SML counting within a pair of lists - sml

I am trying to write a function in SML that takes in a pair of lists. The first list in the pair is a list of integers and the second list is a list of booleans. Ex: (([3, 5, 9], [true, false, false])). I am having trouble with the proper syntax to return how many times 'true' is found in the second list.

You would want to break this down.
Can you count the number of times a value is found in a list?
Can you pattern match out the second list in the tuple?
The first one can be accomplished by implementing a count function. A basic shell for that would look something like:
fun count (_, []) = ...
| count (v, (x::xs)) =
if ... then ...
else ...
For the second, well, you can see pattern-matching for binding names to the elements of a tuple in the above code.
Doing anything more would be doing your homework for you, and that would be a disservice.


Scala List of tuple becomes empty after for loop

I have a Scala list of tuples, "params", which are of size 28. I want to loop through and print each element of the list, however, nothing is printed out. After finishing the for loop, I checked the size of the list, which now becomes 0.
I am new to scala and I could not figure this out after a long time googling.
val primes = List(11, 13, 17, 19, 2, 3, 5, 7)
val params = primes.combinations(2)
for (param <- params) {
print(param(0), param(1))
combinations methods in List create an Iterator. Once the Iterator is consumed using methods like size, it will be empty.
From the docs
one should never use an iterator after calling a method on it.
If you comment out println(params.size), you can see that for loop is printing out the elements, but the last println(params.size) will remain as 0.
Complementing Johny's great answer:
Do you know how I can save the result from combination methods to use for later?
Well, as already suggested you can just toList
However, note there is a reason why combinations returns an Iterator and it is because the data can be too big, if you are okay with that then go ahead; but you may still take advantage of laziness.
For example, let's convert the inner lists into a tuples before collecting the results:
val params =
.collect {
case a :: b :: Nil => (a, b)
In the same way, you may add extra steps in the chain like another map or a filter before doing the toList
Even better, if your end action is something like foreach(foo) then you do not even need to collect everything into a List
primes.combinations(2) returns Iterator.
Iterators are data structures that allow to iterate over a sequence of
elements. They have a hasNext method for checking if there is a next
element available, and a next method which returns the next element
and discards it from the iterator.
So, it is like pointer to Iterable collection. Once you have done iteration you no longer will be able to iterate again.
When println(params.size) executed that time iteration completed while computing size and now params is pointing to end. Because of this for (param <- params) will be equivalent looping around empty collection.
There can 2 possible solution:
Don't check the size before for loop.
Convert iterator to Iterable e.g. list.
params = primes.combinations(2).toList
To learn more about Iterator and Iterable refer What is the relation between Iterable and Iterator?

run length decoding of a list in prolog?

I'm trying to decode a given list for example mydecode([(a,1), (b,2), (c,3), (d,2)],X) should give X = ['a','b','b','c','c','c','d','d']. What is the error in this code?
mydecode([X|Ys],[X|Zs]) :- \+ is_list(X), mydecode(Ys,Zs).
mydecode([[1,X]|Ys],[X|Zs]) :- mydecode(Ys,Zs).
mydecode([[N,X]|Ys],[X|Zs]) :- N > 1, N1 is N - 1, mydecode([[N1,X]|Ys],Zs).
you are asked to handle a list of 'tuples' of 2 elements, not a list of lists of 2 elements
then, the test in the second clause will always fail
the tuples elements are key and value, but you're 'accessing' them in inverse order.
So, remove the second clause - it's irrelevant, since pattern matching will discard ill formed lists.
Change the [1,X] to (X,1) and similarly other references to tuples, and test your code with the query assigned.

ocaml remove duplicates in a list

Hey guys I am having a bit of trouble i have a general idea what the code should be but not to sure what to do from here.
The question is: Define a function remove_elts taking a list of items as well as a list of items to
remove from the first list, and returning a list with all occurrences of the items
to be removed gone.
My code is :
let remove_elts l reml =
match l with
[] -> false
| hd :: tl -> if hd = l then reml
else hd :: remove_elts l tl;;
Any filtering function, i.e., a function that takes a container and returns another container that contains elements of the input container that satisfy some property, is implemented using the following algorithm:
output-sequence = []
foreach element in the input-sequeunce:
if element satisfies condition:
output-sequence := output-sequence + element
This iteration has two elements which differ with each step, the element variable that takes in order the elements of the input-sequence and the output-sequence that grows every time, the <element> satisfies the condition.
In functional programming, iteration is commonly represented with recursion which is more natural from the mathematical point of view. Anything that changes in the iteration will become a parameter of the recursive function, and each step is represented as a recursive call with the new values of the variables. So the same iteration in the functional style (pseudocode)
filter input-sequence output-sequence =
if is-empty input-sequence then output-sequence
let element = first-element-of input-sequence in
let rest = drop-first-element input-sequence in
if element satisfies condition
then filter rest (output-sequence + element)
else filter rest output-sequence
And the iteration is called as
filter input-sequence []
So it is a little bit more verbose then the foreach but this is because foreach is basically a syntactic sugar.
Now, your task is to implement this in OCaml, keeping in mind two things:
1) In OCaml you can use pattern matching, instead of is-empty,first-element-of, and drop-first-element primitives.
2) You're using a singly-linked list as the sequence, so appending an element to the end of it is very expensive, it is O(N) (as you have to go through all elements, until you reach the end), and doing this in cycle will make your algorithm O(N^2), so instead you should prepend to the beginning (which is O(1)) and at the end of recursion, reverse the list.

How to add sequential numbers to a list of tuples

I have a question which looks quite simple, but I could not find an acceptable answer as yet. It looks that variations of it have already been asked here several times, but none of the answers was helpful to me.
Here it is:
I have a lists of tuples, as follows:
reflist = [("Author1", 1900, "Some reference"), ("Author2", 1901, "Another reference"), ("Author3", 1902, "Yet another reference")]
What I want is to add a sequential number to each tuple in the list, so that I got:
reflist = [(1, "Author1", 1900, "Some reference"), (2, "Author2", 1901, "Another reference"), (3, "Author3", 1902, "Yet another reference")]
This looks silly and a list comprehension should do the trick, but I cannot discern just how :-(
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
enumerate() runs over a sequence and generates index, value pairs. You can't merge directly into your tuples - because tuples are immutable, you can't change their length - but one way you could do it is to convert the tuples you have into lists, make the index number a list, concatenate the two lists together, and convert the result to a tuple:
reflist2 = [tuple([index+1] + list(ref)) for index, ref in enumerate(reflist)]
(I've edited it to index+1 because enumerate starts counting from 0)
f = [tuple(list(elem).insert(0, i)) for elem in reflist for in range(len(reflist))]
What this list comprehension does is that it tells for each original entry in reflist, it should convert it to a list, then insert a number in some integer list to the 0 position of the list, then convert that list back into a tuple, and put it all together in a ne wlist.

How to read each element within a tuple from a list

I want to write a program which will read in a list of tuples, and in the tuple it will contain two elements. The first element can be an Object, and the second element will be the quantity of that Object. Just like: Mylist([{Object1,Numbers},{Object2, Numbers}]).
Then I want to read in the Numbers and print the related Object Numbers times and then store them in a list.
So if Mylist([{lol, 3},{lmao, 2}]), then I should get [lol, lol, lol, lmao, lmao] as the final result.
My thought is to first unzip those tuples (imagine if there are more than 2) into two tuples which the first one contains the Objects while the second one contains the quantity numbers.
After that read the numbers in second tuples and then print the related Object in first tuple with the exact times. But I don't know how to do this. THanks for any help!
A list comprehension can do that:
lists:flatten([lists:duplicate(N,A) || {A, N} <- L]).
If you really want printing too, use recursion:
p([]) -> [];
p([{A,N}|T]) ->
FmtString = string:join(lists:duplicate(N,"~p"), " ")++"\n",
D = lists:duplicate(N,A),
io:format(FmtString, D),
This code creates a format string for io:format/2 using lists:duplicate/2 to replicate the "~p" format specifier N times, joins them with a space with string:join/2, and adds a newline. It then uses lists:duplicate/2 again to get a list of N copies of A, prints those N items using the format string, and then combines the list with the result of a recursive call to create the function result.