Just I want to write script with trigger that whenever H column=Complete the auto hide row in last date of month - row

my sheet that
I'm new at the google app script then please help me for write script as above.


Extract script with which data was inserted into an old table and the owner in BigQuery - GCP

I am trying to find out what was the query run to be able to insert data into an empty table created earlier.
It would also be useful for me to know the user who was the creator of that table, if not, just to ask him about that script.
I tried with "INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES;" but I only get the create script of the table.
I would look into BigQuery audit logs
most probably you can get information you want :
here is reference: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/auditlogs/

Identifying unique texts

I'm making a Utilization file for our team.
I'm having a bit of difficulty in identifying what kind of workflow that the agent did that day.
I need to identify first the workflow done by that agent for a specific day because each workflow has a different AHT (average handling time) for the computation of their capacity for that day.
I have this file where
Column A = agent's name
Column B = date
Column C = workflow
is there a way to identify the workflows that the agent did that day?
note: there are agents that are working with different workflows each day.
Here's a sample of what I was trying to do.
Sample 2
=IF((I2="")*(I3=""),,UNIQUE(IFERROR(FILTER(D2:D, B2:B=I2, C2:C=I3), "no data")))
spreadsheet demo

Django Admin Automation to Send Daily Query Activity to Admin

Did a small app for parking and i want to ask your advice/help on how to make an automation that will submit daily report to the admin.
Currently use Dango SQL-Explorer 3rd pty plugin to show you this.
Basically my SQL query is:
FROM parcare_parking
WHERE parking_on = tomorrow()
In the explorer i can see nice this window. I would like each day at 18:00 to receive the snapshot of this query. How can i do that?
Two things
Add a Django template that generates the output in the desired tabular form
For scheduling the task to run periodically, add an entry to the cron list. eg wget http://yourdomain.com/your-route
Or use Django Celery http://docs.celeryproject.org for periodic execution (A more robust package)

How to extract data from select option on web page to excel python

I am really new in python and i would like to extract data from select option to my computer, better to be orgenaized in excel.
can anyone help?

Easiest way to update a cell value of a google spreadsheet using curl on linux

I have a google spreadsheet and I'm using the spreadsheet api to get/update cell values. I need to change the value of a cell, I access to the cell with the cell_id, but I don't know how to update the value of that. I've read:
but I couldn't understand it.
I'm using the HTTP command https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/<key>/<worksheet_id>/private/full/R2C2 to access to the cell but I don't know how to update it.