How to persist database file in project folder? - django

My application gathers data and stores it in an SQLite database (located in ./data/db.sqlite3) that we want to exchange through our Git repo along with the code. When I dockerize the app, on each machine the data persists, yet not in the project folder itself.
version: "3.8"
build: .
- type: bind
source: ./data
target: /data
- "8000:8000"
Docker file :
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install nginx vim binutils libproj-dev gdal-bin -y --no-install-recommends
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD python3 runserver
It mounts the 'data' folder in projects folder to a data folder in the container. When I use Docker inspect the source folder corresponds with project database location:
"Mounts": [
"Type": "bind",
"Source": "/Users/rleblon/projects/gcsproject/data",
"Destination": "/data",
"Mode": "",
"RW": true,
"Propagation": "rprivate"
Yet somehow the persistent data is kept elsewhere, never ./data/db.sqlite3 itself gets updated on the host machine.
As I understand Docker creates a regular volume elsewhere and shares that between containers, but what's the point of specifying source and target when the source file was already copied into container? How can I get Docker to use the exact sqlite3 file I want, instead of creating a volume elsewhere and persisting a copy there?

It looks like you may be both copying your sqlite3 db into your image - via the line in your Dockerfile
COPY . .
which given your defined working directory in the Dockerfile
and the looks of your directory structure, may copy the db to
as well as mounting the same sqlite3 db via your docker-compose file in line
- type: bind
source: ./data
target: /data
in your running container of this image.
So you may have two versions of your data running in a container of this image: at
/gcs/data <-- copied over to the image in Dockerfile
/data <-- mounted as volume in docker-compose
Make sure you are not copying a version of the db into the image via your Dockerfile.
If your gcs service interacts with the version of your sqlite3 db located in /gcs/data, and not the mounted volume at /data, then any changes to the db would not persist after the container is destroyed.
On the other hand, if your app is pointing to the mounted volume version of your db at /data, then make sure the permissions set on your host / image allow for the db operations you desire.
Remember you are using a bind mount in your compose file - this means the mounted directory is shared between your host and the running container. This statement
As far as I understand Docker simply creates a regular volume elsewhere on my computer and shares that between containers
is true of docker volumes, but not the bind mount type you have used. See e.g., the offical docs or this nice summary post for a nice breakdown of the difference between volume types.


docker doesn't reflect code change in docker container

I have a Django application that runs in the Docker container locally on Mac machine. This docker container is managed via docker-compose. Django application is configured to reload if its code changes.
However, and this is a problem, when I change application code, Django default server reloads service, but changes are not reflected in the container. API response doesn't change. Here is my docker configuration:
FROM python:2-slim
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential
COPY requirements /requirements
RUN pip install -r /requirements/build.txt
# copy app source into image
COPY service_api /opt/service_api
COPY /opt
version: '3.7'
image: service-django
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: .
- 8000:8000
- ./service_api/:/opt/service_api/service_api # this path is correct!
container_name: service-django
hostname: service-django
restart: always
Docker desktop: 3.5.0
Docker Engine: 20.10.7
Compose: 1.29.2
Big Sur: 11.4
Any help will be appreciated!
You would either inject your code into the container during the build time using that COPY service_api /opt/service_api in your Dockerfile (which is not what you want here, since it kinda burns the source code into the image) or going for another approach (which is desired here) which is to bind your source code directory as a volume into the container, which enables the modifications you make into your source code to be visible inside the container, hence allowing code updates to be applied by Django server reload (As you're doing the exact thing in your compose file)
So all thing you need to do here is to remove copying files during build time and let your source code to be visible only through that volume.

Getting "Error processing tar file(exit status 1): open /myenv/include/python3.6m/Python-ast.h: no such file or directory" while docker-compose build

So I am pretty new to docker and django. Unfortunately while running the below command on my linux machine which i am connected using my physical windows machine using putty:
docker-compose build
I am getting an error:
Error processing tar file(exit status 1): open /myenv/include/python3.6m/Python-ast.h: no such file or directory
'myenv' is the environment I have created inside my folder.
I am getting a container started on port 9000. The app doesn't have anything yet just a simple project so i just expect to see the 'congratulations' screen. I don't know where I am going wrong. My final goal would be to run the docker url in my windows browser and see the screen of docker container.
This is my docker-compose.yml file:
version: '3'
build: .
command: python runserver
the IP: is my public IP. I did the above binding so as to access the docker container from my windows machine. Would request additional inputs for the port binding as well if correct/incorrect.
Below is my Dockerfile:
FROM python:3.6.9
RUN mkdir djangotest
WORKDIR djangotest
ADD . /djangotest
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
Please help me out peeps!
If you have a virtual environment in your normal development tree, you can't copy it into a Docker image. You can exclude this from the build sequence by mentioning it in a .dockerignore file:
# .dockerignore
Within the Dockerfile, the RUN pip install line will install your application's dependencies into the Docker image, so you should have a complete self-contained image.

AWS copilot with Django never finishes deploying

I've followed the this short guide to create a django app with docker
and then following copilot instructional to push up the container to ECS:
I've also used this sample to test everything -- which works out fine:
The deploy completes and outputs and URL endpoint.
In my case, the everything is successfully built, but once the test environment is being deployed it just continuously builds at this:
72ff4719 size: 3055
⠏ Deploying load-bal:7158348 to test.
and never finishes. I've even downsized my requirements.txt to a bare minimum.
My Dockerfile
FROM python:3.7.4
RUN mkdir /code
COPY requirements.txt /code/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . /code/
version: "3.8"
image: postgres
- POSTGRES_DB=postgres
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
build: .
command: python runserver
- .:/code
- "8000:8000"
- db
Instructions I follow:
sudo docker-compose run web django-admin startproject composeexample .
Successfully creates the Django App
copilot init
Setup naming for app and load balancer
Choose to create test environment
Everything builds successfully and then just sits here. I've tried a number of variations, but the only one that works is just doing the copilot instructional without django involved.
6f3494a64128: Pushed
cfe650cc4def: Pushed
a477d6671cc7: Pushed
90df760355a7: Pushed
574ea6c52bdd: Pushed
d1573fad78d1: Pushed
14c1ff636882: Pushed
48ebd1638acd: Pushed
31f78d833a92: Pushed
2ea751c0f96c: Pushed
7a435d49206f: Pushed
9674e3075904: Pushed
831b66a484dc: Pushed
ini: digest: sha256:b7460876bc84b1a26e7513fa6d17b5bffd5560ae958a933984376ed2c9fe53f3 size: 3052
⠏ Deploying aiinterview-lb:ini to test.
tl;dr the Dockerfile that's being used by this tutorial is incomplete for Copilot's purposes. It needs an extra line containing
CMD ["python", "", "runserver", ""]
and the EXPOSE directive should be updated to 8000. Because Copilot doesn't recognize Docker Compose syntax and there's no command or entrypoint specified in the Dockerfile, the image will never start with Copilot's configuration settings.
AWS Copilot is designed around "services" consisting of an image, possible sidecars, and additional storage resources. That means that its basic unit of config is the Docker image and the service manifest. It doesn't natively read Docker Compose syntax, so all the config that Copilot knows about is that which is specified in the Dockerfile or image and each service's manifest.yml and addons directory.
In this example, designed for use with Docker Compose, the Dockerfile doesn't have any kind of CMD or ENTRYPOINT directive, so the built image which gets pushed to Amazon ECR by Copilot won't ever start. The tutorial specifies the image's command (python runserver as an override in docker-compose.yml, so you'll want to update your Dockerfile to the following:
FROM python:3.7.4
RUN mkdir /code
COPY requirements.txt /code/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . /code/
CMD ["python", "", "runserver", ""]
Note here that I've changed the EXPOSE directive to 8000 to match the command from docker-compose.yml and added the command specified in the web section to the Dockerfile as a CMD directive.
You'll also want to run
copilot init --image postgres --name db --port 5432 --type "Backend Service" --deploy
This will create the db service specified in your docker-compose.yml. You may need to run this first so that your web container doesn't fail to start while searching for credentials.
Some other notes:
You can specify your database credentials by adding variables and secrets in the manifest file for db which is created in your workspace at ./copilot/db/manifest.yml. For more on how to add a secret to SSM and make it accessible to your Copilot services, check out our documentation
POSTGRES_DB: postgres
Your database endpoint is accessible over service discovery at db.$COPILOT_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_ENDPOINT--you may need to update your service code which connects to the database to reflect this endpoint instead of localhost or

How do I let my docker volume sync to my filesystem and allow writing from docker build

I'm building a django app using docker. The issue I am having is that my local filesystem is not synced to the docker environment so making local changes have no effect until I rebuild.
I added a volume
- ".:/app:rw"
which is syncing to my local filesystem but does my bundles that get built via webpack during the build don't get inserted (because they aren't in my filesystem)
My dockerfile has this
... setup stuff...
ENV NODE_PATH=$NVM_DIR/versions/node/v$NODE_VERSION/lib/node_modules \
ENV PATH=/node_modules/.bin:$PATH
COPY package*.json /
RUN (cd / && npm install && rm -rf /tmp/*)
...pip install stuff...
COPY . /app
RUN npm run build
RUN DJANGO_MODE=build python collectstatic --noinput
So I want to sync to my local filesystem so I can make changes and have them show up immediately AND have my bundles and static assets present. The way I've been developing so far is to just comment out the app:rw line in my docker-compose.yml which allows all the assets and bundles to be present.
The solution that ended up working for me was to assign a volume to the directory I wanted to not sync to my local environment.
- ".:/app/:rw"
- "/app/project_folder/static_source/bundles/"
- "/app/project_folder/bundle_tracker/"
- "/app/project_folder/static_source/static/"
Arguably there's probably a better way to do this, but this solution does work. The dockerfile compiles webpack and collect static does it's job both within the container and the last 3 lines above keep my local machine from overwriting them. The downside is that I still have to figure out a better solution for live recompile of scss or javascript, but that's a job for another day.
You can mount a local folder into your Docker image. Just use the --mount option at the docker run command. In the following example the current directory will be available in your Docker image at /app.
docker run -d \
-it \
--name devtest \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,target=/app \

Django docker error table not exist

I had a existing Django Rest project with an existing MySQL database (named libraries) which I wanted to Dockerize.
My dockerfile:
FROM python:2.7
RUN mkdir /code
COPY . /code/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
My docker-compose:
version: '3'
image: mysql
build: .
command: python runserver
- .:/code
- "8000:8000"
I ran: docker-compose build - build was successful
I ran: docker-compose up - had to run this command twice and then I could access my API by hitting localhost:8000
However, whenever I hit any API endpoint I get an error Table "XYZ" does not exist. All the tables are already present.
Why this happens?
First of all, it's strange that you had to run docker-compose up twice. I recommend to run docker logs after the first run to see what goes wrong, then start another question if you need help.
Regarding your main question, keep it mind that docker containers are stateless. That means unless you add persistent volume configurations, you'll get the same "fresh" one every time you start a new container.
Based on your compose file, there are two containers: a "web" one and a "db" one. A fresh "db" one just contains an empty MySQL instance with db name, db user, and db password settings. There's no data in it. You have two options:
Run migration from your "web" container to set up the db schema in your "db" container.
If you have some data in your local/dev setting and want to use them, consider backing up these data from your local setting then restoring it into your "db" container. In case you don't know how, consult MySQL documents to see how to backup data, and consult the "Initializing a fresh instance" part of the MySQL docker hub to see how to start a new "db" container with some data.
First you need to run django migrations:
$ docker exec -it [container] bash
# python migrate