How to divide Daphne requests on mutiple processors? - django

I use a Daphne server for my ASGI Django application. When I run htop on my Ubuntu server it shows all the load on only one processor and the app gets slow, so I'd like to know what is the easiest way to speed up my server. App is inside a Docker container.
I run Daphne with command: daphne WBT.asgi:application --bind "" --port "8000".
I use Nginx as a proxy.
I tried using uvicorn server with multiple workers but then I get problems with layout. Ie. let's say that I have 4 workers when I visit my web app, it loads it on only one worker correctly, so in 25% cases I get no layout.


how to kill gunicorn server inside request response cycle

i have one Django application and one flask application.
it's running with two Gunicorn servers inside the docker containers.
my goal is if the database connection was failed (if db was down), i want to kill the Django app and flask app.
how could i do this ?

How to run Daphne and Gunicorn At The Same Time?

I'm using django-channels therefore I need to use daphne but for the static files and other things I want to use gunicorn. I can start daphne alongside gunicorn but I can not start both of them at the same time.
My question is should I start both of them at the same time or is there any better option?
If should I how can I do that?
Here is my runing server command:
gunicorn app.wsgi:application --bind --reload && daphne -b -p 8089 app.asgi:application
I splited location of / and /ws/ for gunicorn and daphne in nginx.conf.
Your problem is you're calling both processes in the same context/line and one never gets called because the first one never "ends".
this process: gunicorn app.wsgi:application --bind --reload
won't terminate at any point so the && command never gets ran unless you kill that command manually, and at that point I'm not sure that wouldn't kill the whole process chain entirely.
if you want to run both you can background both processes with & e.g.
(can't test but this should work)
gunicorn app.wsgi:application --bind --reload & daphne -b -p 8089 app.asgi:application &
The teach a man to fish info on this type of issue is here
I'm fairly certain you will lose the normal console logging you would normally have by running these in the background, as such i'd suggest looking into nohup instead of & or sending the logs somewhere with a logging utility so you aren't flying blind.
As for other options if you plan to scale up to a large number of users, probably 100+ I would just run two servers, one for wsgi django http requests and one for asgi daphne ws requests. Have nginx proxy between the two for whatever you need and you're done. That's also what channels recommends for larger applications.
It is good practice to use a common path prefix like /ws/ to distinguish WebSocket connections from ordinary HTTP connections because it will make deploying Channels to a production environment in certain configurations easier.
In particular for large sites it will be possible to configure a production-grade HTTP server like nginx to route requests based on path to either (1) a production-grade WSGI server like Gunicorn+Django for ordinary HTTP requests or (2) a production-grade ASGI server like Daphne+Channels for WebSocket requests.
Note that for smaller sites you can use a simpler deployment strategy where Daphne serves all requests - HTTP and WebSocket - rather than having a separate WSGI server. In this deployment configuration no common path prefix like /ws/ is necessary.
it is not needed to run both.Daphne is a HTTP, HTTP2 and WebSocket protocol server.
take a look at README at this link:

Gunicorn does't serve the flask app

I have an issue to serve my flask app with gunicorn on ubuntu 16 (google computer engine instance).
I used the application factory pattern to create the app so, from my virtualenv, I've started gunicorn with the following instruction
gunicorn -w 3 "app:create_app()" --bind
It seems that guniconr run correctly but I'm not able to reach the website.
I create the istance allowing HTTP trafic but I don't know if I have to define a specific firewall rule or if the problem is somewhere else.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Stop nginx in django completely

I have used nginx as web server for django project , And now i want to use my normal django local server (switch to older local server).
I tried
sudo service nginx stop
(It is showing nginx is stopped)
i killed all process too.
But still my localserver: is under nginx control.And my computer ip is also under nginx control.(it shows the nginx default page)
I want free that particular port(localserver: How can i completely stop nginx ?

What is the purpose of NGINX and Gunicorn running in parallel?

A lot of Django app deployments over Amazon's EC2 use HTTP servers NGINX and Gunicorn.
I was wondering what they actually do and why both are used in parallel. What is the purpose of running them both in parallel?
They aren't used in parallel. NGINX is a reverse proxy. It's first in line. It accepts incoming connections and decides where they should go next. It also (usually) serves static media such as CSS, JS and images. It can also do other things such as encryption via SSL, caching etc.
Gunicorn is the next layer and is an application server. NGINX sees that the incoming connection is for and knows (via configuration files) that it should pass that connection onto Gunicorn. Gunicorn is a WSGI server which is basically a:
simple and universal interface between web servers and web applications or frameworks
Gunicorn's job is to manage and run the Django instance(s) (similar to using django-admin runserver during development)
The contrast to this setup is to use Apache with the mod_wsgi module. In this situation, the application server is actually a part of Apache, running as a module.
Nginx and Gunicorn are not used in parrallel.
Gunicorn, is a Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) server
implementation that is commonly used to run Python web applications.
NGINX is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server.
Nginx responsible for serving static content, gzip compression, ssl,
proxy_buffers and other HTTP stuff.While gunicorn is a Python HTTP server that interfaces with both nginx and your actual python web-app code to serve dynamic content.
The following diagrams shows how nginx and Gunicorn interact.