Problem integrating SAML SSO authentication on Zammad using omniauth-saml - ruby-on-rails-4

I am facing some issues to implement SAML SSO integration. The system I am working with use Zammad (Ruby on Rails) as framework, and omniauth-saml to make the SSO flow.
What happens is that everything goes very well until the Auth0 server call system's callback. Then, omniauth_saml calls failure_omniauth and generate the following logs:
But, as you can see by the logs, after that omniauth-saml returns an uncommon error that I just don't really know what it means.
Here's the code around those logs:
I am trying to recover callback data and create a session for my user.


How access to the JHipster API when authentication is managed by Keycloak

I've built a JHipster application with oauth2 authentication. The latter is implemented by Keycloak through the generated docker-compose file.
Everything works fine in the browser for "human" users. But I need to make some external programs use the API while beng authenticated.
So I started to simulate direct access to API with Postman. I read about XSRF-TOKEN cookie. But to be frank, I don't understand the process of authentication.
Can anyone explain how to perform authenticated requests to the JHipster API regarding keycloak ?
Maybe it isn't the appropriate approach : I also read about implementing a Configuration based on another authentication mecanism, that should be used for controllers exposed on a different endpoint.
Any help figuring out all of that would be really appreciated !
You need machine to machine authentication. Generally Open ID Connect (OIDC) offers client credentials flow for this case. So in theory you just enable it in the Keycloak client configuration and you may use it. But it depends on your API auth implementation. Your API very likely uses different OIDC flow for humans and it may not be ready for client credentials flow.
I got it working: Jan's tip show me the way.
Mainly I followed this tutorial.
The solution would be to add a client configured with Standard flow, Service account and Authorization enabled. Then I added the JHipster client scope provided by the generated docker-compose setup.
Once that was configured, I configured the request to use the Oauth2 authentication. I filled the configuration form for token request according to the tutorial. And I was good to go !
Many thx !

WSO2 APi Manager Response Code 0

I'm trying to use WSO2 API Manager 1.10.0 on an existent micro-services project with REST APIs following WSO2 tutorial.
I have installed it on my computer as well as a copy of my application and configured AM to manage requests (GET, POST and DELETE) to my resource but I always obtain a "Response code 0" with Response Header
"error": "no response from server"
Trying to contact my application using Advanced REST Client I obtain 200 with the correct result.
My APIs use a token inside the header to authenticate the user passed so I have implemented a dummy API without authentication but I still have the same issue.
I have tried also the Cloud version with our test server but still obtaining the same result.
I found this guide but I don't know if this can be a solution for the problem in localhost.
Setting up the custom url in WSO2 API Cloud wont help. Thats there for a different purpose. There are two things you can do.
If you are interested in going ahead with the cloud version, you can get help from them. You can send a support request and the cloud team will help.
You can troubleshoot your local instance. When doing so, first, try to invoke your api via curl and see whether it gets a response. Sometime, your api can work fine, but due to some reasons, the result might not reach the api console.
If the curl works fine or not, you can check the logs to see whether there are any errors printed. Some more questions:
Is your backend service exposed via http or https?
If it is https, then if its certificate is not a CA signed one, API Manager will fail during the handshake. If so, you will have to add the cert to api managers client-truststore.jks
In the cloud scenario, your backend should be accessible from internet and the certificate story is valid for cloud too.
Are you trying to access the api using swagger console (or any web application). There are couple of reasons you could encounter this issue. one could be certificate not installed in the browser.
If this happens you should see some error log in the api manager console (something related to CA not found). for that first you can copy the backend url (swagger console shows the url it used to send the request) and paste it on a new browser window and install the certificate to the browser.
also you can get an idea about the issue by using a tool like firebug and check the request. (it will show the error for not connecting the AM)
Finally I have found the issue: the API Manager does not accept plain text response, responding using a JSON solves the problem.
Using other mediatype such as XML or TEXT/HTML it reports 406, with text plain it returns Error 0.

Get raw SAML response from omniauth-saml failure callback

I am using omniauth-saml 1.3.1 with omniauth 1.2.2 in rails 4.2. It works well with my test identity provider set up at (a nifty tool for those setting up a SAML service provider). It even works in production.
Now I am trying to get an IdP set up with a client of mine. When the user visits /auth/saml, they are directed to the client's IdP as expected. The user is able to use their email/pw to login.
The IdP then responds to my SP, but omniauth is redirecting to the failure callback.
As seen here, I get an error message "invalid_ticket". However, the error itself isn't getting passed to my failure controller action in env["omniauth.error"], as I read it should somewhere (unfortunately I can't find that documentation right now).
I'm hoping somebody will have some advice as to how I can figure out what is causing the "invalid_ticket" to happen. Is there perhaps a way to see the raw SAML response from the IdP?
I should note that I need to find this information in production because the client's IdP points to our production SP and I can't convince them to point it somewhere I can do some more extensive testing (like my localhost dev machine). I can, however, write in some more logging or Honeybadger exception reporting if that will help.
Currently, I am reporting to Honeybadger all env["omniauth.*"] values and params when omniauth redirects to the failure route, but I am not getting any information further than Omniauth message: invalid_ticket.
A big thank you to anyone who can help me go in the right direction here!
You might want to try adding other environments to failure_raise_out_environments:
OmniAuth.config.failure_raise_out_environments = ['development', 'staging', 'production']
to your initializer. You will get meaningful error messages in your log or Honeybadger.
These errors are by default raised only in development environment.

In peoplesoft User registration service SCC_USERREG, create account service operation "SCC_USERREG_CREATEACCT.v1" isnt working. Gives error.

In peoplesoft User registration service SCC_USERREG, create account service operation SCC_USERREG_CREATEACCT.v1 isnt working.
Error I get:
An Error occurred processing this request (14098,286)
I have checked security settings, scc_guest, SCC_ss_template
How are you making the tests? With SOAP UI?
Is your gateway running and the handler active?
This service of mine works fine, but there were a trick with the XML (If I recall correct, it is with the constituent collection), so if you can post the XML here, it would be nice. BTW, which CS bundle are you?

How to call SharePoint 2007 web services from Silverlight on FBA site

I have a Silverlight 5 app that runs on a SharePoint 2007 site. The Silverlight app gets a bunch of data from SharePoint lists using the Lists.asmx service. The main site is secured using NTLM security and Silverlight is able to successfully call the web services without having to eplicitly set anything to do with authentication. We extended the SharePoint site to a second domain that uses FormsBasedAuthentication. On this version of the site, the first web service call fails with a 403 Forbidden response and the exception:
System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound.
As I understand it, this is a generic message and not the true exception. Well, obviously we need the real exception to have any idea what the problem is. This MSDN page (Creating and Handling Faults in Silverlight) offers two solutions to getting the real exception.
The first is to modify your WCF service to return an alternate HTTP status code. This doesn't work because for one, it is not a WCF service, it's an .asmx web service so I can't add the suggested WCF behavior to modify the status code. Second, it's SharePoint's service so I can't do much to modify it anyway. Could I modify IIS to achieve an equivalent solution somehow?
The second solution is to register an alternative HTTP stack in the Silverlight application. I tried this out and found out the "real" exception was an authentication exception. So I went down dead ends trying to figure out out to get authenticated for about 24 hours only to finally find out that normally, the ASP.NET authentication cookie is passed with the service request, unless you are using the Client HTTP stack. So registering the client HTTP stack allowed me to see real exceptions, but it created its own exception which seems to only be fixed by not using the Client HTTP stack...
I believe have verified with Fiddler that the authentication cookie is being sent when using the default HTTP stack. I don't know if the Lists.asmx service is unable to use it and is giving an authentication error anyway, or if there is some other exception. How can I determine the cause of the "The remote server returned an error: NotFound." exception?
Well, this isn't a good answer to the quesion "How can I determine the cause..." but it's what worked for me. What I did was open up STSSOAP.dll, the assembly containing the Lists service implemention, in reflector. I copied the relevant code to implment my own GetListItems method in my own service. Luckily, the actual Lists.GetListItems method code was minimal and just called other SharePoint methods and even luckier, those methods & members are all declared public so I was able to do this. I then replaced Lists.asmx with my version on the server and attached the debugger to get some info. What I found was my authentication cookie was being used and HttpContext.Current.Session.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated was true. So it knew I was logged in. But I was still getting an authentication error which I could see farther down in SharePoint's code, was converted to a 403.
So I know considers me authenticated but SharePoint says I don't have permissions. But the service account the app pool is running under is a SP admin so why don't I have permissions? So next I inspected the SPContext.Current.Web.User; SharePoint's current user. It was null! In other words, as far as SharePoint is concerned, I'm still logged in as an anonymous user because I haven't explicitly logged in with a domain user, and an anonymous user doesn't have permissions on the list I'm accessing or most of the rest of the API. The answer by Sean McDonough to this quesion lays it out.
Basically I need to run the involved code with elevated privileges to get the code to run under the service account that I originally thought it was running under. If using the API, you can use the RunWithElevatedPrivileges delegate. But if you're calling the web services, you can't do that. The few options I could think of were:
Call the services on the base site that uses Windows Authentication. This would require me to embed the credentials in the client-side Silverlight application which is a security threat so I nixed this one.
Implement my own web service to get the data for me.
The web service could access the list using the SharePoint API and
The web service could call the Windows Authentication site's services passing the current credentials or other embedded credentials.
For implementation ease, all I've done so far is the second option under number 2 and it's working. However, it is clunky and I may change to option 1 which I expect will also work.