cp: failed to access '/root/apache-tomcat-10.0.27/webapps': Permission denied - jenkins-job-dsl

I had created the AWS ubuntu server and installed Jenkins and tomcat servers on the same server where I had created Jenkins jobs by configuring cloning code from GitHub and installing maven for build process and have created the built step by using a shell command to copy war file from Jenkins home directory to the tomcat working directory(web apps) but I am getting an error
[gamutaguru] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins8325847671040322132.sh
+ cp /target/gamutgurus.war /root/apache-tomcat-10.0.27/webapps
cp: failed to access '/root/apache-tomcat-10.0.27/webapps': Permission denied
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
[Configure PicError Pic ](https://i.stack.imgur.com/9trYm.png)


How to install deb package in aws codebuild worker container

I'm trying to build docker container and push to to ECR repository. All is working fine locally, but once moved to AWS I'm getting error:
dpkg-deb: error: 'docker-ce_20.10.3_3-0_ubuntu-bionic_amd64.deb' is not a Debian format archive
dpkg: error processing archive docker-ce_20.10.3_3-0_ubuntu-bionic_amd64.deb (--install):
dpkg-deb --control subprocess returned error exit status 2
from following commands in Docker file:
COPY docker-assets/docker-ce_20.10.3_3-0_ubuntu-bionic_amd64.deb /home/folder/
RUN dpkg -i docker-ce_20.10.3_3-0_ubuntu-bionic_amd64.deb
Can anyone hit the same issue / help me out ?
I did workaround this with URL

DBCA Permission Denied

I'm new on Linux environment.
For this task, I am using Centos 7 in VirtualBox and trying to follow the guide to install Oracle Database 18c XE.
After setting the config and profile, I finally get the oracle to work.
However, when I tried to create a new Database via dbca, the following error prompted.
[project#localhost bin]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
[project#localhost bin]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
[project#localhost bin]$ dbca
bash: /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/bin/dbca: Permission denied
I've only created 1 user (project) for this practicing purpose.

Elastic BeanStalk app deploy post hook not executing my command

I recently was able to get my Laravel app deployed using codepipeline on Elastic Beanstalk but ran into a problem. I noticed that my routes where failing because of php.conf Nginx configuration. I had to add a few lines of code to EB's nginx php.conf file to get it to work.
My problem now was that after every deployment, the instance of the application I modified the php.conf file was destroyed and recreated fresh. I wanted a way to dynamically update the file after every successful deployment. I had a version of the file I wanted versioned with my application and so wanted to create a symlink to that file after deployment.
After loads of research, I stumbled on appDeploy Hooks on Elastic Beanstalk that runs post scripts after deployment so did this
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo mkdir /var/testing1
sudo ln -sfn /var/www/html/php.conf.example /etc/nginx/conf.d/elasticbeanstalk/php.conf
sudo mkdir /var/testing
sudo nginx -s reload
And this for some reason does not work. The symlink is not created so my routes are still not working..
I even added some mkdir so am sure the commands in that script runs, none of those commands ran because none of those directories where created.
Please note that if I ssh into the ec2 instance and run the commands there it works. That bash script also exists in the post directory and if I manually run in on the server it works too.
Any pointers to how I could fix this would be helpful. Maybe I am doing something wrong too.
Now I have gotten my scripts to run by following this. However, the script is not running. I am getting an error
2020/06/28 08:22:13.653339 [INFO] Following platform hooks will be executed in order: [01_myconf.config]
2020/06/28 08:22:13.653344 [INFO] Running platform hook: .platform/hooks/postdeploy/01_myconf.config
2020/06/28 08:22:13.653516 [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [RunPostDeployHooks]. Stop running the command. Error: Command .platform/hooks/postdeploy/01_myconf.config failed with error fork/exec .platform/hooks/postdeploy/01_myconf.config: permission denied
I tried to follow this forum post here to make my file executable by adding to my container command a new command like so:
command: "chmod +x .platform/hooks/postdeploy/91_post_deploy_script.sh"
I am still running into the same issue. Permission denied
Sadly, the hooks you are describing (i.e. /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy) are for Amazon Linux 1.
Since you are using Amazon Linux 2, as clarified in the comments, the hooks you are trying to use do not apply. Thus they are not being executed.
In Amazon Linux 2, there are new hooks as described here and they are:
prebuild – Files here run after the Elastic Beanstalk platform engine downloads and extracts the application source bundle, and before it sets up and configures the application and web server.
predeploy – Files here run after the Elastic Beanstalk platform engine sets up and configures the application and web server, and before it deploys them to their final runtime location.
postdeploy – Files here run after the Elastic Beanstalk platform engine deploys the application and proxy server.
The use of these new hooks is different than in Amazon Linux 1. Thus you have to either move back to Amazon Linux 1 or migrate your application to Amazon Linux 2.
General migration steps from Amazon Linux 1 to Amazon Linux 2 in EB are described here
Create a folder called .platform in your project root folder and create a file with name 00_myconf.config inside the .platform folder.
Open 00_myconf.config and add the scripts
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo mkdir /var/testing1
sudo ln -sfn /var/www/html/php.conf.example /etc/nginx/conf.d/elasticbeanstalk/php.conf
sudo mkdir /var/testing
sudo nginx -s reload
Commit your changes or reupload the project. This .platform folder will be considered in each new instance creation and your application will deploy properly in all the new instances Amazon Elastic beanstalk creates.
If you access the documentation here and scroll to the section with the title "Application example with extensions" you can see an example of the folder structure of your .platform folder so it adds your custom configuration to NGINX conf on every deploy.
You can either replace the entire nginx.conf file with your file or add additional configuration files to the conf.d directory
Replace conf file with your file on app deploy:
Add configuration files to nginx.conf:

Deploying golang app in cmd folder to AWS Beanstalk

I have a pre-existing golang project with the a following folder structure (minimized the folder for readability).
- postgre
- service.go
- cmd
- vano
- main.go
- vanoctl
- main.go
Now since my project web server is in ./cmd/vano I need to create a custom Buildfile and Procfile. So I did that
Here is my Buildfile
make: ./build.sh
build.sh file:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Install dependencies.
go get ./...
# Build app
go build ./cmd/vano -o bin/application
and finally my Procfile:
web: bin/application
So now my folder structure looks like this:
- postgre
- service.go
- cmd
- vano
- main.go
- vanoctl
- main.go
I zip up the source using git:
git archive --format=zip HEAD > vano.zip
And upload it to AWS Beanstalk. How ever I keep getting errors and AWS errors don't seem to be the most read. Here is my error
Command execution completed on all instances. Summary: [Successful: 0, Failed: 1].
Error Message
[Instance: i-0d8f642474e3b2c68] Command failed on instance. Return code: 1 Output: (TRUNCATED)...' Failed to execute 'HOME=/tmp /opt/elasticbeanstalk/lib/ruby/bin/ruby /opt/elasticbeanstalk/lib/ruby/bin/foreman start --procfile /tmp/d20170213-1941-1baz0rh/eb-buildtask-0 --root /var/app/staging --env /var/elasticbeanstalk/staging/elasticbeanstalk.env'. Hook /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/01_configure_application.sh failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI.
Extra Error info:
Failed to execute 'HOME=/tmp /opt/elasticbeanstalk/lib/ruby/bin/ruby /opt/elasticbeanstalk/lib/ruby/bin/foreman start --procfile /tmp/d20170213-1941-1baz0rh/eb-buildtask-0 --root /var/app/staging --env /var/elasticbeanstalk/staging/elasticbeanstalk.env'
Another approach here instead of using a procfile etc would be to cross-compile your binary (usually pretty painless in go) and upload it that way, as per the simple instructions in the guide:
You can just compile it locally with:
GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=linux go build -o bin/application ./cmd/vano
Then upload zip of the application file and it should work, assuming your setup only requires this one binary to run.

eb deploy always fails

I have created a ruby env on amazon elastic beanstalk, but when I try to deploy my rails app from command line using eb deploy I get this error:
Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and
installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root
users on this machine.
You need to install git to be able to use gems from git repositories. For help
installing git, please refer to GitHub's tutorial at
https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git (Executor::NonZeroExitStatus)
[2015-08-09T15:50:38.513Z] INFO [4217] - [CMD-AppDeploy/AppDeployStage0/AppDeployPreHook/10_bundle_install.sh] : Activity failed.
[2015-08-09T15:50:38.513Z] INFO [4217] - [CMD-AppDeploy/AppDeployStage0/AppDeployPreHook] : Activity failed.
[2015-08-09T15:50:38.513Z] INFO [4217] - [CMD-AppDeploy/AppDeployStage0] : Activity failed.
[2015-08-09T15:50:38.514Z] INFO [4217] - [CMD-AppDeploy] : Completed activity. Result:
Command CMD-AppDeploy failed.
So, shall I install git at amazon instance bash directly? will this effect autoscaling?
I don't know if you fixed this, but you need to tell Elastic Beanstalk to install git.
In the root directory of your project, add a folder called .ebextensions.
Create a file inside that folder called (something like) install_git.config (the .config is important).
Add the following lines to that file:
git: []
Then redeploy your application, and you shouldn't see that error anymore.