Add option to CLI based on CMake configuration - c++

I have written a program prg which can be run using bash with some subcommands like so
$ prg subcommand1
Output of subcomman1
$ prg subcommand2
Output of subcomman2
The program is written in C++11 and compiled with CMake (3.10+).
Now, I'd like to add another optional command, say optional_subcommand.
Optional - in a sense that a user can decide whether to compile program with it when configuring Cake.
To clarify, when the code is not compiled withoptional_subcommand support, the output should be something along this lines
$ prg optional_subcommand
Option not supported...
The optional_subcommand requires external library to be installed. Hence find_package(SomeLib REQUIRED) must be invoked at some stage by CMake. The code for optional_subcommand requires this library to compile.
All I can think of is writing some dummy code for optional_subcommand which is then replaced on request by CMake. I think this can be achieved be asking CMake to overwrite, say optional_subcommand.cpp with either dummy or not.
Is proposed solution sensible or perhaps there is a better way to achieve this?

CMake can define a preprocessor symbol and add extra files to your target (below, prg) if needed:
target_compile_definitions(prg PUBLIC HAVE_SOMELIB)
target_sources(prg PRIVATE src/optional_subcommand.cpp)
You can then wrap the command dispatching code for optional_subcommand with #ifdef HAVE_SOMELIB.


Can Cmake add 'time' before ./main in the command line to measure program execution time?

I am wanting to measure the time it takes for my C++ video processing program to process a video. I am using CLion to write the program and have Cmake set up to compile and automatically run the program with a test video. However, in order to find execution time I have been using the following command in the MacOS terminal:
% time ./main ../Media/test_video.mp4
Is there a way for me to configure Cmake to automatically include time in the execution of ./main to streamline my process further?
So far I've tried using set(CMAKE_ARGS time "test_video.mp4") and some command line argument functions but they don't seem to be acting in the way that I'm looking for.
It is possible to use add_custom_target to do what you want. I'll not consider this option further as it seems abusing the build system for something it wasn't designed to do. Yet it may have an advantage over using CLion configuration: it would be available to be used outside of CLion. That advantage seems minor: why not run the desired command directly in those contexts?
The first CLion method would be to define an external tool which run time on the current build target. In File|Settings...|Tools|External Tools define a new tool with /bin/time as program, $CMakeCurrentProductFile$ $Prompt$ as arguments. When choosing that tools (in Tools|External Tools) it will now prompt you for the argument and then run /bin/time on the current target with the provided arguments. Advantage: you don't have to define the tool once, it will be available in every project. Inconvenients: the external tools are available in every project, thus it doesn't make sense to be more specific than $Prompt$ for the arguments and the working directory; it isn't possible to specify environment variables, it isn't possible to enforce the need of a build before running the command.
The second CLion method would to be define a Run/Debug Configuration. Again use /bin/time as program (chose "Custom Executable"), specify $CMakeCurrentProductFile$ as first argument (here it makes sense to provide the other arguments as desired, but note that $Prompt$ is still a valid choice if needed). Advantages: it makes sense to be as specific as needed; you have all the feature of configurations (environment variables, input redirections, specifying actions to be executed before the execution). Inconvenient: it doesn't work with other CLion features which assume that the program is the target such as the debugger, the profiler, ... so you may have to duplicate configurations to get them.
Note that the methods aren't exclusive: you can define an external tools and then add configurations for the case where it is more convenient.

How to set the library suffix on CMake for SOCI?

I am trying to build SOCI on Windows with a different library suffix using the CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX option, but the script seems to ignore it.
Here is the command I run in a batch file:
-G "NMake Makefiles"^
The documentation does not say anything about the CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX option, but the core/CMakeLists.txt script uses it to define the SOCI_LIB_SUFFIX option, which is reported on the screen when cmake is run. However, its value is always ".dll" instead of "-vc140-x64-mt.dll", so it must be overwritten somewhere I don't know.
Any idea why is this happening and how fix it?

CMake - Automatically Parsing Dependencies of Precompiled Header?

As of yet, at least to my knowledge, there is no standard way in CMake to specify the addition of a precompiled header (PCH) to a project in a cross-platform manner because the way PCHs are handled by C++ compilers is very different among vendors. For G++, this is usually this is worked around by simply adding a custom command which takes care of invoking the compiler with the appropriate input and has it generate the PCH.
My current problem is that CMake will not parse the dependencies of the dependencies you specify for the custom command. For instance, assume the following structure:
|- dependA.h
|- dependB.h
Only providing pch.h as a dependency will lead to the generation of the appropriate target in the corresponding makefile, which tracks changes to pch.h. However, CMake does not parse the includes inside pch.h and will therefore not recognize changes to dependA.h and dependB.h. This extends furhter if there are dependencies for dependsA.h and so on.
Note: I'm aware that the fact that PCH dependencies can and do change regularly puts the whole process in question. However, this is just the way it is and I can't really do anything about it.
Since the task isn't too hard, there are a couple of obvious ideas that come to mind:
Solution A:
Enter all the dependencies by hand. Obviously this works, but is tedious as hell and doesn't scale at all.
Solution B:
If possible, write a CMake function that automates the process and parse the includes "manually".
Solution C:
Do something similar using a different language, for instance Python, and just provide CMake a list of dependencies to add to the custom command.
Solution D:
Use gcc/g++'s feature to parse and print out the dependency tree of the PCH and parse the output to extract the list of dependencies.
My question is: does anyone know a more convenient and faster way to get this done?
The IMPLICIT_DEPENDS option of the add_custom_command might do the trick:
OUTPUT outFile
The IMPLICIT_DEPENDS option makes the generated build system scan the implicit dependencies of the given input file at build time. It is only supported for Makefile generators, though.

C++ Make show where include is searching for files

I am trying to compile a section of a library with cmake and make. I am getting the error when I run Make that the include is failing:
/home/user/Sean/PCL/pcl/apps/src/face_detection/openni_face_detection.cpp:9:57: fatal error: pcl/apps/face_detection/openni_frame_source.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
I know that with gcc, you can get the compiler to read to you where it looked for the include, but is there a way to accomplish this with make and cmake.
If the Makefile is automatically generated by CMake, you can launch make like this:
> make VERBOSE=1
to interleave the progression on targets with the actual commands make is executing.
From these commands you should be able to extract the current include paths.
You may probably want to take also a look at the include_directories CMake command,
in case some include paths are missing.
I'm cross-compiling a Win32 target on SUSE Linux using mingw32. None of the conventional verbose/debug options provided the #include search path.
This forced my (lazy) hand to manually reproduce the compile operation that ultimately revealed the header search path.
A brief description...
Run the make operation and take note of the compiler, the directory, and the command line it's executing. Yeah, it's messy, but not impossible. Capture the output to a file if headless.
Change into the directory
Execute the compiler with the --help option. Take note of its verbose option.
Run the compile command specifying the verbose option.
Here's what I got...
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
Not too bad...
BTW, this is a cmake 3.5.2 configuration.

Get the compiler options from the program [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Detect GCC compile-time flags of a binary
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is there any macro in c++ (using gcc) to get the compilation options used to build the executable ?
I'm sure I saw something like that in some about dialogs.
any help will be appreciated
PS: while the question in Detect GCC compile-time flags of a binary interests in finding the options activated to compile a program, I'm interesting in finding the exact command line options used to compile my program from within this program source.
Apart from creating the compile string from the
Common Predefined Macros
, which seems hectic. I think there is an easy way to do it. The gcc -V on debian gives back flags used for configuration.
However, my shot would be to get full command in ./configure equivalent step and dump it to some file like config_line.h as a define.
Something like:
echo "#define conf_flags \"configured with: "$*"\"" >> config_line.h
#do some configuration steps here
#maybe even compilation itself
luk32:~/projects/tests$ ./ --with=test
luk32:~/projects/tests$ cat ./config_line.h
#define conf_flags "configured with: --with=test"
You get full config line defined in the external file under a define statement. I think its fairly straight forward and easy to use. And no need for much compiler magic.
It is also worth of noting you can most probably (if not always) create such file(s) right before the actual compilation so they are actually up-to-date and valid during compilation step. Answer in get-the-compiler-options-from-a-compiled-executable would imply the executable already exists, which might be a bummer in some cases.
Note: I gave bash example, but I'm pretty sure you can output similar header file under any half-descent build system, be it make, qmake, cmake, etc. the bash begin the simplest case.
I think most of them have access to the command line they are invoked with, as well as they provide easy way to get actual compile command. For example to provide two literals, one with commands used for make like -j 13 and another g++ ... used for actual compilation step performed by make.
Note2: I know this is not an answer the OP asked, but I guess it serves his purpose in the 1st place.
Because I'm using qmake build system I came across this solution :
I added this line to the end of my pro file :
then retrieved what I want from the FLAGS macro