How to create a SqlHint instance in Apache Calcite? - apache-calcite

I have a SqlHint like
select * from tab /*+ options('k1'='v1')*/
I got the SqlHint instances from SqlParser and I want to modify all the hint options.
SqlNode node = sqlParser.getParser("select * from tab /*+ options('k1'='v1')*/").parseStmt();
RichSqlInsert insert = (RichSqlInsert)node;
List<SqlHint> list = insert.getSource().getHints()
But I don't know how to create a new SqlHint from the list.
public SqlHint(
SqlParserPos pos,
SqlIdentifier name,
SqlNodeList options,
HintOptionFormat optionFormat) {
super(pos); = name;
this.optionFormat = optionFormat;
this.options = options;
Actually I don't know how to create a [SqlIdentifier name] from the existing one.
Anyone help? Thanks


QueryModel in WTableView: Please, an example of how to add a row and fill it with new record just created

I've made a table:
class TableTag
std::string name;
//Wt::Dbo::collection< Wt::Dbo::ptr<TablePost> > tablePosts;
static void initTableRecords(Wt::Dbo::Session &_session);
template<class Action>
void persist(Action &_action)
Wt::Dbo::field(_action, name, "Name");
typedef Wt::Dbo::collection< Wt::Dbo::ptr<TableTag> > TableTags;
I create a Model and add it to a WTableView:
qModelTags_ = new Wt::Dbo::QueryModel< Wt::Dbo::ptr<TableTag> >();
ctrGridTags_ = new WTableView(this);
ctrGridTags_->setModel(qModelTags_); //qmTags1
This works OK. Now, I want to insert a record in the table:
Wt::Dbo::Transaction transaction(*ddbbSession_);
Wt::Dbo::ptr<TableTag> tag = ddbbSession_->add(new TableTag());
tag.modify()->name = "Example";
and refresh the view:
This works, but I feel that if I have a table with 100.000 records and 100 fields, It's not acceptable to reload all records and fields in order to show a only one new record. I think I should use something like:
int rowNo = qModelTags_->rowCount();
But I can't figure how. I've googled, I've looked into examples, forums... but I found no example! Can anyone help me with a simple example?
Thanks in advance...
Koen Deforche (the Wt framework's creator) replied me in the Wt forum, and pointed me to the right path (thanks, Koen!!). I think I should share the answer for all you, so here I go:
I infer that, given a QueryModel associated to a WTableView, there are two ways to insert records and refresh the table and underlying query:
1.- Insert records directly in database and reload the entire QueryModel:
//Insert one or more records...
Wt::Dbo::Transaction transaction(*ddbbSession_);
Wt::Dbo::ptr<TableTag> tag = ddbbSession_->add(new TableTag());
tag.modify()->name = "Example";
2.- Insert records indirectly one by one via the QueryModel, wich will autorefresh the WTableView:
int rowNo = qModelTags_->rowCount();
qModelTags_->setData(rowNo, 1, newTagName.narrow());
ctrGridTags_->select(qModelTags_->index(rowNo, 0));

MS CRM 2013 Attribute parentcustomeridtype must not be NULL if attribute parentcustomerid is not NULL

Dear smart developers out there,
I encounter a problem when I want to create a contact belonging to an organization in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 via web services
client = new OrganizationServiceClient("CustomBinding_IOrganizationService");
var newContactProperties = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "lastname", "TestContact"},
{ "firstname", "A"},
{ "fullname", "A TestContact"}
/* organizationType is a CRM.CRMWebServices.OptionSetValue
* with ExtensionData null, PropertyChanged null and a valid Value
* orgReference is a CRM.CRMWebServices.EntityReference
* with a valid Id
newContactProperties.Add("parentcustomeridtype", organizationType);
newContactProperties.Add("parentcustomerid", orgReference);
var entity = new Entity();
entity.LogicalName = "contact";
entity.Attributes = new AttributeCollection();
This gives me error 'Attribute parentcustomeridtype must not be NULL if attribute parentcustomerid is not NULL'
I am puzzled why this happens and how I can solve this problem. Please help me if you can.
Thank you,
You don't need to set "parentcustomeridtype" attribute separately. It's a system field, will be set by platform and in parentcustomerid exists for legacy reason, when it was Customer type in earlier versions of Dynamics CRM.
You need to specify only EntityReference in lookup field.
newContactProperties.Add("parentcustomerid", new EntityReference("account", new Guid("{accountid guid}")));
Also it's not clear what type you use in "orgReference" field. For contact valid entity types should be "account" or "contact".
thank you for the answers, I did not manage to get it right using web services this way.
I tried using Early Bound access with success:
Generated proxy objects using
Added line [assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ProxyTypesAssemblyAttribute()] to assemblyInfo to have Intellisense available (even for customized fields)
Now I manage to create a contact and assign it to an organization (something like this):
var contact = new Contact()
FirstName = "Bob",
LastName = "Dobalina",
Address1_Line1 = "123 Strasse",
Address1_City = "Berlin",
Address1_PostalCode = "32254",
Telephone1 = "425-555-5678",
EMailAddress1 = ""
var account = new Account()
Name = "Siemens Germany",
context.AddLink(account, "contact_customer_accounts", contact);

APEX Test Class 0% code coverage

I am trying to deploy some code that does something simple, when the user clicks on the accept button, it checks a checkbox (I have a workflow set up on the checkbox) and then I need it to redirect me to a thank you page. At the moment I don't know if my code is correct so I need to get the test correct to test it.
My Apex class:
public class proposalCon {
ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl;
Public List <PPM_Project__c> PPM_Project_List {get;set;}
public proposalCon(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
stdCtrl= controller;
PPM_Project_List = [ select Short_Description__c from PPM_Project__c ];
public PageReference save(){
upsert PPM_Project_List;
PageReference reRend = new PageReference('/apex/final_approval_canvas_complete');
return reRend;
And here is my test attempt:
private class proposalConTest{
static testMethod void testProposalCon() {
// List of Message
List <PPM_Project__c> PPM_ProjectList = new List<PPM_Project__c>();
PPM_ProjectList.add(new PPM_Project__c (
Name = 'A Test' ,
Short_Description__c = 'Good Job',
Due_Date__c =,
Final_Design_Artwork__c =''
PPM_ProjectList.add(new PPM_Project__c (
Name = 'A Test 2' ,
Short_Description__c = 'Good Job',
Due_Date__c =,
Final_Design_Artwork__c =''
insert PPM_ProjectList;
Account account = new Account(Name='Test Co Pty Ltd');
insert account;
Contact contact = new Contact(firstName='TestFN',LastName='TestLN',email='',AccountId=account.Id);
insert contact;
// ** Start Testing ***/
proposalCon controller = new proposalCon();
PageReference reRend = new PageReference('/apex/final_approval_canvas_complete');
PPM_ProjectList = [ select Short_Description__c from PPM_Project__c ];
I have been trying with no luck and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
You need to instantiate a Standard Controller (feeding it a list of PPM Projects) and then instantiate your custom controller extension - like this:
PPM_Project__c proj = new PPM_Project__c() //you may need further parameters here.
ApexPages.StandardController stdController = new apexPages.StandardController(proj);
proposalCon controller = new proposalCon (stdController);
Then you can save, rerender as you like. Let me know if this works - I haven't executed this code, but this is how I create my own controller extension tests.
This should at least compile. However, I think you may really want a StandardSetController.
The docs are here:
To make a testmethod for the StandardSetController, use something like this:
//instantiate the ApexPages.StandardSetController with an array of projects
ApexPages.StandardSetController stdSetController = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(PPM_ProjectList);
//create custom controller with the StandardSetController as a param
ProposalCon ext = new ProposalCon(stdSetController);
This guy has more details on how to create a test method for a StandardSetController (and other controllers)

CF10 new query()

I am creating a query inside a function. Everything works fine until this line:
ulist = new query();
Then I get the error:
Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface query.
remote query function getUserLists(userid) {
//CONFIGURE twitter4j
var userLists = querynew("id, name, member_count", "Integer, VarChar, Integer");
getLists = t4j.getUserLists(#arguments.userid#);
for (i=1;i LTE ArrayLen(getLists);i=i+1) {
newRecord = queryAddRow(userLists);
newRecord = querySetCell(userLists, "id", getLists[i].getId());
newRecord = querySetCell(userLists, "name", getLists[i].getName());
newRecord = querySetCell(userLists, "member_count", getLists[i].getMemberCount());
ulist = new query();
ulist.setSQL("select * from sourceQuery order by name");
userListsSorted = ulist.execute().getresult();
return userListsSorted;
As per Twitter, make sure you have a custom tag path pointing to [instance]/customtags - which should be there by default. You could use a mapping, pointing to one of the subdirectories within that [instance]/customtags directory, eg: /coldfusion pointing to [instance]\CustomTags\com\adobe\coldfusion, then use:
ulist = new coldfusion.query();
// etc
I'd just use the custom tag directory approach though.
Try using the full path:
ulist = new com.adobe.coldfusion.query()

subsonic 3.0 active record update

I am able to retrieve database values and insert database values, but I can't figure out what the Update() syntax should be with a where statement.
Environment -> ASP.Net, C#
const string Namespace = "subsonic_db.Data";
const string ConnectionStringName = "subsonic_dbConnectionString";
//This is the name of your database and is used in naming
//the repository. By default we set it to the connection string name
const string DatabaseName = "subsonic_db";
Retreive example
var product = equipment.SingleOrDefault(x => == 1);
Insert Example
equipment my_equipment = new equipment();
// insert
my_equipment.parent_id = 0;
my_equipment.primary_id = 0;
my_equipment.product_code = product_code.Text;
my_equipment.product_description = product_description.Text;
my_equipment.product_type_id = Convert.ToInt32(product_type_id.SelectedItem.Value);
my_equipment.created_date = DateTime.Now;
my_equipment.serial_number = serial_number.Text;
catch (Exception err)
lblError.Text = err.Message;
Edit: Think that I was just too tired last night, it is pretty easy to update. Just use the retrieve function and use the Update() on that.
var equip = Equipment.SingleOrDefault(x => == 1);
lblGeneral.Text = equip.product_description;
equip.product_description = "Test";
Resolved. View answer above.