I have a project in c++. I have successfully installed pqxx package using vcpkg but still namespace 'pqxx' is not recognized,
#include<pqxx/pqxx> //No errors
using namespace pqxx; //Error, 'name must be a namespace name'
I have a native library for an Android app. When I load the entire C++ project in Android Studio, some errors are thrown by the IDE saying:
cannot resolve namespace std and cannot find any C++ headers.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
For all of the above code, fstream, iostream, etc is being marked red and shows cannot find. Any workaround to fix the above issue?
I'm trying to compile CppUTest as a library on IAR Workbench v6.3.3 for the AVR UC3C0512C on Windows 7 x64 but when I compile it, it says that the std namespace is not defined.
Here is the snippet of code where I get the first error, the file is SimpleString.h:
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>
SimpleString StringFrom(const std::string& other);
The last line contains the std::string and this brings me 190 errors all related to this. The message is:
Error[Pe276]: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
C:\COM\SRC\cpputest35\include\CppUTest\SimpleString.h 143
I have tried using the line below but it does not help:
using namespace std;
Under Library Configuration I select Normal DLIB, I also tried with Full DLIB but IAR can't see the std library
Any ideas please?
According to the IAR manuals
The std namespace is not used in either standard EC++ or in Extended EC++. If you
have code that refers to symbols in the std namespace, simply define std as nothing;
for example:
#define std // Nothing here
I currently have a C# class library as such
namespace Library
[ComVisible(true), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("aa950e58-7c6e-4818-8fc9-adecbc7a8f14")]
public interface IQuote
I then register it using the following
RegAsm.exe C:\MyFile.dll /tlb:MyFile.tlb /codebase
Now the problem in my C++ application is that
#import "c:\\MyFile.tlb" raw_interfaces_only
using namespace Library;
and then I get the message
Error 7 error C2653: 'Library' : is not a class or namespace name
Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue ?
COM itself does not have a concept of namespace (which is language-specific).
RegAsm.exe uses the assembly name as the name of the library statement in the IDL. It does not care which namespace your COMVisible class is in.
By default the C++ compiler imports a type library into a namespace with its name specified by the library statement in the IDL. Use the assembly name as the namespace name (or rename the namespace in the import statement) in your C++ code.
Took 2 hours, to figure this out.
Sample code is here:
#import "path\to\MyLibrary.tlb" // DEFAULT assembly name is namespace
namespace MyNameSpace = MyLibrary; // make alias back to your namespace
MyNameSpace::IMyClass1Ptr obj; // use namespace here
obj.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MyNameSpace::MyClass1)); // access class in my namespace
Hope that helps.
I'm trying to use NetBeans 6.8 on an AIX OS for C++ development.
I continue getting an error message for:
using namespace std;
even after adding the includes for the STL via
options -- c/c++ -- code assistance
The error says: "Unable to resolve identifier std"
Is this a bug in the Netbeans 6.8 AIX version? Or am I missing something?
Thanks for any help!
You can easily enough test if there is no std namespace getting included before your using directive by adding in
namespace std
just before it. If the compiler is now happy then there was no std namespace stuff actually included.
I have a Website Project in my Visual Studio 2008. I added a Class Library so I can do my Subsonic Class Generation there and reference it via the project. However when I run the class generation it doesn't complete. It does almost nothing. I'll post what gets generated in the ActiveRecord.cs file.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using SubSonic.DataProviders;
using SubSonic.Extensions;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using SubSonic.Schema;
using System.Collections;
using SubSonic;
using SubSonic.Repository;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data.Common;
namespace Test.Data
That is all it generated...
What can I be doing wrong?
Probably a connection string error. Or, at least, that's what I got when I had my connection string wrong.
What is displayed in Visual Studio build errors?