Cannot access a public ALB - amazon-web-services

I have been trying to troubleshoot some connection issues, and I'm struggling with a relatively simple setup.
On my (relatively new) AWS account, I create a new Application Load balancer. I configure it in the following way:
Internet facing
Use the default VPC that came with the account
Across all availability zones
Uses default security group for VPC
Listens on HTTP:80 and returns a fixed response (status 404)
When I then try and use the new dns name assigned, it just hangs. When using curl -v I can see it says:
Trying :80
dig also responds with 3 IPs (I'm assuming for the different zones).
It feels like I'm missing something obvious, but I'm struggling to find it myself.
Can anyone see what I may be missing?

Can you please share a print screen of the default security group and LB configuration?
I am almost sure that the default security group has opened ALL inbound traffic but only for itself (security group).


aws application load balancer metrics not showing

I have created an aws application load balancer. I am trying to test something out on it and I have configured the target group and everything. When I try to hit the load balancer I get a bad gateway error (502), which is expected. However these metrics are not showing up in the monitoring section of the load balancer. I submitted around 5 requests.
Furthermore even after registering an ECS service, I still get bad gatewawy. This is what I see on the load balancer/target groups after registering the service
I have also allowed all traffic inbound and outbound from the two security groups (the security group used by the ECS service and the security group used by the load balancer)
However under the registered target when creating the ECS service I specified two availability zones, but it shows only one registered.
figured it out and its kind of silly. My VPN/network was blocking the call going out to the ALB. I'm not sure why, maybe some sort of network policy. But the url looks something like this I wasted almost a day trying to figure this out. I'm just putting it out here in case it helps someone.

Load balancer giving failed_to_pick_backend with internet network endpoint group

I have a load balancer setup pointing to an external url via internet network endpoint group (internet NEG)
Now the load balancer returns 502 status code & I see failed_to_pick_backend in the logs. Also the monitoring tab of the load balancer shows INVALID_BACKEND next to the internet NEG I've defined. I've attached screenshots of the view for clarity, latter one is the one that's failing. I've checked the NEGs and they seem identical.
All the suggestions so far mention fixing health checks, but as seen from the docs, internet NEGs does not support health checks.
I was able to create working setup through the UI, but when replicating the setup via terraform, things starts to fail. The only difference I saw was that the setup done via UI, the appropriate forwarding rule had ipVersion: IPV4, but that was not possible to setup through terraform since it takes either ipVersion or ip and I gave the resource ip.
So, what could cause failed_to_pick_backend & INVALID_BACKEND with setup like mine?
I found the answer to my question from another post:
google_compute_global_network_endpoint needs to be created before google_compute_backend_service is created so you need to set depends_on = [google_compute_global_network_endpoint.endpoint] to your google_compute_backend_service. Otherwise you will hit errors like described in the question.

Whitelist AWS self in inbound connection

I am deploying a laravel installation in AWS, everything runs perfectly when I allow it to recieve all inbound traffic (EC2>Network&Security>Security Groups>Edit inbound rules.), if I turn off inbound traffic and limit it to an IP it doesnt load the webpage it gives me this error:
PDO Exception SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection timed out
However for security reasons I dont want this setup like this, I dont want anyone being able to even try to reach my webapp. Everything is being hosted in AWS, I dont have any external entities, its running in RDS and EC2. I added en elastic IP address and whitelisted it, but that didnt work either. I followed every step in this tutorial :
Environmental variables are working as well as dependencies, well.. pretty much everything unless I restrict inbound traffic as I mentioned.
How do I whitelist AWS own instance then to make this work with better security?
Thank you!
I think part of this answer is what you may be looking for.
You should enable inbound access from the EC2 security group associated with your EC2 instance, instead of the EC2 IP address.
More than just adding an elastic IP address to your AWS instance you need to do two more things.
Assign the elastic IP to your AWS instance ( yes is not the same as just adding it to the instance, you must specify )
White list the internal IP that it generates once you link it to your app.

Why Amazon EC2 is not accessible using ping?

I've been using AWS for a few months without any problem. But from yesterday, I can't access the website. When I ping the IP ( it displays request time out. Server's status is okay - that I checked from AWS console. Isn't it a network problem of Amazon Webservices?
You need to enable the specified network traffic type (ICMP) through your security groups for your instance. You can do this by choosing Security Groups > select your security group and choose Edit Inbound Rules
Choose "ICMP" from the dropdown and source (* if you want it from everywhere) then Add Rule
PINGs should work!
A couple things could cause this, most likely you provisioned the instance with a public IP, by NOT a n elastic IP. If you had a server restart, either by your doing or by AWS, then your public IP would be dropped. If you did use a elastic IP, then look at your security group to see if you allow icmp still or if the security group changed.
Another cause may be if a server level firewall had been disabled in the past, but if your server went through a restart it may have started again. What base OS are you using?

Amazon Elastic IP issues

I've read a lot of questions already posted on this topic but none seem to provide an answer that helps, so forgive me for the duplicate post if I missed one...
I setup an elastic beanstalk single instance application. I then ensure'd the EC2 instance that it spawned had a security group to allow port 80 incoming requests. I then created an elastic ip and associated the EC2 instance with the ip, but neither the public dns or the elastic ip will respond to http requests.
Any ideas why this might be an issue for me?
In my case the problem was, even though I'd associated my elastic IP to my instance and created firewall rules in new security groups to provide access, I hadn't associated my new security groups with my instance. To fix this, I used the Change Security Groups menu from my Instances screen:
This caused the following popup to appear, where, sure enough, my new security groups existed but weren't associated with my instance:
After I (1) checked the appropriate boxes and (2) clicked on Assign Security Groups, all was well.
In classic-EC2 scenario:
Make sure port 80 is allowed in your AWS security group.
Make sure port 80 is allowed in local operating based firewall on your system. OR disable the local firewall for the time being to narrow down the issue.
Make sure that your application is indeed listening on port 80. You can check this by running telnet 80.
If above 3 points are satisfied, I don't see a reason why you are not able to access your application on port 80.
Let us know in case you are using VPC and not classic-EC2.
BTW, when you attach elastic IP, the instance will drop the public DNS that it had earlier. So now you should work with elastic IP only.
I have had a case where the elastic IP address was itself not responding on a specific port number. When I associated the instance with a different elastic IP, everything worked fine. So I resolved the issue by allocating a new elastic IP address. Root cause: Amazon evidently does not have an effective internal process for validating the integrity of an elastic IP. Obviously that's a tall order considering the things outside their control that can happen, with denial of service attacks and etc.
It cost me a day of doing progressive isolation to get to this, which I would have never otherwise suspected.
Any chance there is also a firewall running on the machine? I know in windows I usually need to open the port on the windows firewall AND on amazon's security.