Regex: Last Occurrence of a Repeating Character - regex

So, I am looking for a Regex that is able to match with every maximal non-empty substring of consonants followed by a maximal non-empty substring of vowels in a String
e.g. In the following strings, you can see all expected matches:
"zcdbadaerfe" = {"zcdba", "dae", "rfe"}
"foubsyudba" = {"fou", "bsyu", "dba"}
I am very close! This is the regex I have managed to come up with so far:
It returns the expected matches except for it only returns the first of any repeating lengths of vowels, for example:
String: "cccaaabbee"
Expected Matches: {"cccaaa", "bbee"}
Actual Matches: {"ccca", "bbe"}
I want to figure out how I can include the last found vowel character that comes before (a) a constant or (b) the end of the string.
Thanks! :-)

Your pattern is slightly off. I suggest using this version:
This pattern says to match:
[b-df-hj-np-tv-z]+ a lowercase non vowel, one or more times
[aeiou]+ followed by a lowercase vowel, one or more times
Here is a working demo.

const rgx = /[^aeiou]+[aeiou]+(?=[^aeiou])|.*[aeiou](?=\b)/g;
one or more of anything BUT vowels
one or more vowels
will be a match if it is followed by anything BUT a vowel
zero or more of any character followed by a vowel and it needs to be followed by a non-word
function lastVowel(str) {
const rgx = /[^aeiou]+[aeiou]+(?=[^aeiou])|.*[aeiou](?=\b)/g;
return [...str.matchAll(rgx)].flat();
const str1 = "cccaaabbee";
const str2 = "zcdbadaerfe";
const str3 = "foubsyudba";


Why does the regex [a-zA-Z]{5} return true for non-matching string?

I defined a regular expression to check if the string only contains alphabetic characters and with length 5:
use regex::Regex;
fn main() {
let re = Regex::new("[a-zA-Z]{5}").unwrap();
println!("{}", re.is_match("this-shouldn't-return-true#"));
The text I use contains many illegal characters and is longer than 5 characters, so why does this return true?
You have to put it inside ^...$ to match the whole string and not just parts:
use regex::Regex;
fn main() {
let re = Regex::new("^[a-zA-Z]{5}$").unwrap();
println!("{}", re.is_match("this-shouldn't-return-true#"));
As explained in the docs:
Notice the use of the ^ and $ anchors. In this crate, every expression is executed with an implicit .*? at the beginning and end, which allows it to match anywhere in the text. Anchors can be used to ensure that the full text matches an expression.
Your pattern returns true because it matches any consecutive 5 alpha chars, in your case it matches both 'shouldn't' and 'return'.
Change your regex to: ^[a-zA-Z]{5}$
^ start of string
[a-zA-Z]{5} matches 5 alpha chars
$ end of string
This will match a string only if the string has a length of 5 chars and all of the chars from start to end fall in range a-z and A-Z.

Regex to replace single occurrence of character in C++ with another character

I am trying to replace a single occurrence of a character '1' in a String with a different character.
This same character can occur multiple times in the String which I am not interested in.
For example, in the below string I want to replace the single occurrence of 1 with 2.
I tried the below regex but it is giving be wrong results
regex b1("(1){1}");
S1=regex_replace( S,
b1, "2");
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you used boost::regex, Boost regex library, you could simply use a lookaround-based solution like
And then replace with 2.
With std::regex, you cannot use lookbehinds, but you can use a regex that captures either start of string or any one char other than your char, then matches your char, and then makes sure your char does not occur immediately on the right.
Then, you may replace with $01 backreference to Group 1 (the 0 is necessary since the $12 replacement pattern would be parsed as Group 12, an empty string here since there is no Group 12 in the match structure):
regex reg("([^1]|^)1(?!1)");
S1=std::regex_replace(S, regex, "$012");
See the C++ demo online:
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
int main() {
std::string S = "-0001011101";
std::regex reg("([^1]|^)1(?!1)");
std::cout << std::regex_replace(S, reg, "$012") << std::endl;
return 0;
// => -0002011102
([^1]|^) - Capturing group 1: any char other than 1 ([^...] is a negated character class) or start of string (^ is a start of string anchor)
1 - a 1 char
(?!1) - a negative lookahead that fails the match if there is a 1 char immediately to the right of the current location.
Use a negative lookahead in the regexp to match a 1 that isn't followed by another 1:
regex b1("1(?!1)");

How to find the exact substring with regex in c++11?

I am trying to find substrings that are not surrounded by other a-zA-Z0-9 symbols.
For example: I want to find substring hello, so it won't match hello1 or hellow but will match Hello and heLLo!##$%.
And I have such sample below.
std::string s = "1mySymbol1, /_mySymbol_ mysymbol";
const std::string sub = "mysymbol";
std::regex rgx("[^a-zA-Z0-9]*" + sub + "[^a-zA-Z0-9]*", std::regex::icase);
std::smatch match;
while (std::regex_search(s, match, rgx)) {
std::cout << match.size() << "match: " << match[0] << '\n';
s = match.suffix();
The result is:
1match: mySymbol
1match: , /_mySymbol_
1match: mysymbol
But I don't understand why first occurance 1mySymbol1 also matches my regex?
How to create a proper regex that will ignore such strings?
If I do like this
std::string s = "mySymbol, /_mySymbol_ mysymbol";
const std::string sub = "mysymbol";
std::regex rgx("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+" + sub + "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", std::regex::icase);
then I find only substring in the middle
1match: , /_mySymbol_
And don't find substrings at the beggining and at the end.
The regex [^a-zA-Z0-9]* will match 0 or more characters, so it's perfectly valid for [^a-zA-Z0-9]*mysymbol[^a-zA-Z0-9]* to match mysymbol in 1mySymbol1 (allowing for case insensitivity). As you saw, this is fixed when you use [^a-zA-Z0-9]+ (matching 1 or more characters) instead.
With your update, you see that this doesn't match strings at the beginning or end. That's because [^a-zA-Z0-9]+ has to match 1 or more characters (which don't exist at the beginning or end of the string).
You have a few options:
Use beginning/end anchors: (?:[^a-zA-Z0-9]+|^)mysymbol(?:[^a-zA-Z0-9]+|$) (non-alphanumeric OR beginning of string, followed by mysymbol, followed by non-alphanumeric OR end of string).
Use negative lookahead and negative lookbehind: (?<![a-zA-Z0-9])mysymbol(?![a-zA-Z0-9]) (match mysymbol which doesn't have an alphanumeric character before or after it). Note that using this the match won't include the characters before/after mysymbol.
I recommend using to play around with regular expressions. It lists all the different constructs you can use.

Dart Regex does not match whole word for Arabic text

This pattern works fine in Java and javascript but does not seem to work in Dart. Any help is appreciated.
void main() {
String englishText = "The new nature will not find rest";
String englishFind = "Nature";
RegExp englishExp = new RegExp("\\b$englishFind\\b", unicode:true, caseSensitive:false);
bool englishResult = englishExp.hasMatch(englishText);//matches
print(englishResult); //true
String arabicText = "لن تجد الطبيعة الجديدة راحتها";
String arabicFind="الطبيعة";
RegExp arabicExp = new RegExp("\\b$arabicFind\\b", unicode:true);
bool arabicResult = arabicExp.hasMatch(arabicText);//does not match
\b word boundary is still matching only in ASCII only contexts even when you define unicode:true whose main point is to make sure "UTF-16 surrogate pairs in the original string will be treated as a single code point and will not match separately".
You may "decompose" the word boundary and add Arabic letter and digit ranges to the class:
String arabicText = "لن تجد الطبيعة الجديدة راحتها";
String arabicFind="الطبيعة";
RegExp arabicExp = new RegExp("(?:^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\u06F0-\\u06F9\\u0622\\u0627\\u0628\\u067E\\u062A-\\u062C\\u0686\\u062D-\\u0632\\u0698\\u0633-\\u063A\\u0641\\u0642\\u06A9\\u06AF\\u0644-\\u0648\\u06CC\\u202C\\u064B\\u064C\\u064E-\\u0652])$arabicFind(?![a-zA-Z0-9_\\u06F0-\\u06F9\\u0622\\u0627\\u0628\\u067E\\u062A-\\u062C\\u0686\\u062D-\\u0632\\u0698\\u0633-\\u063A\\u0641\\u0642\\u06A9\\u06AF\\u0644-\\u0648\\u06CC\\u202C\\u064B\\u064C\\u064E-\\u0652])", unicode:true);
bool arabicResult = arabicExp.hasMatch(arabicText);//does not match
print(arabicResult); // => true
The regex will match an $arabicFind word when it is
(?:^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\u06F0-\u06F9\u0622\u0627\u0628\u067E\u062A-\u062C\u0686\u062D-\u0632\u0698\u0633-\u063A\u0641\u0642\u06A9\u06AF\u0644-\u0648\u06CC\u202C\u064B\u064C\u064E-\u0652]) - preceded with start of string (^) or (|) any char but ASCII letter, digit or _ and Farsi letters or digits
(?![a-zA-Z0-9_\u06F0-\u06F9\u0622\u0627\u0628\u067E\u062A-\u062C\u0686\u062D-\u0632\u0698\u0633-\u063A\u0641\u0642\u06A9\u06AF\u0644-\u0648\u06CC\u202C\u064B\u064C\u064E-\u0652]) - not followed with an ASCII letter, digit or _ and Farsi letters or digits.

Ignore String containing special words (Months)

I am trying to find alphanumeric strings by using the following regular expression:
Alphanumeric string: an alphanumeric string is any string that contains at least a number and a letter plus any other special characters it can be # - _ [] () {} ç _ \ ù %
I want to add an extra constraint to ignore all alphanumerical strings containing the following month formats :
One solution is to actually match an alphanumerical string. Then check if this string contains one of these names by using the following function:
vector<string> findString(string s)
vector<string> vec;
boost::regex rgx("JANVIER|FEVRIER|MARS|AVRIL|MAI|JUIN|JUILLET|AOUT|SEPTEMBRE|OCTOBRE|NOVEMBRE|DECEMBRE|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|JUN|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec|[jJ]anvier|[fF][ée]vrier|[mM]ars|[aA]vril|[mM]ai|[jJ]uin|[jJ]uillet|[aA]o[éû]t|aout|[sS]eptembre|[oO]ctobre|[nN]ovembre|[dD][eé]cembre
boost::smatch match;
boost::sregex_iterator begin {s.begin(), s.end(), rgx},
end {};
for (boost::sregex_iterator& i = begin; i != end; ++i)
boost::smatch m = *i;
return vec;
Question: How can I add this constraint directly into the regular expression instead of using this function.
One solution is to use negative lookahead as mentioned in How to ignore words in string using Regular Expressions.
I used it as follows:
String : 2-hello-001
Regular expression : ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-zA-Z]^(?!Jan|Feb|Mar)).{3,90}$
Result: no match
Test website:
The edit provided by #Robin and #RyanCarlson : ^[][\w#_(){}ç\\ù%-]{3,90}$ works perfectly in detecting alphanumeric strings with special characters. It's just the negative lookahead part that isn't working.
You can use negative look ahead, the same way you're using positive lookahead:
Also you regex is pretty unclear. If you want alphanumerical strings with a length between 3 and 90, you can just do:
the i flag means it will match upper and lower case (so you can reduce your forbidden list), \w is a shortcut for [0-9a-zA-Z_] (careful if you copy-paste, there's a linebreak here for readability between (?! ) and [ ]). Just add in the final [...] whatever special characters you wanna match.