Redshift deadlock on COPY command - amazon-web-services

I'm doing a simple COPY command that used to work:
echo " COPY table_name
FROM 's3://bucket/<date>/'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123:role/copy-iam'
format as json 's3://bucket/jupath.json'
" | psql
And now I get:
INFO: Load into table 'table_name' completed, 53465077 record(s) loaded successfully.
ERROR: deadlock detected
DETAIL: Process 26999 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on relation 3176337 of database 108036; blocked by process 26835.
Process 26835 waits for ShareLock on transaction 24230722; blocked by process 26999.
The only change is moving from dc2 instance type to ra3. Let me add this is the only command touches this table and there is only one process at a time.

The key detail here is in the error message:
Process 26999 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on relation 3176337 of
database 108036; blocked by process 26835. Process 26835 waits for
ShareLock on transaction 24230722; blocked by process 26999.
Relation 3176337, I assume, is the table in question - the target of the COPY. This should be confirmed by running something like:
select distinct(id) table_id
,trim(datname) db_name
,trim(nspname) schema_name
,trim(relname) table_name
from stv_tbl_perm
join pg_class on pg_class.oid =
join pg_namespace on pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace
join pg_database on pg_database.oid = stv_tbl_perm.db_id
I don't expect any surprises here but it is good to check. If it is some different table (object) then this is important to know.
Now for the meat. You have 2 processes listed in the error message - PID 26999 and PID 26835. A process is a unique connection to the database or a session. So these are identifying the 2 connections to the database that have gotten locked with each other. So a good next step is to see what each of these sessions (processes or PIDs) are doing. Like this:
select xid, pid, starttime, max(datediff('sec',starttime,endtime)) as runtime, type, listagg(regexp_replace(text,'\\\\n*',' ')) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY sequence) || ';' as querytext
from svl_statementtext
where pid in (26999, 26835)
--where xid = 16627013
and sequence < 320
--and starttime > getdate() - interval '24 hours'
group by starttime, 1, 2, "type" order by starttime, 1 asc, "type" desc ;
The thing you might run into is that these logging table "recycle" every few days so the data from this exact failure might be lost.
The next part of the error is about the open transaction that is preventing 26835 from moving forward. This transaction (identified by an XID, or transaction ID) is preventing 26835 progressing and is part of process 26999 but 26999 needs 26835 to complete some action before it a move - a deadlock. So seeing what is in this transaction will be helpful as well:
select xid, pid, starttime, max(datediff('sec',starttime,endtime)) as runtime, type, listagg(regexp_replace(text,'\\\\n*',' ')) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY sequence) || ';' as querytext
from svl_statementtext
where xid = 24230722
and sequence < 320
--and starttime > getdate() - interval '24 hours'
group by starttime, 1, 2, "type" order by starttime, 1 asc, "type" desc ;
Again the data may have been lost due to time. I commented out the date range where clause of the last 2 queries to allow for looking back further in these tables. You should also be aware that PID and XID numbers are reused so check the date stamps on the results to be sure that that info from different sessions aren't be combined. You may need a new where clause to focus in on just the event you care about.
Now you should have all the info you need to see why this deadlock is happening. Use the timestamps of the statements to see the order in which statements are being issued by each session (process). Remember that every transaction ends with a COMMIT (or ROLLBACK) and this will change the XID of the following statements in the session. A simple fix might be issuing a COMMIT in the "26999" process flow to close that transaction and let the other process advance. However, you need to understand if such a commit will cause other issues.
If you can find all this info and if you need any help reach out.

Clearly a bug.
Table was cloned from one redshift to another by doing SHOW TABLE table_name, which provided:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
message character varying(50) ENCODE lzo,
version integer ENCODE az64,
id character varying(100) ENCODE lzo ,
access character varying(25) ENCODE lzo,
type character varying(25) ENCODE lzo,
product character varying(50) ENCODE lzo,
After removing the "noise" the command completed as usual without errors:
DROP TABLE table_name;
CREATE TABLE table_name (
message character varying(50),
version integer,
id character varying(100),
access character varying(25),
type character varying(25),
product character varying(50),


Redshift Pivot Function

I've got a similar table which I'm trying to pivot in Redshift:
Currently I'm using following code to pivot it and it works fine. However, when I replace the IN part with subquery it throws an error.
select *
from (select UUID ,"Key", value from tbl) PIVOT (max(value) for "key" in (
Question: What's the best way to replace the IN part with sub query which takes distinct values from Key column?
What I am trying to achieve;
select *
from (select UUID ,"Key", value from tbl) PIVOT (max(value) for "key" in (
select distinct "keys" from tbl
From the Redshift documentation - "The PIVOT IN list values cannot be column references or sub-queries. Each value must be type compatible with the FOR column reference." See:
So I think this will need to be done as a sequence of 2 queries. You likely can do this in a stored procedure if you need it as a single command.
Updated with requested stored procedure with results to a cursor example:
In order to make this supportable by you I'll add some background info and description of how this works. First off a stored procedure cannot produce results strait to your bench. It can either store the results in a (temp) table or to a named cursor. A cursor is just storing the results of a query on the leader node where they wait to be fetched. The lifespan of the cursor is the current transaction so a commit or rollback will delete the cursor.
Here's what you want to happen as individual SQL statements but first lets set up the test data:
create table test (UUID varchar(16), Key varchar(16), Value varchar(16));
insert into test values
('a123', 'Key1', 'Val1'),
('b123', 'Key2', 'Val2'),
('c123', 'Key3', 'Val3');
The actions you want to perform are first to create a string for the PIVOT clause IN list like so:
select '\'' || listagg(distinct "key",'\',\'') || '\'' from test;
Then you want to take this string and insert it into your PIVOT query which should look like this:
select *
from (select UUID, "Key", value from test)
PIVOT (max(value) for "key" in ( 'Key1', 'Key2', 'Key3')
But doing this in the bench will mean taking the result of one query and copy/paste-ing into a second query and you want this to happen automatically. Unfortunately Redshift does allow sub-queries in PIVOT statement for the reason given above.
We can take the result of one query and use it to construct and run another query in a stored procedure. Here's such a store procedure:
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure pivot_on_all_keys(curs1 INOUT refcursor)
row record;
select into row '\'' || listagg(distinct "key",'\',\'') || '\'' as keys from test;
OPEN curs1 for EXECUTE 'select *
from (select UUID, "Key", value from test)
PIVOT (max(value) for "key" in ( ' || row.keys || ' )
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
What this procedure does is define and populate a "record" (1 row of data) called "row" with the result of the query that produces the IN list. Next it opens a cursor, whose name is provided by the calling command, with the contents of the PIVOT query which uses the IN list from the record "row". Done.
When executed (by running call) this function will produce a cursor on the leader node that contains the result of the PIVOT query. In this stored procedure the name of the cursor to create is passed to the function as a string.
call pivot_on_all_keys('mycursor');
All that needs to be done at this point is to "fetch" the data from the named cursor. This is done with the FETCH command.
fetch all from mycursor;
I prototyped this on a single node Redshift cluster and "FETCH ALL" is not supported at this configuration so I had to use "FETCH 1000". So if you are also on a single node cluster you will need to use:
fetch 1000 from mycursor;
The last point to note is that the cursor "mycursor" now exists and if you tried to rerun the stored procedure it will fail. You could pass a different name to the procedure (making another cursor) or you could end the transaction (END, COMMIT, or ROLLBACK) or you could close the cursor using CLOSE. Once the cursor is destroyed you can use the same name for a new cursor. If you wanted this to be repeatable you could run this batch of commands:
call pivot_on_all_keys('mycursor'); fetch all from mycursor; close mycursor;
Remember that the cursor has a lifespan of the current transaction so any action that ends the transaction will destroy the cursor. If you have AUTOCOMMIT enable in your bench this will insert COMMITs destroying the cursor (you can run the CALL and FETCH in a batch to prevent this in many benches). Also some commands perform an implicit COMMIT and will also destroy the cursor (like TRUNCATE).
For these reasons, and depending on what else you need to do around the PIVOT query, you may want to have the stored procedure write to a temp table instead of a cursor. Then the temp table can be queried for the results. A temp table has a lifespan of the session so is a little stickier but is a little less efficient as a table needs to be created, the result of the PIVOT query needs to be written to the compute nodes, and then the results have to be sent to the leader node to produce the desired output. Just need to pick the right tool for the job.
To populate a table within a stored procedure you can just execute the commands. The whole thing will look like:
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure pivot_on_all_keys()
row record;
select into row '\'' || listagg(distinct "key",'\',\'') || '\'' as keys from test;
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists test_stage;';
EXECUTE 'create table test_stage AS select *
from (select UUID, "Key", value from test)
PIVOT (max(value) for "key" in ( ' || row.keys || ' )
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
call pivot_on_all_keys();
select * from test_stage;
If you want this new table to have keys for optimizing downstream queries you will want to create the table in one statement then insert into it but this is quickie path.
A little off-topic, but I wonder why Amazon couldn't introduce a simpler syntax for pivot. IMO, if GROUP BY is replaced by PIVOT BY, it can give enough hint to the interpreter to transform rows into columns. For example:
SELECT partname, avg(price) as avg_price FROM Part GROUP BY partname;
can be written as:
SELECT partname, avg(price) as avg_price FROM Part PIVOT BY partname;
Even multi-level pivoting can also be handled in the same syntax.
SELECT year, partname, avg(price) as avg_price FROM Part PIVOT BY year, partname;

redshift - Not able to apply listagg function

I am getting error when trying to use listagg function.
within group (order by a.group_name) as group_name
from (
usename as user_name,
groname as group_name
pg_user.usesysid = ANY(pg_group.grolist) AND
pg_group.groname in (SELECT DISTINCT pg_group.groname from pg_group)
group by user_name
[Code: 500310, SQL State: XX000] Amazon Invalid operation: One or more of the used functions must be applied on at least one user created tables. Examples of user table only functions are LISTAGG, MEDIAN, PERCENTILE_CONT, etc;
None of the value is null.
Just like there are some functions that can only be run on the leader node there are some that can only be run on compute nodes - listagg() is one of these. If you need to run listagg() on leader data there are a few approaches you can use: (sorry I'm not on a cluster now so cannot test these directly - I saw your question was aging and thought I'd get you started. Grain of salt as I also cannot directly observe your issue but I think I've know what is going on.)
You can use a cursor to save the data from the leader node and use
this as the source for listagg(). A stored procedure can
streamline this. There are examples of this on stackoverflow.
You can make a temp table out of the leader node data and use this
in listagg() but I expect you will need to exit(unload) and
reenter(copy) the cluster to do this.
There just isn't a direct path from leader-node-only results to the compute nodes without some sort of this kind of push-up. Consequence of the large networked cluster architecture of Redshift.
I got some cluster time and there are several unexpected issues with this one. grolist is an array type that isn't generally support cluster wide and the need to user pg_group as source are key ones. So this is going to require #1 AND #2 from above.
The process goes like this:
Define cursor to hold the result of the pg_user / pg_group join select statement
Move cursor results to temp table
Use temp table as source to outer (list_agg()) select
A stored procedure can be written to do #1 and #2 which streamlines things. So you end up with the following SQL:
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure make_user_group()
row record;
create temp table user_group (user_name varchar(256),group_name varchar(256));
for row in SELECT
usename::text as user_name,
groname::text as group_name
pg_user.usesysid = ANY(pg_group.grolist) AND
pg_group.groname in (SELECT DISTINCT pg_group.groname from pg_group)
INSERT INTO user_group(user_name,group_name) VALUES (row.user_name,row.group_name);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
call make_user_group();
listagg(group_name::text, ', ')
within group (order by group_name) as group_name
from user_group
group by user_name;
Clearly the stored procedure only needs to be created once but called every time the temp table needs to be created.

IF statements in SQL Server triggers

I need to create a SQL Server trigger to block updates and deletes to a table Service.
This action should be done only to Service in which the column States sample data is "completed".
It should allow updates and deletes to Service in which the column States sample data is "active".
This is what I tried, I am having problems with doing the else operation (that is allowing updates to Service in which the column State sample data is "active").
CREATE TRIGGER [Triggername]
ON dbo.Service
DECLARE #para varchar(10),
#results varchar(50)
SELECT #para = Status
FROM Service
IF (#para = 'completed')
SET #results = 'An invoiced service cannot be updated or deleted!';
SELECT #results;
RAISERROR ('An invoiced service cannot be updated or deleted', 16, 1)
So if I understand you correctly, any UPDATE or DELETE should be allowed if the State column has a value of Active, but stopped in any other case??
Then I'd do this:
CREATE TRIGGER [Triggername]
ON dbo.Service
-- if any row exists in the "Deleted" pseudo table of rows that WERE
-- in fact updated or deleted, that has a state that is *not* "Active"
-- then abort the operation
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Deleted WHERE State <> 'Active')
-- otherwise let the operation finish
As a note: you cannot easily return messages from a trigger (with SELECT #Results) - the trigger just silently fails by rolling back the currently active transaction

Getting table information for Redshift `stl_load_errors` errors

I am using Redshift COPY command to load data into Redshift table from S3. When something goes wrong, I typically get an error ERROR: Load into table 'example' failed. Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for details. I can always lookup stl_load_errors manually to get details. Now, I am trying to figure out how I can do that automatically.
From documentation it looks like the following query should give me all the details I need:
FROM stl_load_errors errors
INNER JOIN svv_table_info info
ON errors.tbl = info.table_id
AND info.schema = '<schema-name>'
AND info.table = '<table-name>'
However it always returns nothing. I also tried using stv_tbl_perm instead of svv_table_info, and still nothing.
After some troubleshooting, I see two things I don't understand:
I see multiple different IDs in stv_tbl_perm and svv_table_info for the same exact table. Why is that?
I see tbl filed on stl_load_errors referencing ids that do not exist in stv_tbl_perm or svv_table_info. Again why?
Feels like I don't understanding something in structure of these tables, but it completely escapes me what.
This is because tbl and table_id are with different types. First one is integer, second one is iod.
When you cast iod to integer the columns have the same values. You could check this query:
SELECT table_id::integer, table_id
I have result when I execute
SELECT errors.tbl, info.table_id::integer, info.table_id, *
FROM stl_load_errors errors
INNER JOIN svv_table_info info
ON errors.tbl = info.table_id
Please note that inner join is ON errors.tbl = info.table_id
I finally got to the bottom of it, and it is surprisingly boring and probably not useful to many ...
I had an existing table. My code that was creating the table was wrapped in transaction, and it was dropping the table inside the transaction. The code that was querying the stl_load_errors was outside the transaction. So the table_id outside and inside the transaction where different, as it was a different table.
You could try looking by filename. Doesn't really answer the question about joining the various tables, but I use a query like so to group up files that are part of the same manifest file and let me compare it to the maxerror setting:
select min(starttime) over (partition by substring(filename, 1, 53)) as starttime,
substring(filename, 1, 53) as filename, btrim(err_reason) as err_reason, count(*)
from stl_load_errors where filename like '%/some_s3_path/%'
group by starttime, filename, err_reason order by starttime desc;
This worked for me without any casting:
schemaz=# select i.database, e.err_code from stl_load_errors e join svv_table_info i on e.tbl=i.table_id limit 5
schemaz-# ;
database | err_code
schemaz | 1204
schemaz | 1204
schemaz | 1204
schemaz | 1204
schemaz | 1204

What's the right pattern for unique data in columns?

I've a table [File] that has the following schema
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[File]
[FileID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](256) NOT NULL,
[FileID] ASC
The idea is that the FileID is used as the key for the table and the Name is the fully qualified path that represents a file.
What I've been trying to do is create a Stored Procedure that will check to see if the Name is already in use if so then use that record else create a new record.
But when I stress test the code with many threads executing the stored procedure at once I get different errors.
This version of the code will create a deadlock and throw a deadlock exception on the client.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[File_Create]
#Name varchar(256)
SELECT #FileID = [FileID] FROM [dbo].[File] WHERE [Name] = #Name
INSERT INTO [dbo].[File]([Name])
VALUES (#Name)
SELECT #FileID = [FileID] FROM [dbo].[File] WHERE [Name] = #Name
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[File]
WHERE [FileID] = #FileID
This version of the code I end up getting rows with the same data in the Name column.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[File_Create]
#Name varchar(256)
SELECT #FileID = [FileID] FROM [dbo].[File] WHERE [Name] = #Name
INSERT INTO [dbo].[File]([Name])
VALUES (#Name)
SELECT #FileID = [FileID] FROM [dbo].[File] WHERE [Name] = #Name
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[File]
WHERE [FileID] = #FileID
I'm wondering what the right way to do this type of action is? In general this is a pattern I'd like to use where the column data is unique in either a single column or multiple columns and another column is used as the key.
If you are searching heavily on the Name field, you will probably want it indexed (as unique, and maybe even clustered if this is the primary search field). As you don't use the #FileID from the first select, I would just select count(*) from file where Name = #Name and see if it is greater than zero (this will prevent SQL from retaining any locks on the table from the search phase, as no columns are selected).
You are on the right course with the SERIALIZABLE level, as your action will impact subsequent queries success or failure with the Name being present. The reason the version without that set causes duplicates is that two selects ran concurrently and found there was no record, so both went ahead with the inserts (which creates the duplicate).
The deadlock with the prior version is most likely due to the lack of an index making the search process take a long time. When you load the server down in a SERIALIZABLE transaction, everything else will have to wait for the operation to complete. The index should make the operation fast, but only testing will indicate if it is fast enough. Note that you can respond to the failed transaction by resubmitting: in real world situations hopefully the load will be transient.
EDIT: By making your table indexed, but not using SERIALIZABLE, you end up with three cases:
Name is found, ID is captured and used. Common
Name is not found, inserts as expected. Common
Name is not found, insert fails because another exact match was posted within milliseconds of the first. Very Rare
I would expect this last case to be truly exceptional, so using an exception to capture this very rare case would be preferable to engaging SERIALIZABLE, which has serious performance consequences.
If you do really have an expectation that it will be common to have posts within milliseconds of one another of the same new name, then use a SERIALIZABLE transaction in conjunction with the index. It will be slower in the general case, but faster when these posts are found.
First, create a unique index on the Name column. Then from your client code first check if the Name exists by selecting the FileID and putting the Name in the where clause - if it does, use the FileID. If not, insert a new one.
Using the Exists function might clean things up a little.
if (Exists(select * from table_name where column_name = #param)
//use existing file name
//use new file name