Active Django settings file from Celery worker (how to set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Dynamically ) - django

So I already looked around a lot for this but couldn't find a good answer. I'm using Celery celery and Django 3.2.13
., without django-celery package since newer versions of Celery don't require it anymore. I managed to set up tasks and execute them using Redis. Everything is working as it should there. However, I am integrating this in a existing, quite large, Django project. There we specified couple of Django settings files, not just one. We run different one depending on environment, for instance one for local machines and one for server. My problem is that I can't seem to be able to track down which settings file is "active" from the celery worker, which runs file in my project root (as documentation specifies). There the documentation requires to specify Django settings file like this:
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', "celery_test.settings.development")
Now this works, but if I move the stuff locally I need to change it to settings.local to make it work, and that every time. Reading settings object in runtime like I do in standard Django files didn't work since celery worker executes in a different process. So, using this situation, does anyone have any idea on how to dynamically fetch active Django settings file from celery worker? Or perhaps pass it in as a variable when starting celery worker? (like for Django, etc --settings=project.settings.local) Thanks!
I found the command line solution
When initializing the celery worker on the command line, just set the environment variable prior to the celery command.
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='proj.settings' celery -A proj worker -l info
but im getting an error
my commannd line
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='celery_test.settings.development' celery -A celery_test worker -l info --pool=solo
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=celery_test.settings.development : The term
'DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=celery_test.settings.development' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,
script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path
is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='celery_test.settings.development' celery -A c ...
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (DJANGO_SETTINGS...ngs.development:String) [], CommandNotFoundExcept
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException


Celery app ignoring beat_schedule option specified in file

I am trying to extend my django app with celery crontab functionality. For this purposes i created file where i put code as mentioned in official documentation.
Here is my the code from project/project/
import os
from celery import Celery
Than inside my project/ file i specify related to celery configs as follow
CELERY_TIMEZONE = "Europe/Moscow"
Than i run worker an celery beat in the same terminal by
celery -A project worker -B
But nothing happened i mean i didnt see that my celery beat task printing any output while i expected that my task webhooks.tasks.adding will execute
Than i decided to check that celery configs are applied. For this purposes in command line **python shell i checked object
#i imported app from module
from project import celery
#than examined app configs
And inside of huge config's output of celery configs i saw that timezone is set to None
As i understand my problem is that initiated in project/ app is ignoring my project/ CELERY_TIMEZONE and CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE configs but why so? What i am doing wrong? Please guide me
After i spent so much time researching to solve this problem i found that my mistake was inside how i run worker and celery beat. While running worker as i did it wouldnt execute task in the terminal. To see is task is executing i should run it as follow celery -A project worker -B -l INFO or instead of INFO if you want more detailed output DEBUG can be added. Hope it will help anyone

Django-Celery in production?

So I've been trying to figure out how to make scheduled tasks, I've found Celery and been able to to make simple scheduled tasks. To do this I need to open up a command line and run celery -A proj beat for the tasks to happen. This works fine in a development environment, but when putting this into production that will be an issue.
So how can I get celery to work without the command line use? When my production server is online, how can I make sure my scheduler goes up with it? Can Celery do this or do I need to go down another method?
We use Celery in our production environment, which happens to be on Heroku. We are in the process of moving to AWS. In both environments, Celery hums along nicely.
It would be helpful to understand what your production environment will look like. I'm slightly confused as to why you would be worried about turning off your computer, as using Django implies that you are running serving up a website... Are you serving your website from your laptop??
Anyway, assuming that you are going to run your production server from a cloud platform, all you have to do is send whatever command lines you need to run Django AND the command lines for Celery (as you have already noted in your question).
In terms of configuration, you say that you have 'scheduled' tasks, so that implies you have set up a beat schedule in your file. If not, it should look something like this (assumes you have a module called which holds your celery task definitions:
from celery.schedules import crontab
beat_schedule = {
'task1': {
'task': 'tasks.task_one',
'schedule': 3600
'task2': {
'task': 'tibController.tasks.update_old_retail',
'schedule': crontab(hour=12, minute=0, day_of_week='mon-fri'
Then in your just call the config file you just do this:
from celery import Celery
import config
app = Celery('tasks')
You can find more on crontab in the docs. You can also checkout this repo for a simple Celery example.
In summary:
Create a config file that identifies which tasks to run when
Load the config file into your Celery app
Get a cloud platform to run your code on.
Run celery exactly like you have already identified
Hope that helps.

Permission problems prevent celery from running as daemon?

I'm currently having some trouble running celery as daemon. I use apache to serve my Django application, so I set uid and gid in celery setting all as "www-data". There are 2 places I know so far that need access permission: /var/log/celery/*.log, /var/run/celery/*.pid, and I already set them owned by "www-data". However, celery couldn't get started when I run sudo service celeryd start. If I get rid of the --uid and --gid option for the command, celery could get started by user "root".
One other thing I noticed is that if I could start celery using "root", it will put some files like: celery.bak, celery.dat, celery.dir in my CELERYD_CHDIR, which is my django application directory. I also changed the application directory owned by "www-data", celery still couldn't get started. I copied all the setting files from another machine in which celery runs fine, so I suppose it's not my setting's problem. Does anyone have any clue? Thanks.
Su to celery user and start celery from the command line. Most likely you have an app log, not celery, that you need permission for.

django-celery works in development, fails in wsgi production: How to debug?

I'm using the django celery task queue, and it works fine in development, but not at all in wsgi production. Even more frustrating, it used to work in production, but I somehow broke it.
"sudo rabbitmqctl status" tells me that the rabbitmq server is working. Everything also seems peachy in django: objects are created, and routed to the task manager without problems. But then their status just stays as "queued" indefinitely. The way I've written my code, they should switch to "error" or "ready," as soon as anything gets returned from the celery task. So I assume there's something wrong with the queue.
Two related questions:
Any ideas what the problem might be?
How do I debug celery? Outside of the celeryd command, I'm not sure how to peer into its inner workings. Are there log files or something I can use?
PS - I've seen this question, but he seems to want to run celery from, not wsgi.
After much searching, the most complete answer I found for this question is here. These directions flesh out the skimpy official directions for daemonizing celeryd. I'll copy the gist here, but you should follow the link, because Michael has explained some parts in more detail.
The main idea is that you need scripts in three places:
myApp/ appears to be the same as in development mode. So if that's already set up, there are four steps to shifting to production:
Download the daemon script since it's not included in the installation:
Put it in /etc/init.d/celeryd
Make a file in /etc/default/celeryd, and put the variables here into it:
Start the script
This solved my problem.
I think the reason you are not getting any response from celery, is because celeryd server might not be running. You could find out about it by doing ps -ef |grep celeryd. In order to figure out what is the error while trying to run celeryd, you might want to do the following.
In your file you could give the path to the celery log file CELERYD_LOG_FILE = <Path to the log file>
and while running celeryd server you could specify the level celeryd -l DEBUG.

django " index" does not execute as a cron job

I am trying to develop a site using pinax.
To index the models using djapian I've been trying to run " index" as a cron job but keep getting a pinax error. "Error: No module named notification". However the task executes correctly when i run it from the shell. My crontab definition is as follows:
# m h dom mon dow user command
*/1 * * * * root python /root/mypath/test_project/ index >>/tmp/backup.log 2>&1
Can anyone explain why I am receiving this error?
Your error is probably because you don't have your PYTHONPATH set properly, especially to include the path to the "notification" module. You also need to set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE path, if it isn't already set in your environment.
Here's a shell script I use to wrap my own django based cron task:
/path/to/python /path/to/my_django_script
As ars alluded to, cron runs with an entirely different set of environment variables than you do. The easiest way to fix that is to use a script similar to what he posted.