At present for challenge question rest API which is present in version 6.0 we are having question sets and each of the sets are having certain number of questions. Is there any way of creating, retrieving and updating individual questions instead of sets concept?
You can add question sets with a single question. Refer to the answer in here
I want to develop question bank like application, where all people working in company can search for their query in there and there will be different set of answers already feed to the system. so this service should go and read answer already available with it and reply back to person with question with answer found in document.
Question would be like,
what is mean by ABC?
what are steps to run particular process?
There's similar services present in azure which saves these answer in plain document and keywords are used as intents there. I'm looking for similar or better service in aws for this.
Amazon Kendra, It returns specific answers to questions, giving users an experience that's close to interacting with a human expert ...
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I am willing to use synchronisation service for my application. But I want to choose the best one. I want to know which one is better among all these. My application will run on Android , IOS , Windows and Web.
I am going with Firebase because I tested it. It is giving me fast results and it is also allowing me to work offline. Is it better or I will go with Parse or AWS Cognito?
I Also have an option of Google Cloud. Does Google Cloud provides service like Firebase? And are realtime updates possible with Parse as like Firebase?
Codeek has a good point that this question is opinion based, so take my answer with a grain of salt.
I have experience with both Parse and Firebase, but not with Cognito.
In my experience, Parse is better when working with large relationship-based databases. (I.E. databases where multiple classes of objects are pointing to each other and interact.) In this system, it is easy to store a lot of data very succinctly, but working with this data is done via snapshots. This means that you can take a snapshot of the data, edit it, and then refresh the server with the updated snapshot. This is perfect for things like my delivery application where only one user is updating the orders on our server at any one time.
Firebase implements a model-observer scheme, and so it is much better for applications that are highly interactive. For instance, I have used Firebase for creating a real-time game of hot potato. The advantage here is that changes to the data on the server are automatically pushed out to all devices that have registered as listeners (functionality not available on Parse from my experience). This keeps all users on the same page all the time. The downside is that the database is structured in a hierarchal manner and doesn't have defined "objects". Rather, it is structured via key/value pairs where parent keys cannot have an associated value. To illustrate this, a sample structure for storing a game on my database went something like this:
----1 = ""
----2 = ""
---PotatoHolder = 1
---TimeRemaining = 30
---Loser = -1
Cognito I am not familiar with, so I'll allow someone else to explain how that database system is designed.
In summary, codeek is correct that this is an opinion-based question, but for two of your options a good rule of thumb from my experience is that Parse is fantastic for large relationship databases in conjunction with single-user applications (i.e. single-player or turn based games). Firebase is more suited to hierarchal data systems in conjunction with real-time multiplayer applications.
I hope this helps! If you could post a little more about what kind of application you are trying to build then perhaps I, or someone else, could provide a little more guidance.
Expanded Answer: Although this question has been marked as off topic, to answer Nidhi's follow-up question if there is a way to use Parse as a model-observer scheme: Not easily. Using a timer is the simplest option. The other option is to use push notifications. This would require getting permission from you user. You can set the Cloud Code on Parse to automatically send push notifications all relevant users and then intercept them within your client so that they are "silent". In other words, when they arrive, you can have your client respond by updating your game without showing a ribbon or notification like normal push notifications. I have not done this myself, as I prefer using Firebase for that kind of application, but I believe that it is possible.
Source: PFQueryTableView Auto Refresh When New Data Updated or Refresh Every Minute Using Parse
Keith's answer is similar to Nidhi's reference to refreshing PFObjects via a Timer, Handsomeguy's comment refers to the possibility of "silent" push notifications.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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In my application, I have a bunch of service providers in my database offering various services. I need a user to be able to search through these service providers by either name, location, or both. I also need a user to be able to filter the providers by different criteria, based on multiple attributes.
I am trying to decide if I could implement this simply with database queries or if a more robust solution (i.e. a search engine) would better suit my needs.
Please let me know the pros and cons of either solution, and which you think would be best to go with.
I am writing my application in Django 1.7, using a PostGIS database, and would use django-haystack with elasticsearch if a search engine is the way to go here.
Buddy,It seems that you are working on a search intensive application.Now my opinion in this regard is as follows-:
1)If u use search intensive queries directly with the database,Then automatically overhead is gonna be very high as each time a separate criteria based query is to be fired to the database engine from your django.Each time query is to be built with seperate parameters and is to be built to fire at the backend database engine. Consequence is it will make you highly dependent on the availability of database server.Things can go more worse if database server will be located in some remote location.As overhead of network connectivity will be another addendum to this.
2)You should try to implement a server side caching system like redis that is a in-memory nosql database (sometimes also called a data structure server) that will beat all the problems I discussed in my previous point.Read more about it here.
3)To powerpack your search.Read about Apache Solr enter link description here.A lucene based search library this will power pack your search to the next level.
4)Last but not least go with case studies of biggies like facebook,twitter etc regarding how they are managing their infrastructure.You will get even more better idea.
Any doubts or suggestions.Kindly comment cheers :-)
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Closed 4 years ago.
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Are there any cloud based private Twitter-like services out there?
I am working for a client who needs a service like this implemented, but we don't have the time or budget to create one from scratch.
I am looking for something with a REST api where I can create an account on it from the master server, set an account to follow another account, post updates for accounts, and then get a feed of posts (sorted by date) from accounts that another account is following (like a facebook wall, or twitter feed). It would be great if it could automatically scale out to hundreds of thousands of users, with perhaps 50 000 daily posts being made.
I had thought about implementing this myself, but it seems like there are some tricky areas when it comes to having an account following a few thousand other accounts, or being followed by 10s of thousands of accounts, and generating the feed in somewhat realtime as posts come in.
I have found some services such as and but I'm not sure if they can do what I need, and they seem to be very focussed on having a website. This is for a mobile app so that is not required.
There are a few open source projects out there, but they would all require setting up/maintaining hosting (not a huge problem) and I'm not certain how scalable they are (the client requires it scale up to at least 100k users).
I'm sorry for the late reply. I hope it will be useful to others looking at this.
I had pretty much the exact same need as you, and ended up creating a full-featured solution after finding no other resources. The service is called Collabinate ( It provides a RESTful API that focuses on simplicity and ease of use, and currently leaves the UI completely up to you. It uses a graph database and algorithms in the backend, and scales quite well for your situation.
Maybe private team inbox can fit in your solution too...
there is not a following feature in this but if this is an internal company need...
you can create chat rooms for departments and in general ... maybe the chat rooms can be the following feature for you
Looks like there isn't a good solution here.
I have found jaiku which looks incredibly complex and doesn't seem to run on the latest app engine sdk.
There is also diaspora which could be modified and run on your own server to do what is needed.
In the end, I have decided to just implement this myself on Google App Engine. It seems the best way to do what is needed. Using the fan-out pattern seems to be the best way. The Fantasm library seems to provide an easy to use way to do this, so I am going to try that.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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What is BPEL? I'm looking for some nice simple examples of BPEL usage. The wikipedia page isn't too enlightening. How about a "Hello world" in BPEL? A BPEL shell? A BPEL IDE?
BPEL is just a way to build centralized control of disparate but interdependent systems from a centralized place.
Users can create rules, workflows and other control structures to make sure everything plays nice.
For example, say you run a school district; in particular, a school districts information infrastructure. Over the years you have accumulated a motley assorted group of hardware and software. For each aspect of your district; grading, attendance, bus routes, nutrition, payroll, etc, etc, you have various distinct software written in different languages by different vendors. Well, you have some overlap in your data and different end users use the different pieces of software and they expect it all to agree with each other - you use your BPEL system to be sure all the data is where it is supposed to be when it is supposed to be there.
You also have some processes that absolutely have to run after the successful completion of another process on a different system. You use BPEL to make sure those are coordinated. BPEL is all about centralized coordination and you probably don't need it unless you are in a large organization and lots of different systems.
This BPEL tutorial covers on how to write a BPEL from scratch.
Writing a simple WS-BPEL process for WSO2 BPS and Apache ODE
This article covers the IDE based BPEL process development. Developing WS-BPEL Processes using WSO2 Carbon Studio
Have a look at the ActiveBPEL IDE. Also you can find a short 101 BPEL guide in Oracle. The demo is about Oracle's BPEL engine, but the source is general enough.
I'll add a little bit to what has been said. BPEL is a procces orchestrator. You can use it to do any kind of serialised of parallel process automation.
For example: A customer buys something on the website of company 'AAA', this instigates a BPEL process in that companies service oriented architecture (SOA). Within this BPEL a series of BPEL components does their work on the payload generated by the consumers purchase. This payload can consist of all kinds of information regarding the buyer and the purchased item, such as <shippingAdress> and <itemId. An invoke BPEL component can be used to send information from the payload to another BPEL process or to another chained company through a webservice call in the composite wherin the BPEL lies. That company can be responsible for the shipping of the purchased item, another company can be responsible for the processing of the money. All of these companies dealings are automated through composite applications containing series of BPEL processes. All are communicating information across the web through (a)synchronous webservice calls.
The BPEL part is where the logic lies, where the true automation/orchestration of function resides.
Getting started
The Oracle documentation websites for soa suite 11g and 12c are quite extensive for those willing to read. If you like to do a tutorial from the basics and up you can use their suggested code to get started. It's a little bit trickier when it comes to applying their documentation to existing BPEL projects, but its still a good source for many basic questions and examples regarding SOA.
Also, a quick google search will lead you to some expert guides written by bloggers. Some of these are a bit more beginner friendly than the oracle documentation, but mostly lack details pertaining to your own project.
You can also just youtube some videos about BPEL to get the gest of it :).
Good luck and have fun!