Prevent website (Moodle) from auto deleting login cookie - cookies

My university's Moodle site ( asks me to log in every time I open the browser. It is rather annoying to have to click this every time, even with the browser autofilling my details.
I think I would not have to log in every time if a cookie was kept on my computer:
"[The Moodle site in question] uses one session cookie, usually called MoodleSession. You must allow this cookie in your browser to provide continuity and to remain logged in when browsing the site. When you log out or close the browser, this cookie is destroyed (in your browser and on the server)." ("?" popup on the Moodle login page)
Is there a way to manually save the cookie on my computer and thereby avoid having to log in every time?


How do I make cookies value i.e. ai_user & ai_session dynamic in JMeter as it appears different & dynamic in browser each time user hits home request?

Each time I execute home page of ecommerce website, some cookies appear in request header some of them have unique values each time we hit Home request which is ai_user & ai_session. I want to know how do I get those unique values in JMeter for each time I hit home request.
I recorded test script by blaze meter and it automatically recorded all cookies in HTTP CookieManager as a user defined cookies but those values are hard coded I want them dynamic as it works in browser.
I already Change the property in jmeter properties file is located in JMeter’s bin folder and use variable ${COOKIE_ai_user} in script to use cookie value.
But issue is its value is static I want to make it dynamic, how can I do that?
Each time I execute home page of ecommerce website, some cookies appear in request header
No, it doesn't work that way.
When you open the page first time the browser gets cookies from Set-Cookie header
When you open the page next time the browser sends cookies as Cookie header
So the situation when you're sending cookies at the very first request is highly unlikely to happen (unless you're simulating a returning user)
It's sufficient to add HTTP Cookie Manager which simulates browser's cookie storage and automatically handles incoming cookies.

How long does a session cookie last? When should I reauthenticate?

How long can I use a session cookie? I have a client application where I authenticated to a SharePoint site and I am using the cookies for navigating through the subsites. I am saving the cookie and reusing the headers to login to the site at a later point without authenticating again. There is no expiration date set. How long will the cookie last and when should I authenticate back again?
The expiration of session cookies varies from browser to browser. I was unable to find any kind of reference giving the current specifics per browser. It used to be that session cookies would be destroyed when the browser was closed, but some browsers now have settings that, if enabled, will cause session cookies to persist past the browser being closed. For example, Firefox's "When Firefox starts: Show my windows and tabs from last time" will cause this to happen, somewhat surprisingly. The same goes for, "On startup: Continue where I left off" in Chrome.
I don't really care for SharePoint so I haven't used it in a while, but as I recall it uses ASP.Net Forms Authentication, pulling the configuration from the web.config just like any other ASP.Net site. That being said, you're not really concerned with the timeout of your cookie. What you care about is the timeout of your server-side session token - that is to say, how long the data contained in said cookie will be recognized by the server. That is set by the timeout property in the forms tag of the web.config file for an ASP.Net app:
<!-- ... -->
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms timeout="2880" />
<!-- ... -->
If there's no expire it's going to be around until the browser is killed. Normally in ASP.Net the session cookies are set with a 20 minute timeout. That's usually pretty good. Depending on your app, you may want a javascript timer as well. Otherwise the browser won't understand when it's logged out until a page refresh happens and sensitive data can be exposed. You'll see this implementation on any online banking site.
(Edit to clarify from downvote)
Session cookies do, in fact, stay around until the browser is closed. You can look it up here:
The above answer is also correct in that some newer browsers will recover session cookies after a crash/close.
#Grinn, you do bring up a good point able the Ticket. When using ASP.Net Forms auth, an encrypted Ticket is placed within the session cookie. They cookie can still be in place as far as the browser is concerned, but if the datestamp inside the ticket is expired, it will be considered invalid.
If you're using some semblance of Forms auth with Sharepoint, you should probably just write your own membership provider that can crack the Ticket in the cookie, but disregard if the datestamp is expired. Building Custom Membership Provider

Detecting user logout on browser close in Django

we have a web service for some numerical computing. It has a registered mode, in which a user has to register to have its results sent by mail.
We would like to keep track of how long the user stays logged. The login time is written in the database upon successful registration. Registration in not permanent, it's just for the purpose of single session and is used for acquiring the user email.
There are a few situations possible:
User logs out normally via the logout button.
Simplest solution. Write the time and logout in the database, and delete session.
User logs out by session expiry.
I'm planning on having a script which would check all the database entries which don't have a set logout time and if current time - login time > expiry time write logout time in a database as login time + expiry time.
User logs out by browser close.
The sessions have a get_expire_at_browser_close() set to True. But i don't know how can the server detect browser closure.
Ideas, critics, comments?
In django session middleware these lines control session expiration if we want that SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE:
max_age = None
expires = None
Server doesn't have to do detect anything as cookie that has no max_age or expires set should be deleted on the client side, according to this page:
By setting either of these, the cookie will persist until its time runs out, otherwise—if you set neither—the cookie will last until you close your browser (a “session cookie”).
One way of tracking how long user was online is by using javascript that will ping server every now and then. It will happen only as long as the user has page opened in browser and on every ping server should update last seen online value for the user.
When user closes browser session is over. Next time user logs in server can calculate duration of his last visit as last seen online - last login time.
Simpler solution without using any javascript: last seen online could be updated on every user request using simple custom middleware.

When django session is created

I don't really understand when session is created and per what entity it is created (per ip, per browser, per logged in user). I see in documentation that sessions by default is created per visitor - but what is visitor (browser or ip)?
What are HTTP sessions?
To display a webpage your browser sends an HTTP request to the server, the server sends back an HTTP response. Each time you click a link on website a new HTTP transacation takes place, i.e. it is not a connection that is persistant over time (like a phone call). Your communication with a website consists of many monolitic HTTP transactions (tens or hundres of phonecalls, each phonecall being a few words).
So how can the server remember information about a user, for instance that a user is logged in (ip addresses are not reliable)? The first time you visit a website, the server creates a random string, and in the HTTP response it asks the browser to create a so called HTTP cookie with that value. A cookie is really just a name (of the cookie) and a value. If you go to a simple session-enabled Django site, the server will ask your browser to set a cookie named 'sessionid' with such a random generated value.
The subsequent times your browser will make HTTP requests to that domain, it will include the cookie in the HTTP request.
The server saves these session ids (for django the default is to save in the database) and it saves them together with so called session variables. So based on the session id sent along with an HTTP request it can dig out previously set session variables as well as modify or add session variables. If you delete your cookies (ctrl+shift+delete in Firefox), you will realize that no website remembers you anymore (Gmail, Facebook, Django sites, etc.) and you have to log in again. Most browsers will allow you to disable cookies in general or for specific sites (for privacy reasons) but this means that you can not log into those websites.
Per browser, per window, per tab, per ip?
It is not possible to log into different GMail accounts within the same browser, not even from different windows. But it is possible to log in to one account with Firefox and another with Chrome. So the answer is: per browser. However, it is not always that simple. You can use different profiles in Firefox, and each can keep different cookies and thus you can log into different accounts simultaneously. There are also Firefox plugins for keeping multiple sessions, e.g. MultiFox.
The session all depends on which session cookie your browser sends in it's HTTP request.
Play around
To get the full understanding of what is going on, I recommend installing the FireBug and FireCookie plugins for Firefox. The above screenshots are taken from FireBug's net panel. FireCookie will give you an overview of when and which cookies are set when you visit a site, and will let you regulate which cookies are allowed.
If there is a server side error, and you have DEBUG=True, then the Django error message will show you information about the HTTP request, including the cookies sent
It's browser (not IP). A session is basically data stored on your server that is identified by a session id sent as a cookie to the browser. The browser will send the cookie back containing the session id on all subsequent requests either until the browser is closed or the cookie expires (depending on the expires value that is sent with the cookie header, which you can control from Django with set_expiry).
The server can also expire sessions by basically ignoring the (unexpired) cookie that the browser sends and requiring a new session to be started.
There is a great description on how sessions work here.

How do cookies work when browsing websites

On websites where you have to enter a user name and password, I notice that I can browse the site with one browser and it will know who I am no matter where I go on the site. But if I open a different browser it doesn't know who I am in that browser unless I log on in that browser.
After I log in to a website, does it store some kind of cookie in my browser, and every time I navigate to a different page on that site, it checks the cookie for my identity?
What would happen if I logged in, and then before browsing to a different page on the site, deleted the cookie?
This is more of a "teach a man to fish" answer, so I apologise if it's not what you were after. But if you take my advice you will learn lots, so please trust me :)
There's a number of tools that you can use to track exactly what http traffic is going between your browser and the server. One is called Firebug, a plugin for Firefox. The other kind of tool is called a "web debugging proxy". There's charles, which is very powerful, and fiddler, which is free.
What you want to do with any of these tools is use a website, and then look at the raw request. This shows you exactly what your browser is saying to the server. You'll see the cookies for that server are sent along with every request. What's cool about these tools is that you can edit a request just before it's sent, so you can test how the servers respond...
After I log in to a website, does it store some kind of cookie in my browser, and every time I navigate to a different page on that site, it checks the cookie for my identity?
Yes. The cookie is sent with each HTTP request.
What would happen if I logged in, and then before browsing to a different page on the site, deleted the cookie?
The same as if you were to switch browsers.
Every time when you navigate a new page, your browser sends a request to the server and the server sends back you the response. Your request contains the cookies, which the server can parse and use. You if you delete the cookie, your browser can't send it with the next request.
What would happen if I logged in, and then before browsing to a different page on the site, deleted the cookie?
You would no longer be logged in.
After I log in to a website, does it store some kind of cookie in my browser, and every time I navigate to a different page on that site, it checks the cookie for my identity?
Yes. Most likely, you are dealing with a "session-cookie". These cookies do not store any information themselves, but use a long string to identify yourself to a server. I would suggest doing some research on cookies. As for the (I'm guessing assumed) question of "Why cookies work on different pages?" is because cookies are tied to the domain, and not the exact URI.
Cookies contain names, values, and expirations (along with a few others). The most common you'll see are sessions, which use an identifier to load a session-state from the server containing your information. These are the safest cookies as everything is centralized and not as prone to hijacking. The other kind is a regular cookie, which has a limited size and stores information client-side. Anything that has to do with shopping or anything that tracks users most likely uses sessions, while something like a customizable javascript-y page probably uses a normal cookie. The former tracks information server-side for additional security, while the latter poses no security risk, and leaves the information for the client to manage.