How Can I solve This Error 'encore' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file - webpack-5

I installed 'Encore Webpack' in my Symfony project. When I try to run npm run build I get the error 'encore' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file How do I resolve this error. PS I am developing on a Windows OS


"No test is available" when attempting to run VSTest for a GoogleTest exe

I have a C++ project that I am attempting to build and run using Azure Pipelines.
The build is working fine but I can't seem to get the unit tests to run in VSTest task using GoogleTest.
It was my understanding Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.TestAdapterForGoogleTest is installed (as per so it can't be that.
Looking at the log I see:
No test is available in D:\a\1\s\Release\UnitTests.exe. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again.
I also attempted a Command Line Script task but running the UnitTests.exe just yields:
'UnitTests.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I solved this in the end by installing the Nuget package "GoogleTestAdapter" by Christian Soltenborn. All now seems to work fine but still very puzzled why this workaround is needed

Google Cloud SDK installation failed

I am trying to install google cloud SDK on my windows 10 enterprise
I get an error stating that one of the components are unknown (kuberun)
Here is the full detail:
Output folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK Downloading
Google Cloud SDK core. Extracting Google Cloud SDK core. Create Google
Cloud SDK bat file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud
SDK\cloud_env.bat Installing components. '""C:\Program' is not
recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or
batch file. '""C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or
external command, operable program or batch file. Welcome to the
Google Cloud SDK! Active code page: 65001 ERROR:
(gcloud.components.update) The following components are unknown
[kuberun]. This will install all the core command line tools necessary
for working with the Google Cloud Platform. Active code page: 437
Failed to install.
Instead of Windows Installer, try one from this link
Make sure you choose the right one (based on your CPU Architecture) and I suggest to use bundled python version and get going.

Aws Cloud9 for C++

Why can't I run my C++ code by creating another folder. The moment I store my c++ file in a folder , the complier states no such file is in directory. But i can run my java file from other folders. Anyone ?
This is the error I get running from the run configuration
But the same file can be compiled and run through the terminal.
the program can be run through the terminal

Apex ( installation issues

I want to install Apex (similar to the Serverless Framework) on a Windows 7 machine. I have followed the steps for installation at After installing the binary file downloaded from, it shows the usage commands.
But when I try to run any command, its giving me error saying
apex is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I have also setup AWS CLI configuration and it works.
What might be the problem?
I used windows (32-bit) also. for AWS & apex both, after installation, I had to update the environment variables before it worked everywhere.. previously they both worked only from the folder in which they were installed.
go to start menu
write 'edit environment variables for your account' (without the quotes of course)
select the path variable and enter the location(s) of the AWS.EXE file and the APEX.EXE file at the end of your existing PATH variable
C:\Ruby24\bin;C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLI;C:\apex_1.0.0-rc2_windows_386
close all command prompts windows
open a new cmd window
now 'apex init' or 'apex deploy' etc should run as intended

Unable to run mosquitto_pub and sub from commad line in windows 10 getting c library runtime error

I've installed the mosquitto broker successfully, mosquitto service is also running but whenever I am trying to run mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub from command prompt it showing an error:
an application has attempted to load the c runtime library incorrectly
Any help will be appreciated.