Below is my admin form
Class RequestedAreaInilne(admin.StackedInline):
model = RequestedArea
fields = ("area", "building")
class BuildingAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
fields = ("special_access", "user_id", etc ....)
inlines = (RequestedAreaInline,)
While saving the BuildingAdmin form I need to validate inline form (ie RequestedAreaInilne). Validation should happen based on the value from the BuildingAdmin form field .
To add more information ,
special_access of the BuildingAdmin is boolean field(True or False). If the user selection is True , I want to check if they have entered value for RequestedAreaInline. If it is not entered I need show them a message that "You should enter data for this"
I tried doing the validation in save_formset(). But I am not getting inline field.
How can I validate the inline formset based on parent form
I have standard Django models with ForeignKey.
Django docs:
"ForeignKey is represented by django.forms.ModelChoiceField, which is a ChoiceField whose choices are a model QuerySet."
"If the model field has choices set, then the form field’s widget will be set to Select, with choices coming from the model field’s choices."
Now I have dropdown menu with choices.
I don't want dropdown menu where user can see options. I want CharField(textfield or similar) where user type, but still
that must be one of the options from the database for that field. He must type a valid entry.
I tried:
class TransakcijeForm(forms.ModelForm):
model = models.Transakcije
fields = .....
labels = .....
widgets ={'subscriber':forms.TextInput()}
but I receive the message:
"Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices."
(entry is correct and it works with dropdown menu)
This is my first question here and I'm sorry if I miss the form.
The reason you are getting that error is because your form is still treating the subscriber field as a ModelChoiceField because you are only overriding what widget is rendered to html. You need to change the actual field type of your field. You can define your form like this:
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
class TransakcijeForm(forms.ModelForm):
subscriber = forms.CharField()
class Meta:
model = models.Transakcije
fields = ....
labels = ....
def clean_subscriber(self):
subscriber_id = self.cleaned_data['subscriber']
# adjust this line to appropriately get the model object that you need
subscriber = SubscriberModel.objects.get(id=subscriber_id)
return subscriber
raise ValidationError('Subscriber does not exist')
The line subscriber = forms.CharField() will change the form to treat the field as a CharField rather than a ModelChoiceField. Doing this will cause the form to return the subscriber field value as a string, so you will need to get the appropriate model object based on the value of the field. That is what the clean_subscriber(self) function is for. It needs to be named like clean_<field name>(). That function will take the string that is returned by the form, try and find the correct model object and return it if an object is found. If it finds no matching objects it will raise a ValidationError so the form doesn't submit with a bad value.
I've created a non-model form. with a modelchoicefield
class BookingFormSetupForm(forms.Form):
paymentmethod = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=PaymentMethod.objects.none(),required=False)
I'm running into a problem whereby when a user selects a value on the modelchoicefield and then interacts with the rest of the form, but doesn't enter something correctly on one of the other form fields, an error on the form is thrown on save (which is good), but when the form reloads with the error message being displayed, the value that the user had selected on the modelchoicefield is no longer selected (this is bad). What is selected is the value that was last saved to this field.
Is there a way to have the users previous selection be selected on the reload of the page when an error is displayed?
In the else statement under form.is_valid(), you have to initialize the form with the values from the form before reloading the page
paymentmethod = form.cleaned_data['paymentmethod']
form = BookingFormSetupForm(request.POST or None, user=user, initial={
'paymentmethod': paymentmethod,
Currently, if a field is required, this can be enforced via the blank = False argument, such as:
address1 = models.CharField(max_length=255,null=False,blank=False)
However, the validation is performed prior to the POST action, yielding something like this when trying to submit the form containing an empty field:
I would prefer the validation to be done during the post step, like this:
address1 = models.CharField(max_length=255,null=False,blank=true)
class AddressForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
self.fields['address1'].required = True
And this yields the following result when trying to submit the form containing an empty field:
But the problem with this, (as far as I can tell) is that I need to explicitly state the required attribute for each field on a case-by-case basis.
Is there any way that I can associate blank=False as being representative of the required=True attribute, suppressing the first form validation (above), in favour of the second?
ModelForm runs form validation, then model validation:
There are two main steps involved in validating a ModelForm:
Validating the form
Validating the model instance
So you have to manually add the extra form validation that you want before the inherited model validations.
However, default ModelForm field for blank field is already required:
If the model field has blank=True, then required is set to False on
the form field. Otherwise, required=True
You can change the error message. If you use this additional validations a lot, you can use a Mixin:
class BlankToRequiredMixin(object):
def set_required(self):
model = self._meta.model
for field_name,form_field in self.fields.iteritems():
if not model._meta.get_field(field_name).blank:
form_field.error_messages={'required': 'This field is required'} # to make it required in addtion to non-blank set .required=True
Then, to set required=True for all fields that are non-blank in the model:
class AddressForm(forms.ModelForm,BlankToRequiredMixin):
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
In a similar way you can add other validations to the form fields, based on the model validation attributes. For the appearance, change the widget and set the field widget in the mixin.
I need to create django form with checkbox fields. Number of fields and value of "checked" attribute are dynamic.
I created form:
form = DynamicForm()
for field in all_fields:
if field in checked_field:
form.fields[]=forms.BooleanField(, initial=True)
form.fields[]=forms.BooleanField(, initial=False)
return form
,but this form has different value of "name" attribute for each field (
How to set the same name for every field?
You don't do with multiple BooleanFields. You do it with a single MultipleChoiceField, which is output as a series of checkboxes with the same name.
In an my model, I've the following
--- ---
class A(models.Model):
my_Bs = models.ManyToManyField('B', through='AlinksB')
class B(models.Model):
class AlinksB(models.Model):
my_A = models.ForeignKey(A)
my_B = models.models.ForeignKey(B)
order = models.IntegerField()
So is the corresponding admin (A admin view has an inline to link B instances, and I prepared the required to custom this inline's formset and forms):
--- ---
class AlinksBInlineForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = AlinksB
class AlinksBInlineFormset(forms.models.BaseInlineFormSet): # there also is a BaseModelFormset
form = AlinksBInlineForm
class AlinksBInline(admin.TabularInline):
formset = AlinksBInlineFormset
model = AlinksB
class AAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = AForm
inlines = (AlinksBInline,)
class BAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
Now to custom the forms validation, nothing difficult: just override the "clean" method of the form object. If you want many different forms in the formset, I think you just have to change some manually in the "init" method of the formset. But what about programatically validating all the forms when we clean the formset, and that only under some conditions.
In my case: how to automatically set the "order" field (in the inline of A admin view) with an autoincrement if all the orders (inline rows to remove excluded) are empty ?!
I just spent a lot of time Googling about trying to perform automatic form cleaning during a formset validation in Django Framework. After a few days a couldn't figure a solution so I started looking right into Django's source code to see how work fields, widgets, forms and formsets.
Here is what I understood:
-All the data POSTed by the user when he submits the formset it stored in the "data" attribute of the formset. This attribute is very ugly and cannot be directly used.
- The form is just a wrapper for fields (it calls all the fields' clean methods and fill error buffers, and only a few more)
-The form fields have a widget. This widget allow getting back the field's raw value from the "data" attribute of the formset
form.add_prefix('field name') # returns the 'field prefix', the key of used to retrieve the field's raw value
form.fields['field name'].widget.value_from_datadict(, form.files, 'field prefix') # returns the raw value
-The form fields also have a method to transform the raw value into a right python value (in my case: order is an integer, or None if the field has been left empty)
form.fields['field name'].to_python(raw_value) # returns a value with the right type
-You can change the value of one of the fields from the formset with the following code'field prefix', value) # code to update an iterable knowing the key to change
-Once you have modified the fields value, you can call the "full_clean" method of the forms to retry cleaning them (this will remove the previous errors).
-Once you have validated again the forms, you can retry validating the formset with its "full_clean" method too. But take care to avoid infinite loops
-The forms clean data can only be used has a read-only data, to add more error messages in the form or the formset
An other solution would be to manually change the "form.clean_data" attribute, and clean the formset.errors and all the form.errors
Hope it could help somebody in the same situation as me !