Coveo components do not load correctly - sitecore

I have installed Coveo for Sitecore and followed the instructions to create an Example Search Page. (
However, what I see is:
Am I missing some configuration or Javascript or css?
Could it be this error?
** Refused to apply style from 'https://project/ui/v/css/CoveoForSitecore.css' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled. **
New to Coveo and cannot figure out what's going on


Sitecore null value exception

I had a Sitecore installation running until I made a deploy with some code changes. After that it completely broke.
Prior to this I create a new template item with a field of type "multilist with search". I didn't generate synthesis code before deploying.
Following is the exception from the IIS.
This exception is thrown on all pages. This also means that I can't access the content editor. I can't use Sitecore rocks either.
does anybody have any idea on what to do?
For right now, rename /App_Config/Include/.../Synthesis.config to Synthesis.config.disabled. That should allow you to bring the site back to a state where you can communicate with it.
Be aware that the Multilist with Search field relies on Sitecore ContentSearch - and it appears to be incorrectly configured in your solution.

Sitecore: InvalidOperationException: Post condition failed

I'm relatively new to Sitecore.
In my Pre-Prod server I'm getting below error whenever I click on Content Editor. Page Editor seems to work fine. Please help.
InvalidOperationException: Post condition failed
Log Details are below:
Exception: System.InvalidOperationException Message: Post condition
failed Source: Sitecore.Kernel at
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.ResultNotNull[T](T result, String message)
name) at
name, String parameters) at
Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.DataContext.GetItem(String id) at
Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.DataContext.GetState(Item& root, Item&
folder, Item[]& selected
This sounds like something is not right with the config files in the site.
It's very hard to tell exactly what is the issue with that error message. And finding the issue will more than likely be a process of elimination.
I would suggest the the best course of action is to compare the configuration of the site with a known working version or a basic Sitecore install with no customisations. You can use the ShowConfig tool in Sitecore to show you all the configuration settings after the includes (as the config does not just consist of Web.config). More info on this here: -
It's worth checking the App_config/include directory in Sitecore to see if you have any modules in place (E.g. Sitecore.MediaFramework.config) that are not in place where your site is working. You can disable these config settings by renaming the file to be .example.
I know it is an old question but in case it helps someone.
Very likely you are trying to access Sitecore Content Editor from your CD node.
Access Sitecore from CM only.

How to simulate passing the keyword to a website from a search engine?

We made a website using the sitecore. And we have a rule for the DMS part when searching keyword contains SUV, then we do something. But my question is how to test this rule, we have prepared everything for the back-end. How to pass a keyword 'suv' to our website to simulate the search engine?
You can create your own page simulating search engine (or just a page with a link to your app and open it with the SUV keyword - http://mytestengine/index.html?q=SUV) and navigate from this page to your Sitecore application. You must also add a new engine definition to your configuration:
<engine hostname="" parametername="q"/>
<engine hostname="mytestengine" parametername="q"/>
Remember to clear the history of the browser before testing the solution - in other case your visit won't be considered as a new visit.
More information can be found in the blog post.
In the past I have used the Tamper Data Firefox plugin to test some DMS functionality. The plugin will allow you to intercept the request to your website and update the referrer to be:
Open page that has a link to your website in Firefox.
Open Tamper Data Plugin.
Select 'Start Tamper'.
Click link to your site.
When prompted, select 'Tamper'.
Change 'Referrer' field to: (or whichever search engine you'd like to test).

Proxy URL issue for Media Library Items in Sitecore Rich Text Editor

I am having an issue regarding the media library item URLs in the Rich Text editor
Currently we have set up our site as - for public content - for Sitecore admin (This is a proxy URL which can be accessed within internally)
It works perfectly except that when Saving the content in the Rich Text editor, all URLs to the media library items (PDF, images) will be converted using the path "". We always have to go to the HTML View to manually remove all the URL - which is a pain.
The links to the content items/pages are fine. Only the links to the media library items will be converted during the save.
The Staging Module is not used so I wonder if there is a configuration to disable the conversion or do something to stop the URL conversion. Thanks!
Revoked original response as I found I was wrong.
At least in 6.3.x and onwards, the RTE doesn't appear to store the hostname in the media links. What version are you using?

Visitors to site get a file download instead of web page?

Why do visitors to my site sometimes get a download to a file instead of the page to which they were supposed to go?
What problem does that point to - browser, controller, or something?
Could possibly be that your HTTP server isn't providing the correct MIME type?
This usually means your web server is serving the page up as the wrong MIME type. You need to tell it which files should be served using which MIME types. Apache includes a standard file for this, but I'm not sure which web server or platform you're using.
Either you have an invalid mime type configured when serving the page, so the browser thinks the content type is something it has to download because it can't display it, or if the problem happens only to some users, then the mime type you are choosing is something that those specific users don't have their browsers configured to support.