Change position of label in chart treemap - apexcharts

How do i change position of label in chart treemap apexcharts?
enter image description here


Only displaying "tallest" bars in bar chart

I am trying to create a clustered bar chart in PowerBI Desktop, where only the N "tallest" bars are displayed.
My dataset consists of a small number of rows but a large number of columns.
I have tried the following:
Transform the table in absolute values (since I am interested in bar height, not negative/postive strictly)
Try to apply the "top N" filter on the axis datafield
However, nothing happens. The chart currently looks like this (without applying the transformation of the absolute value): Clustered bar chart
I basically want the same chart, but only display the N tallest bars.
You might have to pivot your table, so you have a "column name" field and a "value" field.
Then you need to use the TOP N on the Legend field, like this:

AMCharts - How to specify the color scheme for each category in a stacked column chart?

My goal is to create a stacked column chart which shows two distinct categories of data, each with its own color scheme (category 1 in blue, category 2 in yellow):
Is this possible using AMCharts version 4?
I've simplified the stacked column chart demo to create this JS Fiddle:
How can I apply separate colors to the 2016 and 2017 columns? I tried adding a range of colors to charts.colors.list:
chart.colors.list = [
... but both categories use the first 3 colors in the list. How can I force the second category to use the next color in the list, and not start over with the first color in the list?

Chart JS horizontal bar chart width of bars and the chart

I have a horizontal bar chart that is too tall for the page (i.e. the user has to scroll down to see the full chart) and there is only 4 bars on the chart.
I can reduce the widths of the bars successfully, by using either barThickness or category and bar percentage. The problem is this does not reduce the overall height of the chart, as it just creates more space between each bar.
How do I reduce the width of the bar AND the overall chart, so the user does not have to scroll?
Set the height of the chart canvas element, either by specifying it directly in the canvas tag or by specifying max-height in CSS.
Relevant links:
Setting width and height
I managed to fix it, using a suggestion from another post. In the following code snippet, I added the line that set the canvas height:-
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.height = 100;

Oracle APEX - customizing bar chart

Is it possible to make a bar chart a double y-axis?
I have a bar chart with 4 bars, generated by the query, returning 4 rows.
Is there a way for me to make each bar a different color and on the right-hand side, instead of series name, specify colors along with labels for each bar?
Click on one of the chart series and look for the 'Assign to Y-Axis' attribute
Not how this is next to a 'Color' attribute. You can source this colour from your SQL, substituting your value using the using &COLUMN_ALIAS. syntax.
An example from the sample charts application in the linked form post shows how colour can be row based (with column alias adjusted to match my screenshot)
select a.product_name,
-- This is the column you're looking for
case when b.quantity > 50 then 'gold'
when b.quantity <= 30 then 'red'
when b.quantity > 30 then 'green'
else 'blue'
end as colour
from eba_demo_chart_products a, eba_demo_chart_orders b
where a.product_id = b.product_id
and customer = 'Store A'

C++ CListCtrl How get cell border in View List

I have a CListBox with a View of type List. It has only one column that the View of type List splits.
I need to draw a border around each Item .
The column contains a blank icon with size 1 and the text.
How can I draw the box ?
Try adding style LVS_EX_GRIDLINES.