Unity project working in editor but not in build - build

I'm new to unity and have been following the tutorials on CatlikeCoding.com. More specifically I'm at basics, jobs 4.6
I'm just now trying to do jobs and burst compilation. Everything works fine when running in unity but when I try and build the project I get the following error messages.
Again, I am very new and these tutorials are so far my only experience with unity.
Any idea how I can get the project to run?
Also is there a way to upload the unity file and should I attempt to do that here?


Simple C++ output error: 'Info: Nothing to build for project <insert project name>'

I am very new to learning the simple and basic concepts of C++ and have started looking through and learning video tutorials on YouTube. At the moment I have built and created a simple project based on the readily default 'Hello World' output program that is for some reason displaying a strange error onto the output window that states 'Info: Nothing to build for project '. I am curious to wonder a possible solution for fixing this fault for I have already installed all relevant MinGW packages from the installation window alongside run the 'Build Project' setting from the project tab. Any solutions?

Simulation examples on SOFA framework with haptics force feedback

For last two weeks I was trying to build SOFA framework and run some examples, with haptics force feedback, from this directory ../plugins/Sensable/examples/Denistry/.
But unfortunately I can not succeed to run it properly, because runSofa.exe stops running, when I open any of those .scn files from the directory mentioned above. I followed all the instructions to build and run from official site (https://www.sofa-framework.org/community/doc)
What I did is :
downloaded 16.08 branch sources from https://github.com/sofa-framework/sofa
configured and generated Visual Studio win32 project by CMake
built release sofaRun and sensable plugin
errors occurred in senable project, especially NewOmniDriver.cpp and OmniDrivver.cpp files. I added sofa::helper namespace [adding_sofa_helper][1]
then it compiled without errors
I am hoping to find anyone who was able to run or build simulations with haptics force feedback and want to understand what I am doing wrong. If you need more explanation about what exactly I did, I will provide it. I will appreciate any response related to this topic.
I have succeed on running examples with haptic feedback using sensable plugin. The sofa developers are still updating the sources of the framework. So I checked the master branch of their repository and build that sources. After that the examples with haptic feedback worked as it suppose to do. – Ruslan Rakhmatov just now

How do I bundle in ImageMagick's dependencies in a Qt project?

I currently have a C++/QML application that uses ImageMagick to handle large images. I've written it only for Mac. It works fine when I run the program from Qt Creator, or even when I build it for Release and let it rely on weak linking.
I want to share this program with a friend who does not have the Qt libraries or ImageMagick installed. So I've run macdeployqt over the app bundle in a hope it would insert the frameworks required to run the program.
Thankfully that works. The program starts up and runs. However, once ImageMagick kicks in and tries to open a TIFF file, I'm presented with this error from an exception:
Error: Magick: no decode delegate for this image format 'TIFF'
After some various Google searches, I've only found issues from people who had that error from installing ImageMagick directly and are trying to use it from console. I can use ImageMagick and read TIFFs completely fine UNTIL I run the app after it has been deployed.
I'm guessing my question now is: How can I deploy the required "delegate" for tiff along with my app bundle?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

Unity 5 webplayer forces development build

how do you publish to webplayer without Unity publishing a development build? I tried to publish streamed, offline, development.. and, of course, with nothing selected. Unity only builds webplayer development builds.
I'm using the most recent version of Unity 5. I do have some errors after exiting one of the levels, cuz I didn't cleanly tell the Enemies what to do after the Player is dead, or something like if.. the player exists go kill her. I just exit the level and the game plays just fine. But can this be the reason? Unity thinking that I still have errors to fix and therefore I can't publish a normal build? I can publish OK to PC though..
Oh, nevermind, I managed to find some answers. The Webplayer installed with Unity goes automatically in Dev mode. It doesn't have any right click options to disable dev build. So I had to reinstall the player via their website. But if other people have their Webplayers set to Dev Build they will see this game with all its errors. : / No biggie, since this is just a learning project, but still.. I would very much like to have a clean build if I'm showing it to anyone else.

How to get Qt working on the blackberry playbook

I am completely frustrated because I have been trying to install Qt on Blackberry Playbook for over a month now. I have followed every single tutorial out there (so much that every time I google Qt and playbook, all links are purple instead of blue). I have downloaded Qt-everywhere source code and tried to compile it using the flags found here, but it tells me that it cannot install opengl, sqlite etc, so I use the --continue option with ./configure and that too crashes saying that it can't find qcc.
I have noticed a Qt library directory when browsing incudes in the qnx IDE, in the project explorer. The thing is when i write a Qt application it can't find the headers.
So Please Help, anyone who has done this in the RECENT past . ps. i am new to cross compiling on linux systems.
Probably quite late to say, but I have created a BlackBerry Native Plugin for Visual Studio 2015, where you can develop apps for BlackBerry PlayBook and Qt in particular.
Simply create new project "Other Languages / BlackBerry Projects / Qt / PlayBook - Qt4 Core Application" and you are ready to go. It downloads all required libraries via NuGet during first build.