What is the query of SAS - sas

What is this SAS query doing?
Data calss;
Set (existing data);
If you have any answer please help me. And you can tell the source, from where we can practice of query.

We call this a data step. It is rather a program than a query.
In this
With Data WORK.CLASS;, you say the program should make a table CLASS in your WORK library. Libraries are somewhat simular to Db2 schemas; The WORK library is automatically created when you start a SAS session and deleted when you close it.
With Set SASHELP.CLASS;, you say it should read all rows from the CLASS table in the SASHELP library. The SASHELP library is always there. It contains system tables (comparable to the system tables of Db2) and example data that you can use to excersise.
Run; starts compilation and execution


How to copy data afrer "cards"/"datalines" in SAS

I have to perform statistical analysis on a file with hundreds of observations and 7 variables(columns)on SAS. I know that it is necessary to insert all the observations after "cards" or "datalines". But I can't write them all obviously. How can I do? Moreover, the given data file already is .sas7bdat.
Then, since (in my case) the multiple correspondence analysis requires only six of the seven variables, does this affect what I have to write in INPUT or/and in CARDS?
You only use CARDS when you're trying to manually write a data set. If you already have a SAS data set (sas7bdat) you can usually use that directly (there are some exceptions but likely don't apply here).
First create a libname to the folder where the file is:
libname myFiles 'path to fodler with sas file';
Then load it into your work library - this is a temporary space that is cleaned up when you're done so no files here are saved permanently.
This copies it over to that library - which is often faster.
data myFileName;
set myFiles.myFileName;
You can just work with the file from that library by referencing it as myFiles.myFileName in your code.
proc means data=myFiles.myFileName;
This should get you started, but you should take the SAS free e-course to understand the basics, it will save you time overall.
Just tell SAS to use the dataset. INPUT statement (and CARDS/DATALINES or INFILE statement) are for reading from text files.
proc corresp data='/my directory/mydataset.sas7bdat' .... ;
You could also make a libref that points to the directory and use two level name to reference the dataset.
libname myfiles '/my directory/';
proc corresp data=myfiles.mydataset .... ;

What exactly the use SQL in SAS?

I have just started studying SAS and a little bit confused. This link here show a Query to the DATA SET. I thought that it would be like connecting to a external DATABASE and perform a request query to a DATABASE.
So does the DATA SET is the database and the SQL syntax is just another way of processing data in the DATA SET?
Also can you recommend a better tutorial. A free open source tutorial/book/sources will be much better.
Well I'm still learning and I will appreciate any opinion/answer/recommendation.
I use SAS University Edition in virtually in my computer.
So does the DATA SET is the database and the SQL syntax is just another way of processing data in the DATA SET?
DATA SET is the table (not the database), and yes SQL is another way.
You can think of the native SAS library engine, V9 as the data base. For example:
libname mydata 'c:\projectx\sasdata'; is the same as
libname mydata V9 'c:\projectx\sasdata';
libname mydata <engine> 'c:\projectx\sasdata';
libname mydata <engine> <options for connection parameters>;
V9 is the default engine used when the libname statement does specify one. There are different engines for connecting to almost any remote (non-SAS) data bases, data files or data providers that let a SAS coder code in SAS and not have to learn the language or dialect of the remote environment.
A rough mapping of SAS structure concepts to data base concepts:
V9 engine ~ "data base"
local folder ~ schema, instance, or catalog
data set ~ table
variable ~ column
observation ~ row
You can learn more about engines by searching the help system for "SAS Engines" and "How Engines Work with SAS Files"
Proc SQL lets you code using SQL. A coder can choose the best language for themselves and for the problem at hand; be it SQL, DATA steps and PROC steps.
Do not confuse SQL (query language) with mySQL, postgresql, sqlite or any other database technology.
proc sql is an alternative to the data step.
Mostly you can do the same with both, but one might be able to perform better in certain situation or allow for easier/shorter syntax than the other.
The dataset you use has nothing to do with the language you use to "query" it.
Look into LIBNAME statement to connect to external databases.
As someone said before, do not confuse between SQL (the query language) and DataSet (its the name of the tables in SAS).
Here is an example of the same result using DATA SET syntax and PROC SQL syntax:
DATA myNewTable;
SET myTable;
WHERE id = 123;
With PROC SQL syntax:
WHERE id = 123;
Hope it makes sense.

Read a sas7bdat file in SAS Studio

I've scoured the internet but cannot seem to figure this out. My question is, if I have a sas7bdat file, how can I read a sas7bdat file in SAS studio so that I can work with it.
I've tried:
libname test 'C:\Users\name\Downloads\test.sas7bdat';
which gives me the error that library test does not exist and if I try the following, I know that I need an INPUT which I don't know of unless I can see into the file.
DATA test;
INFILE 'C:\Users\lees162\Downloads\test.sas7bdat';
Is there something I'm missing?
Libref's that you create via the LIBNAME statement point to directories, not individual files.
libname test 'C:\Users\name\Downloads\';
INFILE is for reading raw data files. To reference an existing SAS dataset you use a SET statement (or MERGE,MODIFY,UPDATE statement).
set test.test ;
Note that you can skip defining a libref and just use the quoted physical name in the SET statement.
DATA test;
set 'C:\Users\lees162\Downloads\test.sas7bdat';
Of course to use C:\ in the paths this is assuming that you are using SAS/Studio to point to full SAS running on your PC. If you are using SAS University Edition then it is running in a virtual machine and you will need to put the SAS dataset into a folder that is mapped to the virtual machine and then reference it in the SAS code with the name that the virtual machine uses for the directory.
So something like:
DATA test;
set '/folders/myfolders/test.sas7bdat';
Libname is just pointing the location and once you have done that you can use that libname followed period and dataset in your set statement
libname test "C:\Users\name\Downloads";
DATA test;
set test.asl;
One possible reason could be that you are using the SAS University edition (It doesn't support variable library address).
From one of the SAS community Q/A:
"When you are using the SAS University Edition, any libraries that you create must be assigned to a shared folder. You access your shared folder with this pathname: /folders/myfolders/. Always use '/' in the directory path, even in Windows operating environments"
After setting the directory address, proceed as instructed by Tom above in one of the answers.
Suppose you have the sas dataset at location. C:\Users\name\Downloads\test.sas7bdat
libname download 'C:\Users\name\Downloads';
proc sql;
select * from downloads.test;
you can read your dataset like a table using the proc sql, in case you want to query the dataset, but if you want to modify the existing dataset then you can use the data setp as mentioned by #krian.

Get server info for all librefs

How can I get a table with variables libref and server_id (or any server info) for all libraries available to me in SAS?
My goal is to get a summary of where the data is physically located for all these libraries, in order to write efficient queries when fetching data from different servers.
Look at what information is available in the view SASHELP.VLIBNAM (or DICTIONARY.LIBNAMES when using PROC SQL).
Here is a utility macro that pulls the engine, host and schema from that view for a given libref. I have used it for TERADATA, ORACLE and ODBC engines. dblibchk.sas
From Tom's code and advices I built the table I needed with this code:
SELECT distinct libname, engine, path,
CASE WHEN engine in('BASE','V9') THEN 'SAS' ELSE catx('_',engine,path) END AS server
there are a few tables that can help you in the Library SASHELP like Tom mentioned.
You can also use VTABLE will have all the tables from which library and VCOLUMN will have the detail from library to table to columns as well as the data type used and it's length.
They work a bit like in SQL data from the information_schema database.
Alternatively using proc content on a dataset will also return all of it's component and you can put that in a table or a macro variable.
Hope this helps!

How to get SAS tables sizes and last usage time in library

Good day!
I need a list of libraries-tables on a SAS server with a size of each table and last time, when it was open/used.
I'm not very familiar with SAS, so I don't even know where would I start searching :(
I assume, that there is some simple solution, maybe a proc of some sort, that may help...
You can use proc contents to access metadata about a library in SAS, for example using the sashelp library:
proc contents data = sashelp._ALL_ NODS;
sashelp is the library you are refencing. By specifying _ALL_ you ask SAS for data about all the files in this library (by choosing a singular file such as sashelp.ztc you can get information on jut one file).
This will give you a lot of information, so by using the NODS statement you can suppress the output to give you less detail. The above code will give you the number of files, their type, the level, the file size, and the data they were last modified.
If you want to output this information to a dataset, you have to use the ODS output system with the correct ods table name, in this case it is Members. Furthermore, if you're looking for datasets in particular then you can filter the output with a where= statement:
ods output Members = test (where = (memtype = "DATA"));
proc contents data = work._ALL_ NODS noprint;
ods listing; /* change back to listing output*/