moment).
I'm using Gstreamer 1.18.2 on Windows 10 (x64).

adding a delay on the audio recording with gst-launch

I have this existing program that uses gst-plugin-1.0 and it passes this:
-e udpsrc port=3003 buffer-size=200000 ! h264parse ! queue ! http://mux.video_0 alsasrc device=plughw:1,0 ! "audio/x-raw,channels=1,depth=16,width=16,rate=44100" ! voaacenc bitrate=128000 ! aacparse ! queue ! http://mux.audio_0 qtmux name=mux ! filesink location="$RECPATH/record-`date +%Y%m%d%-H%M%S`.mp4" sync=true
This takes the video from an udp source which is in x264 and the audio directly from the microphone. It works but since it doesn't encode the video and the audio at the same time I have a bit of delay on the audio when the video stream has latency (due to higher quality settings).
So as a quick-fix I was thinking about adding a delay on the audio recording to compensate. I would calculate that delay by hand depending on the video quality.
Constraint: gst-launch-1.0 version 1.10.4 (on a raspberry pi, debian stretch), use-driver-timestamps doesn't seem to be accessible, I get the error 'WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no property "use-driver-timestamps" in element "alsasrc0"'.
So my question is: is there an easy way to add delay to the audio?
the queue element had the min-threshold-time property, which lets you hold on to data for n amount of time.
Alternatively I found this too, might be useful for your case pipeline Gstremer video streaming with delay
Try ! autoaudiosink ts-offset=100000000
ts-offset is documented here.
You can also experiment pipelines with latency compensation;

How to make rtpjitterbuffer work on a stream without timestamps?

I am sending an H.264 bytestream over RTP using gstreamer.
# sender
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=my_stream.h264 ! h264parse disable-passthrough=true ! rtph264pay config-interval=10 pt=96 ! udpsink host=localhost port=5004
Then I am receiving the frames, decoding and displaying in other gstreamer instance.
# receiver
gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5004 ! application/x-rtp,payload=96,media="video",encoding-name="H264",clock-rate="90000" ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! decodebin ! xvimagesink
This works as is, but I want to try adding an rtpjitterbuffer in order to perfectly smooth out playback.
# receiver
gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5004 ! application/x-rtp,payload=96,media="video",encoding-name="H264",clock-rate="90000" ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! decodebin ! xvimagesink
However, as soon as I do, the receiver only displays a single frame and freezes.
If I replace the .h264 file with an MP4 file, the playback works great.
I assume that my h264 stream does not have the required timestamps to enable the jitter buffer to function.
I made slight progress by adding identity datarate=1000000. This allows the jitterbuffer to play, however this screws with my framerate because P frames have less data than I frames. Clearly the identity element adds the correct timestamps, but just with the wrong numbers.
Is it possible to automatically generate timestamps on the sender by specifying the "framerate" caps correctly somewhere? So far my attempts have not worked.
You've partially answered the problem already:
If I replace the .h264 file with an MP4 file, the playback works great.
I assume that my h264 stream does not have the required timestamps to enable the jitter buffer to function.
Your sender pipeline has no negotiated frame rate because you're using a raw h264 stream, while you should really be using a container format (e.g., MP4) which has this information. Without timestamps udpsink cannot synchronise against clock to throttle, so the sender is spitting out packets as fast as pipeline can process them. It's not a live sink.
However adding a rtpjitterbuffer makes your receiver act as live source. It freezes because it's trying its best to cope with the barrage of packets of malformed timestamps. RTP doesn't transmit "missing" timestamps to best of my knowledge, so all packets will probably have the same timestamp. Thus it probably reconstructs the first frame and drops the rest as duplicates.
I must agree with user1998586 in the sense that it ought to be better for the pipeline to crash with a good error message in this case rather trying its best.
Is it possible to automatically generate timestamps on the sender by specifying the "framerate" caps correctly somewhere? So far my attempts have not worked.
No. You should really use a container.
In theory, however, an au aligned H264 raw stream could be timestamped by just knowing the frame rate, but there are no gstreamer elements (I know of) that do this and just specifying caps won't do it.
I had the same problem, and the best solution I found was to add timestamps to the stream on the sender side, by adding do-timestamp=1 to the source.
Without timestamps I couldn't get rtpjitterbuffer to pass more than one frame, no matter what options I gave it.
(The case I was dealing with was streaming from raspvid via fdsrc, I presume filesrc behaves similarly).
It does kinda suck that gstreamer so easily sends streams that gstreamer itself (and other tools) doesn't process correctly: if not having timestamps is valid, then rtpjitterbuffer should cope with it; if not having timestamps is invalid, then rtph264pay should refuse to send without timestamps. I guess it was never intended as a user interface...
You should try to set the rtpjitterbuffer mode to another value than the default one:
mode : Control the buffering algorithm in use
flags: readable, writable
Enum "RTPJitterBufferMode" Default: 1, "slave"
(0): none - Only use RTP timestamps
(1): slave - Slave receiver to sender clock
(2): buffer - Do low/high watermark buffering
(4): synced - Synchronized sender and receiver clocks
Like that:
... ! rtpjittrbuffer mode=0 ! ...

How to get Pipeline created by playbin in textual format in Gstreamer?

I'm playing a transport stream file (*.ts) using the following pipeline:
gst-launch-0.10 playbin2 uri=file:///c:/bbb.ts
But I need to convert that into a pipeline myself. I'm not sure how to achieve this.
So far I have tried: (works fine)
gst-launch-0.10 -v filesrc location=c:/bbb.ts ! tsdemux ! audio/x-ac3 ! fakesink
But if i replace fakesink with autoaudiosink it fails with a not-linked error.
And even the fakesink doesn't work for video:
gst-launch-0.10 -v filesrc location=c:/bbb.ts ! tsdemux ! video/x-mpeg2 ! fakesink
So I have two questions:
How to find out pipeline created by playbin element.
How to play mpeg2-ts file using gstreamer pipeline.
Answer to question 1 -
There is a way to get the graphs of the pipeline created mentioned in documentation of basic tutorial-11.
A brief from the page
Getting pipeline graphs
For those cases where your pipeline starts to grow too large and you
lose track of what is connected with what, GStreamer has the
capability to output graph files. These are .dot files, readable with
free programs like GraphViz, that describe the topology of your
pipeline, along with the caps negotiated in each link.
This is also very handy when using all-in-one elements like playbin2
or uridecodebin, which instantiate several elements inside them.
I hope this resolves what you want